Curitiba, v. 4, n. 7, jul./dez. 2016 ISSN: 2318-1028 REVISTA VERSALETE RESIGNIFICATION OF KING LEAR IN KING OF TEXAS RESSIGNIFICAÇÃO DE REI LEAR EM O REI DO TEXAS Laryssa Paulino de Queiroz Sousa1 Fátima Maria Batista da Silva2 ABSTRACT: In this PaPer, Our PurPOse is tO analyze asPects Of the cOntempOrary cinematOgraPhic adaptatiOn King of Texas, by cOmparing and cOntrasting them to the Original Shakespearean play King Lear. The main tOPics discussed are Old age, family, lOve, evil, POwer, justice, madness, wisdOm, language and cOmmunicatiOn, gender issues, stereOtyPes, loyalty and fOrgiveness. Our analysis focuses on how King Lear is adaPted and resignified in a different time and cOntext, Observing changes in PlOt, setting, language, characters, among Others. Keywords: resignification; King Lear; King of Texas. RESUMO: Neste artigO, nOssO ObjetivO é analisar asPectOs da adaPtaçãO cinematOgráfica cOntempOrânea O rei do Texas, cOmparandO-os e contrastando-Os cOm a Peça shakesPeariana original Rei Lear. Os PrinciPais tóPicOs discutidOs sãO a velhice, a família, O amor, a maldade, O POder, a justiça, a lOucura, a sabedOria, a linguagem e a cOmunicaçãO, questões de gênerO, estereótiPOs, a lealdade e O PerdãO. NOssa análise fOcaliza cOmo O Rei Lear é adaPtadO e ressignificadO em época e cOntextO diferentes, ObservandO mudanças no enredo, cenário, linguagem, personagens, entre outros. Palavras-chave: ressignificação; Rei Lear; O rei do Texas. 1 Mestranda, UFG. 2 Graduanda, UFG. SOUZA, L. P. Q.; SILVA, F. ResignificatiOn Of King Lear... p.59-76 59 Curitiba, v. 4, n. 7, jul./dez. 2016 ISSN: 2318-1028 REVISTA VERSALETE 1. INTRODUCTION In general, the themes aPProached by Shakespeare in his works are, as Lanier (2010) mentiOns, universal and, when those are resignified, they are adapted to social-historical moments and cOntexts. NOwadays the assOciatiOn Of Shakespearean themes to the mass culture is supposed to bring them closer to PeoPle’s reality, aPPealing to the MOVIE COVER audience’s interests. Bearing this in mind, this PaPer addresses hOw King Lear (1608), FIGURE 1 one of his masterPieces, was resignified in the contemPorary cinematographic adaptation King of Texas ― a 2002 American television film directed by Uli Edel. Thus, our main aim is to discuss how the Play was adapted, taking into account changes in plOt, added details, new characterizatiOns, the setting, the language, amOng Others. Lanier (2010) stresses that, for example, Shakespeare’s language, which was previOusly highly esteemed in resignificatiOns Of his plays, has lOst its status, mainly in the last decades. The same authOr POints Out that new settings and time PeriOds are twO Of the mOst regarded and imPlemented asPects by latter-day resignifications, as POrtrayed in King of Texas. 2. COMPARATIVE AND CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE MOVIE KING OF TEXAS AND THE PLAY KING LEAR Firstly, it is imPortant to highlight that the original story hapPens in England between 1604 and 1605. Differently, in the film, it happens in Texas, in the United States, during the 19th century, more Precisely, in the 1840’s (even thOugh the mOvie SOUZA, L. P. Q.; SILVA, F. ResignificatiOn Of King Lear... p.59-76 60 Curitiba, v. 4, n. 7, jul./dez. 2016 ISSN: 2318-1028 REVISTA VERSALETE was filmed in MexicO). The setting Presents all Physical asPects cOmmOnly seen in western films, such as the landscaPes and western clOthing, as well as Ordinary western behaviOr exPected frOm the characters, but it does not revolve around the same toPics Of the western genre. It is rather an adaPtatiOn Of King Lear’s original main themes, within a different setting and time, but keePing the essence Of the PlOt. Therefore, comparing the original play to the movie, the general differences are: the places where the stOries happen, that is: Europe, England versus U.S.A, Texas; the time: 17th century versus 19th century; and the language: Early MOdern English versus Modern English. FrOm these, all Other Physical asPects are related tO their resPective time and context. BOth the Play and the mOvie aPProach the same themes with regard to Old age, family, love, evil, power, justice, madness, wisdom, language and communication, gender issues, stereotypes, loyalty, forgiveness, among others, although in some aspects they differ in terms of intensity regarding how such issues are addressed. In additiOn, concerning the Original story, some aspects are Omitted in the mOvie and Others are added, such as racism (one Of the aspects that will be exPlained in more detail hereinafter). Regarding the language, althOugh it is adapted tO the Western cOntext Of the 19th century, some of the lines, which exPress the main ideas of the original Play, are also used in the mOvie adaptatiOn. The setting matches the variety Of English used in that context and there is also the