"!"~ y '*!■■*!?*''^ 'T-*'*****^*- ^.'wt.'" Z. ^ty,' 'lj'JiV-^.,._j-.i- '.—:----- - -T.'*^' '• •> i 'fo itJkMMi ■, ■■■'' '■ ............ ■■ ■■■r* ■ ■ ■ .. -.v ‘ - V ■ Y\ Average Daily Net Press Rm -' ' for H m .tVMk abSM ' ' n . e ' April Si 1SS7 Wtody, colder tonigM, bar Ml 30«; fair, breesy and cool ' morrow, high near 50. Mt% g 0: 15^113 «banc« of ahowera taeigtat ' ^ Maneheuer^a CUy of Vittage Charm •' Ci A VOL. LXXXVL N0.161 (TWBNtV PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER^,CONN.,,MONDAY, APRIL iC 1967 (€lMrifM<Adv«rtirins ea Pagv ID PRICE SEVEN^CENtB — ''■' ' "iiii^i ■ , ; ■ .-.,1, er Market “■iNffi Be Offered Latins Door Open F o r M ove By Johnson . PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay (A P )— The Unit- ^ States, besieged by clamor for bigger Latin SV.3s,i . s l« + 'Jut ^ V share of U.S. markets, left m . -'V the door open a crack to­ day, With the hint that ■ P Photofax) President Johnson may of­ A padlocked gate and idled trucks— in Boston— “ defensive shutdown” because of several wildcat fer this gift at the summit. symbolize the nationwide shutdown in the nation’s strikes by Teamster Union members. While refusing to open a spe­ trucking business. The trucking industry calls it a cial door Uvough U.S. trade barriers. Secretary of State Dean Rusk did agree after 11 wearing hours of bargaining in Wind Warning a presumintt conference to per­ Truck Strike Talks Resume mit Alliance for Progress dol­ WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) lars to be spent outside the —^The U.S. Weather Bureau United States. issued a wind warning for Rusk insisted to his tired col­ As Effects Begin to Show Connecticut today. leagues, however, that this It said cold air will move could be done only “ to the max­ WASHINQ’TON (AP) — ’Teamsters Union would resume junction, at least until more se- into the area by mid-after­ imum extent consistent with the Tnicklng contract talks re- later in the day. rious interrupti<m of shipments noon, with winds becoming balance of payment position of Burned today while the spread- 'The Industry group bad start- developed, northwesterly at 30 to 40 the capital exporting coun­ ing effects of a nationwide in- ed the shutdown of 1,600 major High government officials m.p.h. and gusts up to 50. tries.” dustry lockout hampered ship- trucking firms Saturday, in re- were clearly disturbed over the Winds will continue The posaibdUty that President ments of key commodities. taliation against scattered unique situation rsdsed by the strong and gusty through Johnson might breach the pro­ Federal mediatore talked with strikes by the teamsters. industry’s lockout in response to this evening, the weather tective wall around U.S. mar­ Industry representatives this Informed sources said Truck- some 40 small Teamsters bureau said, diminishing to kets for the Latin Americans morning, then announced fiiat Ing Bmikoyers Inc., meanwhile, strikes. 15. to 25 m.pJh. tonight and could be read between the tomorrow. Joint negotiations with the was pressing government offi- The strikes themselves did not words of U.S. official sources. (AF Fhotofax) dais to Invoke an SOnlay Taft- appear widespread enough to One such top source two days This was a scene at Nashville last night during the second night of racial riot­ Hartley Injunction to stop Ite warrant a finding of peril to the ago said In answer to a report­ ing. The man on the ground had just left a Tennessee State University build­ own lockout and the Teamsters’ nstlon’s health and safety vrtiicb Spectacular Fire er’s question about Latin trade ing when gunfire broke out and he dived for cover. Nashville police joined him would trigger a ’Taft-Hartley Draft Call preference “ I don’t think I Both the strikes, which began injunction, but the lockout could ought to scoop the President.” ih seeking protection. One man was seriously injured during the shooting. Ruins 4 Blocks 10 days ago when the old na,tkm- have such a result, ' The ■' afliance spewMng a^ee- al trucking contract expired, , An Industry alime never be- For June Is ment stood as a major cehces- In Maine City ^ the Industry lockout are has been subjected to a jfloA by'’R u^. ^ >■ PORTLAND, Maine (AP)—A legal, government sources said. Taft-Hartiey injunction. Year’s Tops • BJUrider, a D.8 . cfficfa] sdunois Flock of Arrests apectacular, |3S0,0M-plua - fbrai Ciovemment officials ...were . xh*. tangled sltuatidto slowed said aUiance doMkrti” cbliia be . ^ . -f ' ■ f . ■ ' - whipped by high winds.; virtual- gi^vely^g.iw m vconcerned -fbous the the— ^pace----------- of negotiatlonB„----------------------- between WASHlNCiTON (AP) Ihe "pent fof U.s. goods and/ possibility of ^simultaneom m ta n som industry and the teamsters. Pentagon' today issued its big- services “ because of the bal- ly destroyed early today a four trucking «and railroaul shutdowns -»i)| i^ ry buslneea. M ^k. off Monu­ . Id shuhtovra The-twq,jsWoa-broka oft talks geat draft calt of the yearr-ask^-“ nee of-payments.