Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1949-11-19 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1949). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 70. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/70 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • 'Art Bothers Home Economics Students Hold Regional Convention People' Is Here; Six Ohio Colleges Participate In Discussions Topic Of Talk Angela Castelluccio ' . Modern Art Mirrors Welcomes Delegates Times, Sculptor Says Opportunities for home econ­ omists were discussed at a series People should try to under­ of meetings held here today by stand and appreciate modern art, The Edgecliff the Southern Ohio Region of the not be appalled or amused by it. Home Economics Students Clubs. Volume XV Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 19, 1949 No. 2 That was the theme of this Active student participation afternoon's talk by Ernest Bruce was the plan for the day. The ( ' Haswell, associate professor of theme was "Careers for Home the College of Applied Arts of Home Ee Club Arranging Schedule Economists in the World Today the University of Cincinnati. and Tomorrow". Speaking on the topic, "Art Is Best Fed Six Colleges Represented Bothers People," he said that the Loraine Gartner, University of art of today is a reflection of the Cincinnati, was the leader for the times, a portrait of modern men By Margaret Ryan topic, "The Mrs. with the B. S." and women. "The Home Economics club is "Textile Merchandising" was the "Because most of us look at the only club at Edgecliff which subject of Peggy Fugate of Miami art through our grandparents' has direct national affiliations," University. Jean Byerly, Mary eyes, we fail to recognize these recently stated Ange 1 a Castel­ Ann Grishop, Kathleen Ellwell, portraits of ourselves," he said. lucio, senior, and president of the and Mary Rita Sahlfeld, students Studied In Belgium club in an exclusive interview in of Mount St. Joseph, discussed the Senior Lounge. "The club is "Social Welfare and Pub 1 i c Mr. Haswell is a native Kentuc­ Health." kian who received his education a member of the National Home Economics Association." Wittenberg College sent Doris from the Cincinnati Art Academy Pfieffer, Kay Marshall and Jackie "Angie," as she is better known and the Academie Royale des Nulsen to speak on "Home Econ­ to her friends, revealed that Beaux Arts in Brussels, Belgium. omics in Business." "Commercial the club on campus meets once a He has done many works of sculp­ Food Service and Institutional month and usually features guest ture throughout the United States. Management" were discussed by Some of his principal works in­ speakers from the different fields of home economics, such as di­ Jayne Nyham of the University of clude: the Nippert Memorial por­ Dayton. Doris Kon kl er and Jo trait, bas reliefs on the Times­ etitians, interior decorators, etc., at their meetings. The club has Ann Voss, Our Lady of Cincinnati Star Bldg., Proctor Memorial, and delegates, talked on "Journalism a Christmas party each year and the shrine at Xavier University, - Radio and Television." all in this city; six portraits and terminates the school year with decorative reliefs, Ohio St a t e a picnic. "Naturally, we always Delegates Welcomed Bldg., Northcott Memorial, have the best-cooked food, too,'' Angela Castellucio, president of Springfield, Ill; Moorman Memor­ commented Angela. the Home Economics c 1 u b at ial, Louisville, Ky.; Miami Uni­ Edgecliff, gave a welcoming ad­ Course Has Many Fields dres to the assembly and was versity medal and McGuffey Me­ "Careers in Home Economics" morial, Oxford, O.; medal and the presiding chairman of the is the theme for the group this day. Working on the various pre­ seal, village of Indian Hill. year, and opportunities in this paration committees were Mary Recently the sculptor has done field are many and varied­ Schlueter, Rita Mueller, Jean work on statues of St. Cecilia, in teaching, dietetics, interior dec­ Wilke, Lois Rumpke, and Dorothy Dallas Texas; of an angel and oration, and household manage­ Crone. chi 1 d, in Mt. Washington, of ment, to mention a few. "Large Christ, in Chillicothe, 0 ., and of companies like General Mi 11 s Making final plans for the Home Economics convention today angels for an altar in Yankton, are always looking for ho me are, left to right, Mrs. Esther Bottomley, clothing construction in­ Degrees Vital, S.D. economists," said Angela. "The structress; Jo Ann Vo.