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FAMED NUDIST RUGBY: YOU ALUMNUS DIES GOTTA LOVE IT W&* Bmriitecmum o Page Rv The News And Editorial Voice Of Davidson College Students Lvni I'AVIDSON lOH.Ki.K KAVIDSON. N C 'JHO3f., FRIDAY. JAM ARY 1M. IWiU "RKH THIRTEEN EXAM CHA\GE STALLED ACADEMIC CALENDAR, 1969-1970 Fall Term Faculty Vote Opens Dorm Doors In 1BZJ Thurulis thnw«li Tih-mIuj Orlrnini.on 'Trnt«r Muni),!', '.'itmigh Ti>' Kr*Utran B, JOHN MeLEAN ipriim \.i<iiInui diivtrn u prnpatitl nhiih Mould "HKlt-t; prtinurlh rr»|»on»kblr- Sritfrmlivr 24 Wnbirul.is H 00 .1 m Fall Term M*«in« |S Start Wrl«« Tbv KIIA cowJin ■illow Undent* u wfwddli fnr tlk- ptrv.'M I,.rill ol tlir Ninrl.ltuT Tui-mIav. 3 00 1 Thank (Riling Hitimh BeRtr.. I, BULLETIN MjrWird ■ ■ 1 McmUy. am sglvlfiic Kwru Ends VMih IllUe dtb»U thr f»r uhkli id n 1«H1 ihoir own rumi I ■ I IVcvmbcr DM Thank ruin:, " '»< OH) U«t Tue*t»> voted ap fi*ht "#MM thr ubit^Uon* According la Dr. Frontl» TtM Erfot44l*«i«l PoUc> 'i.. Cad.. «t h l> m Fnll Trrm End-- proviil »f thr IUIA Conalitu ,,f rv.in >if Sludrn'.« Hi W Johnilon. tlcan ill (■ CammlllM, which cirWtr Hilt Rnponstbiltt! «nd r«^i. 1ilav »'rr Kxaml idy o«r (' tht- lite prup<Mill nppiMrll t)V Fall K\*mlrwtior>» Utm «Mi voUd *>-M a «>u Hum Jr in Student Ml V**' unanimously recammcn nimn in rt iv» MoimU> Brcln itonwtvtl ptvpu«<il lor l.ll*' C.illlIllllllT MIHl Ml hold litii-i^h .mil ded velf scheduled mmi I* ■ '■ by 1> pm ViM-tillun Ihi-dullni; vtrto- farulty tw^* lllMrr.il ■ fhr r*cullf. d«ld«d »»»l»r Hi Il.i ttKU no ■nut' Benin* ni in rr tidy tin ■ Iup. tag- it day «M«tno«n not lo pt*\% ; r»u'i*».-. .intl h1 <i>i|.rr\ii ■ Fariiiu apprwniliudk jum . "or jnolflu »olr on Mir ftial iln Mil V rillwi i.\ i ii ■ ' I, "t d.. »hn .. II .. IIHIIM oipm «nlrt tor. tin raura «<iuM> ■ ■ Winter Term ln»! ' Inilviij, tstnmitU* itiriti Mil- <it«d much cUm l»rr« \M>a, th« ummHlN will (/1 ' " Mimriiis >\ ■ Imtl l»r. ii canthivr «(«%<h«du»rd " r« i-I Pi. |t|l -" un.lrr > MM Ihc hroadir I'M I . IIII Ml Burts: Revisions ill «vrr«il r>«m pollfy M U II by III* Ijcully ,',.l tlontd . lull Turtiity ■ ,,| ' Creeping Along Slui I'"' id ■ iiiHi' ilucn Spring Term i. in < pii Aii '.!""! CotlUHMlM ««" J'lWOI |f II " > Ihi ■" ■ . rulr thi i.i hi II h Hi 1 lilir.it > nilM .ind (riJtl< rri ii* \m miuin ■ ntii". ... > .1 nl ilUlMtt* ■ I I'lv .Si.iil.-nl- Klrh.iui I I nl'i tin' rtttirr r-\nm urti ■ In Mm.r ■ .Hid tiiiiki ■ ml \Vriti>i'<ii <■ I* rmrtloi M wntkMMt End - ' ' irviNtort Th< D "«. i uiTi und? <rn luted Wlwrn-vrr thf ■mi . 11 H» TJw mult) , S(Ul1i-tll | < ii,it. BnrvlM1* ..i .. ii\ mrmiMT ennmltUv nmimiltrr fmwtio* citmmlUrf . r tlH M ■ 1,1, (40 klioun in- Dfiir Ion* tht- iliMin -ioirl It pwr dMiiKfH invMni: \>\< «gr »f tin' Kit Ua-.> I'!