MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF NEWTON & NOSS PARISH COUNCIL Held 12 March 2020 PRESENT; MR. PARRY-SMITH MS. ADAMS MR. CARTER MR. STEGGLES MR. TUBB MRS STORY DR.HARDY MRS.PHILLIPSON MR. LYNDON MR. INGRAM MR.ROGERS ALSO PRESENT; Cllr. Hosking, Cllr. Thomas, seven members of the public, Mrs. McDonough (Clerk). OPEN FORUM Carradale, Passage Road - the instructed architect spoke in respect of the application and answered questions from the Council regarding fenestration, its setting within the Conservation Area, roofing materials and the number of extra toilets proposed. It was suggested to the architect that the detail of the construction management plan (CMP) should be tightened up given its setting on Passage Road. 27 Sealand Court – the instructed architect spoke in respect of the planning applications and invited any questions. Land opposite the Lifeboat House, Yealm Road- the architect spoke in respect of development plans for the area below the former Yealm Hotel. He had been in communication with Sir Gary Streeter M.P. regarding the views taken by South Hams District Council Development Control about applications in the area. It was to be accommodation for family in the village and a massive planning gain. WI - a representative advised of the challenge from their Devon Federation to undertake an environmental project with aims to increase biodiversity and carbon catchment. The WI wished to plant wildflowers in the village involving the school. Their proposal was to plant wildflower seeds/bulbs under three trees on Dillons Green and and in the raised bank adjacent to Parsonage Road. The WI Had been in touch with the South Hams Garden & Property Services regarding grass cutting. They hoped to do more planting later in the year. The WI were commended for the project 31/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Baldry and Mr. Thomas. 32/20 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. 33/20 DISPENSATION REQUESTS – none. 34/20 MINUTES - the minutes of 13 February Parish Council meeting were approved, unanimously, as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign. 35/20 VARIATION OF AGENDA – RESOLVED: quotes relating to maintenance and pre-planning/planning enforcement should be considered in committee. (Vote: unanimous.) 36/20 DISTRICT COUNCIL(SHDC) 36.1 Councillor reports – Cllr. Thomas gave the following report: i)Construction Management Plans- Cllr. Baldry had met with Mr. Patrick Whymer that day who was committed, in principle, to move towards a feasibility study to make CMPs policy. One of the two senior planning officers had left. Once a replacement had been recruited, Mr. Whymer would be able to look into strategic matters. The Parish Council was to be congratulated on wanting to do something and it was hoped to involve Parish Council members in a meeting with Cllrs Baldry, Thomas and Mr. Whymer. ii) Environmental matters- SHDC had made £400,000 available in funding to address the Climate Emergency. Cllr. Thomas would be bringing forward a motion in May asking councillors to support a set amount being allocated to each ward councillor similar to Locality Funding. The funds could be used to support local projects. Dr. Hardy made reference to some discussions about a Carbon Audit which Holbeton had been investigating. Cllr. Thomas suggested Yealm Climate Emergency and Environment Action Alliance could apply for funding on behalf of the the five parishes it represented. Reference was made to the remit of the two SHDC officers who were due to be appointed by SHDC in April to address climate/environmental matters. Cllr. Thomas advised that there were five District Councillors on the climate change working group looking at more district wide matters rather than individual parishes. This would be clarified once the officers were in post and their responsibilities determined. iii) Filming- Cllr. Thomas had been asked to give a personal view on the recent filming to a local newspaper. 36.2 Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency Aims – members made no comment with respect to the consultation on their two plans : The Operational Carbon Reduction Plan – Reducing Our Footprint and The South Hams Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan. 36.3 Local Green Space Development Plan- members had no comments in respect of the consultation on the document which would add additional protection to green spaces in the Plymouth Policy Area. Green spaces were addressed in the Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan. 1/12March2020……………………………………………………………Chairman 36.4 Public toilets – it was agreed the Vice Chairman, Mr. Ingram and Mrs Story would meet to discuss matters to be raised with SHDC regarding the data used in support of the District councils contention that Newton Ferrers public toilets should be closed and to investigate survey/usage options. RESOLVED: to vary the agenda to enable Cllr. Hosking to give his report early.(Vote; unanimous.) 