ELTHAM & MOTTINGHAM COTTAGE HOSPITAL Main Wards with Jeken Memorial Verandah. Children's Ward. Fifty=First Annual Report For the Year 19 3 0. { 22501909110 3>»-C ELTHAM, S.E. April, 193/ Dear Sir or Madam, / I am directed by the Committee of the Eltham and Mottingham Cottage Hospital to transmit the enclos^a Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1930, and to inform you that the Annual General Meeting of the Subscribers will be held at the Parish Hall, Wellington Road, Eltham, on Tuesday, the 21st April, at 8.30 p.m., and the Committee hope that many of the Subscribers will be able to be present. Subscriptions for the current year became payable on the 1st January, and, if not already paid, should be sent addressed to H. HALLETT, Esq., at the Hospital. Yours faithfully, C. G. WILKINS. Hon. Secretary. > - Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Wellcome Library https://archive.org/details/b31688020 ELTHAM AND MOTTINGHAM COTTAGE HOSPITAL KENT. FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. For the Financial Year ending 31st December, 1930. Committee and Offiaers for Tear ending Marsh, 1951. President: Vice-Presidents: Mr. F. D. Bartlett Mr. D. F. O’Leary Rev. E. Rivers Mr. J. Eagleton Mr. S. P. Page Mr. E. Hesketh Mr. R. C. Wild Mr. A. W. D. Moore Hon. Medical Officers : N. M. Fergusson, M.B. I F. R. Patterson, M.B CM. W. T. Milton, M.D., M.S. I G. Blackall, M.B., DTP.H. Trustees : Mr. J. Eagleton Mr. A. W. D. Moore Mr. A. E. Lund Mr. E. C. Edwards Mr. F. D. Bartlett. Representative of Hospital Saturday Fund: Mr. H. R. W. Pritchard Nominee of the Trustees of the Eltham United Charities : Mr. David Saunders General Committee : Mr. A. J. Godby Mr. W. E. Butcher Mr. C. H Tibbs Mr George Hyde Mr. E. C. Edwards Mr. J. E. Armfield Captain P. J. H. Turner Mr. R. H. Pannell Mr. C. A. Rosselli Col. W. D. Warrington Morris Hon. Treasurer : Mr. H. Hallett, Eltham & Mottingham Cottage Hospital, S.E. 9. Assistant Hon. Treasurer : Col. W. D. Warrington Morris, “Court End,” Eltham, S.E.9. Hon. Secretary : Mr. C G. Wilkins, Martins Bank, Ltd, Court Yard, Eltham, S.E. 9. Hon. Secretary to Voluntary Collectors Committee : Mr. H. H. Murray, 44 Elibank Road, Eltham, S.E. 9. 3 Lady Visitors: Miss Absolom Mrs. Hall Miss Bloxam Mrs. R. G. J. Rawlinson Mrs. Whitehead Mrs. Allen Ladies' House Committee: Mrs. BLAKER Mrs. Mkdcalf Miss Brett Mrs. Rule Miss Carr Mrs. Scarse Mrs. Prentice Mrs. Dugon ui Hon. Consulting Physicians: Arthur Saunders, F.R.C.P. A. E. Gow, M.D. Hon. Consulting Gynecologist and Obstetrician: Comyns Berkeley, M.A., M D., Cantab, F.R.C.P. Lond. Hon. Consulting Radiologist: D. B. I. Hallett, M.A., B.M., B.Ch. (Oxon), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.R. & E. (Carnbs.) Hon. Consulting Surgeons: Aslett Baldwin, F.R.C.S. Phillip Turner, F.R.C.S. W. Knox Irwin. M.D., F.R.C.S P. A. Leighton, M.D., Ch.B. Hon. Consulting Surgeons—Diseases of Ear and. Throat: Percy Jakins, M.D. A. M. Zamora, F.R.C.S. Hon. Dental Surgeon : H. G. C. Reeve, L.D.S., Eng. Hon. Auditors: Messrs. Panneli. & Co. Bankers : Martins Bank. Ltd, Eltham. Matron: Miss P. Stewart. 4 Eltham & Mottingham Cottage Hospital REPORT FOR YEAR 1930. THE COMMITTEE have to record with deep regret the death of the President, Mr. J. Rosselli, during his year of Office. Mr. Rosselli had been connected with the Hospital for very many years, during which he held the office of President for 6 }^ears, and that of Treasurer 7 years. The continuous progress and development of the Hospital was largely due to his unflagging zeal. Mr. F. D. Bartlett was elected Chairman of Committee until the next General Meeting. The Committee now have the pleasure to present their Report for the year 1930, which shews that the services rendered by the Hospital continue in demand—the equipment has been maintained in a high state of efficiency, and the financial position is entirely satisfactory. The total number of beds available remains at 26, and the average number occupied daily has been 17.36, against 19.78 for last year. The average number of days each patient was resident was 12.45, against 13.96 for 1929. There is no out-patients’ department. The following figures extracted from the Medical Officers’ Report and the Register of Patients, are given together with those of the previous year for comparison :— 1930 1929 1928 Number of cases treated in the Hospital .. ... 555 547 470 Number of cases treated in the Casualty Ward .. 622 671 466 584 operations have been performed during the year, of which 112 were major operations. X Ray examinations for the year number 275, as against 329 for 1929. The average total cost per patient was :—13s. 3d. for 1930, as against £1 Is. 3d. for 1929. 