’ 1 dUVr:: ■I-l I . i _____ www.majapicvallev.com , rr’ F’ARKH I-i- pa:^u TX m i .^ ± I V ^ T T 1Twin Fall:Malls, Idaho/97ch year,ar.:T No. 197 MIiTuesday, July 16,5. 2002 G o o d> MA ORNING r iggering W e a t olE e R Today: Stmi^r l e a c:hers v e s u with the '’ p a y i p 2 , chance of a o 38th to 33rd national!;lUy under th e few clouds. A Some worry IdahoI( budgeetwoesjeoppardize gainsIS °rily state school b possible thun* Legislature has ever Experercs discuss derstonn. Highigh 94, low 62. Thertie Times-News and According to thle e la te st teach er officuiLiiils w orried th at th e pay J. complete discretion c PageA2 rh« A—octated Pfwa salary survey releleased by the will widenwi' again as competition schools superi'rm.e„7S'° pros, consc American Fed‘deration of for teaeachers across the country. Democrat Marilyn/n Howard . BOISE - Local school boardsis aand Tcochers, tcachcrers in only two intensilisifies. ^ implemented her priiriority f6r a U SIflSg gunI in light M a g ic V-Va l l e y Jtate lawmakers made signifiesficant Southern 'states maden: up more Thele assodations survey showed 5.5 pcrcent in crease(in ii the share ® ^ of salaries paid for tjy New CEO: Johnihn Kee will take “iridcs i' in dosing the gap bctwenveen ground th an thosee ini Idaho. Idaho’so’s average salary moving up ofjero:rome incident lational and Idaho teachcrr p a y But tijo 2.S percec e n t cut in state am ongng all the states and District stop tlie exodus of tra over the top offofficE at Magic ;ators support for the la:last school year of Coli ,t,_ e rs fro m Id a h o , aiand school ^ ^ . luring the 1990s, but educatc olumbia again during the lead. By Mark HelHeinz Valley Regionamal Medical areire now concerned the state: bibud- and restoration oof less than a 200001•01 school year, boards followed h er le ?W9 w riter_________________ Center Aug. 1.1- get■fit Icrisis could undo it oIL point of th at for theh e fall has some T eacher a c pay advanced fromom ^(^seseeTEACHE:HERS, Page A2 Tlmes-Wewa Page B l JE R O> M M l E - m ig h t b>e e I lo r u n W r e stPLINGWITHi THE BEST = ^=^S8 hide. M o n e y ■ T hat coul b e I ‘I of action fo:for Sun Valley seen:en6: An annual • A . J in tru d e r in th e conclave of me<nedia mogiils sup* ^ Jack Johnshnson of the Twin I'alls phed interestin,ting tidbits, if no County SheiSheriffs Office. big deals. yon11 can .s;ifely get out, ilien out of thet house. Get in (he PageD 4 car, drivee down the road and be a g o i^ \vitnc-s:ness,” li'^saici; ^ A Jeronicmie woman was shot and ■ , S p o r t s w o u n d e d i th e leg jt Cowteys clinch;c h ;:^ T W in -------------- -------- S a t u r dayd a If you have ^ I I? FallsAALegionion team won the t()< U AreaCregular:or season title ■ w ! Monday. and went 1 Atwut: An early Page D l investigateIte aii n Salurdny morninp, a p P il r L- 0n t .Jciornc Shoolinc, ■ H S h intrusionI iminto at 330 Sccond ■ ■ ggM her homio m e , Avc. W.. or if you H ' H according^ g t o noticcJ anytliinf^ H H - G o m p u tPKR e polic ■ re p o rts . neichbofhoocJ & T e c hINOLOGY n S h e lalater te between 1;30 luld investig:stiga- and 2:30 a.nv I s h e Call: Jerom e ^ stum bledI in to Pollqp Ocrtcctivc H ’ an intrudeu d e r . Dan Cfiaitnrion . H H j j H at 324.1911. ■ _____ .wearing ii il sk i Callers.wmunlUL_______ __________________________ miisk, andn d <1 stru g g le (>ver (cmaifi iinoriy i m h e r e n s u e d , s a a i i d ________________ J J e r 0 m Araaltl^ke;:TjJVnivOTtySies Police Deteci‘tective Dan Chatterton. ,, to develop^ cbisomputer that ev idident e that tlie woman ^ shot herselfiieir with the ..i57 T can cany on'aiconversarioh- cc V / num - liich had heen loaded . PageC3 B B I w ith .3 8 Si;Special caliher ^ tridge.s-ChaChatterton siiid. Hni ' dence the home also indicates H O p ih iio N I ,' .