GUD: . 2-14 Community Expectations Gate - The Gate is the portal through which you Playa del Fuego believes its participants want to enter the event. The event has 2 gates, front and Basics: . .. 2-3 back. The front gate turns tickets and valid IDs The Grand Unified Document is the sum total of all be good citizens. Getting to PDF can be a lot of into official wristbands during specific hours Community standards: 3-5 policies, rules, and regulations for Playa del Fuego. hard work. We think people genuinely care about posted elsewhere. The back gate is next to the Contact the BOD or the PC to make updates or revi- the community they work so hard to contribute Rules: . 5-6 main parking lot and features the Greeters. sions to these guidelines. The WWW doesn’t write to. This document contains information partic- Always show your wristband to the nice people this stuff — just prints it. We’ve added a few notes. ipants need to sustain this sincere experiment. Sound Policy: . 6-7 working the gate when you enter, leave, or bring They are in italic. We encourage all participants, newbie to gnarled, Public Health and Safety: to look over this document and be reminded this them a cold beverage/tasty snack. 7-9 experiment in collaborative community is not PONY - PONY stands for Planning and PlaYa del FUegO complete anarchy. Generally, if something is not Organization Need You. It is the official online Planning Participation, graNd Unified covered in the GÜD, and it is legal in the larger planning and discussion forum for Playa del & organizatiOn: . .. 9-10 world, it is allowed at the event. Fuego. http://playadelfuego.org/pony. Document Community Process — how the PC - The Planning Committee makes the nuts event/site guide: . 11-12 v3.3 MaY 2015 GÜD evolves and bolts choices that run the event. The Planning amenities: . .. 12-13 These policies were created by the Planning Committee is comprised of anyone and everyone Committee or the Board of Directors, which are who calls the Planning Meeting conference call or Art: . 15-16 all volunteer positions. Either a participant sub- attends it in person. You may attend as many or as 1. baSICS mits a proposal to the Planning Committee and few meetings as you like, however, your vote only ongoing events: . 17-20 the PC approves it, or not, or the BOD makes counts for meetings you actually are a part of. Thursday/Friday events: 20-26 What is Playa del Fuego? a decision about something because there is a Read more about the PC at the PONY. Playa del Fuego is the Mid-Atlantic Regional compelling safety/liability or future-of-the-event PDF, Inc. - a Maryland not-for-profit corporation Saturday events: . 26-32 Burning Man Event. Events are held every spring issue at stake. Once something becomes an official recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3. and fall, on Memorial Day and Columbus Day event policy/procedure/rule via the BOD or PC, it BOD - Board of Directors. A dozen or so unpaid Sunday events: . 33-36 weekends. Playa del Fuego is an experiment goes into the GÜD, which is compiled by humble volunteers in search of a hot tub in which to sit Theme camps: . 37-39 in collaborative community featuring art and scribes. The best and easiest way to reach the PC and think. They also handle all the boring legal music created by those who join us to partici- is via the PONY. http://playadelfuego.org/pony. parts of the event like taxes, insurance, liability, Maps: . 42-43 pate. Attendees are known as participants. There and adhering to our mission. are no spectators at Playa del Fuego; everyone GLOSSARY PDF - Playa del Fuego Comp Tickets - There are no comp tickets at collaborates in some way to create the event. PDF. Not even for volunteers, artists, DJs, the MOOP - matter out of place, anything that is not Inspired by the Burning Man festival, it is a place Planning Committee, or the Board of Directors. for radical self-expression and an experiment in indigenous the natural environment you are in, for temporary community building. It is a place of example: litter, cigarette butts, glitter Reserve Tickets - These are used to ensure that people essential to the smooth operation of the acceptance, inclusivity, and respect. It is orga- Rangers - helpful people who rove about in khaki All content is subject to change. Content submitted nized entirely by volunteers. Art and entertain- with radios. They are neither cops, your mom, nor event attend. Everyone approved for a reserve ment are created solely by participants. There required to wear utilikilts. ticket must still pay for it. Art Grant recipients before posted deadlines may be edited for length or also receive reserve tickets because art is central clarity, or may be left alone for the sake of Radical are no concession stands. No cash transactions VNVMC/ The Vets - Viet Nam