THE LvGNDON GAZETTE, 12TH OCTOBER 1981 ;, 12923 GOULBOURNE, Anthony William,. Salesman, residing at PHILLIPS, William, Edwin, WOOD, SAWER, of 18 Tam- 16. Tinton Close, Redditch- in the county of Hereford , worth Lane, Shirley, .Solihull in *he metropolitan, county and Worcester, lately, residing at -213 Moor End Lane, of West Midlands. Court—BIRMINGHAM-(by; transfer . Erdington, Birmingham in the metropolitan county of • from High Court of Justice). --No. of Matter—111 A of West Midlands and formerly carrying on business at 1976. Date of Order—12th August 1981. Nature of Cato Street North, Birmingham aforesaid and previously Order made—Discharge refused. , at 98 Main Street, Stonnall, Brownhills in the metropolitan county of West Midlands both- under the style " C G ROWBOTHAM, Kathleen Margaret (known as Kathleen Joinery & Co." as JOINERY MANUFACTURERS and Margaret Hawkley and sometimes known as Kathleen FITTERS. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— Margaret Biggin), Housewife, residing at 100 Highwood 55 of 1976. Date of Order—5th August 1981. Nature Avenue, Solihull in the metropolitan county of West of Order made—Discharge refused. Midlands and previously residing at 5 Coppice Close, Cheswick. Green, - Solihull aforesaid and lately carrying HILL, Graham Ernest, unemployed, residing at 80 Curbar .on business under the style "Kathy's Dress Shop"- from Road, Great Barr, Birmingham B42 2AU in the metro- 2329 Coventry Road,' Sheldon, Solihull aforesaid as a politan county of West Midlands, lately trading on his LADIES OUTFITTER and previously trading in co- own account and formerly in partnership with another partnership with another from 2329 Coventry''Road, at 118 Lozells Road, Lozells, Birmingham B19 2TA Sheldon, Solihull aforesaid under the style of "West aforesaid as a CARPET RETAILER in the style of Midlands Aerials" as AERIAL" CONTRACTORS. "Ken's Carpets". Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Court—BIRMINGHAM (by transfer from High Court Matter—119 of 1976. Date of Order—12th August 1981. of Justice). No. of Matter—131 A of 1976. Date of Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. Order—26th August 1981. Nature of Order made- Discharge refused. JONES, Charles Henry, Van Driver, residing at 6 Stanley SIMONS, Allen Charles, unemployed, residing at 97 Kings Close, Abbeydale, Redditch in the county of Worcester Down Avenue, Birmingham B42 1NE in the metropolitan ' and lately carrying on business as a HAULAGE CON- county of West Midlands, formerly carrying on business TRACTOR under the style of C. H. Jones Transport at 76 Camp Hill, Birmingham B12 OJP aforesafd as a at Room 2, 16 Alcester Road, Studley in the county of FURNITURE RETAILER in the style of " Aliens House Warwick and previously carrying on business in partner- Furnishers". Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter ship with another under the style of " Elvins and Jones —115 of 1976. Date of Order—12th August 1981. Transport" at 16 Stanley Close, Abbeydale, Redditch Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. aforesaid as HAULAGE CONTRACTORS. Court— BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—137 of 1976. Date of SKITT, Barry Thomas, unemployed, residing and lately Order—19th August 1981. Nature of Order made—Dis- carrying on business at " Sunnyside ", Hill Lane, Wythall, charge refused. Birmingham B47 6AU in the metropolitan county of West Midlands as a DEALER in SECOND-HAND McDONOUGH, Anthony David (described in the Receiving CARS previously residing and carrying on business at Order as Anthony McDonough), unemployed, lately a 254 Dickins Heath Road, Shirley, Solihull B90 1QQ in COMPANY DIRECTOR, residing and previously carry- the aforesaid county and formerly residing and carrying ing on business at 45 Ely Close, Chelmsley Wood, Bir- on business at 970 Stratford Road, Monkspath, Solihull mingham in the metropolitan county of West Midlands aforesaid as a DEALER in SECOND-HAND CARS. as a SUB-CONTRACTING BUILDER. Court—BIR- Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—139 of 1976. MINGHAM. No. of