I C 1., #the Tropic Times Vol. II, No. 44 Quarry Heights, Republic of Panama Dec. 6, 1989 Bush asks Manfredo to serve M W as acting PCC administrator - WASHINGTON, (Reuter) - Senate confirmation. Declaring that the United States The White House said a intends to honor its Panama Canal permanent Panamanian administra- - treaty obligation, the White House tor would be appointed "at such time said Tuesday President Bush had as a legitimate Panamanian asked Fernando Manfredo,a government exists." Panamanian, to become the canal's The United States does not acting administrator next year. recognize the authority of Manfredo, currently deputy Panamanian leader Manuel Antonio administrator of the Panama Canal Noriega and has been pushing for his Commission, would step in for D.P. resignation for nearly two years. McAuliffe, an American who is Noriega has been indicted in the retiring as canal administrator. United States on drug trafficking The Panama Canal Treaty, under charges. which the United States will transfer ownership of the canal to Panama by White House press secretary the end of the century, requires that Marlin Fitzwater, in a written the post of canal administrator be statement, said Manfredo's selection filled by a Panamanian national Jan. as acting administrator demonstrates 1, 1990. The deputy administrator's that the United States "is committed post is to be filled by an American. to meeting the requirements of the / Under the canal treaty the Panama Canal Treaty even under Panamanian government is current circumstances in which no supposed to appoint the legitimate government authority administrator, who is subject to U.S. exists in Panama. McA ulffe set to retire Jan. 1 (Editor's Note: This article was Fernando Manfredo Jr., to compiled from statements by White continue to serve the commission Panama Canal Commission A administrator DY. McA uffe, left, end Deputy. House Press Secretary Marlin and toserveas acting administrator Administrator Fernando Manfredo Jr. have served together with the ~FffiZWiter and Deputy Panama upon the retirement of current U.S. commission for 10 years. (PCC photo) Canal Commisaion Administrator Administrator D.P. McAuliffe, Fernando Manfredo, and an SCN effective Jan. 1, 1990. Commission Administrator D.P. extend his tenure as deputy McAuflffe Tuesday.) administrator. (Nota del editor: Este escrito cargo de un hombre que goza de la COROZAL - The White House The administration has asked recoge declaraciones vertidas por el confianzade los usuarios del Canal, y Manfredo to continue with the Secretario de Prensa de Ia Cam que es bien conocido y respetado por sefal6. has asked the current commission given the outstanding Blanca Marlin Fitzwater y el la fuerza laboral canalera," Bush Lic. Manfredo Panamanian Deputy Administrator ability he has demonstrated both as Subadministrador de Ia Comisi6n Por su parte, el destac6 que acept6 extender su of the Panama Canal Commission, d eputy administrator and as acting del Canal de Panami D.P. administrator on previous occasions McAuliffe, transmitidas ayer tenencia como Subadministrador del when the administrator has been durante una entrevista en SCN.) Canal "por considerar que es la ifaica o oers rescue absent. As this step demonstrates, COROZAL - La Casa Blanca alternativa responsable en las the U.S. is committed to meeting the anunci6 ayer que el Presidente Bush presentes circunstancias." fam ly m em aers requirements of the Panama Canal le ha solicitado al actual Ademis de fungir diez antos en el Treaty even under current Subadministrador panameflo de la Canal de Panama, el Lic. Manfredo FORT CLAYTON (USARSO circumstances in which no legitimate Comisi6n del Canal de Panama, el ha tenido una distinguida carrera en PAO) - Two U.S. Army South government authority exists in Lic. Fernando Manfredo, Jr., que el sector ptblico y privado. soldiers and an unidentified Panama. continue prestando sus servicios a la Panamanian saved a 9 year old Army A Panamanian administrator will Comisi6n cuando se retire el actual S e n o m b r a r a u n family member from drowning be appointed at such time as a Administrador de los Estados administrador panamefio during a rainstorm here Friday. legitimate Panamanian government Unidos, el senior D.P. McAuliffe. Spec. Michael Hines and Capt. exists and proposes its candidate for El Lic. Manfredo ha aceptado cuando exista un gobierno Stephen C. Wallace, both of HHC, administrator in accordance with extender su tenencia como panamefto legitimo. 