New Hampshire Hydrography Dataset: Fourth Order and Higher Streams Document Overview January, 2008 This document contains a summary of fourth order and higher streams in New Hampshire, based on the 1:24,000-Scale New Hampshire Hydrography Dataset (NHHD). The NHHD is archived in the GRANIT database at Complex Systems Research Center, University of New Hampshire. Description of worksheets in this document: Summary by GNIS Name: Summarizes stream length by GNIS name (Geographic Names Information System, from the U.S. Geological Survey). Please note that multiple streams across the state may have the same name. In these cases, the GNIS ID uniquely identifies individual streams. Stream length totals are therefore based on GNIS ID. Addionally, there are occurrences where streams did not receive a GNIS name. These streams could not be uniquely identified, and therefore were summarized as a group (Unnamed Stream/River). Summary by Stream Order: Summarizes stream length by stream order. Summary by Town Name: Summarizes stream length by town name. Process Steps: Describes GIS process used to extract data required to generate these summaries. Complex Systems Research Center On line mapping available at NH GRANIT Data Mapper: University of New Hampshire http://mapper.granit.unh.edu http://www.granit.unh.edu (select Water Resources theme) 1 New Hampshire Hydrography Dataset: Fourth Order and Higher Streams Summary by Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Name January, 2008 GNIS* ID GNIS* Name Stream Order Town Name Stream Length (ft) 00865195 Academy Brook 4 Loudon 5,920.5 00865195 Total 5,920.5 00865234 Ames Brook 4 Ashland 135.7 00865234 Total 135.7 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 5 Bath 52,284.4 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 5 Haverhill 800.9 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 5 Landaff 5,370.2 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 5 Lisbon 35,203.5 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 4 Bethlehem 64,625.7 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 4 Carroll 53,088.7 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 4 Crawfords Purchase 8,340.9 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 4 Lisbon 9,386.6 00871393 Ammonoosuc River 4 Littleton 34,890.1 00871393 Total 263,991.0 00871297 Andrew Brook 4 Newbury 5,437.7 00871297 Total 5,437.7 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Berlin 32,776.9 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Cambridge 17,362.7 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Dummer 48,903.6 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Errol 66,701.9 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Gorham 31,797.6 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Milan 33,901.2 00580918 Androscoggin River 6 Shelburne 47,006.6 00580918 Androscoggin River 5 Cambridge 12,089.1 00580918 Androscoggin River 5 Errol 57,581.4 00580918 Total 348,121.0 00865267 Ash Swamp Brook 4 Keene 15,226.9 00865267 Ash Swamp Brook 4 Swanzey 1,374.7 00865267 Total 16,601.6 00865272 Ashuelot River 6 Hinsdale 15,349.9 00865272 Ashuelot River 6 Keene 3,972.1 00865272 Ashuelot River 6 Swanzey 51,436.1 00865272 Ashuelot River 6 Winchester 67,074.5 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Gilsum 35,374.3 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Keene 39,468.7 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Lempster 5,903.8 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Marlow 45,268.0 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Sullivan 845.1 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Surry 41,065.3 00865272 Ashuelot River 5 Washington 34,761.8 00865272 Ashuelot River 4 Lempster 4,457.6 00865272 Ashuelot River 4 Washington 1,473.9 00865272 Total 346,451.1 00865299 Baboosic Brook 4 Amherst 3,909.2 00865299 Baboosic Brook 4 Bedford 5,964.8 00865299 Baboosic Brook 4 Merrimack 55,317.6 00865299 Total 65,191.6 On line mapping available at NH GRANIT Data Mapper: Complex Systems Research Center http://mapper.granit.unh.edu University of New Hampshire (select Water Resources theme) http://www.granit.unh.edu 1 00865324 Bailey Brook 4 Stoddard 4,755.5 00865324 Total 4,755.5 00871424 Baker River 5 Plymouth 29,893.3 00871424 Baker River 5 Rumney 56,171.3 00871424 Baker River 5 Wentworth 5,238.6 00871424 Baker River 4 Warren 34,378.1 00871424 Baker River 4 Wentworth 34,401.5 00871424 Total 160,082.8 00865433 Bean River 4 Nottingham 3,040.4 00865433 Total 3,040.4 00865437 Bear Brook 4 Allenstown 14,340.5 00865437 Total 14,340.5 00871469 Bearcamp River 5 Ossipee 31,014.5 00871469 Bearcamp River 5 Sandwich 602.3 00871469 Bearcamp River 5 Tamworth 47,013.5 00871469 Bearcamp River 4 Sandwich 35,238.8 00871469 Total 113,869.1 00865462 Beard Brook 5 Hillsborough 4,308.8 00865462 Beard Brook 4 Hillsborough 42,828.7 00865462 Beard Brook 4 Washington 2,997.8 00865462 Total 50,135.3 00865473 Beaver Brook 4 Charlestown 2,262.6 00865473 Total 2,262.6 00865479 Beaver Brook 4 Derry 6,337.6 00865479 Beaver Brook 4 Hudson 4,201.3 00865479 Beaver Brook 4 Londonderry 21,606.6 00865479 Beaver Brook 4 Pelham 46,732.5 00865479 Beaver Brook 4 Windham 20,833.8 00865479 Total 99,711.8 00865480 Beaver Brook 4 Amherst 20,700.1 00865480 Total 20,700.1 