*■ ment Square. that- would have Mvere effects ^ 4 ^ Sunday. ing for the induction of 19,800 United States gave in a/t- The brick aaf wood structure ***iil*!**v***”” '* When negotiations began la- men in June — all for the Army. tonelgn ministera of the hem- NASHVILLE, Term. (AP) — coupled with so many arreate wan Shat hi life oeck ahDAsgf ^ Hi* management were said The June call compares with tapbere harped in speech after sunlight police officials said they n l ^ and hoepitallieiS as Negro at Middle and ' Temple ctreeta govemmcnt planned to stop the L ' light rain and was almost a century old, bav May’s 18,000. Other calls tWe s^>eech on the need for preferen- _____ . „ „ '"'^'■e uncertain early today of rioters. fired at poUce, stoned trucking afautdown wHh an in- (See Page Glglrt) >■ year were for 16,600 men in Jan- entry into U.S. markets by brought an apporem end early _ '^ p j^ en tly p««dng c a m ’ and teamed the faig been built shortly after the today to Nashvilie*s second bjxmght the strife to an end, s tx ^ s between the campuses of “ Great Fire of 1866,” which uary, 10.900 in February, 11,900 U"tln products and com­ bi March and 11,400 in A ^ l; ' modltles. straight night of racial Violence poUce Charged two Negroes predominantly Negro Fisk and wiped out much of the dty. in the city’s Negrro college sec- inciting a riot. They were Tennessee St^te universities a Roberts Office Supply Co., InducUons for the first six his alliance months of this year thus will "tern tt®” - identified, as George Washing- mile apart. which had furniture on all four average 14,000 - less than half rising d^ands for a^ess to Gunshots, fires and looting ton Ware, 26, of Atianta and Si> In two nights of violence, at floors at the building’s westerly State, Area Truckers ®*’® P ^ overnight, oemtinuing nest Stephens, 28, of ’Tusk^jM; least 80 persons were arrerted. 'end, was biggest loser among the average monthly InducUons for the first half of 1968. resents 98 per cent of L$(in in- ®® ®ariy hours this naom- ^ja., and were held under $2,600 Most cheurges ran^d from cHa- 0ix tesiness firms in the build­ ing — and left one student serf- ])ond each early today. orderiy comhict to unauthorized ing. tteaeurer I,,awrence B. The June quota compares (See Page El^t) ously wounded. But the dawn — In National Lockout with the J19e6 high of 49,200 in Ware t(dd poUce he was with possession and transportation of Hatch said his loss would run “ black power’’ advocate Stokely explosives. Four white men ar- _ __ Scores of Connecticut truck- Chester pellveiy Service and October and last year’s low of between $160,000 and $200,000. Carmichael here Saturday. Ste- rested had a shotgun and a pte- Fire CaiieV'joseph RT ch^mo firms, indudlng some in the Middle New England E)q)reas 12,100 in December, phehs said he was a wrorker for tel in their possession. Polio* estimated the over - all loss Manchester area except ttooee are on the road. “Secretary * of Defense Robert S. McNamara has said draft tile Student Nonviolent Cobrdi- arrested six men ahd a women would be “far in excess of ®*'® own«x)pera^, join- x"he lockout affects only „ „. ^ nating -Oommlttee, beaded by at a house where officers said $260,000.” » nationwide lockout of Teamster’s Union employes of ®““ ® ^ Humphrey Home Carmichael. : r they found some Molotov codc- _ _ ^ ’Tsamsters’ Union membera. ooi-non. erably smaller thun those of Cremo said owners of the _ . , , over-the-road carriers, and not •' ’The charges stemmed from tails, 1966. building, the city’s building in- shxitdousjs mclude those union members working riots which enquted Saturday Three businesses, one oWned specter and fire officials would ** * Q Motor Freight and for other type businesses. Eairly this year the Pentagon night — a few hours after Car- j>y ^ white man, were set afir* meet at a ty HaB later in the Deliveries of food supplies chief said The . expected draft After Stormy Trip michael spoke at a symposium ^y Molotov cocktails, police day to determine whether the South Windsor; and i^CarU’s .upermarket waretouses at predominantly white Vander- 4me. vacant house and building’s brick walls riwuld be Bxpr®»» ®n1 Nelson Freight of jo stores is not affected, how- to be on the order of 101,- biU University. The violence agY^pal trudea caught fire, . OOC men. Today’s announced WASHINQ'TON (AP) —^Presl- Humphrey has been “ the au- torn down as a safety measure.
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