addition of some dialogues in Spanish, as the story happens nearby the border between the United States and Mexico. From that, it is POssible tO perceive that the play King Lear, althOugh resignified in a different time and context, shows how universal Shakespearean themes are, as the writer always approached topics related to the human condition, that is, feelings, conflicts and comPlexities that comPose the human nature which, it must be underlined, are quite up-to-date themes. In the case of King of Texas, sOme Ordinary cOnflicts that Occur among families are shown, such as how the incapacity to deal with issues such as old SOUZA, L. P. Q.; SILVA, F. ResignificatiOn Of King Lear... p.59-76 61 Curitiba, v. 4, n. 7, jul./dez. 2016 ISSN: 2318-1028 REVISTA VERSALETE age, madness and eagerness for power can take a whole family to its complete destruction. In Order to discuss and comPare the characters’ roles in both wOrks, it is relevant to mentiOn the corresponding names of the characters of the Play in the movie which, it must be POinted Out, were very commonly adOPted Western American in the Period the film is PrOduced: John Lear (King Lear); Mrs. Susannah Lear Tumlinson (Goneril); Mrs. Rebecca Lear Highsmith (Regan); Miss Claudia Lear (COrdelia); Mr. Tumlinson (Albany); FIGURE 2 ― JOHN Rip (FOOl); Emmett = WestOver LEAR (PATRICK STEWART) (Edmund); ThOmas Westover (Edgar); Henry Westover (Gloucester); Menchaca (King Of France); Mr. Highsmith (COrnwall); Warnell (Oswald). Kent FIGURE 3 ― RIP (DAVID ALAN GRIER) as a character does not exist in the movie. Nonetheless, some Of his actiOns are interpreted by Tumlinson (Albany) and RiP (FOOl) in King of Texas. In the Play, Kent stands uP for COrdelia, an attitude that results in his banishment by Lear, but in King of Texas, TumlinsOn is the One whO defends Claudia. Lear reacts against him, but they only argue. There is no Punishment towards Tumlinson. In anOther mOment, RiP is the One beaten uP, by Warnell, Susannah’s servant, and Lear aPPears to defend his servant Rip, spanking Warnell fOr having beat Rip up. FurthermOre, in the play, the main character whO represents loyalty is Kent. Thus, as he is absent in the movie, Rip plays this role. He is the one who stands by Lear until the end. However, unlike Kent, there is nO inference that Rip cOmmits suicide. In Christian societies, as in the one in which the movie takes Place, suicide is considered an unforgivable sin. These are the only instances throughOut the whOle mOvie in which there are references to Kent’s actiOns. Another aspect that must be highlighted is that, SOUZA, L. P. Q.; SILVA, F. ResignificatiOn Of King Lear... p.59-76 62 Curitiba, v. 4, n. 7, jul./dez. 2016 ISSN: 2318-1028 REVISTA VERSALETE in the mOvie, Rip (FOOl) is black and when Warnell (Oswald) meets him, he affirms he would allOw Only RiP’s hOrse tO drink frOm his water, making alsO sOme quite racist comments, such as “I wouldn’t want no slave tO fOul this water by drinking frOm it”, and, when he is tOrturing RiP with a branch Of a tree cOvered with thOrns, he states, “The Lord was thinking about runaway slaves when he created that tree.” In the first scene where JOhn Lear and Claudia appear, he claims, “By God, I’m old, ain’t I, Claudia? As old as this land.” Claudia replies, “As old as Texas, Pa.” The idea regarding Old age is introduced in the first scene Lear ParticiPates in. When Susannah (GOneril) and Rebecca (Regan) meet each Other, in their first scene together, Susannah, referring to Lear, asks, “How is he?” and Rebecca answers, “More unpredictable than ever.” Then, Susannah inquires, “Has he dOne anything crazy?” and Rebecca resPOnds, “No, but it’s still early.” TherefOre, the movie attempts tO POrtray, frOm the very first scenes, a description Of Lear’s character, that is, hOw he is seen by peOple arOund him and alsO by himself. FrOm these lines, it is POssible tO note that he sees himself as an elderly man and twO Of his daughters incite the idea that he has, at least sometimes, acted in inaPProPriate ways. In the Play, also in the first scenes between Goneril and Regan, they have a cOnversatiOn about their father and Goneril claims, “You see how full of changes his age is. The observation we have made of it hath not been little” (SHAKESPEARE, 1987, Act I, sc. 1, lines 288-289), thence Regan stresses, “’Tis the infirmity Of his age. Yet he hath ever but slenderly knOwn himself” (SHAKESPEARE, 1987, Act I, sc. 1, lines 292-293). Both daughters demonstrate they are aware of Lear’s inconstancy regarding his attitudes and actions, and they blame his age for that. In addition, they introduce the idea that Lear is not a person who knows himself. Thus, it must be underscored that the movie adaPtation alsO attemPts tO shOw these aspects concerning Lear’s character.
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