INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION ASIA AND PACIFIC OFFICE REPORT OF THE FIFTH MEETING OF THE SURVEILLANCE IMPLEMENTATION COORDINATION GROUP (SURICG/5) Web-conference, 22 - 24 September 2020 The views expressed in this Report should be taken as those of the Meetings and not the Organization. Approved by the Meeting and published by the ICAO Asia and Pacific Office, Bangkok SURICG/5 Table of Contents i-2 HISTORY OF THE MEETING Page 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... i-3 2. Opening of the Meeting ................................................................................................................... i-3 3. Attendance ....................................................................................................................................... i-3 4. Officers and Secretariat .................................................................................................................... i-3 5. Organization, working arrangements and language ......................................................................... i-3 6. Draft Conclusions, Draft Decisions and Decision of SURICG - Definition .................................... i-3 REPORT ON AGENDA ITEMS Agenda Item 1: Adoption of Agenda ............................................................................................... 1 Agenda Item 2: Review of outcomes of relevant meetings including ICAO 40th Assembly, DGCA/56 and APANPIRG/30 on Surveillance ..................................................... 1 Agenda Item 3: Review of regional requirements for Surveillance in the e-ANP, Seamless ANS Plan and the reported implementation status ................................................. 2 Agenda Item 4: Review the Action Items from SURICG/4 Meeting ............................................. 7 Agenda Item 5: Update on surveillance activities and explore potential cooperation opportunities ....................................................................................... 8 Agenda Item 6: Review Report of SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/15 Meeting and discuss possible options for future of SEA/BOB ADS-B WG ............................. 13 Agenda Item 7: Review Report of DAPs WG/3 Meeting ............................................................. 22 Agenda Item 8: Review ADS-B Implementation and Operations Guidance Document (AIGD) .. 26 Agenda Item 9: Next meetings & any other business .................................................................... 27 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: List of Participants Attachment 2: List of Working/Information Papers and Presentations LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Regional Supplement to the ASTERIX Interface Control Document (ICD) for the ASIA/PAC Region (Third Edition) Appendix B: Updated List of Task/Action Items SURICG/5 Appendix B1: Action Items for SEA BOB ADS-B WG/15 Appendix C: Updated ADS-B Implementation Status in the ASIA/PAC Region Appendix D: ADS-B Data Sharing Implementation Status in the Asia/Pacific Region Appendix E1&E2: SEA & BOB Sub-regional ADS-B implementation plan/projects Appendix F1: Proposed amendment to the TOR of the SEA/BOB ADS-B WG Appendix F2: Proposed TOR for a regional ADS-B Working Group Appendix G: Mode S DAPs Implementation and Operations Guidance Document (DAPs IGD v 2.0) Appendix H: Revised Terms of Reference of Mode S DAPs Working Group Appendix I: Revised ADS-B Implementation and Operations Guidance Document (AIGD v.13) SURICG/5 i-3 History of the Meeting 1. Introduction 1.1 The Fifth Meeting of the Surveillance Implementation Coordination Group (SURICG/5) was held from 22 to 24 September 2020. The Meeting was an on-line meeting using MS Teams. 2. Opening of the Meeting 2.1 The meeting was opened by Mr. MH Hui, the Co-chair of SURICG. 2.2 In his opening remarks, Mr. MH Hui, welcomed participants and thanked the ICAO APAC Regional Office for hosting this meeting, which is the first time using video conference, with good facilities and meticulous preparations. He pointed out that the global aviation industry has been hit unprecedentedly by pandemic. This region is of no exception. He emphasized that the SURICG must therefore need to strike a balance in bringing forward new initiatives, while staying pragmatic and setting proper priorities in a harmonized manner, so as to cater for differences among states/administrations in their pace of recovery in air traffic. Mr. Hui also expressed his appreciation to the job well done by member States/Administrations in supporting the SURICG’s work in the past years. 