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TNDEX TO VOLUME 21 Leading articles arq in bold face t5rpel notes, abstracts gnd re- views are in ordinary type. Only minerals for which definite data are given are indexed. Adamite from Chloride Cliff, Cali- Babingtonite and ePidote from fornia.(Murdoch).... 811 Westfield, Mass. (Palache).t93,652 Aguilarite from Comstock lode, Bacalite. (Buddhue). 269 Virginia City, Nevada.(Coats) 532 Baier, E. and Schmidt, W. Lehr- Ahlfeld,D...... 270 buch der Mineralogie. [Book Aidyrlite (Godlevsky) 269 reviewl. 267 Akermanite. lg3 Balk,R andKrieger,P.Devitrified Alexander,A. E. Locality for opal- felsite dikes from AscutneY ized spherules 266 Mt., Vermont 516 lgg Baltimorite ' 463 Allemontite, tc-ray study of. Barber,C. T.. 388 (Holmes) 202 Barite in red beds of Colorado. Allen, V. T. Dickite from St. Louis, (Ilowlantl). 584 Missouri. 457 Barth, T. F. W.. 204 Mineralized spherulitic Book review. 331 Iimestone in the Cheltenham Bastite. ....... 463 fireclay. 369 Bates limestone, Lewiston, Mainet Alling, H. L. Interpretative petrol- minerals in. (Fisher). .200,32t ogy of igneousrocks. [Book re- Beiyinite.(Ho)... 214 viewl.. 813 Bentonitic magnesian clay-min- Al-atoms in the two reaction series; eral. (Foshag' Woodford)'.. 238 role of. (Brammall). 268 Berman,H...... ....'..' 201 Amarillite. (Ungemach). 270 Bermanite, a new PhosPhater oc- Ammonium molybdo-ditellurate, curring with triPlite in Arizona. crystallography of. (Donnay, (Ilurlbut). 655 M6lon). 250 Berthierite' crystallographic data' Amygdaloidal dikes. (Moehlman). 329 unit cell atrd space group. Andalusite in pegmatite. (Mur- @uerger). .205,442 doch). 68 Bertrandite and epistilbite from Anderson,B. W.. l+0 Bedford,N. Y. (Pough)..... 264 Anorthite from Duke Island, Biographisch-literarisches Hand- Alaska. (Glass). 201 wdrterbuch fiir Mathematik, Antigorite. 463,494 Astronomie, PhYsik mit Geo- Anterlite, r-ray powder data for. physik, Chemie, Kristallogra- (Waldo) 7I phie und verwandte Wissens- Arsenoferrite, probable non-exist- gebiete. (Poggendorff) [Book enceof. (Buerger). 70 reviewl. 535 Arsenopyrite group, crystal struc- Blockite.(Herzenberg, Ahlfeld). " 270 ture of. (Buerger). 203 Boldyrev, A. K. Are thete 47 or 48 Asbestos, minerelogy of. (Syromy- simple forms Possibleon crys- atnikov). 48 tals?... 731 Augelite. (Pough). 536 Book of minerals.(Hawkins) [Book "Autoliths," orientation of min- reviewl. 74 eralsin. (Pabst) 68 Borax.(Schaller)... 192 819 820 THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Bowen, N. L. and Ellestad, R. B. Caesium molybdo-tellurates, crys- Nephelinecontrasts......... 363 tallography of. (Donnay, Book review. 813 M6lon). 299 193,678 Calaverite.(Tunell,Ksanda)..... 2A3 Bowenite. 463 Calcic plagioclases,chemical com- Brammall, A. 268,388 position and optical properties Brandtite. 600 of. (phillips, Hess). L94 Brauns, R. Mineralogie. [Book re- Calcite twins from North Plain- viewl.. 815 field,N.J. (Hawkins)......204,809 Brochantite,r-ray powderdata for. Callaghan,E. 198 (waldo) 7l cameron, E. N. with Kerr, p. F. Bruner, F. H. Uraninite from Fullerts earth of bentonitic Hottah Lake .. 265 origin from Tehachapi, Calif. 230 Buddhue, J . 