14 THE MORNING OR EGO XIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1917. INTERESTING PEOPLE AND SCENES AT OPENING FOOTBALL GAME. BEAVERS TO MEET " - ct-w " -- - 8- - e"" """ " - ygy. ::K.ngtxm .jnnu-wc- ikHmiw ijn.n. ntammw - - I -- . - - . i TIGER CREW TODAY My Motto-- With Two Days of Rest Port- Cut out the high rent and land Players in Good put value into the clothes. Shape for Clash. sH n ) JAMES TO TAKE MOUND MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S - - and -- SUITS, loval Announces That He Will r - j jr-- Start Cook In Initial Contest. X aZSJ RAINCOATS, Sutherland Would Be With Xext Year. OVERCOATS S20 Portland Pacific Comnt Leaxue Standlnr. ORIGINAL w. I.. Pet. w. u Pet. Fan Frn. .. SO Portland. .. 83 8P. .510 RSTfllRS J, r. a nit-I- ts !.", M .5411 Oakland .84 :i tall Lake. u: TU .031; Vernon 7:! lt6 .404 CLOTHIER ; Yesterday's Result. t Oakland Salt Lake 3. Oakland 4. At T as Angeles Loa Angelfca 4, Fran- IffM cisco 2. tin At Portland No same; Vernon traveling. - " -- UJ, : .- JAMES RICHARDSON. ' ' , F A .UIJ J. - - - - . '.-- .. r ' - K y.- f- The failure of the Vernon baseball V ;M . - team to arrive from the south yester- t' iX, in i , - v day time for their scheduled clash . .... - , v ' PANTAGE5 with the Beavers precluded any chance the Beavers had of stepping forward fSgsMPrJFT CORNER FROM " 1 :' In the percentage column and inci- ilSfL'tf-rtrT'-L- ''f PANT AGES THEATER dentally brought forth the announce- ment that there will be a double-head- er at the Vaughn-stre- et lot next Saturday, 1 Arrow Points to "Iudice" Brown, of Frasklli, CarrylnB Ball for Thirty Yards Around Commerce's Rleht End. Note the Tremendous Effort Robert tarting at 1 :30 o'clock. Meyer, of Commerce. Is Making; to Block the Run. 3 Umpire George Berts. Referee Arthur Stubllng. Head Linesman George A. Anderson. While the boys were at ease the 3 Commerce Rooters. Left o Right, Fay C'urtright. Esther Faust and Fern Boucher. f.:.. Oaks gave Salt Lake a trimming Fair t and the Angels managed to pull the Seals down the ladder a few pegs, all Goal kicks, Badley 2. Brown 2. through. The rest of the card is: of which tends to make Beaver fans Substitutes First quarter, (Commerce), Charley Davidson vs. Joe Hoff and Ray uL Moy for Penson. Penson for A. Wagner. Joyf FRANKLIN IS WINNER Second quarter (Commerce), Munger for TROTTER SETS MARK Leonard vs. Billy Ryan or some other FRIENDS Double-heade- rs are a thorn in the Bradley, Rutherford for Fisher. BOXING managers Bide of the and players, but, Third quarter (Franklin) Pritchard for rans PAR-EXCELLEN- spectator's standpoint, they are Thompson. Tucker for Badley. Pickering for from a Poulsen. Deere val for Peaxe; (Commerce) TEAMS TO VIE very much appreciated, especially if the Johnson for Slunger. Munger for Penson. Beavers are on a winning streak and Penson for Rogoway. have a team to battle that is "meat" Fourth quarter (Franklin) Thompson for Hood River and White Salmon Will Tigers were High School of Is Prichard. Badley for Tucker, Poulsen for Miss Bertha Dillon Wins Fu- World Series Battle Takes Up Friday Night for them like the the last Commerce Pickering, Peake for Deere val, Stearns for Clash on Gridiron Friday. time they collided at Vernon, where Thomas, McCormack Tor Gtllis. Reed for the Beavers won seven of the nine Swamped, 64 to 0. McCormack, McCormack for Reed, Campbell turity for HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 25. (Spe- Fans' Interest. games played. for McCormack; (Commerce) Wong for Col- cial.) The Hood River High School Baker Two successive days of rest ought to lison. Dering for Devennia, Penson for Theater an amount of "pep" into Meyer football team will participate in the (BROADWAY) inject unusual OfHcials Referee, Arthur C. Stubllng; um- first interscholastlc the Beavers and put them on edge for pire, George Bertz; head linesman, William ROUNDS the week's series. Smyth; linesmen, Cooke (Franklin), Tessler WORK WONDERFUL league game Friday, when it will meet SOX CONTINUE FAVORITES 6 6 "Lefty" James is due to start the "PUDGE" BROWN IS STAR (Commerce); timekeepers. Burton (Washing- HORSE'S the White Salmon High School team on GLOVES. any- ton), Beich (Lincoln). Scorers. Alexander Gibson field here. Although the local fireworks today and if he works Brown (Telegram), Frank Bartholomew Rose City School of Boxing where near as good as he did last time (Oregonlan). team has felt the effect of enlistments should subdue the "firebrand" of a number of its former star players, out he recent practice games and his crew. Quarterback STADIUM OFFERED TO ARMY Two Xew have showu skill ' Honeyman, Charles 3iyers, III, owned by G. B. Jennlson, of Blaine, The arrival of