* TODAY: SWAPO CC MEE"FS THIS WEEKEND * FARMERS WARNED TO, BE AlERT * SUPER SPORT * c • Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.500 R1.00 (GST Inc.) Tuesday February 111992 AIl ti -apartheid REGULAR patrols are to be instituted on the road between Tsumeb and Oshivelo after a petrol bomb was thrown at a minibus early on Saturday morning. , Accor ding to a radio report, nobody was injured sanctions still in the incident which took place at around 02hOO. Apparently two motor cyclists and a car, driven by a white man, overtook the minibus. The report also quoted a police spokesperson as saying that a motor cyclist had been arrested on Sunday for being under the influence of liquor. The radio report said further that leaflets warning against the rightwing A WB had been distributed in hitting Namibia the Tsumeb area over the weekend. These included the states of ~--------~================-, === STAFF REPORTER Maine, Oregon and West Vir­ - SOME of the USA's biggest cities and most ginia, as well as the cities of Denver, Colorado and Palo Alto, important states have still not lifted anti-apart­ California. heid sanctions against Namibia, the Ministry The Ministry noted'that af­ of Foreign Affairs revealed yesterday. ter "constructive" discussions with the Maryland authorities Included in the Ministry's and its illegal occupation of in January this year, the pass­ list of city and state govern­ Namibia. ing of a bill removing all sanc­ ments in the US that have kept The Ministry said one of the tions against Namibia is ex­ up sanctions are the cities of objectives of the Ministry of ' pected in "the very near fu­ New York, Miami, Atlanta, Foreign Affairs is to point out ture". Boston, and Washington DC, the errors of continued sanc­ as well as many smaller cities. tions to governments in the Further Namibian Ambas­ Four states - California, USA and ask them to lift the sador Kalomoh testified in late Maryland, Minnesota and Mas­ measures. January this year before sachusetts - are still imposing • 'This campaign is being the District of Columbia's sanctions. spearheaded by the Namibian Committee on Consumer and Sanctions were passed against Ambassador to the USA, Tu­ Regulatory Affairs to have Namibia during the colonial liameni Kalomoh," the Minis­ anti-Namibian sanctions re­ era as part of a worldwide try said in a statement. scinded. campaign of economic exclu- ' The Ministry also listed 16 A bill to this effect is ex­ sion against South Africa to local and state governments pected to be passed before protest its apartheid policies that bad lifted sanctions in 1991. Match 1992, 1be MinistrY adde<l Fate of Ehafo workers on hold JOSEPH MOTINGA DISABLED people evicted from Ehafo in the wake of its conversion to a train­ ing centre have been urged HOPING FOR A BETTER FUTURE ... One of the to keep cool as negotia­ 50 000 orphans and abandoned children left by An­ tions over their future gola's 16-year civil war. A high-level delegation of UN continue. experts left for Angola over th~ weekend to help design The plea was made during an emergency education programme for children hit by , talks last week between the the 16-year civil war. See story, page 3. v ,;""<, Miriistry of Resettlement and Rehabilitation, the Management of Ehafo and some of the dis­ warned ~: abled at the centre of the row. Fanners Deputy minister Marcus Shivutesaid yesterday he had after two armed robberies~.> not been informed that dis­ abled people at Ehafo would THE Namibian Police have warned farmers to be ob­ be dropped. servant and extremely cautious following armed rob .~ , .. V As far as he was aware, the beries at farms recently. "! " management of Ehafo had The robberies took place at a farm near Otjiwarongo and in the decided on the change as a Khomashochland. matter of economic necessity. A police spokesperson mnounced yesterday that a Mr Hofmann, He had been sUIprised to find 82, was robbed of moTC? than R2 000 in cash at his farm, Paresis, To page 2 ,To page 2 - ._--- ----_.----------------------------------, district last year. * In another incident on Two die FARMERS Tuesday, five men armed with from page 1 pistols ransacked the home­ stead of the Farm Verdwaal, in weekend· about 52 km south-west of about 80 km from Windhoek Otjiwarongo. on the }Chomashochland The spokesperson said road. accidents Hofmann was alone on his farm The men pretended to be last Tuesday when he was at­ Post Office employees repair­ THREE people died un­ tacked by two men who en­ ing telephones. They then naturally over the week­ tered his house through a win­ opened the gates of the secu­ dow. rity fencing. end and items worth more They threatened him with a Workers at the farm were than RSOO 000 were stolen knobkierie and a shot was fired held at gunpoint and locked up countrywide, the Namib­ to frighten him before he was in a toilet before the robbers ian Police reported yes­ forced to unlock all his cu'p~ stole a revolver, ammunition terday. boards and his farm shop. and a video recorder. * Dennis Sheetekela was Apparently the two were Anyone who has any infor­ killed instantly on Thurs­ looking for firearms, but could mation which could lead to the