Cl)t (fltatwrtJ) ^medcai*. ^Tlvi ellsworth, Maine. Wednesday afternoon, September u, 1910. ; g ■as^r.y.r*( No. 37 — unnumnti LOCAL AFFAIRS. under three yean old will be eligible foi a&otrtUMnunti. the prixes, which are no# on exhibition ii A. W. Greely’s store window. Supper SCHEDULE OF MAILS ill national ban is consisting of cold meats and salads AT BL LA WO ATM POSTOrrtCB. beans, ME. will be served at tbe hall at 6 o’clock, t -ELLSWORTH, -1\ In tfetn Jnnt TO. Ik 10. Burr musical program will be given in tbe even- MAIL* BBCBIVBD. ing. Mice Bertha Giles will be the soloist HONEY ROLLS UP Fbom Wsst—“S-SS a m; :12.07,3.33, t5.8», *3p m. The ever-popular Klark-Urban com- BONDS. Fbom East-11 b m; 12 30, 3.30 and 11.07 p m. when a little i* aared is amazingly every mail CLoaaa at posTovnca. pany appearing at Hancock hall every pay day. Count up how eaaily you Oonis WBAT—10AO 11.80 a night thla week and matinee. m; 2, '3.30, 7 pm. Saturday a have a We have list of Conservative. apent lot of money a little at a Ooibo East—0J0 a m; 4 and 8.30 p m. There ia an entire change of program very strong and then consider time, that it Is Just • every evening, all new to Ellsworth. Daily, Sundays included. t Train stops Bonds which may be to aa easy to aave aa to a lot, As the are bought spend Sundays only. IDaily except Monday. usual, specialties good; many THIS BANK SUGGESTS No mall dispatched to or received from the are new, while the old onea, eapecially return an income of east Sundays. the drolleries of Mr. Klark and Mr. that you commence saving right now Urban are as enjoyable as ever. The by opening an account here. You’ll Hutson H. of was piano plsying of Mr. Scbreiber 1s not tbe never regret It. Saunders, Portland, in Ellsworth yesterday. least enjoyable feature of the evening’s Money deposited in our 5% savings entertainment. This the ia Monaghan’s dancing school trill open evening play department on or before Oct. S “The Girl from Out Yonder”. for the season early next month, OR IN SOME CASES EVEN MORE. draws interest from the 1st. Roscoe H. Smith was at borne from Bos- Write or call. AMHERST FAIR. ton over Sunday and election day. For or circulars Mrs H. W. Osgood and little daughter The Up-River Society OITera Usual particulars special Constance are in Pittsfield. visiting Attractive Program. call or write L. E. Treadwell has bought of H. E. The fair of the Northern Hancock Davis the stallion Keno L., mark 17'4. agricultural society at Amherst will take Mrs. John A. Wakefield left Thursday place Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 27 and unless rain when fair for Oorham, where Mr. Wakefield is em- 28, interferes, the UNION TRUST COMPANY, ployed. will be set forward as usual. The ball games scheduled are for East- irene u. K. win have a OF ELLSWORTH. ■ ■■■■■! .1 chapter, »., pic- 1 m .Will L- brook and East Holden tbe first day, and nic aupper at ita regular meeting next Fri- West Sullivan and East Eddington tbe day evening. DEPOSITS EARN MONEY HERE! second day. There will also be foot races. HI Herbert Foster has gone to Worcester, Tbe has been a one for custom of year good pro- Our paying liberal interest on means to enter a a in deposit* Mass., school for coarse duce an up-river, and unusually large ex- CHAPLAIN TRIBOU RETIRED. NORTH ELLSWORTH FAIR. •‘esry money” for onr patrons. And with over (BOO,000 in architecture. hibit is promised. capital, surplus, profit* and stockholders' extra liability, Miss Helen Nealley has gone to The baby show will be an attraction as Completes More Than Thirty-Eight there's an aaaurar.ee of ample protection for dollar left Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 29 every Worcester, Mass., for a course of study in usual on the afternoon of the second day. Years In Navy. in our care. YOUR funds deserve the best of care, and liberal and 29, the Dates. a school. There will be free of some cutting performances Ellsworth friends are interested in the The annual fair of interest assistance-such at this bank Ask us to ex- the North Ellsworth gives. kind on the Harry wife and son Dana, of grounds. of the retirement of plain about easy banking by mail. Lowell, announcement Chap- Farmers’ club will take place Wednesday There will ba a ball each with Portland, are the guests of George R. evening lain D. H. Tribon, of the United States and Thursday, Sept. 28 and 29. The Lowell and