Page 4 THE MONTANA jABOR NEWS November 9,1944 DRAMATIC CALENDAR a signed agreement, advising that color, creed or place of birth, can live1 WASHINGTON—(FP) —A preliminary A. P. L. will not attend the preliminary 1 all dificultles had been ironed out to the In peace, honor and human dignity— conference to set the agenda for the meet and will take up the invitation to DE LUXE BAR — WHERE TO GO — 'satisfaction of the Committee and the DEMOCRATS CARL GILLESPIE. Prop. RIALTO free to speak and pray as they wish— January 8 world labor congress in Lon- the congress at an executive board meet- 833 Front St. now playing—"Marriage is a Private agreement was turned over to the Secre- tree from want—and free from fear.” don will be attended December 4 by ing at the A. P. L, convention In New Opposite N. P, Depot Affair,and James” starring Craig. LanaAlso onTurner, the sameJohn program, Hodiak ^. ary f°, r delivery___ to. Mr. Ludwig. On_ Stand at the Bar THANK VOTERS And to you the people of Montana, we three representatives of the O. I. O. The York. * "Gambler’s Choice,” with Chester Morris and motion the Committee was discharged See the Kegs We as representatives af the Demo­ express our deep appreciation for the j In the Cellar Japan,"Nancy Kelly. and thePlus latest a Defense Fox Movietone Short, "Target,News. |thanks.| No reports from Other loyal suport that you have given the | cratic party In Montana, on behalf of STARTS SUNDAY—"Rainbow Island,” with Committees. Dorothy Lamour and Eddie Bracken. On the |( 9 0_________________ our Dmocratic national standard bear- Democratic candidates at the voting pre­ cincts today and we assure you that same program, "Storm Over Lisbon,” with eft, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ï Vera Hruba Ralston and Eric von Stroheim. UNFINISHED BUSINESS your vote of confidence has not been ■ Latest News. Vice-Presidential nominee, Harry S. COMING—"Hour Before Dawn.” with Pran- The matter of Bro. Hartsock of the Truman, Democratic National Com­ mi^jlaced. chot Tone and Veronica Lake. Also "The Plumbers was referred back to the Sincerely yours, I: BUY HOME PRODUCTS Big 6oI.se” with Laurel and Hardy, mitteeman Robert E. Hannegan Senator and Ray Milland In "Lady l nthe Dark.' 0n j Plumbers organization with Instructions James E. Murray, Congressmen Mike Lester H. Loble, Chairman SILVER BOW BRAND V AMERICAN that they take such action as they think Democratic State Central Com­ I SAT.-MON—"White Cliffs of Dover.” with Manstlel—d and James P. O’Connor and 'S just and to notify the Council of their mittee, Helena, Montana. ^ ccZiZaA ; Irene Dunne and Allan Marshall. On the gubernatorial candidate Leif Erickson, ------- . same program, "Timber Queen," with Richard action. Jane W. Purrell, Secretary FURRIERS SU4CE we# Arien and Jean Parker. Also the latest 1 together with the other state and county HAMS BACON LARD Paramount News. Democratic candidates, take this op­ Frank Murray, Secretary, «: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — "Cry of the GOOD AND WELFARE portunity publicly to express to the peo­ Advisory Committee. Werewolf,’’ with Nina Foch and Stephen Crane. On the same program, "Soul of a Bro. Larry Enquist of the Engineers ple of Montana our deep appreciation -o Monster," with Ross Hobart and Jeanne Bates. ! called and invited all of the Council for the splendid vote of confidence as ex­ PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS. Added, a musical parade, "Lucky Cowboy.” j__ .___ _ ___ . ,. _____,__ „ Howard & Janie’s Thursday, Friday—"Song of Russia," members over to the Carpenters Hall pressed by your ballots today in the starring Robert Taylor and Susan Peters. Also [ for lunch and refreshments. leadership of that great humanitarian, HANSEN PACKING (0. "Code of the Outlaw,” with Smiley Burnette. COMING—Ginger Rogers. Warner Baxter The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M. our Commander-in-chief and President. COLUSA BAR and Ray Milland In "Lady In the Dark.” On Signed B. R. Britten, Sec.-TflOas. Franklin D. Roosevelt. INDEPENDENT Butte, Montaus TOBACCO, BEER, WINES, LIQUOR the same program, a Burma travelogue, "Dan­ — The Miners' Bar — gerous Journey." We want the people of Montana to LAUNDRY CO. MONTANA know that win or lose in this election to- NOW PLAYING—"Singing Sheriff.” starring 232 South Main Street Bob Crosby, and selected shorts and news. News of The Cascade oday, we as Democrats, are fully aware SUNDAY-THURSD AY—"Bowery to Broad­ of our responsibilities in this all-out war way." starring Donald O'Connor and Peggy Phene 4S4I Ryan, with a selected program of shorts and effort. We the American people are Montana Service Corp. news. Trades & Labor Council prepared to meet the problems of peace COMING—"Climax," with Susanna Poster. Communie