day when two cars collided not find any. arrest of these armed crimi­ near Okahandja. The modus operandi of the nals, should contact Chief * Dawid van Rheenen, 65, robbers was similar to that of Inspector Marius Visser at (061) was killed on Friday in a criminals who robbed and killed 225881 or the nearest police head-on collision between farmers in the Otjiwarongo station. Aminuis and Corridor. OFF TO STUDY ... Albius Mwiya (left) receiving his air ticket from Judy Matjila of Clara Balzer, 20, was seri­ the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. See story below. matter. ously injured in the same Another urgent problem was accident. EHAFO that of disabled persons housed * A woman was beaten to from page 1 at the Sunny Day Centre in }Chomasdai, said Shivute. death at Oshakati on Fri­ German support for They were also facing evic­ day. that some of those conc&ned tion, as the Education Minis­ Several cases of attempted had been told to leave Ehafo try, which owns the property, murder are also being in­ two young Namibians without being advised of alter­ needed the complex to accom­ vestigated by the police. native employment. modate disabled children. Goods valued at R517 577 Shivute said that during last Shivute said aninter-minis­ were stolen countrywide THE Friedrich Ebert ies leading to a Masters degree presented Albius Mwiya with week's meeting the Ministry terial committee, which was over the weekend. Foundation last week pre­ in Co-operative Economics at an air ticket to Germany. His had asked Ehafo' s management established last year to look The stolen items included sented scholarships to two the Marburg University are colleague Jonathan Steytler bad to hold fire on the evictions, into the problem, had agreed 10 motor vehicles with a Namibian students to fur­ Albius Mwiya and Jonathan already left for. Germany to Steytler. until Cabinet came up with an that no one should be removed combined value of more than ther their studies in eco­ take up his studies. The course includes three alternative solution. He said from the Sunny Day Centre R160000. nomics in Germany. Speaking at the ceremony, Cabinet would be infonned and until alternative accommoda­ Nine vehicles were stolen practical phases whereby two Matjila said the foundation was asked for an opinion on the tion had been arranged. 'The Foundation grants scho­ must be completed at any in­ committed to assisting young in Windhoek. larhips to around 10-15 stu­ stitution or bank in Germany, people to further their studies dents from Africa, Asia and while the third must be com­ for the benefit oftheir country. Latin America every four years pleted in the student's country "We shall always endeavour THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERN CHURCH IN NAMIBIA for post-graduate studies in of origin. to do our share towards Na­ Gennany. At a ceremony last Thurs­ mibia with.regard to the devel­ has vacncies for the following positions. The two Namibian students day, Friedrich Ebert Founda­ opment of its hmnan resowt:es," 1 . Education consultantslteachers (2) ..' awarded scholarships for stud- tion project officer Judy Matjila she added. to,be based in West Bushmanland West Caprivi Ex-san soldiers ,------------------------------------------------------ re'settleme~t and rehabilitation projects. , .'~ The ideal candidates should be in position of a degree/diploma teaching qualification plus appropriate teaching experiences, REPUBLIC OF excellent communication skills mlanguages and ability to give NAMIBIA tuition to adults and school going children among th,e sans communities. He/she will be responsible for training local facilitaters, prepare teaching materials, supervising initial pre­ OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER schools classes, supervising and running of literacy classes. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ON 2. Nutritionist (1) COMMERCIAL FARMLAND He/She shall be based in West Bushmanland (Mangetti Dune). The successfull candidate will be expected to be a qualified Cabinet has appointed a Technical Committee on Commercial Fannland (TCCF) to investigate nutritionalist and has practical experiences in working with some of the consensus resolutions adopted by the Land Reform Conference in 1991. people especially women and children. He/She will be . The Technical Committee on Commercial Fannland (TCCF) is tasked to look into the responsible for motivating, organising and conduct nutritional following: and health education programmes among the san communities, as well as collecting nutritional data including children (a) Assemble data available from Govemment, institutional and academic sources on: malnutrition. * underutilised land, absentee ownership, multiple ownership of farms and actual farm sizes.; Nurse (1) * environmental factors affecting commercial farming, inparticular constraints such as He/She will be based in West Caprivi (Bagani) and degradation; The ideal candidate is expected to be a qualified nurse with the * eConomic factors determining the viability of farm enterprises at ability to train community/village health workers.
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