Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-8-1955 The B-G News March 8, 1955 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 8, 1955" (1955). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1236. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1236 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Trees, Lights Hinder Nest's Portage Trip Four mile:* from BGSU stands *JW! a three-room log structure belong- ing to the Portage American Le- gion. This building is The Fal- IWfittq Green State Untversitu con's Nest, the University's tem- porary student union for more than 12 years. VoL 39 Official Student Publication. Bowling Green, Ohio. Tuesday, March 8. 1955 No. 36 Severnl weeks age, volunteer help from the Legion began tear- ing down the Nest's kitchen, then WBGU Offers Music Premiere Art Exhibition separated the student and faculty To Open This Week rooms from the main lounge. The Of Recent C omposers The premiere public showing of Students May Support next step was to support the structures on rigid wheeled-frames. the First American Kxhibition of This was dona to prevent exces- For Friday Listeners "Copied Originals by Carl Lang- sive strain .>n certain walls and guth" will open in Bowling Green "Treasured Music," an hour March 11 and continue through corners as the moving wheels long program of contemporary Radio Free Europe dropped along road levels. March 18. The hours for showing classics' is one of the new program will he from 1 to 10 p.m. Admis- N.n MoTtd additions presented over WBGU sion is free. Student! at this University will have the opportunity From its old site, it was moved I-1...i.. by (.<•»<• Until this semester. Kach Kriday from in the next few days to pledge themselves to the support of 7 to IS p.m. representative works The premiere showing In Howl- down the street towards the Men's Dr. B. D. Bichacoff. n«wly appoint ing (ireen commemorates Howl- Radio Free Europe in its attempt to keep up its job of pip- Gym, and then to the Lab school of leading modern composers are ing the truth behind the Iron Curtain. •d ilatf doctor at Johnston Hospital. featured from the record library ing OrMH Art Week March 7 to field. At 7 a.m. Thursday morning, 18, as proclaimed by Mayor Dean of Administration Ralph G. Harshman enlisted moving of the sections began. As do»- a bit of olflc* work b«tw**n h»r of the Pittsburgh International paiitnti viiits. Dr. BIchacolt l. )o Music Festival. Clarence W. Dick. The exhibi- the aid of the Association of Women Students, Panhellenic the structures passed down Woos- tion will be on display in the re- Council, Interfraternity Council, ter St., men were scurrying ahead '•main on th» staff temporarily to as- Recorded Works creation hall of the Howling Green the nssistant dean of men, and The of the transports digging up street sist Dr. Chamborlln In her dutlts of Recorded, are works by such High School. Science Publication B-G News this week to make sure signs that were in the path of the admlnislsrlnq medical car* to stu- recent composers as Aaron Cop- The showing, being taken on a that every student on the campus building. Trees were clipped and dents. Dr. Bichacoff received her Bac- land, Hela Hartok, Igor Stravinsky, Okayed By Committee will be given the opportunity to branches were lifted out of reach national tour, includes reproduc- calaureate deqree from Northwestern. Arnold Schoenberg, Roy Harris. tions of 100 paintings by famous A proposed student science pub- sign the Freedom Scrolls. of the passing building. Ten traf- and was graduated from the Univer- Howard Hanson, Ralph Vaughan arti.-ts such as Kembrandl and lication was recommended to the Dormitories and the housing fic lights were raised about 24 sity of Chicago with an MA. She re- Williams, Walter Schumann, Dimi- Picasso. president by the Student Publica- units will each have scrolls on feet and police were stationed to ceived her medical degree from John tri Shostakovich, Walter Piston, tions Committee at a meeting on their bulletin hoards. direct traffic. Northern Ohio Tele- The "Copied Originals" have re- Hopkins University In 1950. Her in- and Sergei ProkoiiefT. Thursday, March II. If the publi- One will be posted on the bul- phone Co. and the City Electric The Pittsburgh Music Festival ceived acclaim from international cation is approved by the presi- ternship was served at the Wesely critics for their line details, color letin board on the north side of Department workers cleared way Memorial Hospital, a part of North- consists of recordings made by dent of the University, the first the Well, and another in the BG for the building by taking down the Pittsburgh Symphony and oth- variations, shadow, and structure issue will be published this spring. western University. of the originals. Ridges