Cooperative Extension Service Ornamentals and Flowers Nov. 1999 OF-29 Liriope, the “Other” Mondo Grass Jay Deputy, Department of Horticulture everal varieties of Liriope species, a grass-like it is impractical to establish and maintain grasses. S groundcover very similar in use and appearance to The growth habit of the various types of liriope is its close cousins the mondo grasses (Ophiopogon sp.), determined by the growth pattern of their root systems. were introduced into the southeastern USA from Japan Both rhizomatous (spreading) types and caespitose and other Asian areas about 150 years ago. Many new (clump-forming) types exist in each species. varieties of liriope have since been developed and are Two species of liriope are in common use. Liriope now widely used in landscapes of temperate and tropi­ muscari , whose species name has recently been changed cal regions. Several varieties of liriope are just begin­ to platyphylla, has many popular varieties consisting ning to make an impact in landscapes in Hawaii. mostly of clumping types and several spreading types. Liriopes, and to a lesser degree the mondo grasses, (At present, the muscari species designation is still the are fertile and hybridize freely. Therefore it is not sur­ most commonly used name in the trade.) Liriope spicata prising to find variability within what is accepted as a has fewer varieties in common use, most of which are single species. It is also very likely that some cultivars the spreading type. Unlike mondo grass, both species of of liriope are present in the trade under incorrect names. Liriope produce colorful, showy flowers. The nomenclature is constantly changing, and the buyer The aggressive, spreading types of liriope are used should be aware of possible confusion in the identifica­ to rapidly fill large sunny areas in much the same manner tion of some liriopes. as mondo grass is used in large shady areas. Clumping Liriope, commonly called “lily turf,” is not a grass types of liriope are used as borders or in plantings where but, like the mondo grasses, a member of the lily fam­ different varieties are meant to be permanently separated ily. Compared to mondo grass, liriopes have thicker, from each other or from other species of plantings in the more tuberous roots and are more cold-hardy. Like area. Clumping types of liriope can be used to add tex­ mondo grass, liriopes are very drought tolerant but grow ture to perennial and shrub borders where minimal main­ best when the soil is kept moist and well drained. The tenance is required, such as around swimming pools. individual plants grow in clumps that consist of many long, slender basal leaves. Liriope tends to form taller Preparation of planting area and fuller clumps than mondo grass, with average heights Lirope grows best under slightly acidic soil conditions of 16–20 inches. (pH around 6). New beds or bor­ Liriopes are desirable land­ ders for liriope should be properly scape plants because they survive prepared to ensure rapid establish­ in a wide range of environmental ment. To minimize weed problems, conditions. Most varieties of liriope use the “stale seedbed” technique. will tolerate hot, dry conditions Force weed growth by applying a 1 better than most shrubs, ground­ complete fertilizer at a rate of ⁄2 covers, and grasses. Some of the pound nitrogen per 1000 square variegated types are good substi­ feet and watering the area well for tutes for grasses in the dense shade one or two weeks to encourage beneath large trees. Liriopes can be weed germination and growth. Kill established on steep slopes where Liriope muscari ‘Majestic’, a shade­ the weeds with a contact, systemic loving, clumping type. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. H. Michael Harrington, Interim Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. OF-29 Liriope, the “Other” Mondo Grass CTAHR — Nov. 1999 herbicide such as RoundUp® or Finale®. Within 7–10 bicide Goal® (oxyfluorfen) causes more severe damage days after spraying, the weeds will die. Then, prepare to lirope and should be avoided. Any root suppression the seedbed by adding well composted organic soil caused by the application of a preemergence herbicide amendments and another application of the complete is not as severe if the roots and rhizomes of the new fertilizer. Till them into the soil to a depth of 5–6 inches. plantings are well covered by the soil and do not come Level the area and water again to encourage any remain­ in direct contact with the herbicide applied after plant­ ing weeds to germinate, and kill the new weeds with ing. It is, therefore, important not to disturb the newly herbicide. The area should now be relatively