37/20 COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT Cllr. Hosking reported on the following i)Grant funding – Invest in Devon and Locality Budget funding applications were invited from the community/Parish Council/charity organisations. ii)Climate Change – once the Devon Carbon Plan had been finalised it would be possible to see how this would link with actions by District and Parish councils. iii)Highways – the Chairman made reference to trees and shrubs being taken down to ground level for no discernible reason between Ivybridge and Plymouth along the A38. Cllr. Hosking confirmed Highways England was responsible for maintaining the A38. 38/20 PLANNING 38.1 Community Land Trust – Mrs. Phillipson advised that the third tranche of Homes England funding (£118,000) had been received. The feasibility studies were continuing. The initial Ecology report had been completed including reviewing bats, newts and dormice. The Landscape Visual Impact Assessment had come in that day. An open drop in afternoon/ evening had been scheduled for Tuesday 17 March. Planning decisions: 38.1 104 Yealm Road, former Yealm Hotel 3003/19/VAR - variation of condition 1 (approved plans) following planning consent 2975/17/VAR for change to position of balustrade on second floor roof terrace Apartment 4 Block A. SHDC: Granted. 38.2 86 Yealm Road 2942/19/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 of planning consent 3414/18/HHO.SHDC: Granted. 38.3 Barnicott Bridgend Hill 0088/20/CLP - Lawful Development Certification for proposed construction of steps into existing bank. SHDC: Granted. 38.4 Springtide, 28 Court Road 0104/20/HHO - householder application for new porch to side elevation and alteration to existing door and window openings. SHDC: Granted. 38.5 Woodville Pillory Hill 0175/20/NMM - non material minor amendment to amend planning permission 4062/17/FUL. SHDC: Granted. Planning applications received including; 38.6Carradale, Passage Road 0575/20/HHO - householder application for extension and full internal refurbishment. DECISION: Comment . The house was in a very prominent position within the Conservation Area and was subject to an Important Local View, so protected by N3P-3 b), N3P-8 a) and N3P-9 b) iii) . There was an opportunity to enhance an existing building by improving the appearance of the windows which should accord with its setting and the adjacent cottages above and to the west of it. The Parish had an example of a recent redevelopment with inappropriately large windows in the conservation area, directly to the east at Point Cottage, which had had a significantly detrimental impact in a very prominent position. N3P-4 a) vii - there was no obvious dedicated bin storage areas, so bins were not left on road/public space. N3P-4 c) - given the position on a single track road a more detailed and sensitive Construction Management Plan was vital. Deliveries would cause significant disruption as all delivery vehicles would have to reverse in or out. Signage indicating delivery timings had helped residents and essential services in the past (NB avoid Tuesdays refuse collection.) With extremely limited parking in Noss Mayo builders’ vehicle parking would be an issue. N3P-4 b) and c) Newton and Noss Parish Council in declaring a Climate Emergency wished all plans being submitted to be reviewed regarding their environmental impact. In particular, attention to heat pumps (ground and air sourced); solar energy harvesting and battery storage; other chemical capacity/storage facilities e.g. hot water systems; heat conservation/protection via (triple) glazing solutions; thermal efficiency of floors, walls and roofs should all be considered. This list was not exclusive of other initiatives being developed. If the Parish was to achieve a zero carbon, carbon status its housing stock/built environment had a huge role to play. The Council would seek District Councils to support their Parish and show leadership when considering planning applications. (Vote: unanimous.) 38.7 27 Sealand Court, Court Road, 0582/20/HHO - householder application for kitchen extension, cladding of first floor of main house and modification of existing porch. DECISION: Comment: N3P-4 b) and c) Newton and Noss Parish Council in declaring a Climate Emergency wished all plans being submitted to be reviewed regarding their environmental impact. In particular, attention to heat pumps (ground and air sourced); solar energy harvesting and battery storage; other chemical capacity/storage facilities e.g. hot water systems; heat conservation/protection via (triple) glazing solutions; thermal efficiency of floors, walls and roofs should all be considered. This list was not exclusive of other initiatives being developed. If the Parish was to achieve a zero carbon, carbon status its housing stock/built environment had a huge role to play. The Council would seek District Councils to support their Parish and show leadership when considering planning applications. (Vote: unanimous.) 2/12March2020……………………………………………………………Chairman 38.8 Herons Reach, Court Wood 0592/20/HHO - householder application for erection of single storey extension to dwelling and second storey extension to part of the building, garage conversion.
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