269 Cape Neddick, Maine, dikes of. Buerger, M. J. Crystallographic (Hatr). 197 data, unit cell and spacegroup Cases for display and storage of forberthierite (FeSbsSa)...205,+42 specimens.(Gordon). ..... 196 Crystalsoftherealgartype: Cassiterite crystals of distorted s5mrmetry,unit cell and space habit from Pilbara goldfield, group of nitrogen sulfide. 575 western Australia. (Simpson) t40 ---- Law of complication. .. 702 Cerite, radioactive, deposits near - Probablenon-existence of Jamestown, Colo. (Goddard, arsenoferrite. 70 Glass).. 199 X-raypowdercamera.. 11 Chapman, W. M. Feldspar twin- .203,205,206 ning in a differentiatedsill... 33 and Bufler, R. D. Tech- Chlorite, third study of. (W'inchell) nique for construction of ...194,642 models illustrating arrange- Claudetite, occurrence in Imperial ment and packing of atoms in Valley, Calif. (Kelley) . 137 crystals. 150 Cleavage of ionic minerals. (Shap- and Lukesh,J. S. Prepara- pell). ..75,390 tion of oriented polished sec- ClevelandMineralogical Society. 461 tions of smallsinglecrystals.. 667 Clinoferrosilite.(Bowen) .... ... 678 Buie, B. F.. L97 Coats, R. R. Aguilarite from Com- Burri, C.. 269 stock lode,Virginia City, Nev. 532 Bustamite from Inyo Co., Calif. Complication,law of. (Buerger).. 702 (Murdoch, Webb). 69 Cordierite, optically positive, in tlll., Butler, J. Jr. Origin of emery Kisseyenew gneiss at Sherri- depositsnear Peekskill, N.Y. 537 don, Manitoba. (Rutherford) 386 with Buerger, M. J. Tech- Cristobalite. 689 nique for construction of mod- Crystal forms, 47 or 48 possible? els illustrating arrangement (Boldyrev) 731 and packing of atoms in crys- Cubanite, crystal structure of. tals.. 150 (Buerger). 205 Buttgenbach, H. Les min6raux et Cubanite from Sudbury, Ontario. les roches,6tudes pratiques de (Peacock,Yatsevitch). 55 cristallographie, p6trographie Cummingtonite from the Black et min6ralogie. [Book reviewl 2II Hills, S. Dakota. (Wayland). 607 Bytownite, optical data and Currier, L. W. Memorial of C. H. analysis. zLg Richardson. ........ 178 JOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 821 Cyclic permutation of crystallo- Dowie,D. L..... 268 graphic axes.(Peacock) . 136 Drugman,J. L. E.. 6t2 Dunham, K. C, Xenoliths in the Dana, E. S., memorial of. (Ford). 173 Organ batholith, N. Mexico. 312 Danburite, melting of. (Morey, Ingerson). 194 Edingtonites, substituted, *-raY Davis, H. T. with Ilentlerson, E. P. examination of. (TaYlor). 140 Moore County, N. Carolina, Edmundson, R. Phosphaticcon- meteorite-Aneweucrite.... 215 cretions near Junction CitY, DeJong,W. F. and Delange, J. J. Ky..... 529 X-ray study of pucherite.. 809 Ellestad, R. B. with Bowen, N. L. DeLange,J. J. with DeJong,W. F. Nepheline contrasts. JOJ Pucherite. 809 Emery deposits near Peekskillt De Leenheer,L.. 270 N.Y., origin of. (Butler)' . ' 537 Denn.rr,M.V... ........ 197 Emigh, G. D. Improved Vander- Devitrified felsite dikes ffom wilt rock saw. 670 Ascutney Mt., Vermont. Epidote from Westfield, Mass' (Balk,Krieger).. 516 (Palache). 652 Deweylite. .467,496 Epistilbite from Bedford, N.Y. Dickite in Missouri. (Tarr, Keller) (Pough) 264 . 109,195 Essaide d6termination des propri- Dickite from St. Louis, Missouri. 6t6soptiques d'un mindral Par (Allen). 