■" the " Tin group rtmtami "<" »ln l»r Ik thr pad ti \he yrflr of ritni i xuiKiiint Peter II- ' " " dmi v but include tl Ihr |i(i-si(l<n( of the CDikgi- le»t> Kacultx nil. 11. <nll> KSA pfMhbMvbci .wni Vm )..»nn*em htmis undft «hr must opprnvi- thrm. Ht. quiro no f.Kulu ■irrnnilriK to Unr'v r««ully hi^ ' OX OPEN DORMS («-d mu( 'i( the "tudeti' inn <»""» Tha foll«wt«« rluri iirr.i und "drfcrn-fl 10 Sweeps Presidency op^» *»»m«n Hobbie "will fce «» «lir Ctafti "I Re»pofiMl<iliv. nit wreh«mJ li i t- «/,iil he did KM Lilll* O«rm. !"* »"»"■ !)«"! -i br ciwt- Saturday. in fni-iiiiilnttiiM of Itie ■ WalU Dgrm, H! P" "nd UUU '*""" Itrrtlilriii li ill ►od«r; J-* P "» S*««^«V IIhr pnifiaMli ftalk Dortn. i-11 P««- With 65 Percent Of Vote "' 5jt«tj»d*» lo<J«V. t* P ttpirttwri ■>" the conini Cannon Owrot, I11 Hurls Mr.« PMff ' """" 1 p.m. today; 3 P - 1 -ih>nl Saturday """ hnusinc. ''" Senate FAvvtvd Opie Gains SecondSpot; East D^m. Ml P cnlliv Jlw I■ lodiiv; « P""»" 5*<-"*»V i (jf slmJ. " Ouk* Dorm. 10-11p.m. illrccior Of SOA Tin .m. Sat Election t*d«y: 14:W P ihf Union ■" I Unli | Rente Will Edit Annual Uf4ay. Mtfafl KrntiUin A>u1i' By DANNY WHITE Nlchird*»n {Ht">, HI .Inn Muv ' >" Unwn SUM WrH#r '.<" mlleil pm »odav. »■"**" Tuesday Mill Trn«lcr Saturday ■ ■ «'" ' "" cliidf <itl Harmll H< In ' Herd. mIid rrtfuri! Mil e«<M»«c» lor ■ Mate* »f Im i' m 111 Bfcctton Car ."III II.-. I .. ■ »p«i» d^ftii ar« N««»a i'n» | I II»»»■ ' IM M.imHu.ik Burls IM ,ivi»or ami YMCA i Krn IVUt ui plum In (lit tXfe »l flMpon imt inrtiuli- iicuilof'iir r»« Mike I'.I' do E«n »l" be h"ld ., In nthcr <l« "Mlliv. l Rcjji. ii-' . TurwM)'. wild I Mcnlr v»:i i. ■,.| ti(Ui»l ol (rntljncr Km 1'ii-slwii^i ih* h<;a pr.-.n: . Uiutnl ClMtnn«n Fruni. Mm Soptomon Km yum. noil ir.itik It 1.1\ II..H in TiifMlii' lhI 'xinr. Nmtor ciau uit/i ■ imiriiiii imjU v»on mlnn fur U " "if <d! Mttt in ||d.r Ma up. luq b st> wdrnlMI IW rnlor CU: «rr Junlur* the !""> pnittiK. Dtmi UcLawl One New Course .t'H»i ■ i.- II WrdnrviLn wit' Tim Bynum. Cliff Ma 1 Suphiii Murts A!!- E«l lio\)h\ b> M Tht- Junior ClwM hIim 1 Mikt- Klciumirxi. Hill FuihI Kid Mikr C.I J'ni John BoM vittt- .if hi ii> ■«*■> Jin rrhurk. H«rtr Goldmnn. ki 1 1 i.Ki Trusvtl IMP flimlmiKH) tirrtfi U Hours Kitiiarcl Ho«*«rt .1 Is 3.33 UlMteW. %»"r» iti rmuifl nvr» M M Jolin jml By STEPHEN ROADY ■y»t*fn wrrr iN»rri«>d o*tf lo and HucK<n^ I ■ Cash. Hun Cobk- J StaH «H1«r , the m» hu' numrricul mjui . .r>- Jl.lIlM ' Hugh Dcnnui, Ro»> Krvhtm-I , , VAhOb >." 11W fcr.»il»- u r< U..II! ..I. "; ,1,.1 I Tmh ol the prcblrw* rr Ui confnrai In ClwrlM Ralnton '»wl Tom not clMnarO 'Relatedness': Add PCTER H0B8IE llx' Church «ulunK rnom Ov nriMl ihr MW canting wiiir K'tu-M IM runtiliiK 'nr t'< {mini position* JuiiMir Irom .> tbr^f lour For ptamplr, II .1 miijor 1* ■ whopping maio'tty ♥<"«!