Bendigo Forest Management Area Forest Management Plan Bendigo Forest Management Area Forest Management Plan Published by the Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment Melbourne October 2008 © Copyright The State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment 2008 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by the Victorian Government, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne. Printed by Stream Solutions. Printed on 100% recycled paper. UÊ - ÊÇn£Ç{ÓänÎÇÇÊ­*ÀÌ® UÊ - ÊÇn£Ç{ÓänÎÇÇÎÊ­ÌiÀiÌ® UÊ - ÊÇn£Ç{ÓänÎÇnäÊ­ ÊÀ® ÀÊÀiÊvÀ>ÌÊVÌ>VÌÊÌ iÊ - Ê ÕÃÌiÀÊ-iÀÛViÊ iÌÀiÊÊ£ÎÈÊ£nÈ° This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. VViÃÃLÌÞÊ If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, such as large print or audio, please telephone 136 186, 1800 122 969 (TTY), or email [email protected] This document is also available in PDF format on the Internet at www.dse.vic.gov.au Acknowledgments: all contributions made by community groups and individuals are gratefully acknowledged. The provision of photographs by Norm Stimson (Enviro-images) and Parks Victoria is also gratefully acknowledged. Photographs © Norm Stimson (Enviro-images): Box-Ironbark forest, Brush-tailed Phascogale and Gold-dust Wattle (cover and titles page); orchid (page 7); and Gold-dust Wattle (page 15). Photographs © Parks Victoria: Swift Parrot (page 6); rock well (page 11); and cycling in Box-Ironbark forests (page 29). www.dse.vic.gov.au ii ÀiÜÀ` The unique Box-Ironbark forests and woodlands in the Bendigo Forest Management Area (FMA) are a great source of pride to Victorians. The forests contribute significantly to the wellbeing of local people and are intrinsically valuable to the broader community. Box-Ironbark forests and woodlands are recognised and valued for a range of benefits including a rich cultural heritage, source of identity to Indigenous communities, diverse habitat supporting a range of plants and animals, quality resources such as timber and honey, multiple recreation and tourism opportunities, and clean air and water. This Forest Management Plan has been developed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) in partnership with local communities. It applies to State forests in the Bendigo FMA, which comprise approximately 110,500 hectares of the distinctive Box-Ironbark forests and woodlands in central Victoria. The future path for the protection, use and management of Victoria’s Box-Ironbark forests and woodlands was established by the Environment Conservation Council land-use investigation. Within this context, the Plan has been developed from a landscape-wide viewpoint to complement and integrate with Box-Ironbark management on private and public land across the whole FMA. A partnership and stewardship approach underpins all strategies within this Plan. Local communities and stakeholders participated in shaping the future of these forests during the development of this Plan through workshops, forest tours, informal meetings, written submissions on the Proposed Plan and other activities. An important outcome of community involvement is the creation of a vision describing the community’s aspirations for the forests. DSE appreciates this involvement and encourages the continued participation of local communities and stakeholders throughout