1525 WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE-~ H&W Hellawell Jeremiah, IB Bankfleld ter· Hemsworth Benjamin ~.P. rhe Hall, Hepworth Joseph,150Gibbet st. Hnlifu race, Manchester road, Hudder.sfield Monk Fryst.on, South Milfonl HepworthMiss, Waringgreen,Brighoa~e Hell a well John, Alfred st. H uddersfidd Hemsworth H. 4 Westfield ter. Wake:Bd Hepworth Mrs. Albion h.J.Morley,Leed!! Hellawell J ohn,11 Spring st.H udderi!tld Hemsworth Mrs. The Park, Monk Hepworth Mrs. 12 Albion terrace,Ripon Hellawell J. 62 Buxton rd. H udderstleld Frvston, South Miliord HepworthMrs.Grabam's terrace, Tborn• Hellawell J. 70 South st. Huddersfield Hemus T. Beach gro. Scarcrort, Leeds hill street, Wakefield Hellawell Miss, 31 South st. Hujder:~ftd Henderson Capt. J. ~ .P. Eshton honse, Hepworth Mrs. 6 Vincent street, Hop- Hellawell Mrs. Thorohill, Longwood, Leed~ wood lane, Halifax H uddersfidd Henderson Rev. John Wilson, Wesle;y Hepworth Mrs. West Park st. Dewsbury Hellawell William Priestley,High royd, street, Castleford, N ormanton Hepworth Orlando, Paddock,Hudder~fld Houley, Huddersfield Hemlerson Rev. W.G. D.C.L.l'tloorland Hepworth SI.C. West Parl-. st.Dewsbury Helle'well B. Burley-in-Wbarfd]e. Leeds road, Leeds Hepwurth W.Crot~land moor,Huddersfld Hellewell C. Glen wood, Horsf.Jrtb,Leeds Henderson James, Four Lane ends, HepworthWm.241 Ecclesall rd.Sheffiehi Hellewell John, 10 Alexandra grove, Horsforth, Leedi! Hepworth William,Green bottom, Guise· Burley, Leeds Henderson John Sunderland, 3 Tapton- ley, Leeds Hellewell J. Lawns bo. Farnley, Leeds ville, Hroomhill, Sheffield Hepworth William,4 Hawthorn terrace, Hdlewell Tom, 12 Alexandra gro~·e, Henderson Mrs. 2 Clarkho. rd. Sheffield New Wortley, Leeds Hurley, Leeds Hender~on Mrs. 15 Cowper place, Hill Herbert George, Colton, Leeds Hellewell William Henry, 73 Burley Si !le villa!l, Bradf"rd Herbert Ho race A. 9 Hig-h st. Doncastet lawn, Burley road, Leeds H .. nderson Rohert, 19 nurham road, Herbert Jn.56 HalifaxOld rd. Huddersfl.t Hellier Rev. Benjamin, Wesleyan col­ Wei!tbank, Sheffield Herbst Edward, 12 Fairfield road, Man- lege. Headin~ley lane, Leeds H enderson Mrs. Rosemount ter. Kei~hley ningham, Bradford Hellier John Benjamin, 1 De Grey ter· Henderson Thomas Bayclilfe,IO Lindum Herd Mrs. Hebden, Skipton race, Wood house lane, Leeds terr~~.ce, Doncaster ro11d, Rotherham Herin~ot William, B Wood View terrace, Helliwell Henry, Macbpelah, Hebden Henderson William, 5 Granville terrace, North road, Bradford bridl!'e, Manchester Frizinghall Heron Cnarles, 7 Fit2 william street west, Helliwell Hy. 21 Richmond rd.Bradford Henley Rev. T .C. Vicarage, KIrk b:v ,Leeds Huddersfield Helliwell Jas. 27 Highfield st. Keighley Henlock Mrs. Great Ouseburn, York Heron Charles, 42 Peel's square, Lumb Helliwell James Oates, 15 Oak Royd Hennries Mrs. 17 Warwick place, Leeds lane, Bradford terrace, North road, Bradford Heury Rev. Jas. Clarkeho. rd Sheffield Heron James, 