ZIMB ABW;E ZIMB ABW;E NEWS Zimbabwe Nde Yedu :We Are Our Own Liberators: Izimbabwe Nge: Yethu", VCL.3, .o 17 P 2RICE: 5n SEPTELMBER i4,1968. S SITH'S TURN? By Our Correspondent iany things have hap.ened within the Rhodesian white settler Establishment since the declaration of U.D.i. some 34 months ago. ithin the last 15 months a total of three all-wvhite parties have .mushroomed in Salisbury, but the most telling indication of a general feeling of bitter frustration and, fear among rbr ,,h Rhodesia's 200,000 Ave are our .rtc~ ourPeoe white settlers has u .slt! beenthe r'esignation, within two months of each other, of two leading Cabinet Uinisters and Party * leaders -:7illiam I Harper and Lord Graham. This, - ! followed by the mass RftPTU)z P6 9 c-r us 0e, resignation of the entire 74-member Salisbury Central branch of Ian Smith's Rhodesia 111-ont Party, does not necessarily mean that Rhodesia's whites are about to eat one another but it does show that these normally unthinkingshigh-living civilizers of the blackman are atleast now beginning to behave as if hard thinking on their part is necessary. What they are questioning now is not whether UDI and the subsequent murder of black freedom-fighters inside prison end the concentration camp.s were justified acts but why UDI and the attempt at cowering the Zimbabwean people have not orked. In so doing they are blaming not their massive stupidity, but Ian Smith, for the failure of all they have tried to do to maintain white settler privilege in Rhodesia. Printed and Published by: Zimbabwe African National Union. PQ Box 2331, Lusaka, ZAMBIA. istered Ps Office as a Newspaper. ZIMBABWE NBWS, SEPTEMBER 14,1968. Page 2 Thus the formation of so many splinter parties among s0 tiny (5 per cent of the Rhodesian population) an alien minority. The National Party ( so Apirtheidistic it borrowed both its name and constitution from Vorstergqational Party in South founded Akrica) was early this year by former leaders of Smith's Rhodesia Front who got too impatient with Smith's calculated delay in declaring Rhodesia some sort of Republican province of South Africa. While former Party Chairman Idenshon and those who quit with him to form the National Party wanted Apextheid and a Republic Now, Smith agreed but thought it wiser to wait until he could pull a fast one on world public opinion. He did not want to spoil the chances of a very successful Rhodesian lobby in London and America. He would wait until Wilson or the next British Government were able to quietely legalise his illegality in Rhodesia: And that may take the next five years or so to achieve. But it would do Rhodesia no harm. Has not the Rhodesia Front's objective of total apartheid been half achieved already anyway? What's wrong with firing a couple of tactless ministers if that can help Ian Smith achieve the dubious position of a right-wing "moderate" in the eyes of those abroad who have waited for such an excuse to create a Munich all over again? On the other hand the Rhodesian.Association and the Centre Party, made up of former followers of Roy Welensky's now defunct United Federal Party, have no fundamental disagreement in matters of policy with fellow-settlers in the Rhodesia Front or National Party: they too want to protect the whiteman's civilisation and Christianity in this part of Africa, but they seem to believe these virtues of the whiteman in Rhodesia must be maintained with the constitutional blessing of mother England. So they have settled for a policy of negotiating our continued slavery with Harold Wilson who is not quite unsympathetic with their "moderate" cause. What all this political bickering in Rhodesia amounts to is that, sooner or later, Ian Smith will have to settle for the role of a fallen idol. The white settlers who only two years ago seemed ready to confirm him as a settler Anglo-Saxon Moses seem to have changed their minds now. And as in the case of Garfield Todd and Edgar Whitehead before him(Todd was 0vertA ownln 1968 by Whitehead who was also overthrown in 1964) Smith will probably be replaced by a new god before the next 12 months are out. That would surprise no one who has followed the rightist trend in white settler politics since the downfall of Todd in 1968. (continued on next page) SEPTEMBER 14,1968. Smith has failed because UDI has failed. He has been a hero especially created to make UDI work, but as the rightist Johhnnesburg "Sunday Tribune"( 8/9/68) has written:" The fight is among whites who disagree on how best to holAhBower that they have - which was what UDI was all about, and what UDI was supposed to settle." To the majority of whites