00865481 Beaver Brook 5 Keene 689.8 00865481 Total 689.8 00865521 Beech River 4 Ossipee 9,321.2 00865521 Total 9,321.2 00865533 Bellamy River 4 Dover 37,521.9 00865533 Bellamy River 4 Durham 191.8 00865533 Bellamy River 4 Madbury 26,995.8 00865533 Bellamy River 4 Newington 1,482.4 00865533 Total 66,191.9 01920845 Bellows Falls Canal 7 Walpole 162.2 01920845 Total 162.2 00865581 Big River 4 Barnstead 12,791.4 00865581 Total 12,791.4 00865602 Bishop Brook 4 Clarksville 296.5 00865602 Bishop Brook 4 Stewartstown 3,621.5 00865602 Total 3,918.0 00865616 Black Brook 4 Goffstown 15,033.0 00865616 Black Brook 4 Manchester 19,122.0 00865616 Total 34,155.0 00865634 Black Pond Brook 4 Hillsborough 11,607.8 00865634 Black Pond Brook 4 Windsor 13,631.1 On line mapping available at NH GRANIT Data Mapper: Complex Systems Research Center http://mapper.granit.unh.edu University of New Hampshire (select Water Resources theme) http://www.granit.unh.edu 2 00865634 Total 25,238.9 01456453 Black River 5 Charlestown 267.3 01456453 Total 267.3 00619315 Blackwater River 4 Hampton 679.8 00619315 Blackwater River 4 Seabrook 12,986.4 00619315 Total 13,666.2 00865645 Blackwater River 5 Andover 43,192.9 00865645 Blackwater River 5 Hopkinton 8,392.2 00865645 Blackwater River 5 Salisbury 53,810.1 00865645 Blackwater River 5 Webster 67,683.4 00865645 Total 173,078.6 00865667 Bloods Brook 4 Lebanon 9,311.4 00865667 Bloods Brook 4 Plainfield 35,826.6 00865667 Total 45,138.0 00865694 Bog Brook 4 Stratford 10,850.1 00865694 Total 10,850.1 00865695 Bog Brook 4 Goffstown 10,966.0 00865695 Bog Brook 4 New Boston 15,419.5 00865695 Total 26,385.5 00865697 Bog Brook 4 Alexandria 1,264.0 00865697 Bog Brook 4 Bristol 4,680.8 00865697 Total 5,944.8 00865733 Bowers Brook 4 Acworth 41.8 00865733 Total 41.8 00865763 Branch River 4 Milton 6,466.4 00865763 Total 6,466.4 00871030 Branch, The 5 Keene 13,260.2 00871030 Total 13,260.2 01456575 Broad Brook 4 Hinsdale 394.3 01456575 Total 394.3 00865834 Brush Brook 4 Dublin 6,366.2 00865834 Total 6,366.2 00865854 Bumfagon Brook 4 Loudon 6,467.7 00865854 Total 6,467.7 00865885 Butler Brook 5 Marlow 489.8 00865885 Total 489.8 00866014 Carroll Stream 4 Whitefield 55.2 00866014 Total 55.2 00866026 Cascade Brook 4 Andover 4,851.3 00866026 Cascade Brook 4 Wilmot 9,543.2 00866026 Total 14,394.5 00866045 Cate Brook 6 Franklin 2,093.6 00866045 Total 2,093.6 00871109 Cedar Stream 4 Clarksville 81.2 00871109 Total 81.2 00866196 Clay Brook 4 Hampton 24.2 00866196 Clay Brook 4 Hampton Falls 42.3 00866196 Total 66.5 00866200 Clay Brook 4 Charlestown 11,021.0 00866200 Total 11,021.0 00866205 Clear Stream 4 Errol 32,174.8 00866205 Clear Stream 4 Millsfield 173.1 On line mapping available at NH GRANIT Data Mapper: Complex Systems Research Center http://mapper.granit.unh.edu University of New Hampshire (select Water Resources theme) http://www.granit.unh.edu 3 00866205 Total 32,347.9 00866233 Cocheco River 5 Dover 58,047.6 00866233 Cocheco River 5 Rochester 1,965.6 00866233 Cocheco River 4 Farmington 45,452.6 00866233 Cocheco River 4 Middleton 2,634.9 00866233 Cocheco River 4 New Durham 2,433.2 00866233 Cocheco River 4 Rochester 75,667.3 00866233 Total 186,201.2 00866238 Cockermouth River 4 Groton 14,019.1 00866238 Cockermouth River 4 Hebron 16,685.1 00866238 Total 30,704.2 00866247 Cohas Brook 4 Manchester 32,546.9 00866247 Total 32,546.9 00580989 Cold River 4 Chatham 4,515.3 00580989 Total 4,515.3 00866274 Cold River 5 Langdon 2,239.7 00866274 Cold River 5 Walpole 11,176.8 00866274 Cold River 4 Acworth 39,316.3 00866274 Cold River 4 Alstead 10,572.6 00866274 Cold River 4 Langdon 18,472.1 00866274 Cold River 4 Walpole 4,211.3 00866274 Total 85,988.8 00871710 Cold River 4 Sandwich 23,934.0 00871710 Total 23,934.0 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Chesterfield 31,930.8 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Hanover 41,992.2 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Hinsdale 24,375.3 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Lebanon 17,021.7 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Lyme 43,975.9 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Monroe 28.6 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Orford 41,933.7 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Piermont 22,404.5 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Walpole 51,244.2 00206425 Connecticut River 7 Westmoreland 51,682.9 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Bath 28,316.5 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Colebrook 10,247.4 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Columbia 55,630.3 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Dalton 37,844.7 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Haverhill 77,943.0 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Lancaster 66,893.0 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Littleton 93,957.9 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Monroe 54,587.9 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Northumberland 85,386.9 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Piermont 21,495.5 00206425 Connecticut River 6 Stratford 74,460.0 00206425 Connecticut River 5 Clarksville 56,504.8 00206425 Connecticut
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