September 14, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1717 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE BIRTHDAY OF MR. skies over Europe and Africa from 1943 to The Stone family has been an important ROBERT B. INGRAM, JR. 1944. During one mission against a group of part of California agriculture for over a century. German bombers, Green single-handedly de- It is for those reasons, that I extend my sin- HON. JO BONNER stroyed six aircraft. cerest appreciation for Mr. Stone’s dedication OF ALABAMA Green continued to serve in the newly es- and service and offer my heartfelt congratula- tablished U.S. Air Force until 1964. Among his tion for receiving the 2006 Kings County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES numerous decorations, he earned the Distin- Agriculturalist of the Year Award. Thursday, September 14, 2006 guished Service Cross, a Silver Star, and two f Distinguished Flying Crosses. Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to CONGRATULATING SCOTT TEW ON recognize Mr. Bob Ingram for his service to f HIS APPOINTMENT AT AMER- the state of Alabama as one of the most influ- HONORING BILL STONE ICAN STANDARD COMPANIES ential and respected political writers. AND HIS SERVICE TO WASH- At a celebration of his 80th birthday earlier INGTON COUNTY, ALABAMA this summer, State Treasurer Kay Ivey de- HON. JIM COSTA scribed Bob as an ‘‘Alabama Treasure.’’ OF CALIFORNIA HON. JO BONNER Throughout his career, he has used his skills IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ALABAMA as a journalist to make an important contribu- Thursday, September 14, 2006 tion toward building a better Alabama. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born in Centre, Alabama, in 1926, Bob Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, September 14, 2006 graduated from Cherokee County High School honor Mr. Bill Stone as the recipient of the Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and served with distinction in World War II as 2006 Kings County Agriculturalist of the Year commend Scott Tew on his hard work and a radio operator and gunner aboard the USS Award. With over 35 years of dedicated serv- service to the people of Washington County, Panamint. He graduated from Auburn Univer- ice to the Central Valley’s agriculture industry Alabama, and to congratulate him on his re- sity in 1949 and soon began working for the and with demonstrated quality leadership, Mr. cent appointment as global director of public Cherokee County Herald. Stone is truly deserving of this recognition. affairs at American Standard Companies. Bob has seen and reported on many of the A native of Stratford, Mr. Stone moved to After receiving a bachelor of science degree most pivotal events in Alabama’s history in- Lemoore when he was 9 years old. He grad- and a master of arts degree at Livingston Uni- cluding the civil rights movement and the ca- uated from Lemoore High School in 1964 and versity in Livingston, Alabama, Scott joined the reer of former Governor George C. Wallace. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in 1968. His ear- Ciba-Geigy Corporation in Mobile. He has de- While noted for his legendary objectivity, Bob liest memories of farm life center on days voted over 15 years to the Ciba-Geigy Cor- has never been afraid to speak his mind. Be spent playing out on the ranch with the kids poration and to Washington County where his it with praise or criticism, Mr. Ingram has who lived in the farm labor camp as well as dedication and hard work helped the company served as a watchdog for the people of Ala- working around the shop with his father and and the community prosper. At Ciba, Scott bama his entire career. brother. served as the head of North American public Bob Ingram has been a reporter, a maga- Today, Mr. Stone owns and operates Stone affairs, the director of community and state re- zine publisher, an author, a television com- Land Company, nestled in the heart of the lations, the global corporate communications mentator, and a speaker for the better part of Central Valley. He credits his employees, manager, and the manager of public affairs a century. In 1968, he also served the people some of who have worked for the company for and communications. of Alabama as the finance director to Gov- over 40 years, in helping harvest cotton, gar- In the midst of his demanding professional ernor Albert Brewer. lic, onions, tomatoes, garbanzo beans, canta- schedule, Scott also dedicated his time to the Mr. Ingram’s life is filled with achievement, loupe, wheat, barley, alfalfa and lettuce grown community, including: the Gulf Coast Science and today I rise to honor yet another of these for seed across the 9,000 acre farm. Because Exploreum, the American Chemistry