■ th a t ebody else in Uie I 1 there had heen strug- I A lobbyist's fareiireweil: Paiiy gle, he said,lid. So it was prohahly . * industiy spokesnssman Lewis m during thee .struggle that she acci- Eileis managed:d his1 roles MUa *NKlA«Tla rtM dentally wouivounded herself. rather well, tods'd£^s editorial Police on ‘Tuesday siill hadi.i't Rulon Gardner, worid champlonpion and reigning Olympic gold says. Id medal Qreco-Romsn wrestlertier, watches a pair of partlclparIpants In tho Kimborly wrestlingfi m ad e anyy ar no t camp practice a takedownI maneuver.mt Campers will get an'another chance to leam from tt . PageAS It the champion today. For thee storysl and more photos, pleaso!C SCO releasingg tlthe woman's name. ^ page 6-1, Chaitenon>n s:said. She ___ ble condition a n d w as exi>e!X|)ected lo m ake ii C o m in g "I pleie recover)ver>’ from her woiituls, u d g e : Of f f i c i d s bi l r o k e l a v v w i t h G yWOm]l i e s i n The bestt choice?cl - ByClKChad Baldwin ations in the count:Ity - th e la s t to alloww f for th e proccss of orderlyy dtange of drcumstance^i:es or newly in lightI ofof whilt IiaiJpeiied in «»*lew» wrtter______ ___ CAFO moratorium1 eexpired Jan... planning,ng and development of landd discovered health, .safeifeiy or wei- Jerom e, isi itit w\ ise to u se ii g u n fo i_ ___ 29, and new appli(lications are . in a reasiasonabie or timely man-I- fare issues...” self-defense ii lOISE - Twin Falls Countynty .iKing handled underer new .county ner,” wrcvrote McLaughlin, an Adaa Tlic county commissicsion. begin- That depenpends, law officers s;iItC , commnmissioners broke the lawt in ' ordinances. But th e ruling-unlessru Couniy/ jijudge who was assij^edd ning July 10, 2000, apprproved five Tuesday. ■ blockeking construction of newew it’s overturned byly the Idaho the casese from the Sth Judicialll succesjave 120-day CAF(PO morato- Venturingng alxiuii lo look for aiC Nature-ln]4n8plred doineties and expansion of existinging Supreme Court ~ cou])uld sct prece* District.t. *'“ Five successive morato->• riums while officials workedw to intruder iss probablypr not the iiesr: operaiTations for about 19 months,;hs, dent to prevent cotounties from ria overr aa period of m ore than onec revise county livcstoci)ck regula- course of fictionactii fo r ii h o m e o w n e r Artworic, gardensms and music 4th DistrictI Judge Michaelael imposing more thanri twoi 12(klay year is; ninot a reasonable time inn lions. In November 200301 - whljc _ amied )r„r not, n Chatterton said. will combine attthisyearls tl McLaiLaughlin ru l^ Monday, moratonums oo certirtain types of wiiich toto deny the issuance of a the fifth moratorium wasw: stm in instead a personper should, if at alt ea land development. class o f p Hailey Garden 7b he dedsion lik ^ won’t affea f pcrmit-s barring a show-^ placc - dairym en andp'1'eRas.w. otl pos.sible,rail caU the police and then confined ahimal feeding oper*>er* ■ '*The d e a r intent of th e (law) Ls in g by tnthe county of a materialll PiDaso see CARIFO, Page A2 try to leavvc e thet ht)use or find Wednesdisdayin place to hide. HII The Timesie»«ews i : > . ybody who decides ■ ■ 5 n d s e c o E n f o r h o m e lush defei nomy as Si t o c k m alarket sw^aa y s s S St the training to ose ,, Chatterton1 ana n d o th e r p o lic e s;ii<U I n d e x Lot AAngelett TIme«_______________ A m ericai cans," Bush told several1 low inflation rate, rea□asonabk- because llavilaving a gun and nut; 2d people who filled the* interest rates, rising proceducuvuy, 'Ictt _ nd ■ hundred low to use it can he for Classified..C56- MoneyM . .D4 ' bIIRMINGHAM, i b Ala. - More on stock WH p e rfo rmming'Arts i Center at the‘ rcJativcly strong retail s gerous than not heing Comics . .C4 MoviesM . ,B5 Fresiiisid e n t Bush declared M ondayiay ----------------------- --------------------- U n iv e rsr s i i t y ' o f A la b a m a ’ss what Bush termed his i ™ arm ed a t all. t the U.S. economy is “funda*da* r a te s c a n d a ls a n d gham campus. “I’m very ryi>oli(y. H I I ' ,CommunftyCl-2 NationNi ...A3-5 ‘•“ '•I id slumping Birmingh / UTition’s sound m onetary l e e d t o k n o w . H H ntally strong” and is poisedied financial markets.
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