caused by News office, for off-campus stu- telephone and electric wires and er orchestras playing music of The magazine, to be composed dents to sign. cables along the route. twentieth century composers, and brushstrokes and areas of layered or piled-up paint can be felt by of student contributions on scien- For Contributions Travels U MPH is made possible by grants from tific matters, will be sponsored by the viewer, according to these Sclf-nddresscd envelopes will By 5 p.m. that night, the Nest Finkenbiner Gets Post; The Carnegie Institute of Techni- three science organizations. These critics. also be available near the scrolls was in Portage, having traveled logy and the Pennsylvania College are: Beta Beta Beta, recognition 5 Attend AWS Confab for those students who may wish at a rate of 2.5 miles per hour. for Women. The recordings were society in Biology; Chemical Mary Ellen Finkcnbiiicr has sent to over 400 non-commercial to contribute money to tho cru- The Legion's bid on the build- Journal Club, student affiliate of educational stations including sade. Contributions are complete- ing was $575. In addition, de- been appointed freshman repre- 7th Huron Playhouse the American Chemical Society; WBGU. ami the Geological Society, an or- ly voluntary, and signing your posits of $1,000 and $600 were sentative of the Association of nume to the scroll does not indicate placed with the telephone com- Women Students. Carol Doren, Blake Moderator ganization for geology majors and To Produce 7 Plays minors. that you pledge monetary contri- pany and the city respectively, vice-president, stated that approxi- Donald Blake is moderator for bution. to cover the cost of clearing the mately 4ft women applied and were the program. This week, "Trea- The statf of the magazine will Tho presidents of each of the interviewed by the executive board For 8-Week Season right of way. Moving costs have sured Music" will feature Alban he composed of members of these organizations consulted by Dean been estimated about $1,500. Be- of AWS for this position. Berg's "Concerto for Violin and Huron Playhouse, a University three organizations and their ad- Harshman indicated their interest visers will serve as the advisory tween $5,000 and $6,000 will be Attending the state AWS con- Orchestra"; Arnold Schocnberg's sponsored summer workshop for in the crusade, and promised to spent before the building is finally vention at Ohio University over "Trio for Viola, Violin, mid Violin the theatre, will produce seven board. The magazine will be pub- encourage their groups to support located in Portage. the week end were: Loil Kndom- Cello"; and Sergei ProkoficlT's plays during the summer's eight- lished once a semester at the start. the campaign. The Nest is not forever out of sky, AWS president; Linda Sue "Sonata for Flute and Piano in I> week season, announced Dr. Eld- Distribution would be to members The crusade is nation-wide in the reach of BG students. Al- Johnson, AWS second vice -presi- major." en T. Smith, professor of speech of the sponsoring organizations, an attempt to show the peoples of interested students, other uni- though Portage Legion members dent; Suzanne Claflin, correspond* The first two works are per- and playhouse director. It is the the free and communist-dominated and other citizens will be using injj secretary of AWS; Jo I.ee Ful- formed by the Pittshugh Sym- seventh season for the playhouse. versities, and area high schools. countries of F.uropc that Ameri- it as a social gathering-place and ler, house chairman of Shntzcl; phony Orchestra under the direc- Six Plays cans arc interested in keeping tion of William Steinberg. Pro- a community center, it will be and Rlizubcth I'ope, head resident Six plays will be chosen from Europe free of Communist dom- available for rental to University of Johnston Hall. Klinor ElsaUi ItoAefTs sonata is done by the the following list: "Annie Get Catalog Due Soon; ination. organizations. Shatzel head resident, drove the Wslden Quartette of the Univer- Your Gun," "Life With Father," Radio Free Europe reaches the sity of Illinois. irroup to the convention. "Our Town," "Dial M For Mur- Features Drawings 70 million people in the captive der," "My Three Angels," "Under countries of Poland, Czechoslo- The 1065-66 University Catalog the Gaslight," "Midsummer Night's vakia, Hungary, Komaniu, and has gone to press and will be avail- University Debaters Dream." "Room Service," and Bulgaria behind the Iron Curtain; Issac Stern Captivates Audience able for distribution by the end people who have known freedom "Time Out For Ginger," In addi- of this month, according to Harold Place 34 Firsts tion, a children's play will he pre- anil have historically fought for W.
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