
Depanment ofEducation J,iE,% Region X-Northern Mindanao DIVISION OF MALAYBALAY CITY r,u,.' Casisan& Malaybalay Gty ---tr|frlog-n-fiK DrvtstoN M EMORANOUM qt DePED-l,4AtAYB,lur (ii /t r/r- , No. 0 s. 2018 RELETISED oare:JA.u1-L4-2lllflrur; ll 24 TO Chief Education Supervisors and Staff- CIO and SGOD EY: *0fu Public/Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads AllOthers Concerned This Division FROM E oPLENARTA, CESO Vr on Superintendent / t DATE: January 24, 2018 SUBJECT: RESULTS OF 2018 METROBANK- MTAP- DEPED MATH CHALLENGE OIVISION ELIMINATION ROUNDS AND SCHOOTS QUALIFIED FOR THE DIVISION TEAM FINALS 1. This Office announces Ure official results ofthe 2018 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge Divirion Elimination Rounds conducted lastJanuary 18, 2018 foa Elementary levelat the four (4) testng centers: Sumpong CentralS.hool, Malaybalay City Central School, Linabo Central School and Zamboanguita CentralSchool and on January 19, 2018 for the lunior High School level at Malaybalay City National High S.hool, San lose, Malaybalay City. A. Elementary Level: (All schools listed orc quohlied to NfticiNte ih the Division Teom Orol Fittuls. These ore the top 20 Schools) . NO GRAOE 1 6RAOE 2 GRADT 3 GNADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADI6 I BUKSU-ELS MCCS San lsidro MCCS MCCS Saint Johl's CoU Elern School 2 New llocos ES Aghyan CS MCCS BUKSU-ESL Saint John's Malaybalay Schoot City CS 3 Ksla$mgay CS BUKSU-ESL BUKSI,I-ESL BBCA San Isidro Linabo CS Coll€ge-Elern- 4 Zamboeguita San Isidro Belhel Baptist Saint John's Airpon Village San Isidro cs Collese-Etem. ChnsriLn Aca Schoot ES College-Ele 5 Busdi IS SaiDt John's Saint John's Bright+s* BUKSU-ESL Casis@g CS Sohool School Christian Aca 6 Saiflr John's Airyon Villa8e Brightspark Airport Villsge Sumpong CS AiAort School ES Chrisrizn Acr- ES vi[age ES 1 Aglayar CS Linabo CS San Nlartln ES San Isidro Betbel Baptist BUKSU- ColleseElem- Christian Aca. ESL 8 lDdal8sa ES Satr Mettu ES AVES Can-ayan IS Can-ayaD IS BCT ES 9 Dalwmgan E,s B€rhel Bqtisf Sunbeam Aco. Kalasungay Sunb€en Ac€. Cobdgrhatr Chdstian Aca. CS ES l0 MCCS Mmagok CS M CS New Ilocos ES Cabf,rgrhan ES Cm-ayan IS ll Kibalaboe, Maligaya ES Zamboanguita Sumpong CS Casisang CS Sumpong Cs ES(D-r0) CS t2 St. Peter ES Kibalabsg ES Kahsungay CS Linabo CS LiMbo CS Binalbagan D-10 ES l3 Briehbpark Casisaq CS Sumpong CS Casis€nt CS Bmtcud CS B€dlel Christian Baptist Academy Chnstian Ac& 14 Pa$ar ES Lu'rkatr ES c CS Dalwang@ ES Maco& ES Brightspark l5 Kdaman ES talawm ES 9ES Binalbasan ES Kalasuncay CS Tintinaan ES l6 Sumpong CS Sutrbeen Aca. Can-alan lS Satr Martitr ES BiMlbagan ES San Martin ES t7 Casisang CS Kalasungay Bangcud CS Sawata ES Busdi tS Maligaya ES CS IE AVES Ba.anssv 9 ES (ls Malicrva ES Satr Jose ES Macote ES l9 BBCA Sumpong CS Linabo CS Sunb€M Aca. Briehtspek Managok CS Ckistian Aca. 20 Cabuacdun ES TubEan ES taflgasihan ES Zerboeguita Aglayar CS Sunbrm CS The top Grade six individual participant of the 2018 Mettobank-MTAP-DepEd Math challenge Written Competition-Divirion Elimination Round PAOLo NATHAI{IEI RUB|O ol glnt John's Sdrool, Malavbalay Oty automatically qualilles to the ReBional Finals for he met the hurdle rate of 5096 or more out of the pefect score. B. S€condaiy L€v€l: {All schools lined orequolilied to Wtticipote in the Teom Orcl Comrytition. These ore the toP 10 schoolsl. NO, GRADE 7 GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 I Bukidnon NH$Marn Bukidnon NHS-Main Sangcud NHs Bukidnon NHS-Main 2 EUKSU.SSL san lsidro Coll HS 8u*idnon NHSMain BUKSU-SSL 3 San lsidro college-JHS Malaybalay citf BUKSU-5SI. Malayb.lay City I{ational kience HS Nsational Science HS 4 Malaybalay City Malaybalay City NHS Malaybalay Citv Managok NHS-Main National Scienae HS National Scienae HS 5 Gn-ayan lS BUKSU-SST Maryvroods Atidemy San lsidro College-.