7 Trafalgar place, Trafal· Helliwell John, Rawcliffe, Selby Henry Mrs. 183 Cemetery rd. Sheffield gar street, Bradford Helliwell M. 5 Harley villas, Todmorden Henry Richd. E. Grassington, Skipwn Heron Peter, 31 Salem street, Bradford Hell~ell T. 31 Sa vile Park rd. Halifax Henshall Rev .J .Oakyille,Crosshlls. Leeds Heron Robert, W harfeda.le view, M en­ Helliwell Thomas William. N ewlands, Henshall Samuel, 41 Bradfonl road stone, Leeds Rastrick, Brighouse north, H ••ddersfield HeronT. Imperial rd. Edgerton, Hddrsfld Helliwell William, 53 Alma st. Halifax Henshall William Daniel. Northfield Heron William,I5 Beech grove, Under- Helliwell William, Oak lei~rh, Corn- house, Kirkburton, Huddersfield cliffe, Bradford h·•lme, Stansfield, Todmorden Henson Rev. F. E. Junction, Kirk- Herrick Wm. 3 Hallficld road, Bradford Hdliwell W. 1 Lower Hope st. Halifax burton, Huddersfield Herridge Alfred, 7 Clarendon plaet!, Helm Anthony, East Mortvn, Bingley Hepher Rev. John B.A. Seacroft, Leeds Lumb lane, Bradford Helm Chas. Hy. Rastrick, Hrighouse Heppenstall E. 31 Clara st. H•tddersfield Herring Alfred, 33 Wallace road, Park­ Helm John, Rastrick, Hrighouse H eppenstall Friend, Wood street, Golcar, WOO(i spring11, Sheffield Helm John William, Oakleigh, Bolton Huddersfield Herring Frederick, 31 Wallace road, brow, ~owerby Bridg-e Heppenstall John, GreasLro', Rotherham Park wood springs, Sheffield Helm Mrs. West Garfortb, Leeds Heppenstall John Edward, Croft house. Herring George, Al ofts, Normanton Helm Stephen, 57 Rtginald terrace, Milnshridge, Huddersfield Herring John, 37 Wallace road, Park- Chapeltown road, Leeds Heppenstall Law, Ley moor, Golcar, wood sprin~s, Sheffield Helm Thomas, Rastrick, Bri~house Huddersfield Hertz Williarn Martin, 3 Oak mount, Helm Tvm, The F~rns,Grirnescarwood, Heppeni!tall Law,jun. Whitel~y bottom, Manningham, Bradford H illhouse, H udLiersfield Milnsbridge, Huddersfield HeseltonJ obnA.47Sollthfieltl sq. Bradfrd Helmsley James, Marlborough house, Hepper Hy. 5)Springgrdns. Doncaster Heseltine Robert, Kilnsay, Skipton Scarcroft, Leeds Hepper John, Clareville, Cardigan road, Hesilrige Rev.Chas.l'rl.Clifton, liri){house Hemingway E. W.R.Union bank,Batley HeaJingley, Leeds Heslop Miss, Brumfitt villas, Burley-in- Hemingway E. 21 Balmoral pi. Halifax Hepper Mrs. 35 Cottage road, Head- Wharfedale, Leeds Hemingwa.y George,Home house,Light- ingley, Leeds Heslop Miss,57NewNorth st.Huddersfld cliffe, Halifax Hepper Mrs. Stauley bo.Wortley, LeedB Hess Dolphus, 27 Hyde terrace, Leeds Hemingway Isaac, Stone lodge, North­ Hepper Mrs. Town end, \Vortley, Leeds Hessay Miss, 5 Carlton place, Horton owraru, Halifax Hepper Ths.Edwd.28Chesham st.Brdlrd road, Bradford He111ingway James, Oriental house, Heppinstall Rev. Henry,Vicarage,Uen- He~~seltine Charles Herbert, 50 St. Liversedge, N ormanton shaw, Manchester Paul's roa.d, Manning-ham, Bradford Heming-way John, Hall croft, Horbury, Hepplestone Geo. 7 Arth•1r