the Tigers without a for Victorious Eleven World's Records Made in on the part of new men. Dave Wash., first; Hyas Cull Chickamun, eouthpaw is a very pleasing incident Scores Four Out of Ten Touch- American Horsebreedcrs' Fu- The team is coached by Professor Tige" Reynolds, Bill Cuddy, Ed owned by Mort Howe, .Tacoma, second; to Manager McCredie. Frank Decan-nier- re Marathon Kaco and Football Con- George Mclntyre, who for two years Helen Danstone, owned by D. P. Ewen, is shouldering a gun eomewhere downs Losers' Line Proves turity Early Dreams Cap- was principal of the Camas, Wash., Werlein and Others Go on Rec- Portland, third. in . But Stovall has a formidable tests to Be Staged. High SchooL Four dogs for the second series were right-hande- rs Be tures Buckeye as for or Against. array of in Art Fromme, to Vulnerable. TACOMA, Sept. 25. As the result of Stake. ord run braced as follows: Helen Danstone Jack Quinn. Roy Mitchell and a young- Evelyn Sears Wins at Long wood. with Steamboat Bill, Cyclone Danstone named Cook from the fcjan An- a conference betweet the Stadium ster G. ath- with Joe Ferris. Three braces of the League. Board and T. Cook, director of BOSTON, Sept. 25. Miss Evelyn all-ag- tonio Club of the Texas e stake were thrown off and will "I will start Cook in the first game letics at Camp Lewis, the board de- Sears, champion, defeated Sox continue to Interscholastlc Leacue Standing. COLUMBUS, Sept. 25. One of the 0, The Chicago White be finished today. against the Beavers." said Manager place at the dis- Miss Eleanora R. Sears, 3, in the night. a big right- W. - Pet. cided to the stadium richest cards of the present Grand Cir- be big favorites with tne ortiana Stovall last "He is Franklin Hirt l o 1000 posal of the Army free of charge. The meeting was today, third- round of women's singles in the sashay 3 ADMITTED hander who was highly recommended High School of Commerce 0 1 .ooo 13, Novem- cuit raced here and patriotic lawn tennis tournament at the baseball fans in their coming 62 NEW MEMBERS Lincoln High o O .ooo dates granted were October $17,000 purses was to me and has been with the club for 17 Thanksgiving day. before the in stake Longwood Cricket Club today. with John McGraw's New. York Giants. two weeks. Hilt Aiil.ta.ry Academy O 0 .ooo ber and entirely distributed the spectators saw Beavers and Tigers restea benson Polytechnic o O .ooo The first date is the day that the some two While the Amateur Athletic Club Is Waging "Meusel, a brother of 'Irish Meusel. Washington High o O .OOO be wonderful trottin miles and yesterday Portland fans continued to O Whitman College football team will hung up. of the Los Angeles club, will play Jefferson High o .ooo "Walla new world's records forcast their opinions on tne cuimuu Vigorous Campaign. Beavers are Columbia. University' o O .ooo brought here from Walla and Miss Bertha Dillon won the American xirst. I don't think the James John High o 0 .ooo the second will probably see Army and ST. LOUIS BEATS GIANTS world series battle, as follows: meeting 19 going to walk away with this series." Horsebreeders Futurity for Chicago Sox. An enthusiastic of the Franklin Hih School .completely Navy squads in action. trotters in the fastest three heats ever Dave Honeyman White teams of the big membership campaign the Portland outclassed the High School of Com- On Thanksgiving day Captain Cook age any Charles Myers Sox in a walk. "Sua" Sutherland. merce stage a race raced by horses of her and Dick Carlon White Sox. being launched this month by the youngster, who was with Tacoma in the in the opening- game of the intends to Marathon from sex. She also equaled the world's Kenneth Norris Looks like an even break. Amateur Athletic Club was Northwestern League for two seasons 1917 football season yesterday, and Camp Lewis to the stadium. This will GOODWIN'S VICTORY CLINCHES Barry Smith New York Giants. Multnomah trotting recori. of 2:03, white-hos- e noon break and went to Sioux City when the won by a score of 64 to 0. "Pudge" be a relay race between the different now Jointly by Volo her- Charlie Grafe Me for the boys. held yesterday at in the half-mil- held Peter and THIRD FOR CARDINALS. every fast-roo- m Northwestern League "blew," re- Brown. Franklin's famous regiments, consisting of a e self, and broke the trotting Howard Farrell Giants time, of the Hotel Oregon, where, home yesterday and visited the athlete, carried off the honors of the run for each man and winding up with nrrv FlRphsr White Sox win or the luncheon, members were called turned day, scoring- filly record made here last week by printing business goes on the "fritz." after McCredies.
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