R E S I D E WHERE THE BAY MEETS THE CITY STAY CONNECTED BE IN THE MIDDLE OF IT ALL S O U T H O F F IF TH SOUTH B E ACH B R IC K E LL D O WNT O W N A R T S & E A S T E D G E W ATER E N TER TA IN M E N T D IS T R ICT E D G E W ATER M AGNOL IA P A R K W Y N W OOD MIDT O WN D E S IGN D IS T R ICT SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE MIDTOWN DESIGN DISTRICT WYNWOOD In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, you’ll find this multiplex Home to the most recognized names in fashion, Miami’s own With more art galleries than one can imagine, the richness of center for popular restaurants and retail stores, making it one of the Rodeo Drive has become the top destination for those looking this neighborhood lingers for miles across the walls intersecting city’s main corridors. for fine cuisine, bespoke design studios and luxury retail. contemporary boutiques, trendy eateries and hip nightlife. THE BEACHES DOWNTOWN ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT Just a few miles across the causeway to sapphire waters, the The mix of skyscrapers, restaurants, arenas and museums has Infusing the city with its vibrant pulse is this cultural hub that cosmopolitan and the casual mystically combine in the art deco never been more picturesque. Proving that business and pleasure includes the Miami City Ballet, the Florida Grand Opera, the design of world-renowned restaurants, star-studded nightclubs make for a perfect marriage, Downtown reigns supreme. AdrienneArsht Performing Arts Center and the new Perez Art and other entertainment venues. Museum Miami, all along the waters of Biscayne Bay. SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE Q :What brands can we expect to see in the Miami Design District’s new development? Giorgo Armani, Givenchy, Hublot, IWC, Loewe, Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu, Panerai, Parmigiani, Piaget, Tag Heuer, Tiffany & Co., Tom Ford, Tod’s, Valentino,Van Cleef &Arpels,and Ermenegildo Zegna among others. Q :When will the new development begin to open? Fall 2014!!! Q :What architects are par ticipating in the new development? • Aranda/Lasch,Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company,Sou Fujimoto,Island Planning Corporation,K/R,Leong Leong,Johnston Marklee,Iwamoto Scott and MOSArchitects Q :Who is behind this development? • DACRA- Founded by CEO Craig Robinsin 1987, Dacra wasan early pioneer in the revitalization of Miami's South Beach,aswell asin the restoration and preservation of itsArt Deco architecture.Lincoln Road and the South Beach Fashion District-two neighborhoods in which Dacra played a significant role in redeveloping-have both experienced tremendous success.. 95 MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT 2 min, 0.8 miles 112 195 27 SHOPS AT MIDTOWN 3 min, 1.1 miles 1 WYNWOOD PUBLIC SCULPTURE AND ART PARK ART DISTRICT 3 min, 0.7 miles YOUNG ARTS 9 FOUNDATION 2 min, 0.4 miles A1A MARGARET PACE PARK 95 3 min, 0.9 miles MIAMI BEACH ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER 13 min, 6.3 miles MIAMI INT. AIRPORT 3 min, 1.1 miles RESORTS WORLD MIAMI 12 min, 7.5 miles 395 3 min, 1.1 miles PÉREZ ART MUSEUM 4 min, 1.5 miles MUSEUM OF SCIENCE 4 min, 1.4 miles 836 41 AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA A1A 5 min, 1.7 miles MARLINS PARK 95 8 min, 3.8 miles BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE SOUTH BEACH 5 min, 1.7 miles BAYFRONT PARK 12 min, 5.7 miles 5 min, 1.9 miles DOWNTOWN A1A 968 MIAMI 9 ATLANTIC OCEAN BRICKELL CITY CENTER MARY BRICKELL VILLAGE 7 min, 2.8 miles TROLLEY 8 min, 3.1 miles ROUTE BRICKELL FINANCIAL DISTRICT 9 min, 3.3 miles SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE THE NEW MIAMI IS EMERGING NOW TRULY A WORLD CLASS CITY Miami – The New Capital of International Interest Histo ric ally, M iam i has b een renow ned for its stunning b eac hes, internatio nal financ e, and no n- sto p the rest of the year, b o at show s, fitness c halleng es, foo d and w ine festivals, and more attrac t an nig htlife. To d ay, how ever, p eo p le from all over the w o rld are c ho o sing M iam i as the