st H uddersfld Hesslegrave J. W .Marsden, Huddero~field Wake field Hepplestone Henry& Thomas, Don villa, Hester George M.A. Waterloo crescent, Hemingway J. 31 Union st. sth. Halifax Peniswne Savile Park road, Halilit.x Hemingway Mrs. Fla~h lane, Mirfield Heptemtall William, Brayton, Selby Hetherington George, Mannville house, Hemingway Mrs. Heath, WakefieJ.l Heptinstall Mrs. 16 Victoria street, Mannville terrace, Bradfnrd Hemingway Mrs. Hollins house, North- Masbro', Rotherham Heward George, Clyde cottage, Donca&- owram, Halifax H eptinstall Richard, Braithwaite hall, ter road, Rotherham Hemingway Mrs. Thorne, Done •ster Kirk Bramwith, Doncaster Hewer Miss, 137 Whitham rd. Sheffield HemingwayWro. 7 :3avile park, Halifax Heptinstall Richard, Small thorn hill, Hewer R. L.S.A.39"2 Glossop rd.Sheffield Hemingway Wilson, Reservoir street, Cllstleli•rd, Normanton Hewetson H. H. 11 Hanover sq. Leecls Dewsbury moor Hepton Mrs. Addingham house, Ilkley Hewett R. E. 210 Brookhill, Sheffield HerningwayW. 31St. John's pi. Halifax Heptoustall Edwd.Kirkstalllane, Leeds Hewgill Mr11. 6 Albion terrace, Ripoo Hem mant Thomas, Beastfair, Pontefract Heptom1tall Mrs. Kirk"talllane, Leeds Hewison RP.v. John,St. Marie's Presby­ HemmiJ,g John Heath, 31 Southfield HeptoustallMr".MonkFrystn.Sth.Milfrd tery, Norfolk row, Sheffield square, Bradford Hepworth Arthnr, 9 Belle Vue rd. Leeds Hewison G. Firtree cot. Wheatley,Ilkley Bemmingway Geurge, Hill top, Knot­ Hepworth B.G.St.Mark's ter.Dewsbury HewisonJ. West view,Dewsbry. rd,Leeds tingley 8.0 Hepwurth B. Victoria rd. Morley, Leedt~ Hr.wison William, 17 PriaceM rd. Ripon Hemmiugway Henry Edward, 53 Park H epworth Friend, Sheepridge, H uddrsfld Hewison :vlisses, The W aodlands, OLley lane, Little Horwn lane, Bradford HepwurthGeo.ll Bradford r1J.Hrighouse road, Headingley, Leeds Hemming-way John, Dog kennels, Hems­ Hepwor1h George, 13 Richmond road, Hewitt ReY. Jn. Great Gomersal, Leeds worth, Pnntefract Horton road, liradford Hewitt Benjamio, Hellevue ter. Goole Hemmin!,!way Joseph, Warren terrace, Hepworth George, Westtiehl villas,Hor· Hewitt CharlesL.CrossGreeo lane, Leeds Warren gate, W ak.efield bury, Wakefield Hewitt Edward, Stray view, West End.. Hemmingway Thomas, Ackworth road, Hepwortb John, Cromer terrace. Leeds park, Harrogate Carleton, Pontefract HepworthJ ohn, Eureka cottage, Purston HewittEd win,Cooper ho.Bramley, Leeds Hemshall Joh, Conisbr •ugb, Rotherbam Jaglin, Ponkfract Hewitt G.Sherburn,South:\liltordR.S.O Hemsley H. L. 33 Spring field pl. Leed8 Hepworth John, Rose Field house, Pad· Hewitt John P.~Edge Hill rd.Sheffield Hemsull Gen. 419 GlMSOp rd. Sheffidd dock, Hudder:~ofield Hewitt Mrs. Aberford, Leeds Hem:10ll William Frederick, 7 Upper Hepworth John, Snaith, SdiJy Hewitt Mrs. High Rtreet, Bawtry Hanover str~et, Sheffield Hl'pworth J oseph, 29 Crescent rd.Sheffid Hewitt Mrs. 58 Sonth :street, Goole .
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