142nd Medical Battalion, were the procedures set forth in the Treaty Subadministrador. returning to their unit when Hines and applicable law. La Administraci6n del Presidente Ha sido directive de varies saw a small boy standing between a Following the announcement, Bush le ha solicitado al Lic. Ha i o ire deaias drainage canal and two bikes. PCC Administrator McAuliffe said Manfredo que continue con la compaias importantes, y tenido "He looked confused, like he welcomed the move. It will put at Comisi6n debido a su extraordinaria importantes posiciones en el sector something was wrong and he didn't the head of the canal "a man who capacidad, tanto como Subadminis- publico, como Miistro de Comercio know what to do," Hines explained. enjoys the confidence of canal users trador como Administrador y de la Presidencia. "So Captain Wallace stopped the car worldwide and who is well known to Encargado, demostrada en ocasiones Tambi6n fu6 nombrado negocia- and I ran to the canal." and respected by the PCC anteriores durante la ausencia del dor del Tratado del Canal de In the canal Hines found a man workforce." Administrador. Como se demuestra PanamA y Embajador Especial ante with one arm in a cast trying to free a con esta media, los Estados Unidos los Estados Unidos. second boy trapped in the canal's A Panamanian admnstra- se compromete a cumplir con los Entre otros cargos civicos, el Lic. rising waters. Hines immediately tor will be appointed at requisitos del Tratado del Canal de Manfredo ha sido vicepresidente del jumped into the canal and held the tg a PanamA, axin bajo las circunstan- Club Rotario, PanamA y de la boy until Wallace arrived. such time as a legiimate cias actuales en donde no existe la Asociaci6n Panamefia de Ejecutivos While Wallace supported the boy, Panamanian government autoridad de un gobierno legitimo de Empresa (APEDE). Hines began trying to free the boy's en PanamA. legs from debris in the canal. By then exists. Se nombrarA un Administrador the waters had risen above the boy's Manfredo said he agreed to extend panamento cuando exista un YYI.U 4. shoulders. his tenure as deputy canal gobierno panamefio legitimo y 6ste fo1 M ddhm Day "The poor little kid was scared. I administrator because "it is the only design a su candidato para IM just kept telling him to be calm and conscientious alternative under the Administrador segu'n los procedi- COROZAL - The American we'd get him out," Hines said. "A few present circumstances." mientos establecidos en el Tratado y Express banks will be closed minutes later we did." In addition to serving 10 years at la ley en vigencia. Friday in observance of Mothers Their rescue earned Hines an the Panama Canal, Manfredo has Luego de darse a conocer la Day, a legal P anian holiday. impact Army Commendation Medal had a distinguished career in the noticia, el Administrador McAuliffe ATMs at Howard AF and Fort and Wallace an impact Army public and private sector. seial6 que recibia la decisi6n con Davi will be open as usual. Achievement Medal. (Continued on p.8) satisfacci6n. "PondrA el Canal a Times 2 Dec.Tropic 6, 1989 Free, independent press cornerstone of democracy (Following is an editorial, journalists and publishers are They will not be alone in their Gelb's visit, a number of important broadcast by the Voice of America helping Colombia's newspapers struggle. Earlier this month United figures in journalism from several reflecting the views of the U.S. maintain their vital and courageous States Information Agency Director countries have agreed to donate one government.) stand against the terror and Bruce Gelb visited the ruined offices million dollars to help El Espectador A free and independent press is a corruption of the drug trade. of El Espectador in Bogota. Gelb continue its campaign against the cornerstone of democracy and any One such newspaper, the 102-year- said the building, with its blown-out drug traffickers. threat to press freedom is a threat to old El Espectador, was all but walls and windows, looked like a The commitment of principled democrary itself. Traditionally, a destroyed by a car bomb in early scene froom battle-scarred journalists in Colombia and other free press has been the unofficial September. The editors and staff Lebanon transferred to Colombia. democratic countries to a free press guardian of the rights of the weak worked through the night to publish He said there is more at stake than echos that of one of the founders of against the brutality of the powerful. a limited edition carrying the banner the fate of one newspaper in a South American democracy. The author of So it is not surprising that headline, "WE WILL GO American country. He said every free the U.S. Declaration of Indepen- Colombia's murderous drug lords FORWARD." El Espectador country and every free newspaper dence, Thomas Jefferson, oncewrote are attacking independent continues to publish even though two faces the potential risk of threats and "were it left to me to decide whether news pap e r an d out s p o k e n of its editors were subsequently violence from drug traffickers. And, we should have a government journalists with the violence they murdered by the drug traffickers.
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