Council, achievements—the 80th birthday of one of our Mr. Stone is committed to enhancing the qual- Manufacture Alabama, Mobile Area Chamber state’s most revered journalists and esteemed ity of agriculture in the valley, he makes the of Commerce, Business Council of Alabama, citizens. May he continue to inform and inspire extra effort to incorporate new technology on the Washington County Business Alliance, and the people of Alabama, and may his role in his farm. He has been actively involved in op- the Alabama Environmental Initiatives Com- our State’s history not soon be forgotten. erating laser leveling, GPS guidance systems mission. Mr. Speaker, all of us in south Alabama are f and yield monitoring equipment. He has also taken advantage of computers for book- sad to see Scott leave our community. I ask WWII ACE REMEMBERED keeping and in tracking production. Further, my colleagues to join with me in congratu- Mr. Stone has worked closely with University lating him on this achievement and new chap- HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD Ag Extension programs in testing new prod- ter in his life. I know Scott’s colleagues, his wife Cindy, his daughters Dylan and Kath- OF NORTH CAROLINA ucts and equipment. erine, his family, and many friends join with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Aside from his commitments out on the farm, Mr. Stone is an outstanding member of me in praising his accomplishments and ex- Thursday, September 14, 2006 the agricultural community. He currently tending thanks for his many efforts over the Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise serves as the Secretary of the San Joaquin years on behalf of the citizens of the First today to remember a great American warrior, Valley Quality Cotton Growers Association, Congressional District and the State of Ala- Col. Herschel H. ‘‘Herky’’ Green. Herky Green Chairman of the San Joaquin Valley Cotton bama. was a pilot in the Army Air Corps during World Board, Director of the Ranchers Cotton Oil f War II and is recognized as one of the sharp- Company, Director of the California Cotton A TRIBUTE TO MRS. CELESTER est shooters of the war. He passed away Au- Growers Association and a Member of the ALSTON CLARK gust 16, 2006 from cancer at the age of 86. CIAA Cotton Committee. In addition, Mr. In his time as a fighter pilot, Herky Green Stone is a board member of Mary Immaculate amassed 402 combat flying hours over the Queen School, Director of the Beltwide Cotton HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD OF NORTH CAROLINA course of 100 combat missions. He is credited Co-Op and Chairman of the California Garlic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with destroying 10 enemy aircraft on the and Onion Research Advisory Board. In the ground and 18 aerial victories, earning him the past, Mr. Stone served as the Director of Thursday, September 14, 2006 designation of Ace. As the leading Ace of the Calcot, Ltd. and the Chairman of Kingsburg Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise 15th Air Force, Herky Green dominated the Cotton Oil Company. today to pay tribute to my constituent, Mrs. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:53 Sep 15, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14SE8.001 E14SEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E1718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 14, 2006 Celester Alston Clark who is being honored on HONORING THE EVANGELHO SEED honor one of the most beloved residents of Saturday, September 16, 2006 by the North & FARM STORE Monroeville, Alabama, Miss Alice Lee, on the Carolina Federation of Garden Clubs. Mrs. occasion of her 95th birthday and her distinc- Clark is being honored for her dedicated and HON. JIM COSTA tion of being Alabama’s oldest practicing fe- loyal service as well as her enthusiasm and OF CALIFORNIA male attorney. After graduating from Huntingdon College in creativity. All of these qualities have indeed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served to provide a tremendous benefit to the Montgomery, ‘‘Miss Alice’’ returned to her Garden Club. Over the years Mrs. Clark has Thursday, September 14, 2006 hometown of Monroeville in the midst of the exhibited an impressive level of leadership to Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Great Depression. For 18 years, she served the Garden Club; in that regard, she sponsors honor and celebrate the Evangelho Seed & as the associate editor and partner of The a workshop each year when the North Caro- Farm Store as the recipient of the 2006 Kings Monroe Journal, a weekly newspaper in Mon- lina Federation of Garden Clubs hosts its An- County Ag Support Business of the Year roeville.
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