Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-1-2002 The BG News May 1, 2002 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 1, 2002" (2002). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6963. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6963 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University WEDNESDAY May 1, 2002 WEST IS BACK: SHOWERS Jerry West named HIGH: 56 I LOW 48 president of Memphis www.binmn.com Grizzlies; PAGE 8 dependent student press VOLUME 93 ISSUE 65 "This audit will IlKADY TO MAKE AN IMPACT SARAH SACCANY give us a better study of the buildings." DANPARRATT, Saccany strives to represent U. DIR. OF EVIRO. HEALTH & SAFETY First in a series of Government President to ested in coming to a meeting to that I could do the best job." Phi fraternity, I got in touch with Bowling Green. help out with the campaign," she The desire to continue her Kevin. We ended up talking for a stories about mem- Originally from Bay Village, said. "During the meeting, some- work with the USG led her to run very long time. bers of the U. who Ohio, Saccany came to this cam- one stood up and asked 'Who's for president. She found a run- "Over spring break, I started Ufire pus with the desire to lead. "1 running for Senators?' and 1 ning mate in President of the Pi thinking about the election," will be making a dif- have always been involved with thought to myself, '1 can do Kappa Phi Fraternity Kevin Saccany said. "1 felt Kevin would ference next year. the campus," she said. that.'" Yania. be good for the job" safety a Bragg and Fitch were elected "Sarah is not the kind of per- The Saccany/Yania combina- By Jason Malone Saccanys involvement with THE 8C NEWS the USG came after a meeting to serve as president and vice son to sit back and let things hap- tion proved successful as they with former USG Vice president president, while Saccany began pen," Yania said. "She goes out were recently elected as the The formula was very simple. President and Vice-president of Sarah Saccany had the desire to Rebecca Fitch. "I was working her work with the USG as the and makes changes." priority become a choir director. "And I with Rebecca on the Student College of Music Senator. "Meeting Kevin was an inter- USG. heard Bowling Green had the Organizations Funding Board," As this year's elections esting story," Saccany said. "1 was As the school year comes to a Saccany said. "She had recently approached, Saccany was eager helping to organize roundtables close, Saccany looks forward to By Jennifer Bracken best Choir Program." she said. IMI BG NEWS This course of events brought the decided to run as Jon Braggs Vice to continue her USG work in a for USG, and we wanted repre- the new year. "1 want people to sentation from Fraternities and know that as the president, 1 rep- Against the backdrop of two Undergraduate Student President in the election. different capacity. "1 like to be a "Rebecca asked if 1 was inter- leader," Saccany said. "I thought Sororities. I called the Pi Kappa resent the students," she said. dorm fires, the University is tak- ing a stand against fire safety by drawing up a campus wide fire safety audit that will address University precautions and make plans to implement them BGNEWS into certain dorms The fires took place in BRIEFING Offenhauer and McDonald res- idence halls. At the time of the U.S. Rep. Rod Paige U. student for peace McDonald fire, the Bowling Green Fire Department cancels speech for deemed it accidental. But commencement This is the second according to associate director story in a series of residence life lames IHE BG HENS Zentmeyer, both fires were On Monday, Rod Paige, about Israel and U. caused by a student's infraction U.S. Secretary of Education, students. of fire safety rules canceled the speech he was The Offenhauer fire was to give at commencement By Kimberty Dupps started when underwear hang- for the coUege of Education IHE BG MEWS ing over a halogen lamp caught and Human Development, Louis Karam calls himself a fire. Halogen lamps are banned according to Linda "lerusalemite." He was bom by University policy because Swaisgood. and raised in the city, his fami- they can reach a temperature of Swaisgood, director of the ly is from the city and he can- 300 degrees. The damage to college of communications, not picture himself living any- Offenhauer was minimal, just said Paige canceled due to a where else. some bum marks on the top of scheduling conflict. He lives on the east side of the room's desk. According to Though the department lerusalem. The "bad" part of Zentmeyer, the McDonald fire has yet to choose a new town. The "poor" part of town. broke two fire safety rules: Use speaker, it plans to invite The Palestinian part of town. of extension cords and an over- someone else from the Being a lerusalemite, Karam loaded outleL But the fire start- nation's education depart- is different than other ed when a fan was left running ment, perhaps someone who Palestinians. He is not looking unattended and a pillow was works under Paige, for the right of return. He does left behind it, causing the fan to Swaisgood said. want an independent overheat and bum. The department will make Palestinian state that includes The reexamination of fire the decision as to who will lerusalem as its capital safety has been in development replace him later this week. "Jerusalem is a capital for for two years. Within the next Inaugurated in lanuary two states — two states for two couple of weeks, there will be a 2001, Paige served as Dean of different peoples," the meeting with an engineering College Education at Texas University graduate student firm to put the audit in effect. Southern University through said. Completion of the audit is the 1980s, where he estab- Some fear the division of planned for fall of 2002 and will lished a facility to research- lerusalem, but Karam said it is address fire safety in four areas: management and instruction already divided. He said the training and detection, exiting at urban schools He became Old City is an example The city buildings, compartmentaliza- superintendent of the is divided into four areas: the iii in, and sprinklers. Houston Independent Christian quarter, the "The most ground-breaking School District in 1994. Armenian quarter, the Muslim academic studies in this area quarter and the lewish quarter. come out of the University of Karam lived in the Old City Maryland, College Park," for six years, but there were Zentmeyer said. "These four times when he was not wel- areas are accepted as gospel by come. engineers, inspectors, fire safe- Sept 11 "In 1991,1 was standing in ty professionals alike." the Old City with friends when Compart mentalization a patrol of Israeli soldiers includes how the building is honored grabbed me and asked all designed to contain fire within kinds of stupid questions," a room or hallway or from floor Karam said. "Before they left, to floor. Detection goes along through the soldiers slapped me on the with how modem the smoke face." and heat detection systems are. Karam, now 25, was 14 years Are they addressable: when an speeches old when he was slapped by alarm sounds, is Public Safety Ptioto provided ByHrttntLtvinson KARAM,PAGE 2 CHILLIN': Louis Karam,"lerusalemite," hangs out in the U.S., far away from his home in Israel. SAFETY, PAGE 2 IHE ASSOCIATED PRESS Shenaz Abreo knew she and her fellow seniors couldn't donate the typical fountain or benches as their parting gift to Northwest Missouri State University—not after Sept 11. Instead, they enlisted school- mates to fill a wall in the student City water quality a concern union with a variety of artworks and written pieces tided BytaffAmett greater regulation of large farms idents. He said all of the board WCCOFF members are the enor- (CAFOs). A CAFO is defined as a "Triumph Through Tragedy." IHE 9G NEKS Though the meeting covered a members ofWCCOFF live within mous amount of manure and farm with at least 1,000 "animal "The fact that everything can Is poopy water coming to wide variety of issues concerning a mile of the farm. the potential problems it brings, units," which translates into 700 end in a split second," said Bowling Green? factory farms, the most pressing "We started this a year ago like the smell, flies and water dairy cows. Because the Vreba- Abreo, the class president, "it That's what a panel discussion issue seemed to be contamination. Hoff farm is planning on having scared a lot of the students." tried to explain last night at 111 a large dairy farm "If we lose our wells, slightly fewer than 700 dairy As college graduation season "If ours wells are contaminated... Olscamp Hall. About 30 students currently being if our wells are conta- cows, according to Studer, the gets into full swing, many other we might as well be living in a and community members built in Wood minated ..
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