allons In the same bold way that we have met r BLANCHARD BUTTER Boris Karloff and Turhan Bey Selected shorts The Butte Independent and news. ‘‘OPA and Xmas Shopping" will be the the problems of war. We Democrats are ICE and ICE CREAM PARK resolved, that men and women return­ CASH AND CARRY UNION MASK NOW PLAYING—"Tender Comrade.” with subject of a joint broadcast by I. M. I I Ginger Rogers and Robert Ryan. On the 'omblim, secretary-treasurer, Union ing from war shall come bock ‘‘to a place J same program. "Hey Rookie.” with Ann MU-. ’ . _ * . * _ 20% DISCOUNT - 1er. Selected program of shorts. | Label Traces Department A PL. and Where all persons, regardless of race, * FRIDAY, SATURDAY—"Land Beyond the Robert R. r Brooks, assistant adminls- .fa printers Law,” with Dick Poran, and "Over My Dead 1031 Bast Park St, Body,” with Milton Berle and Marybeth trator of OPA, over the coost-to-coast Hughes. Chapter 12 of "Don Winslow of the network of the Mutual Broadcasting LOANS LOANS <• Coast Guard,” and selected shorts and news. I 1297 Harrison Ave. System on November 11, 1944, from 5:45 PHONE 5959 THE CAVE SUNDAY-MONDAY—"This Is The Army." Salary, Secured and Automobile BUTTE with George Murphy and Joan Leslie. Selected to 6:00 P. M„ M. W. T. All members of ! shorts and Loans Cocktails Wines — Beer TUESDAY-THURSDAY—"Chip Off the Old organized labor and their families are TOMBSTONE -V Block,” with Donald O’Connor and Peggy urged to “listen in” on this broadcast in Dancing Saturday Nights I Ryan. On the same program. "China Girl," homes and at union meetings. Filed. COMPANY with Gene Tierney and Robert Montgomery. I _ Selected program of short subjects. From the Cascade County Farmers’ ! COMING—"Curse of the Cat People,” with Union enclosing copy of resolution urging Simon Simone, and "Riders of the Northland," CAPITAL FINANCE r starring Charles Starrett and Russell Hayden. creation of a Missouri Valley Authority KESSLER BEER Compliments of— 1 and asking for the support of organized BREWED IN HELENA ( Home Loan Company labor to make the Missouri Valley Au­ CORPORATION PALM HOTEL News of Great Falls thority a reality. Motion to concur, car­ Suite 202, Sliver Bow Block 2nd Floor Whitehall SINCE 1865 Quick Cash Loans ried and so ordered. Neat, Efficient. Courteous BY KESSLER BREWING CO. From the Great Palls Community Wel­ Bartender 327 Rialto Bldg, Building Trades Council fare association, inviting representation JACK WILLIAMS, Prop. Brewed from Pure Mountain Spring Water Phone 5577 j Minutes of the Cascade County Trades 1annual meeting to be held at the ___ j& Labor Assembly were read and filed. Rainbow hotel on Tuesday, November 21, Piped from Our Own Springs on the Slopes ---------- Prom the Cascade County Trades & at 7:45 P. M. On motion placed on file. $5 to $50.00 of Mount Helena Direct to the Brewer}’. j Labor Assembly asking that we send a j ... I — IN A JIFFY — ------Distributed By------ WILSON MOTOR CO. ] 1 delegate to a meeting to be held on Nov- ! Announcement 12 - 16 20 G-auge 1 ember 14th for the purpose of organiz- ON YOUR SIGNATURE Labor Pressure group will meet in the Local Dealer ! Ing a labor pressure group to work on Shells I ! CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH Council chambers of the Civic Center on Sweet Brothers in Butte ■ problems concerning the prices paid by 94c up S Motor Cars ! 11 the onsumer and their relation to November 14, 1944, at 8:00 P. M. See J, Phone 2-4832 that delegates attend this meeting. 8 S. Montana wages. Letter filed. JOHN EVANKO, JR„ Sec. | 'Your Financial Friend' 30-30 Shells IL I Prom the Electrical Workers’ Local No. $1.46 a box Î 122 enclosing check for $1.50 to cover NATIONAL LOAN CO. balance due on per capita for the 4th CLEVELAND— (FP)—With Cleveland’s DUTCH GIRL 1 216 Owsley Bidding WE IN’S t quarter. Letter filed. substantial Slavic community almost BAKERY Prom Mr. Robert A. Clarke, Manager, wiped out by the disastrous East Ohio a. .a PHIL JUDD’S Bread Made With Milk U. S. E, S. enclosing copy of a letter Gas company fire in which 116 persons from Mr. Lamport of the War Manpower died and 45 are still missing, the Cleve­ II4 4* 4**4 4 4* 44 4*4* ♦4,4*444rt<4*4,*‘i Î PHONE 5823 < aFTEB UNION MEETING DROP | 83 E. Park St. 605 UTAH Commission, Helena, Montana in re­ land C. I. O. council took the lead in i IN TO I gard to the request of Corwin & Com­ urging the rebuilding of a similar com­ OLD HEIDELBERG i • pany for an increase in ceiling. Letter munity. » CHALKLEY INSURANCE AGENCY 38 North Main SWtH Crystal Creamery Co. ]i and copy filed. I I MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH «t ACCIDENT ASS’N. Liquor and freer GREEN OWL BAR UNITED BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO.
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