ty of Vennaat waa recently named one o f Sfteen auperlor men In the DoallMr lateet Oeaena Teata, making the •Bd M »ad« C. BUmcbard, Toeight the lO .O F '. A . club arlll aeore o f 446A polnU. Theae teata are will b t pwwBtt fl In • naotae their weekly Bingo partiee dealgned to ahow general athletic . rMttal at 4 p. OL bjr at the Odd FUlowe Hell. The com­ a b ility.' I M moI €t Muaic. « t the mittee returned thia week with • SELFSERVE •ehooTa B artfocd itudlo. aaw line o f prlaea. The public bee reeppBded ao arell at theae partiee 3 TO 6 FRIDAY I o f the Liftea rifle teem will that they hare increaeed the prtaee PEP YOUR CAR UP At •t aaewi oVoefc Friday algbt In value urer 60 per cent. A Hat SPEQALS Anaory. Mambera Aould win be found m their advertlaemeat ABEL'S CUT RATE la thla laeue o f The Herald. Goaranteed Aato and Track MaaweO I Boy Rescued By IBs Dog Repairing Local distributor for BILLS TO PROMOTE MORE HAUANS KUMMAGE SALE Swedish Bakinsr Sale Bear M Cooper Sfc Eat. IM l COFFEE LAWYERS’ GUILD HEAl •MTCXOAT. MABOB U Aaepleea e f Ladlea* AM Society T O B E S E M T O •iM A.BL fit CaMaoei lartheena Oinreh. RICHFIELD ROAD SAFETY GET ■nW B SSS MAD* 8TBBBT SATimDAF, BBGINNINO AT HI-OCTANE GASOLINE At the Oeeter a A. M. FOWL HGlfrjN SPAIN BrftMi War Feta^ AoalBaiy. TS HALE’S BASEMENT PLEASE SEE PAGE 5 FAVORS FDR’ S COURT? 25c lb. (Dressed) lack Froot SENATE APPROVAL O. H. Herrmann SUGAR So Captured Fascist Major 610 Center St. Phone 5085 SETBACK! Is Reported As Saying; CALLED CONSERVATIVl lO'lb. bag Ojpe Measare CaDi for Uiii- &M.C4I.AW.A. Tomorrow Nigrht :: Loyalists Now Fighting I t h i e CLASSES IN form T n lfic Control in Former Chief Jnstke .e ^ POPULAR SINGING Orangre Hall Woreeoter Every Satnrday Morning, 11:16 RECRIMINATE AS Regnhrs and Bhekshirts. Senator Ponders Court Reform At the Baat Side Roe Special Note! Thla week’a party Stite; OAer Provides for r -i Minnesoti StpreaM C e v | | f . Inetmctor: win be held In the baminet a-n. SALT ETHEL VON DECK h ftn etion in Sdwolt. SIGNDWNEARS Madrid, March 12.— (A P ) — b - rbone s n i 4 PrizesI Adm. 25e surgent artillery blasted anew at TeOs Senate Groip lb. box this beleaguered capital today os Btate Capitol, Hartford, March Charges of Bad Faith E i- government commanders re[>orted Respect for A e C evts mU .— (A P I—Two UUs dMtgned to their war-fagged -MUIcianos” were promote highway safety were re* holding an army of 80,000 Italians In LEHIGH changed; 75,000 Idle h check on the northeastern front, 44 Nation l i Now a t t STOVE ported favorably today during a COAL OPPERS miles sway. Shelia eXploded In the Wood bnet seseion of the General Aamm- Gran Via, an important thorough­ bly which wound up the tenth legle- Chrysler, Hndsen and fare, and struck the lower buildings Ehh; Progressife Legisift’:.] lative week. of one section of the city. Seve^ RANGE and Firepbee INSURANCE One of the measures provided for OKE Oompleto Unca of Protection: Reo Fi^ts With Un ^reons were believed hit and sm- tkn Is Needed, He Sayfcf You canH beat £ f - FUEL OIL a system of uniform traffic control. lulsncea raced to the shelled ares. a WOOD The otbar would remilre pubiio AutomoMIe — Fire — Burglar, Several other persona were killed or schools to give Inatrucoona In high-' ' ' Injurd yesterday in another of the Accident — Life — UaMllty ' way cafcty and safe drivtng. Washington, March 18.—(AP) _______ PROMPT SERVICE — LOW PRICES lewelry — (Maok — Surety Bomto By.ASSGClATBD PBB88 countleas bombardments of the (our- ^ U fr o m Both meaauica were reported in Re-wording of accord betwasn nmnUis siege. John P. Devaney, president of the Senate. On the other hand, 300 Insurgents G. CO The traffic ocnttol blU, reported Genemi Motora and United Aufo- newly formed National Lawyenf^v: GLENNEY moUla Workars of America detnya were killed or woimded In sodthem Guild, oaserted today many erttteff;; LATHROP & STATE Benjamin Cheney by the new cemmlttee on highway Spain, it waa reported from Andu- Pkhlt safety, empowere the etate traffic 0oGl slgnliiif. of the Roosevelt court bill fear i 42 East Center S t COAL CO. Telephone 3149 176 BAST UENTBK STKEET oommiaeloa to adopt and print Jar, when they attacked Villanueva --- --------- Mancheste, TBU 80IS ChrswIer Ooipom tloo’a oonferanoa Del Duque, Jaen Province. juzticea -win be zufflclently ndea and regulatloiia eotabliriiliig with U. V.. W. A. oonttnuea; depu- Penoaal and tVimmercial uniform control, algnala, devleea, Botterlee Betuia Fire. pendent to interprat the Surveya Ues read ecWrt order for injunction Government batteries liuide the tlon as It was written rather ■Igna and markinga. bearing to sttiken. The oommleelon also would have