«" hiiir *>crr ■I ,< »«udctl1* i-nurwm CltUA M-nnlor iCrxdr' (Ht ■I. |H»-B»"trnr .1 »l wrri' undiT (fir Old i)^lrm VV'liK Avnm Crt.il !l*i- | IJI i.ii Ihi '".juri f Pinch Learning ll.iti"- w«*i. Clmllrltrr, I Of -aid tills (liv nminv Faith. »ntl "I n HCfllor " oii in e>H i "<<<-n Bin i .i Since crrdJt i* <md Iv imivi uinderilif no* T.^I<1 Hobbir lli.w^ni \ Kn»l) iiml By CHARLES McEWEN J.ttiMl.lh III! IMIII- .- jioly. B£tt MB M syMrni' h** >«n mcrall .1.5 UuitMKll. Ste*mr> l< ."linn* ■ , WKTV ""!■ ■ AiMci«l* Editor ... n. H anil <Mi ho«r» iiinlrr llw oW ur B pim iiviraflf. his tiu- niifl Joii> Turorr 'ii<' mil Kr,i.. ""ilirr BMMV ArtUUi m wn» tnitdr mrrlcni iwnp l>s tietwevn nit: lor Sopi Tht S-«c«nd »l Three i .1 ii . >'" OHUW TOE tpotid to onr i-iiti!-«"" (111 4ini M rtrttter than tw lar. - r- U.tik VI. I.I' mi! .li.lm Bpl poJnl nnd 19 Thufplurr. far YMCA !>"-.. mn " < ni! iutin« «n»dc 1W«^n *i «nd Kunninn Mm* aiu> unoppuMHl n i IVnl (01 A-nl Kmenoti M ■> ■ ■ ' .i-....!.n patnl ">■"" n>-rt|M-tiitive purpMMfl. *tt Ml . Mn»i) iK Ihi- 1- ; ■ i «Ni> m ■n hour> wen- in i li tti t v m BOtoaa md lal )n>of)hv Mr M«rt!ii the ■ IrCtlMftN (l ,ir»l > ■ In I II':' Ukr Iliov In »ll«rr i<1 t*c oquiHi-d nu- ti/i Ml V i Ju»l "m in Jay Bui; II n.tri. i.ii, U) ihp oW gradlnit itlent. 0r*< ImII Ran «hlp Irtll "if II r ■ CDUM« Illi KrCilliilliiIti Cl P ' Ht'<ul,i (Sh ELECTION, P*9« »l s >"iu«hi]i > < mii In Um(ii il I ;iuK ilhrr ntuci. ■ tlwti m inmt like R.Mniund Martin vni<- Mtttlin would M ti' I'm- SALYER RESIGNS ' Gets Overwhelming """irfrrui 0 Amt\ phiycd Iiitv in ihi- hr»i Coeducation (I Wilt! MMiKiiiilj FMlBl In ."diilttuM tu $UH "'" ■ ' Mirr (mctimtf itt '■' ■ W Utw* ■"■ iat) pn Todd Hobbie ■)" Fills In Student-Faculty Poll t.ir UMI V1NM t'i< liintiil of | Support nurnbrr not be tuck w H< "urwl foruin ami <*»"> vntil thai l>r M l MNUitht Ami uulll Ucl , I9« rth«i By ROBBIE HOOKER rtdmwsiun tumterd* to atuwer ■ queaUiMMvatrr Ilirrr tludvnK Id hrrr <i ivni.v^iif «pputnl- tlir Irurive* nhoiuhi'il Senate <m wnl mrrnlxTs »trrr on Vacancy Two *nd cnhiy <H "uch you hnvr unsU | undr- Editor <n-Ch.»« hundred ' omIU, mnjirily the M7 uudcou who flltvd I lutvr hNtl thr pppprtudty mrnt which pewli-fc-ft lii"> fnculty tut Runuin An o**T»tirlroin4 returning Culholir cvrnlil hnvt l-rrnn»' Todd HoWnr «uci:(vdeil latrd hnu "iimini»irati\ p dr. faculty "»» out <*S prr to ha«p thr benefit of H» n- A lr» [irulcwwr* scoldrd udwiu and »«»*■> »l n fncultv mMnbrr »i«)i irn- S\*Yv Salyer a-v Krrvhitiati partmeno of th* tmd the "dmWfcm cwit of Uir HM«1 SGA vour port* ol the «mmiMi'in> THK MV1DS0N1AN fur «■» ilul uratrr UH h> collefr paimily Uvor ouviihoit's granta! "M^ Class preitdrnt TurMUy Wther rrfuwtf to act or ttixi «ul ">i«rr win! (emaic stu oiii! Truiite* PrenWent qm-Mluit oiPCltmlim thr H nf Irnwtlr student* Turtdnv - "' Mtr It win dim Itml ttlr when «hc Mudeni Smit'.r them ibp runaround %1iKtrotli to dirii% (or DavMaun IK lar I t.«n*lr Jr.

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