ultim ate aud ienc e from d ozens of countries. And, w ith rec ent ad d itio ns suc h as the Arsht Center for the d estinatio n in w hic h to live in term s of c ulture, ind ustry, and entertainm ent. The c ity has b een lab eled Perform ing Arts, The Perez Art M useum , the Frost M useum of Sc ienc e, Am eric an Airlines Arena, as the W all Street of the So uth for its b usiness and com m erc e reac h into Latin Am eric a, the M ary Bric kell Villag e, and the upcom ing hig h- sp eed rail servic e – All Ab o ard Flo rid a – connec ting Caribbean, So uth Am eric a, and b eyo nd. W ith the d irec t ocean ac c ess via Governm ent Cut, the Po rt M iam i to other key Flo rid a c ities suc h as Orland o and Tam p a, M iam i now has the attentio n of the of M iam i is not o nly p ic turesq ue, b ut vital to the reg io n and the state. Peo p le flo c k to the c ity entire w o rld for its ever- g row ing d iversity, internatio nal c uisine, hig h- end shopp ing, and w o rld - c lass to take p art in the festivities and exhib its of Art Basel in Dec em b er; the Coconut Grove Arts Festival entertainm ent...m aking M iam i syno nym o us w ith cosmop o litan c ity living. in Feb ruary; and the So ny Op en Tennis To urnam ent eac h M arc h o n Key Bisc ayne. Throug ho ut Pérez Art Museum Miami American Airlines Arena in Downtown Miami Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science Adrienne Arsht Performing Arts Center Brickell City Center Miami World Center All Aboard Florida Port of Miami SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE INTRODUCING ION EAST EDGEWATER HIGH DESIGN – AT PRICES YOU CAN LIVE WITH SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE EAST EDG EWATER…THE BIRTH OF M IAM I’S HOTTEST NEW NEIG HBORHOOD INC LUDING A PUBLIC SC ULPTURE AND ART PARK One o f the hig hlig hts p rop o sed in the p ark d esig n is there w ill b e o utdoo r sc ulp tures by accom p lished local and internatio nal artists inc lud ing Cub an artist Jo se Bed ia Vald es and Arg entinian artists Carolina Sard i and Eug enio Cut tic a. Proposed renderings and artists of public sc ulpture and art park by neighboring developer. This is not intended to be used as a c ontract doc um ent. SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE This is c onc eptual and any and all elem ents of it m ay be revised as per further c oordination and inform ation is m ade available. RESORT LIVING COMES HOME – ESCAPE FROM THE CITY COMING HOME – LOBBY/MAILROOM LOUNGE/BUSINESS CENTER – MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS BEFORE RETREATING TO YOUR HOME LOBBY ENTRY CENTER LOUNGE SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE VIEWS ENJOY THE CITY AND THE BAY SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE NORTHEAST VIEW SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE SOUTH VIEW SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE SOUTH VIEW SEE LEGAL DISCLAIM ER ON BACK PAGE TEAM TRULY A GLOBAL “A” TEAM DEVELOPER TEAM TH E D E VELO PER ION EAST EDGEWATER is b eing d eve lo p ed b y Edgew ater M iam i, LLC, w hic h is an entit y form ed b y affiliates o f SAKOR Deve lopm ent LLC and Encore Ho using Op p o rtunit y Fund . SAKOR Deve lopm ent, LLC is a p artnership o f tw o real estate ind ustry veterans, Barb ara Salk and Step hen Ko rnfeld , eac h w ith ex tensive So uth Flo rid a exp erienc e in a d iversit y o f larg e g round - up d eve lopm ent p rojec ts. Their com b ined d eve lopm ent and ex tensive construc tio n exp erienc e sp an successful c areers that b ring over 75 years o f exp ertise to their p rojec ts. Addito nally they have collab o rated o n several p rojec ts inc lud ing the land assem b ly and zo ning approvals for Icon Palm Beac h (150 unit p rojec t in W est Palm Beac h, FL) and the m ec hanic al and p lum b ing for Cit y Plac e So uth Tow er (420 unit p rojec t in W est Palm Beac h, FL). Encore Ho using Op p o rtunit y Fund is an opp o rtunistic re al estate fund m anag er w hic h invests in resid ential real estate, w ith o ffic es in Flo rid a and Califo rnia.
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