capital began to return the Insur­ tortura It to their own destres.” No renumpUoa In negotlatloas be­ gent ffre as shelling of the clty'i He so declsNd while testifying at;’ the power to iriaee any euch devleea -Jack hit me out,” eald three year-old Tbmmy Ponttus of Denver, Colo., on highways under Its Jurisdiction. tween union and Hudson Motor Chr central district became heavier, (jne the third day of hearinga beftoa teff;;^ Company. after hla.dog. Jack, pulled him from a bit of hot aahea. Tommy shell fell directly Into a cafe, up­ Senate Judldary oomimttea. — NOTICE — After Jidy 1, 18ST, no munldpal- tumbled Bito the aah pit while at play and might esolly have burned Ky would IM permitted to Inatall Nearly 75,000 Idle as strikers hold setting tables, chairs and dishes and The fon aer r i i ''t JusUoe o f Stock op on these handy 8-os. and No. 1 cans of Frolts Annual Musicale Detroit plants of Chrysler and Rnd- to death. fBe came out of the eXperience with a pair of blistered feet. wounding several persona. Pedes­ Minnesota Rupcams Oourt LOCAL 2125, U. T. W. o i A. - C. 1.0. control devloee unleee they have (Associated Preos Photo.) •nd Vegetables. , And Tea of the been approved by the oommleekm, aoa and Lansing, Mich., factory of trians in the business section fled closely queotemed by Regular Monthly Meeting Rao Motor Ckr Company. Into basements to avoid being struck FBACHES. 8 oa .............. Cosmopolitan Club The other bin, lenortid by the membera about his o .,..—— FBLLUW CORN ........... SATURDAY, MARCH 13,2 P. M. •dUQRtlOOIon oommlaeoe, would Rao mjeets union’s demand for by flying fragments of steel. after ha hod rlilM*<l to Apaak QUEEN BEANS ............. Friday, March 12, 3 P. M. quire Inotructloaa to be hi sola oeUactive bargniniag rights. The government cabinet in Valen­ -the rank and flia lawyar^ of SUCEO BEETS, No. 1 ca Business of utmost importance to all will public Bchoole from the ■ffvanth Shortage of maWlnla cloaea Loa cia, meanwhile, prepared a protest nation, and suggested that i TOMATOES................... Center Church House grade through H^gMgWjl Angeles Chryrier foctory. USE OF STATE POUCE to the International Neutrality Com­ of the American Bar Aa be discussed—especially to Velvet work­ U. A. W. A. national eXecutive mittee, of which Italy la a member, ■bared ”tha praJudloM of Art lata: BEECH-NUT TOMATO dUlOB ............................. g lO o------ M r At least SO mMXrtM • would board to meat in Oevefond. terming the presence of Italian cUente.” . CAMPBELL’S SOUPS, afl bat Chicken....................... S cane Me ers. Be sure to attend. O. Elmore Watldna, Base. have to...................... be devotedto oueli li troops a grave violation of the Eu­ In opsnlBg bla atatement, : Greca Qlant Ttader Peoe ...................................... g g^nu cans SSr Buy Union Made Goods. Robert Doellner, VIoUnlsL tk», and a teat would ba raqiiifad BKPHRASINO OOBfPACT AT STRIKES PROTESTED ropean non-intervention accord. The ey uTM enactment of tea ____ Burdette Hawley, Pianist. of the students weekly. Detroit, March U __ (A P )—Ra- ivemment accused Italy of wag drilt^ Aourt hill as "the jnoat ooiiii:' ..F h* leade variety to the diet . oerve eonw of Floehnnt Both meosurea were tabled for phrasiag certain portions of an ac g an -undeclared war” on Spain, ■ervMtva rtamAy avallahta” $8^ geauiae TABTAB SAUCE with It . Itc and 28c. Most Ticket at door or of members, the calendar and probably will be cord between General Motors Cor­ la the face of combined assaults make possible •’progN arive Mglshp^f niayeiBmloe manafacturem put out a sandwich epread, marked S5 cents. acted on neXt woA. poration and the Uuitad AutomobUe OrfUBzed Ulwr and Indns- SKIING PROSPECTS by orilllery, planes, mechanised tkm now Imperative naedei'' tartar aauee . we are offering you the genuine article . ’The Senate, in coBcaRenoe with Workers of Amariea apparently wiw utate sad waves of infantrymen and Rmpeet at Law Bhh. the eaiae as famoue botei chefs serve with Seb......................... the Bouae, approved a htU increas- mschlns gunners, Madrid’s forces He told the oommlttea SHELL FISH iiM the peiiBiBdniB toy d u ll N Ilree Hour BEST THIS SEASON wan rqisrtid to have foraad a flat- o s new at A -low Salmon, cut in steaks or in IN ANY . EVERY to eight feMHBm oC It "WwRkttwe «f Cherrystone Clams, 25c piece to boil. etate teCtreeff who a M Brila Irimt In Guadalajara •V any qL BUDGET SAVERS en the Court The tonnal affUbig of aignataiaa F liic Haaring; T k A rfi- ■taadatorA< it b r ia g ti Steamiag Clams, 2 qts. KIND OP WEATHER waa delayad a day .when the uaioa Gnl.
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