Veterans (except ice sales) are permitted at Playa del Fuego to our mission and artists are bound by contract to Self-Expression. Content submitted to the WWW Motorcycle Club, our hosts and landlords who be present at the event. — even bartering is discouraged. This is a sincere refer to this place as FIRE BASE LLOYD. Be or Theme Camp coordinator after posted deadlines experiment in creating a gift economy. If you respectful of them. will not be included. We’re all volunteers. need something, ask for it. If you have it, gift it! Coordinator - A super-volunteer who doesn’t 2. COMMUNITY STaNdardS Apologies for spelling or other errors. The WWW There are no garbage cans; everyone is respon- just work a shift, they run an entire department sible for packing out their garbage or throwing is not a newspaper; being printed here does not like DPW, PARKING, THEME CAMPS, or GATE. PLAYA DEL FUEGO PRINCIPLES make it true and it should not be used as the final it into one of the handy dumpsters. Playa del Fuego is a blank canvas; expect nothing...bring Burn - slang for a Burning Man-inspired event Self-Expression authority on anything. everything. like ours. Burns are not music festivals. A few Our events foster an environment of creative differences being: at burns there are no spectators, self-expression, where participants feel supported Event Location burns follow The 10 Principles, and the pretty girls to honestly express their inner selves through VNVMC Vietnam Veterans at burns aren’t dancing ankle deep in a pile of artistic creation, performance, and in their social Motorcycle Club of Delaware beer bottles and cups. “Have a nice burn.” interactions. 474 Flemings Landing Road 10 Principles - Burning Man’s version of the WWW STAFF Townsend, DE 19734 10 Commandments, wherein you are permitted Self-Organization Our events foster an environment of self- Editrix ...................................................Vondervixen to covet your neighbor’s wife but not to litter Nearby Medical Care organization. The event is 100% volunteer run. or participate in cash activities like vending. Layout/Production/Guru................................Wick Christiana Care No one gets comp tickets. Everyone is invited And so very much more. See 10 Principles in Middletown Emergency Department to plan. Everyone is invited to play. Everyone Data Liaison/Delivery............................... Fumbles COMMUNITY STANDARDS. 621 Middletown Odessa Rd is invited to work. The Planning Meetings and Non www print stuff ..............................Whiplash (across from Wawa near Rt. 1) Volunteer Central - AKA “Participation Station”; Planning Committee are open to everyone to Middletown, DE 19709 a large temporary shelter located next to the red attend. Cover Art ..................................................... Starfleet 302-203-1300 stage. It has volunteer schedules and sign-ups, lost and found, ranger HQ and radios, copies of the Accountability WWW Guide, and a few shady seats. Good place Our events foster an environment of per- to go with a question. sonal accountability, where we hold ourselves 2 deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 Weeks before opening thursday. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del FueGo | oCtober 2016 3 responsible for our own actions, and take personal UNACCEPTABLE. RANGERS ARE HERE TO HELP an area of real laws. Try to make that coexistence responsibility for meeting our own needs, for the - YES can turn into a NO at anytime and that Rangers are not cops or your mom, but they do a peaceful one. Abide by all relevant local, state, event itself, and for the event’s impact on the needs to be respected. You or the other person want to try to ensure that everyone is having the and federal laws. If you see law enforcement offi- world at large. doesn’t have to go along with something, even if best burn possible. cers, be nice to them. PDF will cooperate with all it was previously agreed on. If you change your People who Ranger are usually those friends that local, county, state, and federal officials. We all Cooperation share an interest in having a smooth event. Our events foster an environment of cooperation, mind you should speak up, and if someone else you always know will be there for you. The PDF where participants work together to resolve changes his/her mind you should act in accor- Rangers do their thing via the FLAME method: Drinking and Driving potential conflicts respectfully, to help mediate dance with that new boundary. Find out, Listen, Analyze, Mediate, Explain. But Don’t be stupid, motorized vehicles don’t mix conflicts between others, and to create art, perfor- - Before you assume someone wants your physical you don’t need to be a Ranger to do this yourself! with intoxication.
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