wife. music by Monaghan’s orchestra. Meals EASTERN TRUST ft BANKING CO, BANGOR, ML navy, on Friday next, Sept. 16. He retires farmers of the vicinity promise a good ex- «ill be served as usual at the ball, and branches at Old Testa and Matin. The high school and the schools in the with the rank of captain. Chaplain Tri- hibition of produce, and there will be also suppers for the dances. city proper and at Ellsworth Falls will bou has been ordered “home” on his re- interesting track events. f i ty i k i i open next Monday. tirement, and Ellsworth being his official The races on the first day are for tbree- Romance In Juan. Knrls San he to be here over Sun- minute a half-mile Mrs. W. W. Morrison, who has spent residence, expects class, running race, a race and a slow race. On the the summer in Ellsworth, has returned to [S<»n Juan, P. R., Timet, Aug. 26.] day. peg second Boston for the winter. Chaplain Tribou, who ranks every officer day there will be another race for three- It is safe to assume that in all Porto on the active list in the navy below the minute class, a J. B. Holmes an eleven free-for-all, running race, caught and one- Rico there was no man more anxious for rank of rear except two medical slow race and race. There will be a balf admiral, peg pound salmon and a four-pound sal- the arrival of the steamer Coamo yester- officers, was appointed chaplain on Feb- dance on the last of the fair. mon below the dam night Bunday. nor one more at her de- Wall day exasperated The railroad offers reduced rates to the Miss Edna M. of Waterville than Linwood Thomas a Paper Bargains. Gifford, lay Beckwith, fair. Meals will be served at the hall as j|: who has spent a week with W. B. Tracy well-known commission merchant of usual. and wife, returned home Monday. Ponce, who was here to meet the boat. | Miss L. M. Clark, of Jekyl Island, Ga., It is also safe to assume that another Temperance Addresses. Mrs. Effle M. of New j Through September, October and November all '» arrived Sunday to spend the winter with person equally anxious to set foot upon Lambert, York, p her cousin, Miss J. A. Thompson. the San Juan dock was Miss Annie Louise | noted temperance speaker, will give a Lord, who was one of the Coamo's passen- series of lectures in Hancock county f last stock at half Will not ex- <> Patrons of the Maine Central should my spring price. gers, all the way Maine. under the auspices of the W. C. T. L. next consult the changes in the time-table fyom Ellsworth, When the Coamo did finally tie up it week. The dates are as follows: all sales which went into effect on Sept. 10. change paper after sold, and must be cash. was the signal for the beginning of the Prospect Harbor, Sept. 17; Winter Har- J ][ Charles P. Dorr and wife announce the end of a pretty romance that began in the bor, Sept. 18; Franklin, Sept. 19; Ells- engagement of their daughter, Bernice childhood of both of the people men- worth, Sept. 20; Surry, Sept. 21; Otter Hamilton, to Lawrence Potter. Benjamin tioned. Anyhow, after greetings were Creek, Sept. 22; Southwest Harbor, Sept. C. P. DeLaittre and wife, of Aitken, over it was not long until the twain stood 23; Cran berry Isles, Sept. 24; Bar Harbor, J. A. who THOMPSON, j; Minn., have just returned from at the pleasant rooms of Dr. Hayward’s Sept. 25. j abroad, are visiting relatives in this bouse in where were made city. S'inture, they COMING EVENTS. £ Main Street, Ellsworth, Maine. Mrs. Charles E. Builard, of Wakefield, man and wife. Jj Mass., is in the city fora few weeks, and Attending them were Mr. and Mrs. ELLSWORTH. her many frieuds are glad to greet her J. W. C. Rideout, the former of whom was Friday evening, Sept. 16, Society hall— again. a college chum and life-long friend of Mr. I Dance. Beckwith. The bridal will to- Myer Gallert, of New York, who is couple go Thursday, Sept. 22, at Odd Fellows hall W. TAR day to Ponce, which will be their future O LEY, making an extended visit here, is spend- ! —Baby show at 2 p. m.; supper at 6 p. m.; home. ing the rest of this week with friends in [ j musical program in evening. Admission, Mr. Beckwith is well and favorably FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. Houlton. j 10 cents; children free; supper, 15 cents. known throughout the island, and was Mrs. E. M. Dodge went to Bar Harbor ! and 28 and ..
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