2.3 He expressed great appreciation and thankfulness to the excellent leadership by Mr. Li Peng, former ICAO APAC Regional CNS Officer, in providing steering and guidance in not only surveillance, but also a broad spectrum of CNS services for the past 20 year, laying a good foundation for the SURICG to ride on and continue development. Mr. Hui was confident that the SURICG would continue to steer the way forward on Mode S and ADS-B surveillance for the region, and he looked to the active participation from the audience in the 3-day meeting. 3. Attendance 3.1 The Meeting was attended by 120 participants from 20 States/Administrations and 5 International Organizations and 1 service provider from industry, including Australia, China, Hong Kong-China, Macao China, DPR Korea, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, Viet Nam, CANSO, EUROCAE, IATA, IFATCA, ICCAIA (AIREON) and PCCW Global. A list of participants is at Attachment 1. 4. Officers and Secretariat 4.1 Mr. Hui Man Ho, Acting Assistant Director-General of Civil Aviation (Air Traffic Engineering Services), Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong China, and Mr. Yeo Cheng Nam, Consultant (Aeronautical Telecommunications & Engineering) CAA Singapore co-chaired the Meeting. Mr. Luo Yi Regional Officer CNS, ICAO APAC Regional Office, acted as meeting secretary with the support of Ms. Bhabhinan Sirapongkosit, the Programme Assistant of the same office. 5. Organization, working arrangements and language 5.1 The online meeting was conducted around 3 and a half hours a day. The working language was English inclusive of all documentation and this Report. The meeting considered 8 working papers, 21 information papers, 1 presentation and 5 flimsies. A List of Papers presented at the meeting is at Attachment 2. 6. Draft Conclusions, Draft Decisions and Decisions of SURICG – Definition 6.1 SURICG recorded its actions in the form of Draft Conclusions, Draft Decisions and Decisions within the following definitions: SURICG/5 History of the Meeting i-4 Draft Conclusions deal with matters that, according to APANPIRG terms of reference, require the attention of States, or action by the ICAO in accordance with established procedures; Draft Decisions deal with the matters of concern only to APANPIRG and its contributory bodies; and Decisions of SURICG that relate solely to matters dealing with the internal working arrangements of SURICG. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SURICG/5 Report on Agenda Items 1 Agenda Item 1: Adoption of Agenda 1.1 The provisional agenda items provided in WP/01 was adopted by the meeting as the agenda items for the meeting. Agenda Item 2: Review of outcomes of relevant meetings including ICAO 40th Assembly, DGCA/56 and APANPIRG/30 on Surveillance Outcome of Relevant Meetings on Surveillance (WP/02) 2.1 Through the paper presented by the Secretariat, the meeting reviewed the related outcomes of ICAO 40th Assembly, the 56th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Asia and Pacific Regions (DGCA/56) and APANPIRG/30 meeting on Surveillance Service. 2.2 The meeting was informed that there was no outstanding issue on surveillance in Assembly 40, however, some of the Assembly Resolutions were relevant to CNS area with reference to Resolutions adopted by the Assembly (Provisional Edition October 2019), as well as some paragraphs relevant to CNS incorporated in Technical Commission Report of 40th Assembly (Doc10137). The meeting also noted the latest update of Integrated Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Spectrum Task Force (ICNSS-TF). 2.3 The DGCA/56 Conference developed 35 Action Items among which 14 Action Items were identified by SURICG/5 as relevant to implementation of CNS and services including 56/2; 56/3; 56/6; 56/11; 56/12; 56/15; 56/16; 56/21;56/29; 56/30; 56/32; 56/33; 56/34; 56/35. The meeting was informed that CNS SG/23 also reviewed the outcome of DGCA/56. 2.4 The meeting noted the Conclusions/Decisions related to surveillance implementation adopted by APANPIRG and follow-up actions taken by the Secretariat. In particular, through Conclusion APANPIRG/30/15 (CNS SG/23/14-SURICG/4/6), Revised Surveillance Strategy for the APAC Region was adopted, and the Edition 12 of the ADS-B Implementation and Operations Guidance Document (AIGD) and the first edition of Mode S DAPs Implementation and Operations Guidance Document were also adopted by the Twenty Third Meeting of CNS Sub-group on behalf of APANPIRG. The adopted documents were posted on the ICAO APAC website under e-Document. The Asia/Pacific ATM Automation System Task Force (ATMAS/TF) was established through Decision CNS SG/23/13 (SURICG/4/5), the first meeting of ATMAS/TF will be held from 28 to 30 October, 2020. 2.5 The meeting noted the Proposal for Amendment (PfA) to the Regional Supplementary Procedure (SUPP Doc 7030) from SURICG/2 has
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