■: y tv' '■Xf'- IHUBSDAX A ran 4, l«ft Average Dally Net Press Run <r’ rWENTr-FOUR For tho Week Ended ' The Wsather ^anrb^fltrr lEvraittg ll^raUii Mareh 80, 1968 F eneaal e« U. C. We ■■■■y Sblr, eeU tonlgiit. Lew 13,979 Saturday warmer iMiont Town MMabn* of the Audit party oioudy la Bmaae o f OlninlattoB High 86-40. ItaQral Btaflk Ptroaotocy wUl maet MastchMtar—^A City o f Viliage Charm •Wtay alt S pjn. in O n ^ HtOL Uwoln Bohool PTA will meet VOL. LXXXn, NO. 158 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) liontejr at 8 pjn. a.t tha aobool. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 5. 1963 (daaelfted Adverttelag oa Page St) PRICE SEVEN CENTS H m Unooln Sdiool laatrumen- will play. A film on montal iMalth wU bo ahown. wMb oom- ’ by Burton Hickock, pay- t with tho Hartford Board Pope Backs State N ew s o f BSueatton and pncram dirM- Revolt Stalled tor for tho Mandioatw Area Men­ tal Bialth Aaaoclatlon. UN P olice Roundup Strootora of Onmr Shrine C3ub USSR Accepts Idea wlH meet Friday night at 7:80 at the home, of the vice preaident, In Message In Argentina K m^ Turkinginn. IS Berkley St. Newington Man The Infant Jeaua of Prague Moth- VATICAN CITY (AP)—A By SAM BUBIMEBUN ■ The news agency Telpress re­ Larceny Witness e n CSrole will moot and elect otfl- Roman Catholic prelate said BUENOS AIRES (A P)- ported It had learned from >elia- oara tomoirow at 8 p jn . at the today Pope John XXIII, in his Truoe talks came to a stand­ able sources that two leading reb­ BOSTON (A P )— A New­ home of Mra. Bdward Moriarty, forthcoming encyclical on els had been arrested by - army U Lanoaater Rd. still in Argentina’s navy re­ forces In Bahia Blanca, near the ington, Conn., man who acted Of Direct Line Link world peace, will call on all volt today. And so did the re­ Puerto Belgrano base. as a “ straw” in connection A meeting of CSiapman Court, people to accept a United Na­ volt. The agency Identified them as with the Boston Common ga­ Older of Amaranth, acheduled for tions police force. A meeting scheduled for sun­ retired Adm. Isaac Rojas, key rage construction, today ex­ tomorrow, >««« been canceled be figure in the overthrow of Pres­ The Rt. Rev. "Uagt. Emeito rise between loyalist army chiefs plained in Suffolk Superior eauae of a Grand Court aesaion RIB LA M B Pieoni, writing In an Italian news­ and rebel negotiators failed to ident Juan D. Peron in 1966, and Line to Let at the Statier-Hilton Hotel, Hart­ paper, said the encyclical also come off. No reason was given. retired army Gen, Benjamin Court his role as a “finder’ ford. The aeaaion whl begin tomor­ - Menendez, 76, also an antl-Peron CHOPS, lb. 69c Would deal with what he called The negotiators agreed In a post- for which he allegedly re­ row and oontinue through Satuv f “ Just war and unjust war, for de­ midnight meeting to a set of con­ revolutionary. Rojas was vice ceived a fee of 3145,000. day. fense or for aggression, cdld war, ditions for the navy’s surrender. president in the provisional gov­ Reds, JFK ernment after Peron’s ouster. Edward F. Plourde was the fifth and Internal and civil war sup- But there was no word from witness in the laroeny trial. Miaa Charlotte Keeney of South jwrted from abroad,” the navy’s last stronghold—its big Terms of the conditional agree­ Defendants are Richard K. Gor­ Methodiat Church wlU conduct a Msgr. Plsoni’s report on the en- base at Puerto Belg^rano, 360 ment were pounded out by loyal­ don and Richard C. Simmers, both Halt N-War aervioe Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in the eycllcal came as Vatican sources miles south of here—that the reb­ ist military leaders and Rear Andover attorneys, and Francis oinpel at Maaoheater Menunlal RIB O VEN ROASTS. V /H O LE O R disclosed the document probably els there would accept. Informed Adm. Eladio Vazquez, the rebel W. Kiernan, consulting engineer Boapttal. will be Issued next Wednesday. sources said the terms contained fleet commander, at a two-hour for the Massachusetts Parking GENEVA (A P)—’The So­ post-midnight session in Buenos 5th thru 7th RIBS, lb. 69c OPEN The Vatican Informants said «he one possibly unpalatable con­ Authority. viet Union announced today it M aj. B. Walter Lnmle will oon- New Phone Directories Out encyclical, to be called “Pacem dition—to cut the navy’s 36,000- Aires. In a terse communique A f o u ^ , George L. Brody, for­ duot a midweek service at the Sal­ TONIGHT fai Terris" (Peace on Earth), will man force practically in half. they said agreement in principle mer chairman of the parking au­ is ready to accept a direct