457 la mesure,en lumiDreParallele Dielectric coostant of mineral oblique. des retards en dif- 115 powders. @osenholtz, Smith) f6rents points d'une lame Differentiated igneous intrusion, cristalline. (M6lon) [Review] 331 peculiarform of. (Buie) .... t97 Eulysites and related rock-tYPes Diopsides from southern Cali- from Loch Duich, Ross-shire. (Merriam, fornia. Lauder- (Tilley). 268 milk).. 715 morphological descrip- Diopside, Faust, G. T. Fusion relations of and analysis.(Peacock). 318 tion of iron-orthoclase, with dis- 193 Diopside. cussion of the evidence for the T. A. Rapid microscopic Dodge, existelce of an iron-orthoclase for distinguishing method molecule in feldsPar. 735 quartz from untwinned oligo- Feldspar,replacing fossils. (String- clase-andesine 531 ham).. 200 Dolomites,castellated, from Major Feldspar twinning in a differenti- Co. Okla.(Merritt).... 604 ated sill. (ChaPman)- 33 Donnay, J, D. H. [Book review].. 211 L. W. Minerals in Bates and M6lon, Crystallog- Fisher, J. Lewiston, Maine molYbclo- limestone, raphy of ammonium 200,32L ditellurate. 250 CrystallograPhY of Fluorite-silica PseudomorPhs. (Mur<toch). 18 caesium molybdotellutates.. 299 E. S. CrystallograPhY of Ford, W. E. Memorial of L73 lithium molybtlotellurate..... 125 Dana.. -GanoPhYllite with Morse, E. W. OPtics Foshag, W. F. antl and structure of three-dimen- zincian amPhibole from 63 sionalspherulites.. .20L,39L Franklin Furnace,N.J.. '.... 822 TH E A M ERIC A N M I N ERA LOGIST Foshag, VI. f,'. and Woodford, A. O. Ifackmanite from Bancroft, Ont., Bentonitic rnagnesian clay- reversible photosensitivity in. minglal 238 (Lee).. 764 Fraser, D. M. Paleozoic pegmatites Ilaff, J. C. Igneous rock names and in the Pennsylvania highlands 662 their evaluation..... 427 Frondel, C. Orientetl inclusions of 197 tourmaline in muscovite. 1i, Elatton, J. II. An inexpensive table Fuller's earth of bentonitic origin forpolishingores..... 800 from Tehachapi, Calif. (Kerr, Hawkins. A. C. Calcite twins from Cameron). 230 N. Plainfield,N.J.. .. .204,809 Book of minerals. [Book Ganophyllite and zincian amphi- reviewl . 74 bole from I'ranklin Furnace, Henderson, E. P. and Davis, II. T. N.J. @oshag) 63 Moore County, N. Carolina, Germanium,test for. 383 meteorite-Anew eucrite... 215 Glass,J. J... .. .199,201 and Glass, J. J. Pyroxman- with lfenderson, E. p. gite, new locality, and identity Pyroxmangite, new localityl of sobralite and pyroxmangite 273 identity of sobralite and pyrox- Herzenberg,R...... 270 mangite 273 Herzenbergite(kolbeckine). (Ram- Goddard,E.N... .... ... 199 dohr). 677 Gabbro near Philadelphia,Penna., Hess, I[. If. with Phillips, A. H. alterationof. (Watson)...... 2OO Metamorphic difierentiation Godlevsky,M. N.. 269 at contacts between serpentin- Gold and silver in the crystalline ite and siliceous countqrrocks 333 rocks of the Malvern Hills. 194.198 (Brammall,Dowie). .. ..... 268 Ho, T. L.. 214 Gonyer, F. A. with Larsen, E. S., Hobbs,W- H. Book review. ... 676 Irving, J., and Larsen, E. S. Holmes,R.J.... ........ 202 3rd. Peuologic results of a Honess,A. P. Book review.. 676 study of the minerals from the Howell, D. E. with Kennard, T. G. Tertiary rocks of the San Spectrographic examination

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