in Rhodesia, UDI was expected tO provide an instant solution to the dangers of black encroachment on white privilege in the political and socio-economic fields. They could not at the time get themselves tn believe that the blacks in Zimbabwe were capable of putting up a fierce and prolonged resistance to white rule. That is where Smith misealculated; for while he has been able to beat both Harold Wilson and his Queen, he has not been able to contain the forces of black revolutionary resistance. And this is basically-what's ,rustrating to the " g"i ho~asiatoday. This is why he needs a -better-god, a better magician than Ian Smith. The next white god in Rhodesia will possibly take some time to emerg§ but emerge he will - in the clothes of a South African prince who, like Vorster and not unlike Smith, will manage to put up with black people only so long as they can "volunteer" their precious hearts to save the lives of white folks and advance the glories of the likes of Chris Barnard. PRESS RELEASE, 14/9/68 It does not come to us as a surprise that the judges of the Rhodesian High Court have ruled that both the Smith regime and the U.D.I. Constitution of 1965 are legal. The judgement merely goes to show the solidarity between leading sections of the white population in their determination to continue, through all foul means at their disposal, the exploitation and oppression of Africans in Zimbabwe. At this very late hour the court's decision has given to the world at large and to Zimbabweans in particular further conclusive evidence that the struggle for the freedom of Zimbabwe does not lie in legal arguments or parliamentary debates but in armed revolution. The judgement will strengthen and broaden still further the unity of all Zimbabweans behind the armed struggle, and will hasten the violent collapse of minority rule in Zimbabwe. ZIMBABWE NEWS, Page 3 SEPTEmBER 14,1968. FIFTH 0.A.U. SU6i1IT The 0.A.U. 's fifth Summit which began yesterday in Algiers is important for several reasons. First, there is the very urgent and important question of the Nigerian Civil War. We believe that to leave this question out of the agenda is not only a sorry means of avoiding taking uncomfortable but necessary decisions; it is opportunistic to believe that one of the most tragic cases in the history of our Continent can simply be dismissed as unworthy of discussion by such an important forum as the 0.AU. It surely is not necessary fo-"-.f'L'ia's only major international body to keep itself alive by avoiding P0lit"iclldonttoversiai issues ? Secondly, and vezy imp, ortant to us, is the question of the liberation of ZLibabwe and Southern Africa as a whole. We believe that, for ?he a ake of 38 million oppressed blacks in ZimbabweeIozamhiquq,Angola, South and South-West Africa, S u ,ai t the present OoA.U. must make significantly revolutionary decisions while avoiding othe thb a y tend to militate against the long-term i tirests of o.r strLgle, The Summit must, for example, avoid befin pushed aiound by certain governments urged on by soce so-called socialist foreign powers in Europe into choosing what may be good for those foreign powers but detrimental to 1he re olutionary interests of the peoples of SoutLern Africa, We axe not unaware that certain activities that have been undertaken in the past in Southern Africa - activities that are at best adventurous and at worst treacherous - were not intended to achieve any revolutionary goal but to impress, This has been done on the advice of those in "socialist" Luropie ohoosa main interest in our struggle has centred on no other motive but to sabotage it. For our part, we refuse to fight anything nther than genuine guerrilla warfarE, which ii the only effective method for achieving revolutionary victory, We will not engage in the recklessness of conventional warfare, in which something like 50 men are lost per acion, in order to create headlines which ome pe'ple, evon within the 0.A.U, like to mistake for effectiveness, Pox that kind of "struggl6", while winning the applause of the innocent, cannot get us far. Indeed one only needs to recall the example of FLOSy in the Yemen, which fought most of its battles oy radio stations and newspapers. FLOSY, it hardly must be pointed out, still remains in exile after the birth of the Yemeni People's Republic. (continued on page 5) ZIMBIABWE MEW'S, Page 4 SEPTEMBER 14,1968. So we are resolved to continue a war that may not always make sensation on the front pages of the press, but a war that is designed to hit the enemy systematically and where it hurts most.
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