ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE LIBRARY 11111111111111111~~~m1r111ir11r11i1li 111111111111111 i 3 1696 01138 1892 Volume 19, Issue 2 Annapolis, MD and Santa Fe, NM December 1992 Dorm funding approved in Santa Fe, construction to begin Design reflects studentwishes By LESLI ALLISON Under the current fast-track plan, site work for the new Santa Fe student dorm may begin as early as this month. Completion of the student housing complex is scheduled for August IDll The project will be funded by a bond issue through the City of Santa Fe. McHugh, ~ Lloyd, Tryk is the architectural finn recently selected on a competitive basis by the Cam­ pus Planning Committee. A review of sche­ matics for the building is currently under way by students, faculty and staff. According to a report published in The Moon by Campus Planning Committee Chairman Hans von Breisen, much of the desiderata for the building complex has been workedoutinprioryears.Beginning in 1990 Ms. Lisa Carey, architectural consultant, along with Ms. Kathy Mizrahi, head resi­ dent, inquired among students as to what they wanted in new housing. This data was combined with information from a survey of current nationwide trends in campus hous­ ing. Last year the Campus Planning Com­ Architectural drawing of new Santa Fe dormitory mittee reviewed and added to it. Plans call for 60 beds in nine buildings, with each building containing a cluster of suites. Each suite will contain five single bedrooms with a shared living room and bathroom. Four clusters will house ten apart­ Board member, alumni, movers & shakers in election ments. Upper suites will have a semi private deck and lower suites will have a semi-pri­ vate patio. Buildings _'Nill also contain two Admiral Stockdale Mark Steitz, A'78 Bush speaks words classrooms and/or commons; a restricted ac­ former Board member makes DNC policy of R. George, A'85 cess kitchen; a variety of spaces for relax­ ation, study and conversation; and a laundry By NANCY OSIUS By DONNA BOETIG room with vending machines. A tenth build­ In the final stretch of a marathon cam­ Listening to President Bush address the ing will provide a general common area. paign effort 14 days before the national elec­ Republican National Convention this year, The dorms are primarily intended to tion, Mark Steitz, A'78, picks up the Robert George, A'85, was speechless. In his house undergraduates. Once they are com­ telephone in Little Rock for a call from statement to millions of Americans, Mr. pleted, students who want to live on campus Annapolis. "Your mother says 'hello,"' we Bush was expressing the sentiments of Mr. will now be able to exercise that option. In tell him. George. In fact, his exact words. past years, due to limited dorm space, per­ The family greeting is genuine, but relay­ "As our country now stands at cross centages of students in the sophomore, ju­ ing it is a transparent ruse-there isn'tmuch roads, there is widespread doubt about our nior and senior classes were forced to seek time for greetings or anything else in the public institutions and profound concern not housing off-campus. 18-hour days of the Communications and merely about the economy but about the In an editorial supporting city approval of Policy Director for the Democratic National overall general direction of this great coun­ the bond, the New Mexican newspaper said Committee. A veteran of presidential cam­ try of ours. As then, people now demand the new dorms would take some strain off paigns and a major player in this one, he says change and sweeping reform. The question competition for local rentals. The editorial that his current task-mounting a satellite we had to ask yesterday is the question we also suggested that approval for the bond response to the final presidential debate held have to ask today. What kind of change can would provide a demonstration of support (Continued on page 18) (Continued on page 18) and gratitude for St. John's overall contribu­ tion to the city. At this time the only delay in beginning construction of the dorms is the required approval of the plans by more than one dozen separate city agencies. 7 ·" Deborah Winans Anawalt, former Direc­ tor of Financial Aid at the college, assumed fu an effort to save money, two Annapolis ENERGEJA the duties of Director of Personnel in Octo­ campus publications will attempt to trim Energeia, the student-produced literary ber. Ms. Anawalt replaced Alison Pullins their mailing lists down to a genuine core of magazine of fiction, poetry, essays and art­ who has been named Human Resources readers, viz.: work by both St. John'sfaculty and students, Manager of the Johns Hopkins University included a coupon in last spring' s issue for School of Continuing Studies. THE REVIEW use by readers who wanted to continue to fu announcing Ms. Anawalt's new as­ At present The Review, a publication con­ receive the magazine. Berfore that, hun­ signment, college