Matter—84 of 1976. Date of Date of Order—26th August 1981. Nature of Order Order—5th August 1981. Nature of Order made—Dis- made—Discharge refused. charge refused. STEANE, Beryl Margaret, Photographer, residing and lately MORRALL, Irene Violet (married woman), residing at 26 carrying on business at 11 Freer Road, Birchfield, Aston, Oddingley Road, Northfield, Birmingham in the metro- Birmingham in the metropolitan. county of West Mid- politan county of West Midlands and lately carrying on lands, as a FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHER, formerly business under the style " I & A Solderers" from 30 carrying on business at 57 Glebe Farm Road, Stechford, Tenby Street, Hockley, Birmingham aforesaid and pre- Birmingham aforesaid .under the style " Georgie Girl" viously carrying on business in co-partnership with as a HOUSEHOLD. LINEN RETAILER. Court—BIR- another under the same style and from the same address MINGHAM. No. of Matter—117 of 1976. Date of as JEWELLERY PROCESSORS. Court—BIRMING- Order—12th August 1981. Nature of Order made- HAM (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Bankrupt discharged. Matter—120A of 1976. Date of Order—12th August 1981. Nature of Order made—Discharge refused. WARD, Barrie Watson, TELEPHONE ENGINEER of 52 Knights Road, Tyseley, Birmingham 11 in the metro- politan county of West Midlands. Court—BIRMING- NEED, Ronald Keith, unemployed, residing at 561 Birming- HAM. No. of Matter—88 of 1976. Date of Order—5th ham Road, Marlbrook, Bromsgrove B61 OHY in the August 1981. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt dis- county of Hereford and Worcester, lately carrying on charged. business at 65 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Bir- mingham B14 7JG in the metropolitan county of West WILLIAMS, David Anthony, previously known as DAVID Midlands and 130 High Street, Bromsgrove aforesaid ANTHONY, residing and carrying on business at Flat 6, and before that residing at and carrying on business from 9 Carisbrooke Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham in the 153 Somerford Road, Weoley Castle, Birmingham B29 metropolitan county of West Midlands as a SCENIC 5LB aforesaid all in the style of " Ron Need" as ARTIST and DESIGNER. Court—BIRMINGHAM, (By GREENGROCER and FRUITERER. Court—BIR- transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— MINGHAM. No. of Matter—130 of 1976. Date of 118A of 1976. Date of Order—19th August 1981. Nature Order—19th August 1981. Nature of Order made- of Order made—Discharge refused. Discharge refused. WYLEY, Graham Edward, unemployed and WYLEY, PEART, Margaret Jeanne (married woman), (described in Margaret Olive (his wife) HOUSEWIFE of "White the Receiving Order as Mrs. M. Peart), residing at 127 Notley", The Paddocks, Lenchwick, Evesham in the The Broadway, Perry Barr, Birmingham in the metro- county of Hereford and Worcester, both lately carrying politan county of West Midlands, lately residing at 38 on business under the style of "Heath Engineering" at Whitehall Road, Cradley Heath, Warley in the aforesaid 75 Beoley Road, Redditch in the aforesaid county, as county, formerly carrying on business under the style LIGHT ENGINEERS. (Separate estate of Graham "Ian of Malvern House" from 108 Villa Road, Lozells, Edward Wyley). Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. "of Birmingham aforesaid and previously residing at and Matter—129 of 1976. Date of Order—12th August 19,8k carrying on business under the'style "Clarinda's" from Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. 29. Birchfield Road, Birmingham aforesaid as a RE- TAILER of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. BO WEN, Marlene. Frankie. Joanna (married woman) of 3' ...Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—57 of 1976. • Warren Gardens, Stockwood, Bristol and carrying on* . Date of Order—5th August 1981. .Nature of Order made business under the style of " Hobbies and Craft-" and '— Discharge refused. • .- "H. C.. Supplies (Keynsham)" at. 48 Temple Street, C 2.
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