Bios Michael Altschul Michael Altschul is the Cellular Telecommunications surveillance, and he is currently a lead counsel in Industry Association’s (CTIA) Senior Vice President EFF’s lawsuits against the National Security Agency and General Counsel. He is responsible for the (NSA) and AT&T challenging the legality of the Association’s legal advocacy and CTIA’s compliance NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program. Before with antitrust and other applicable laws. He is also joining EFF in 2003, he was the Justice Brennan an active participant in the development of the First Amendment Fellow at the American Civil Association’s public policy positions. Mr. Altschul Liberties Union, where he litigated Internet-related joined CTIA in 1990 after serving with the Antitrust free speech cases. He received his Juris Doctorate in Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Prior to 2001 from the University of Southern California and that, he began his legal career as an attorney special- his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas. izing in antitrust litigation with Simpson Thacher Bartlett in New York. During his ten-year stint at the Laura D. Berger Justice Department, he worked exclusively on com- Laura Berger is a senior attorney in the Division munications matters, including the modification of of Privacy and Identity Protection at the FTC. final judgment and the GTE decree, as well as related She enforces federal laws that protect the privacy Federal Communications Commission filings and and security of consumers’ information and works telecommunications industry mergers and acquisi- on related policy matters, including the impact of tions. Mr. Altschul received a Bachelor of Arts in emerging technologies on consumer privacy. In political science from Colgate University and a Juris addition, she was author of the Commission’s Safe- Doctorate from the New York University School of guards Rule, and has worked to develop educational Law. materials to assist businesses to comply with that rule. Previously, Ms. Berger was an attorney with the Kevin Bankston Office of the General Counsel at the FTC. While at Kevin Bankston is a senior staff attorney for the Elec- the FTC, she also served as an adjunct professor at tronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a fellow at the Georgetown University, where she taught Women Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society, & the Law, among other courses. She received a specializing in free speech and privacy law with a Bachelor of Arts cum laude from Tulane University focus on government surveillance, Internet privacy, and a Juris Doctorate cum laude from the University and location privacy. Mr. Bankston regularly litigates of Michigan Law School. issues surrounding location privacy and electronic December 7, 2009 Ellen Blackler Electronic Engineers’ Security & Privacy and a mem- Ellen Blackler is Executive Director of Public Policy ber of BNA’s Privacy & Security Law Report Advisory at AT&T. She works on the development of public Board. He is a senior policy advisor to the Center for policy positions in the areas of privacy, access for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Wil- people with disabilities, emerging services, rural liams LLP and a member of Microsoft’s Trustworthy broadband deployment, and health care. Prior to Computing Academic Advisory Board, the Board of joining AT&T in 2003, she was Special Assistant Advisors of TRUSTe, and the Board of Directors of to the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau The Privacy Projects. Professor Cate is President of at the Federal Communications Commission. She the Phi Beta Kappa Society. has also worked at the New York Public Service Lillie Coney Commission and the New York State Legislature, where she worked on energy policy issues, consumer Lillie Coney is Associate Director of the Electronic protection, and the development of competitive Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a public telecommunications markets. interest research organization in Washington, DC. Ms. Coney joined EPIC in 2004 to head up Darren A. Bowie the organization’s voting and privacy project. In Darren Bowie is the Legal Director for North 2005, she became Associate Director, and her work America at Nokia. His team negotiates contracts at EPIC expanded to include coalition development. and licensing agreements with Nokia’s customers She serves as the coordinator for the Privacy Coali- and partners. He also manages intellectual property, tion, an EPIC project. The Privacy Coalition has litigation, and regulatory matters affecting Nokia’s over forty organizations and affiliates, representing North American markets. Before joining Nokia, a broad political spectrum, committed to freedom Mr. Bowie was Assistant General Counsel at AOL. and privacy rights. Ms. Coney has coordinated Mr. Bowie also served in a number of positions at several major Internet privacy advocacy efforts; most the FTC, including as legal advisor to Chairman notable are the Report on e-Deceptive Campaigns Timothy J. Muris. He is a recipient of the FTC 2008, Stop REAL ID Campaign, Stop Digital Strip Louis D. Brandeis Outstanding Litigator Award. Mr. Searches, and Smart Grid and Privacy efforts. Bowie graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Chris Conley Law School and graduated with high honors from the College of William and Mary, where he was a Chris Conley is the Technology & Civil Liberties member of Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern California, where he focuses on Fred H. Cate the intersection of privacy, free speech, and emerg- Fred Cate is a distinguished professor, C. Ben Dut- ing technologies. He started out on the technology ton Professor of Law, and Director of the Center side, earning a Bachelor’s degree summa cum laude for Applied Cybersecurity Research at Indiana in electrical engineering from the University of University. He serves as co-editor of the Privacy Michigan and a Master’s degree in computer science Department of the Institute of Electrical and from MIT, and spending several years as a software 2 Privacy Roundtables developer and consultant. He later received his Juris at AOL, leading product management efforts in the Doctorate cum laude from Harvard Law School, social networking ecosystem. Mr. Costello received where he was Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Journal his Bachelor of Science in business administration of Law & Technology. Prior to joining the ACLU from Georgetown University. in September 2008, he was a resident fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Peter Cullen University, where he studied international Internet Peter Cullen is the GM Trustworthy Computing censorship and surveillance. and Chief Privacy Strategist at Microsoft Corpora- tion. He is directly responsible for managing the Alissa Cooper development and implementation of programs that Alissa Cooper is the Chief Computer Scientist at the bolster the privacy and trustworthiness of Microsoft Center for Democracy and Technology. Her work products, services, processes, and systems worldwide. focuses on a range of issues including consumer Mr. Cullen leads Microsoft’s privacy group as well as privacy, network neutrality, and technical standards. teams of online safety, geopolitical, and accessibility She conducts research into the inner workings experts, all committed to enhancing customers’ of common and emerging Internet technologies, computing experiences. Mr. Cullen brings more than and seeks to explain complex technical concepts a decade of expertise in privacy and data protection in understandable terms. Ms. Cooper has testified to his role, as well as an extensive background in before Congress and the FTC and writes regularly on building sound organizational practices. a variety of technology policy topics. She currently co-chairs the Geographic Location/Privacy Working Pam Dixon Group (Geopriv) within the Internet Engineering Pam Dixon is a researcher, author, and the Execu- Task Force, and she recently began doctoral studies tive Director of the World Privacy Forum (WPF). at the Oxford Internet Institute. She founded WPF, a public interest research group focused on conducting in-depth privacy research Ian Costello and consumer education, in November 2003. Ian Costello is Vice President of Product Develop- There, she publishes widely cited privacy studies and ment for LivingSocial. LivingSocial is a social research. Ms. Dixon’s research focus is on emerging discovery and cataloging network that allows people and contemporary privacy issues, particularly as to review and share their favorite movies, books, they relate to technology, health care, financial, and games, music, and restaurants. LivingSocial also online privacy. Ms. Dixon has authored seven books, interfaces seamlessly with application platforms hundreds of articles, and key privacy studies, includ- such as Facebook and the iPhone to provide these ing the groundbreaking Medical Identity Theft Report interest-based experiences to social audiences. Prior (2006), the first major research to be published to joining LivingSocial, he worked at Yodle, Inc. and on the topic and widely considered the definitive was responsible for developing and optimizing their report in the area. She is on the board of the national platform to serve the interactive advertising needs Health Information Technology Standards Panel and for small businesses. Before joining Yodle, he worked is Co-Chair of the California Privacy and Security Advisory Board. 3 December 7, 2009 Peter Eckersley
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