Treasurer Fred "Bud" taining scholarly articles, fiction and poetry dreds of alumni andformer faculty members Billups praised "the fine work she has ac­ provided by a variety of contributors, is sent automatically received each new issue. complished" in her previous post. As Finan­ to all alumni and 3,000 non-alumni. The "We wish to limit this number now to those cial Aid Director since January 1991, Ms. college now wishes to make sure that the who enjoy the magazine and wish to con­ Anawalt was responsible for allocating all magazine is sent only to those alumni who tinue to receive it," says Senior Editor Ra­ federal, state and institutional budgets. She want to receive it. Those who wish to re­ chel Blistein. Those who did not fill out a worked closely with the Admissions office, ceive The Review should fill in the prepaid coupon but want to receive Energeia must students, applicants and parents on eligibil­ Director of Personnel Deborah Anawalt postcard included in the current issue or indicate their interest and provide name and ity and financing issues, and computerized send a note to Jack Hunt, subscriptions, address to Rachel through campus mail or all phases of the office. The Review, St. John's College, Box 2800, by writing to her immediately at the college As Director of Personnel, Ms. Anawalt Before coming to St. John's, Ms. Anawalt Annapolis, MD. 21404. address above. will be in charge of administering salary was a system administrator for the Balti­ systems, benefits and policies. "My goal is more futernational Culinary College from to be service oriented, to work with the best 1988 to 1990. From 1989 to 1990 she was Yee article appears in Asian Art issue interest of the employee at heart," she says. Director of Financial Planning at the school. Caroline Christensen resumed her duties as Ms. Anawalt earned a bachelor's degree fu the quincentennial year of Christopher His article raises questions both about the Director of Financial Aid after taking a two­ in business administration and personnel Columbus' arrival in the New World, an enormous attention given to Columbus' year leave of absence to care for her new son. from Towson State University. article by Annapolis tutor Cordell Yee helps voyages and about the values embodied in to set the matter in perspective. "A Cartog­ early cartography, particularly Chinese, raphy of futrospection: Chinese Maps as with its political, economic and humanistic Other Than European," appears in the Fall, implications. The article also suggests that Alumni named to resident positions 1992, issue of Asian Art, a quarterly publi­ the westernization of non-European map­ cation of the Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian making practices, while an advance in cer­ Three St. John's alumni were recently Arts Center. fustitution. tain respects, was achieved at some cost. named to positions as resident assistants on On campus, however, other events are "After all," writes Mr. Yee in an article Mr. Yee's article serves as a preview of the Annapolis campus, where each now under way. A graduate Student Speakers lavishly illustrated with reproductions of del­ his work on the Chinese section of The His­ lives. These are Susan Borden, A'88, Direc­ Forum will bring graduate students from icately painted early maps, "more than eighty tory of Cartography, a vast survey of map­ tor of Residence, Jennifer Hoheisel, AGI other universities (as well as St. John's) to years before Columbus' voyages, Admiral making which is unfolding at the University '89, resident assistant for Student Activities, speak to students on relevant subjects. And as Zheng He began leading expeditions of ships of Wisconsin. and Steven Wedin, A'85, seniorresidentfor chairman of the Student Life Committee­ from China through the fudian Ocean to as Mr. Yee accepted a job as translator of Humphreys. composed of tutors, staff, and students­ far as the eastern coast of Africa-this at a classical Chinese for the project in 1988, a Susan is responsible for on-campus hous­ Jennifer coordinates Student Life dinners, time when European ships had yet to round role that expanded when his observations ing; as such she is in charge of freshman which brings campus community members the sou them tip of that continent." The long­ and theories raised questions about the work room assignment, end of the year room to ~he table in many configurations, on and est of this explorer's voyages was more than of the mainland Chinese scholars hired to do drawings, and any "roommate problems." off campus. Scheduled for February 13 is a 9,600 kilometers each way, about one and the job. His theories prevailed and have been She is also the one chiefly charged with big event, a campus-wide Swing Party with one-half times the length of Columbus' trips hailed as "a major beginning in Chinese enforcing the campus alcohol policy-a a band.
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