>s, Home Economics club vice-pres.; and Angela Lecturing At UC government also can use home Castelluccio, club president. Senior Says Mr. Haswell is now conducting economists i n the textile in­ She is engaged to Peter Vitale a series of 30 lectures at the Uni­ dustry to test the strength of Bottomley told our class of the "The value of a degree in Home and will make practical use of versity of Cincinnati. He has lec­ towels and materials." great need for home economics Economics cannot be stressed too her knowledge of home econom­ tured at art museums in Detroit, Angela became interested in majors and since I liked this highly, for housewives will not ics soon after graduation. Grand Rapids, Columbus, Louis­ home economics when she want­ field better than French, I de­ accept household hints passed out "Not A Snap Course" v ille and Cincinnati. For 15 con­ ed to learn how to sew and cided home economics would be freely by amateurs," Jo Ann Voss, my major." Angela now feels She decried the fact that so 1 secutive years he has been heard sign ed up for the course in senior, declared today in her talk many people think that home in a series of Cincinnati Public "Clothing Construction," taught that her choice was a wise one on "Opportunities for Home Econ­ because the old saying "the way economics is a "snap" major and Library lectures. by Mrs. Esther Bottomley. "Mrs. omists in Journalism" at the Home to a man's heart is through his that "we just learn to cook and Economists convention. stomach" has come true for her. (Continued from Page 4) Sculptor--Speaker The speaker emphasized, how­ ever, that one "should not expect Program to start out as an editor, sitting behind a desk, formulating poli­ Southern Ohio Region cies and passing on stories." Home Economics Students Clubs She pointe d out that "e ve n 9:30- Registration armed with a Home Economics Brunch in Dining Room- Emery Hall degree and numerous journalism 10:15- Welcome credits, the task of finding a news­ Angela Castelluccio, President, Home Economics Club paper job is not easy." of Our Lady of Cincinnati College, presiding DISCUSSIONS Theme: Club Moderator "Careers for Home Economists in the World Today and Tomorrow" 10:30-"The Mrs. with the B. S." University of Cincinnati Leader: Lorraine Gartner Gladys Rebeck Mary Aglamesis Carol Brown 10:45-"Textile Merchandising" Miami University Peggy Fugate 11 :00-"Social Welfare and Public Health": College of Mt. St. J oseph J ean Byerly Kathleen Elwell Mary Ann Grishop Mary Rita Sahlfeld 11:15-"Home Economics in Business" Wittenberg College Doris Pieffer Kay Marshall Jackie Nulsen 11 :30-"Commercial Food Service and Institutional Management" University of Dayton Jayne Nyhan I 11:45-"Journalism-Radio and Television" Our Lady of Cincinnati College Doris Konkler Jo Ann Voss 12:00-Business Meeting JoAnn Voss, presiding 1 :DO-Luncheon Afternoon Session-Auditorium, Administration Bldg. Jean Wilke, presiding Mi s Katherine Koch, general Speaker-"Art Bothers People-A Talk on Modern chairman for the Home Ee con­ Art" vention displays a pie, one of the Mr. Ernest B. Haswell is pictured working on the Proctor and Ernest Bruce Haswell, Professor, College of Applied may delicacies she makes while •Gamble Memorial. Arts, University of Cincinnati on the WLW-TV kitchen program. 2 THE EDGECLIFF e Justice For Spain! • Home Ee Is Different "Unique" is a word which could be easily applied to the field of home economics. The Soap Box The uniqueness of home economics lies first of all in its concern for family living. Home economics grew out of an interest in family welfare, and this interest has con­ trolled its development. Its second claim to uniqueness lies in its unifying of know ledge from many fields in the solving of personal and home-life prob­ lems. To feed a family successfully, to plan wise use of resources, to select a house to meet the needs of all the family, demand Af..1· knowledge from manv fields. P. Winter J. Schulte F. Hacke N. Nies Its third unique contribution is its per­ Question: Have you any suggestions for improving the "Edgecliff"? The failure to admit Spain into the United sonalizing of instruction. Home economics Nations has been pointed out emphatically began with an interest in the individual prob­ Patricia Winter, senior: what they're doing." by James Farley, former Postmaster-General lems of students, in helping them to make a "I think that on the whole the Florence Hacke, freshman: and an outstanding Catholic layman. He and wholesome diet, to dress becomingly, and 'Edgecliff' is a fine paper and has "I think the 'Edgecliff' has a many others have realized this injustice and to assist with the work at home. This interest a hard working staff.
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