|HS 6 Bang.ud NHs ga d NHS San lsidro College-JHS Can-ayan lS 7 Managok NHSMain c-asisa t'lHS Managok NHS-Main Casisang NHS 8 Silae NHS Kalas NH5 Malaybala'y City,{HS Bangcud Hs 9 Malaybalay city NHS ManaSok NHs-Main Can-ayan 15 BNHS-Delwangan Annex 10 BNHS-D.lwangan Silae NHS Kalasungay NHs San Martin Agro- Annex lndust ial ilHS The top Grade 10 individual particiPant of rhe 2018 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge W.itten Competition-Division Elimination RICHARD GAAM|L of gukldnon NatlonC Hlgh sdool, Malaybalay Oty automaticallv qualifies to the R€gional Finals for he m.:t the hurdle rate of 5096 o. more out of the perfect score 2. The Divirion OralTeam Finalswill be partrcipated in byGrades I to Vlpupilsand Grades 7to l0students with only two (21 participants per g,ade level. The venue for the Team Oral Finals for Elementary level wlll be at Aglayan Central School, Aglavan, Malaybalay City on Feb.uary 8, 2018 and Feb.uary 9, 2018 for tfie Junior High school Levelat $n Martin ASro-lndustrial National High school, San Martin, Malaybalay city. The hostschools shall prepare a short opening program for the Div6ion Team Oral Finals and shall be made at 8:0O a m- where the padkage of test quBtionnaires shall be opened publicly and to be witnessed by the Metsobank Eranch Manager or the Schools Division Superintendent. 3. The following Education Program Supervisors, S€hool Heads and Teachers through their School Principals are aequested to serve as Judges, Proctors, Quiz Maste6, Time Keepe6 and Reaorde6 as support staff for elementary and iunior high school levels on the said activity. EUMENTARY: FEBRUARY q 2018 @ Atl.Fn C.nlral Sdrool SUPFORT STAfF VENUE-A (Grader 1 ) VENUE B (6rades 3) VENUE C (G.ad6 5) ,udt6/nmer Rachelv.lde, EPs Virgilin R. Pizano,EPS Lou Ann Cuhtura, EPS Jesus Mu.ingPSDS Coslita K. Mudn&PSDS Ma. Ella Rabino,P I Prescilla C. Dauz, MT 2 Mercidita B.Antonio, MT2 Heide Palmada, MT I Sylvella Angelic B.Macapundag,lvtT I qulr Charmine H. Babia,tPT Lea Faciente,l,PT JaneJ. Gllao, tPT M6ste/Fadlttats Scorer Cozette Amor M. Huizo,LPT Mctor Maestrado, HT I lrish E. Remate,LPT Elmer LPT Elmird C. Amor,t-PT Myma C. Pulido,LPT Proctors Amely L. Malinao,LPT Concepcion C Ana Marie C. Beliganio,LP Amy G. GpaciqMT I Galamiton,LPT losephine C. Deniega,LPT Bonafe L Albarracin,LPT VENUE-A (Gr.des 2) VENUE B (Gl.des 4) VENUEC (Grades 6) ,udg€snim€r Maria Concepcion S. Reyes, Josie D. Zamora, EPS .lasmin J. Adriatico,EPS EPS Manny Pimentel,PSDS Jovy G. Molina, PSDS Abba q. Allaba,Psos lmeld. A. Egam,MT I Mary FeGumayao,P I DorisTi.ol,MT2 Zenaida Hallasgo, LPT qulz Mate/Facllltato, Nida Dorias,LPT Nora M. Dutosme,LPT lrene Dinlayan,MT I Scoreas Myrna M. Cahanap.LPT Arlie Leoncio,lrlT I MaryGladysl. Oublas,LPT lonathan a HTI Rhezabeth Sevilla,LPT Evanteline Halina,LPT Proctoas Ma. Loida A. Sanoy,LPT Raul Y.mahon,l-PT Marybeth S. Ordanza,LPT Rosa B{hawe,[.PT Ane Lisr P. Artiama,LPT Arlyh loy A. Femandez,LPT IUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: FEBRUAnY 9, 2018 G, SAN MARnl{ AGRO-II{DUSTRTAT AflONAL HlGl{ S(XOOI, San Martln, Malayb.lay SUPFORT STAFF GRADE 7 GRADE 9 Judges /I1me. Maria concepcion s. Reye5, EPs Luis Alajarlr.,EPS Virgilin R. Pizarro,EPS Josie D. Zamora,EPS Dominador Bautista Noemi Macaslan&MT I quiz Master/Facilitator lrene Miasco Nino Richard Salingav Scoters Zenaida Balinas Lorna Jamago Marlon A. Basalo Rizza T. Arbes Proctots Joel Santuyas Jerahmae B. Berondo tawrence Mark t-arot ArEie Ducusan SUPPORT STAFF GRADE 8 GRADE 10 Judges nimrr Rachel R. Valde,trPs Analy Ocier, EPs Lou Ann J. Cultura,EPS Jasmin J- Ad.iati.o,EPs Rizalie L Remo ArleneGantalao, Hf I carmen Zta B. Haguingan, MT 2 Quiz Master/Facilitator Marchie Bongga Nora Manlunas Score6 Sydney Joy D. Gallardo Elvira Tano Karen Caiardo Jovlin Mariano Proctors Fremie Gocotano Mark C. Andamon Annabelle Castillo sarah Valderama 4. T.avelling, meals and other incidental expenses incur.ed by the paaticipants and coachB shall be shouldered by the participating schools chargeable against any school and local funds subjed to the usual acaounting and auditing policies, rules and regulations. 5. For mo.e information, all aoncerned may [ontact lmelda S. Bentillo, Education proglarh Supervisor, Oivision of Malaybalay City. 6 For information and guidance TO BE POSTEO IT'I THE WEBSITE.
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