free of most planted area for several weeks. Once the planting thick­ weeds, and the soil is ready for transplanting the liriope. ens and closes, it shades the open ground surface where Avoid further cultivation that might bring new weed weeds sprout, thus eliminating many problem annual seeds up to the soil surface. weeds. It usually takes several years to completely fill in an average liriope planting. Transplanting the liriope In Hawaii, Liriope spicata grows throughout the year Liriope is normally established vegetatively in Hawaii but is more prolific during the summer months. Liriope and is usually purchased in gallon- or quart-sized con­ muscari and its cultivars make most of their growth in tainers. Gardeners often divide established plantings by spring and early summer. It is therefore best to trans­ digging up and separating the clumps with a knife, a plant in late winter to early spring so that the developing process that can be laborious. An easier method is to root system has a better chance to become established. rinse the soil from the roots with a stream of water. Indi­ vidual plants can then be separatead from the clump, Cultural practices and they should be planted immediately. Transplant in The fleshy, tuberous root system of liriope gives it a staggered rows at intervals of 12–16 inches if establish­ very good tolerance of full sun and drought conditions. ing a spreading type over a large area. The slower-grow­ However, water management is critical for optimum ing, clump-forming varieties are planted at intervals of growth. Best results are produced when the soil is well 6–10 inches, depending on the mature clump size. Closer drained and kept consistently moist but not soggy. spacing results in more rapid cover, and some cultivars In landscape plantings, most established liropes will spread more aggressively than others. In all cases, do live indefinitely without supplemental fertilization. How­ not plant the crowns too deeply but make sure all of the ever, best growth is obtained with regular, light fertilizer roots and rhizomes are well covered by gently pressing applications from February through September, calculated the soil in around them. to maintain color and appearance but not to promote ex­ The rhizomatous or spreading-type plants can be cessive growth. Fertilizers should be high in nitrogen and reproduced by dividing and planting pieces of rhizome. either slow-release or organic formulations; well decom­ In old plants of all varieties, the crown grows down­ posed (“finished”) compost is also suitable. Liriope ward and resembles a corn cob. These “cobs” can be cut crowns can be injured by readily soluble fertilizers. 1 off and planted. Sections of this crown tissue smaller An annual topdressing of ⁄2 inch of compost spread than a pencil eraser may be successfully used as lightly throughout the entire bed helps promote lateral propagules. The new growth will be slow from such spread of the rhizomes and provides beneficial micro­ small seedpieces, but this is a very efficient propagation nutrients and slowly released amounts of nitrogen. This method. is particularly beneficial during the first several grow­ After the entire area has been transplanted, apply a ing seasons and will shorten the time required to reach preemergence herbicide and water the soil as specified full coverage for spreading varieties. on the herbicide label. This will keep any surviving weed The incidence of both disease and insect problems seeds from germinating during the establishment period. can be reduced by mowing or pruning the old foliage in Under certain conditions, some granular preemergence late winter, especially if the cut leaves are removed. The herbicides, notably Ronstar®, have a phytotoxic effect only restriction on pruning or trimming is to accomplish on lirope foliage. This is a cosmetic injury that may be it before new growth buds begin to develop. This can be minimized by immediately washing the granules from observed by looking down into the clump after separat­ the foliage with a spray of water. The preemergence her­ ing the foliage. Although the cut ends of the leaves may 2 OF-29 CommonlyLiriope, the used “Other” types Mondo ofGrass liriope CTAHR — Nov. 1999 Spreading liriopes Liriope muscari Solid green leaves 15 inches long; flowers not very showy. (common type) L. muscari Solid green leaves 15 inches long; vigorous; lilac blooms; full sun to deep ‘Tidwell’s Big Blue’ shade (not to be confused with the clumping type ‘Big Blue’). L. muscari Dark green foliage 15 inches long; vigorous; outstanding, pink flowers; ‘Samantha’ early-spring bloomer.
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