the implementation of this Plan. The vision and directions of the Plan guide the sustainable management of Bendigo FMA State forests into the future. Successful management of these forests depends on DSE, local communities and other government agencies working together in the implementation of this Plan to realise this vision. *iÌiÀÊ>ÀÀà Secretary Department of Sustainability and Environment iii ÌiÌà ÀiÜÀ`Ê i >«ÌiÀÊ£°ÊÌÀ`ÕVÌÊ £ >«ÌiÀÊÓ°Ê*i«iÊ>`ÊvÀiÃÌÃÊ { Desired outcome 4 Strategic directions 5 >«ÌiÀÊÎ°Ê `ÛiÀÃÌÞÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ È Desired outcome 6 Strategic directions 9 >«ÌiÀÊ{°Ê ÕÌÕÀ>Ê iÀÌ>}iÊ>`Ê>`ÃV>«iÊ £ä Desired outcome 10 Strategic directions 13 >«ÌiÀÊx°Ê7>ÌiÀÊV>ÌV iÌÃÊ £{ Desired outcome 14 Strategic directions 15 >«ÌiÀÊÈ°ÊÀiÊ £È Desired outcome 16 Strategic directions 17 >«ÌiÀÊÇ°Ê*iÃÌÃÊ>`Ê«>Ì }iÃÊ £n Desired outcome 18 Strategic directions 19 >«ÌiÀÊn°Ê/ÕÀÃÊ>`ÊÀiVÀi>ÌÊ Óä Desired outcome 20 Strategic directions 22 >«ÌiÀÊ°ÊÀiÃÌÊÀiÃÕÀViÃÊ>`ÊÕÃiÃÊ Ó{ Desired outcome 24 Strategic directions 26 >«ÌiÀÊ£ä°ÊÀiÃÌÊÀ>`ÃÊ Ón Desired outcome 28 Strategic directions 29 >«ÌiÀÊ££°Ê«iiÌ>ÌÊ Îä Desired outcome 30 Strategic directions 31 ,iviÀiViÃÊ ÎÓ ÃÃ>ÀÞÊ ÎÎ ««i`ÝÊ£°Ê<}ÊÀi}ÃÌiÀÊ ÎÈ ««i`ÝÊÓ°Ê V}V>Ê6i}iÌ>ÌÊ >ÃÃiÃÊÊ-Ì>ÌiÊvÀiÃÌÊ {{ ««i`ÝÊΰÊ*ÌiÌ>ÞÊÌ Ài>Ìi}Ê«ÀViÃÃiÃÊ {x ««i`ÝÊ{°Ê,>ÀiÊÀÊÌ Ài>Ìii`ÊyÀ>Ê {È ««i`ÝÊx°Ê/ Ài>Ìii`Êv>Õ>Ê {n ««i`ÝÊÈ°ÊÃÌÀVÊ«>ViÃÊ x£ Û >«ÌiÀÊ£°ÊÌÀ`ÕVÌ The Bendigo Forest Management Area (FMA) is 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ ÃÊ>>}iiÌÊ«>¶ known for its unique and distinctive Box-Ironbark This Plan provides a vision and directions to guide forests and woodlands, rich cultural history and the sustainable management of State forests in the diversity of forest activities. Bendigo FMA. It maps out the way our State forests The Bendigo FMA covers approximately 1.9 million will be looked after during the next 10 years. hectares in central Victoria. Centred on Bendigo, This Plan provides a mechanism for DSE to work in the FMA extends from St Arnaud in the west to partnership with local communities in managing Rushworth in the east, and from Wedderburn and State forests within a landscape-wide approach. This Elmore in the north to Clunes and Kyneton in the will enable an integrated approach across public and south (see Map 1). private land. Public land makes up around 18% of the FMA and A dynamic approach will be taken to allow the remaining 82% is private land (see Table 1). This management practices to be reviewed and adapted Management Plan applies to State forest covering in response to new information and changing 110,500 hectares, which is about 6% of the FMA and community expectations. one third of the public land. This Plan is a working plan in accordance with the Whilst the State forest is the focus of this Plan, the Forests Act 1958. Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) recognises that these forests are a small proportion of 7 ÊÃÊÌ ÃÊ>>}iiÌÊ«>ÊvÀ¶ a largely agricultural landscape and has developed this Plan to complement and integrate with Box-Ironbark This Plan is for all partners in forest management management on private and other public land across including DSE and other government agencies, the whole FMA. members of local communities in the Bendigo FMA and stakeholders associated with the forests. It is also Local communities and stakeholders participated for everyone in the broader community who has an in shaping the future of these forests during the interest in the forests in the Bendigo FMA. process of developing this Plan. DSE recognises that community involvement and partnerships are essential for protecting and managing this unique environment for present and future generations. i>À}ÊÌ}iÌ iÀ\Ê>ÀÞLÀÕ} ÊvÀiÃÌÊÌÕÀ £ "ÕÀÊÛà Our vision describes community aspirations for the managed. It shows what is important to communities forests. This picture of the forests in the future has and recognises local communities have a key role in been identified from community workshops and other achieving this vision. activities during the development of this Plan. Our vision will be used to guide management and This vision looks at how people will behave in the decision making about State forests in the Bendigo forests, interact together and how the forests will be FMA. Well-managed, diverse and healthy forests for present and future generations State forests in the Bendigo FMA: UÊ >ÛiÊvÀiÃÌÊÕÃiÀÃÊ>`Ê>>}iÀÃÊÜÀ}Ê UÊ >ÀiÊ>ÊÃÕÀViÊvÊ«À`iÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊVÕÌÞÊ cooperatively together, along with different which shows a sense of ownership and care forest users coexisting and enjoying the forests from a system of open communication responsibly UÊ >ÀiÊÀiV}Ãi`Ê>`ÊÛ>Õi`ÊvÀÊÌ iÀÊÀV Ê UÊ >ÀiÊ>>}i`ÊÜÌ ÊVÕÌiÃÊ>VÌÛiÞÊ cultural heritage, importance to Indigenous involved, sharing knowledge and responsibility communities, diverse and unique vegetation and UÊ >ÀiÊ>>}i`ÊÜÌ Ê>ÊÜ iv>`ÃV>«iÊ habitat, supporting healthy populations of our and integrated approach, balances values and native flora and fauna, and providing clean air uses, considers wider community issues, takes and water account of local knowledge, and is sensitive to a UÊ >ÀiÊÀiV}Ãi`Ê>`ÊÛ>Õi`ÊvÀÊÌ iÊÀ>}iÊvÊ diversity of community views quality resources such as timber and honey, that UÊ >ÀiÊÜiV>Ài`ÊvÀ]ÊLi}Ê>>}i`ÊÜÌ Ê>Ê are managed in an environmentally sustainable sensible, realistic and innovative world’s best- manner and contribute to the local economy practice approach, that strives for improvement UÊ >ÀiÊLiiwÌ}ÊvÀÊiV}V>ÞÊL>Ãi`ÊwÀiÊ in the health and quality of the ecosystem management practices and control of pests and UÊ >ÀiÊ>>}i`ÊÊ>ÊÜ>ÞÊÌ >ÌÊÀiV}ÃiÃÊÌ >ÌÊÌ iÊ pathogens forests are evolving and dynamic, with a good UÊ >ÀiÊÜ`iÀvÕÊ«>ViÃÊÌÊÛÃÌ]ÊÜÌ Ê>Ê`ÛiÀÃiÊ knowledge base that is continually improved range of recreational and tourism opportunities with research, monitoring and review that are high quality and well-maintained for the UÊ >ÀiÊ>««ÀiV>Ìi`Ê>`ÊÀiëiVÌi`° community to enjoy - >«}ÊÕÀÊvÀiÃÌÃÊvÕÌÕÀiÊÜÀà « Ó />LiÊ£Ê>`ÊV>Ìi}ÀiÃÊÊÌ iÊ i`}Ê *À«ÀÌÊÊ *À«ÀÌÊÊ *À«ÀÌÊÊ Ài>ÊÊ vÊ>Ê>`ÊÊ vÊ«ÕLVÊ>`ÊÊ vÊ-Ì>ÌiÊvÀiÃÌÊÊ ­ >® ­¯® ­¯® ­¯® *1 Ê State forest Special Protection Zone 5,582 0.3 1.6 5.1 Special Management Zone 9,423 0.5 2.7 8.5 General Management Zone 95,482 5.0 27.9 86.4 -Ì>ÌiÊvÀiÃÌÊÃÕLÌÌ> ££ä]{nÇ x°n ÎÓ°Ó £ää°ä Conservation parks & reserves 139,635 7.3 40.7 Other public land1 28,610 1.5 8.3 Commonwealth land 43,138 2.3 12.6 Water body 20,859 1.1 6.1 *ÕLVÊ>`ÊÌÌ> Î{Ó]ÇÎ £n°ä £ää°ä *,6/ Ê Ó *ÀÛ>ÌiÊ>`ÊÌÌ> £]xxÇ]Ç£Ó nÓ°ä /Ì>ÊvÀÊ i`}Ê £]ää]{{£ £ää°ä 1.
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