vation Army Citadel tonight at Nearly 40,000 new telephone di-< amount to a Magna Charta for hi the only action in (he up­ had been reached on requirements thority, is ill and unalble to stand telecommunications link be­ 7:M . His t*ik will be on events rectories, like the one Mias Nancy state call. When caillng out-of- FIRST FO UR RIBS, lb. 89c end peace for all men and all luUons. rising against President Jose to halt the fighting and return the trial. tween Washington and the Scott Shows here, are being de­ state, it is still necessary to use armed forces to normal. oonoetning the Last Supper. Wil­ FRIDAY Magr, Plsoni, former director of Maria Guido, government forces Under questioning by Asst. Kremlin to prevent an acci­ liam Simona will play the chimes. liver^ to Manchester and Rock- the three-digit area code. the Roman Catholic dally Italia brought about the surrender of a The communique did not spell Atty. Gen. Gael Mbhony, Plourde vUle exchange customers this South Windsor customers in the TILL 9:00 and now a writer on religtous small, rebellious army unit in out terms? Informed sources at said he met with Maurice Bdoder- dental outbreak of world week. Manchester exchange are i nthe matters for Milan’s influential northern Jujiiy Province with gun­ Bahia Blanca, adjoining the Puer­ Ick of Manchester, N.H;, a broth- war. Miss Scott is service representa- Manchester exchange are in the Corrlere Della Sera, wrote that fire and a mortar barrage. ’The to Belgrano base, said they called ei®in-law of Brady’s, anid that he Soviet Ambassador Semyon K. Uve-busineBS, in the Manchester Hartford directory will have a sep- the encyclical will dtscues peace government announcement of the for; was asked if he would be inter­ Tsarapkin made the announcement office of SNETTOO. erate listing for aU South Wind­ action mentioned nothing about 1. Unconditional surrender of ested in helping out for a fib e r ’s in a session of the 17-naticm dis­ The new books contain the sev­ sor customers. (Oootlmied oa Page Twelve) casualties. the naval fleet and air force. fee in connection wiith a construc­ armament conference. Pittsburgh en-figure numbers that became On the inside front cover of the 2. Reduction of the navy’s main­ tion project on Boston Common. The direct link was originally effective Sunday. In most cases directory are police and fire de­ tenance force to a skeleton 2,6(X) Q—Did you have any talk about proposed by the United States as the first two letters of the present partment listings for all area men, which would at least halve the amount of a finder’s fee ? a primary measure to relieve PAINT number, like MI for Mitchell, have towns. the 36,000-man navy. A —Yes. world tension and prevent acci­ 8BE been translated into the corres­ The (Ureotory also containes a SWORDFISH 3. Surrender of navy men smd Q—Was anything said about dental war. ponding numbers of the dial; that map for long distance dial calls Rusk Assails Foes civilians responsible for the revolt the amount? Tsarapkin said the Soviet Union is, 64. By now, custoroom should throughout the Uidted States and to be tried. A —Yes, $150,000. is willing to negotiate such a link have received dial stickers to place Canada. 4. Repair by a naval unit of Plourde then testified that immediately, without waiting for 'Larsen's on phone dials. Scenes on the cover highlight damage In the Magdalena area Broderick asked him if he would agreement on a general disarma­ Bbfectlve Sunday, it will no LIS T E N ... HADDOCK HARDWARE, INC. the diversity of Connecticut living Of Foreign Aid Plan where the navy air force de­ go along on the finder’s fee if the ment treaty. longer be necessary to dial 112 and its scenic and historic land­ stroyed or damaged eight loyalist project took place and he agreed. U.S. Ambassador Charles C. 84 Depot Square, Manchester when making a long distance call. marks. The illustration was drawn tanks and a number of buildings, none 649-6874 Stelle said the United States It reduces to Just “1” followed by by Bern Hill of Kllllngworth. killing 18. trinds Buffet State “warmly welcomes” Tsarapkin's the complete phone number for a (Herald photo by Satemis.) FLOUNDER WASHINGTON (AP)—Secretaryf>have achieved a world In which The navy’s strength has made it announcement. of State Dean Rusk blasted foes our freedom—and the freedom of Winter came back like a bad a commanding voice in Argentine dream to Connecticut yesterday as Tsarapkin rejected two other of the administration’s foreign all men—1b secure,” Rusk said.
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