5 The average cost of each patient per diem was :—1930, 9s. Hd.; 1929, 10s. 2d. The Statement of Accounts is submitted herewith, and shews an excess of Income over Expenditure of £305 2s. 5d., which includes a gift of .£100 from the Trustees of the late Mr. J. C. Geiselbrecht, and a gift of £100 from Mrs. Rosselli, in memory of her husband, both of which have since been invested for the General Fund, and for Endowment respectively. The Committee wish to point out that there has been no heavy expenditure for repairs or equipment, as in the previous year. The Committee regret to report a falling-off in the Annual Subscriptions of £22s. 5s. 2d., and view this with great dis¬ appointment, having regard to the steady increase in the pop¬ ulation, and express once more the hope that new Subscribers will come forward. Donations amounted to £363 9s., as against .£436 17s. last year, these included :— Alexandra Day Fund ... ... ... ... £120 The Stock Exchange Dramatic and Operatic Society ... ... ... ... ... £110 The North Star Lodge... ... ... .. £25 Eltham United Charities ... ... ... £20 Eltham Park Social Club ... ... ... £29 Collecting Boxes and Workmen's Collections shew a de¬ crease of about £20, whilst Entertainments produced £87, against £268—(receipts from this source fluctuate consider¬ ably from year to year)—and for these, special thanks are due to :— The Eltham Park Social Club. The Eltham Orchestral Society. Messrs. Carter Paterson's Depot Football Club. Eltham Thursday Football Club Hospital Cup Compe¬ tition. Babington House School. Mottingham and District Horticultural Society. Grants were gratefully acknowledged from :— King Edward’s Hospital Fund for London .. £75 Hospital Sunday Fund— ..£60 Hospital Saturday Fund _. ._ ... £50 7s. 6 Patients’ Fees for the year amounted to ,£1639 6s. lid., an increase over last year of about ,£52—this illustrates the increasing usefulness of the Hospital. The North’s Wards are proving to be the benefit it was hoped they would be. The Annual Pound and View Day was held on October 15th, and resulted in many acceptable gifts in kind valued at ;£56 Is. 2d., and in cash donations amounting to £31 7s., which compares favourably with last year, and, in addition, the Hospital has received, as in previous years, many kind gifts of fruit, flowers, vegetables, books, papers, magazines and linen. The Hospital was visited and inspected by Mr. Owen Lankester and the Hon. Arthur Lowther on behalf of King Edward’s Hospital Fund for London. The Ladies’ Working Guild again provided a large number of useful articles for the Hospital, for which the thanks of the Committee and Patients are due. We are again pleased to report that letters continue to be received from patients expressing their appreciation of the treatment received from the Matron and the Staff of the Hospital. The Committee have to report the resignation from the Honorary Medical Staff, of Dr. P. A. Leighton, on the grounds of ill-health, which they have accepted with great regret. Dr. Leighton has completed 25 years of most useful work on the Staff, and will be greatly missed. We are glad that he has accepted the position of Honorary Consulting Surgeon. The Committee also have to report that, owing to press¬ ure of public business, Alderman and Sheriff Maurice Jenks has retired from the position of Honorary Auditor. The Committee record their great appreciation of his services over many years. The Accounts for the past year have been audited by Messrs. Pannell & Co., who have consented to act as Honorary Auditors, and they will be submitted to you for election at this Meeting. Miss Barbour retired from the post of Matron in July last, having been appointed to a larger hospital. The Com¬ mittee were very sorry to lose her, but have been fortunate in securing the services of Miss P. Stewart to take her place. 7 Mr. de C. Brigstocke has retired from the post of Hon. Asst. Treasurer, and Col. W. D. Warrington-Morris has kindly consented to act in this capacity. The Committee desire to record their best thanks to Mr. H. Hallet and Mr. de C. Brigstocke, Honorary Treasurer and the retired Assistant Honorary Treasurer respectively; the Honorary Secretary, Mr. C. G. Wilkins; the Honorary Medi¬ cal Officers; and the Matron, Miss Stewart. Hearty thanks are also due to the Ladies' House Committee for the valuable services rendered by them, and to the Nursing Staff. The warmest thanks of the Hospital Committee and of all those who have benefited by the Institution, are due to Mr. H. H. Murray, of 44 Elibank Road, Eltham, S.E.
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