RC1r'AL AUSTRAUAN PICTORIAL c...",bulo'd ""O<.oghout 011 IAN ~ .....cI ........"""'"".. JULY 13, 1984 VOlUM&: 27, No 13 ....0 10 """''''g poe<-.neI ...+.e<e_ "'-.y ......,. b<I =i!!JlIl = .-----~-------:-T == = = = = = = = It's official: = = = sailors do = = have more = = = = fun. Page 5. = = [I lit Lookinglikest;uship Enterprise'sshuttle, the Vfin and a~stic generator is prep:ued (or IOIfMng and IOK'ing. = = = = = ooiiiiiiiIo... __ = = = = Victoria The O(eanographlc: research shIp mine Darv.-m Harbour when !>he fired a lor- LITHGOW and KATOOMBA laler look up "MAS COOK has plnpolDted the position pedO at the USS TRINITY UI tbe early hours the attack as DELORAINE was sent 10 of a mln~la);ng Japanese submarine or January:20. 1942. replenishherdepletedsloc'kohleplhcharges. thwarts sunk near D~iD in tW. The lO!'pedo missed, a TRINITY escort. Laler, when rejoining the other \"''-0 ships. Wltile the rough position 01 the submanne I USS EDSALL, dl opped , ....'0 depth charges Ul DELORAINE agam made a firm submanne = 124 or the Imperial Japanese Navy. has been a search and the attack was reported \0 conl.llct and attacked once more. hat-trick = known for years. COOK has confirmed the Darwin. /\tlacks continued until there was "good exact location. liMA Ships DI-:LORAINE, LITHGOW and reason" to believe the submarine had been = = = The sub lies in about 42 metres of water 70 KATOOMBA were despatched to hunt the destroyed. = = kms from Oarwm. submarine. In the final AdmIralty assessment credit for bid in rules. = COOK oblaaned a partkularly good traceof DI-:LORAINF. was the first 10 close In on her destruction was gl\'en 10 lhe three Aus· the submarine from her sonars,'S1emsdunng the submanne's reported po5ltion, traban cor"'elles and the USS EDSALL. = her latest depkI)"ment "'Nch tooK her ~ltlun She was re~'arded "'lib an attack from a It24 wasthe first urut of theJapanese Na\) Back page. = .sigbtofBab,nearJakartaandintocaJrnsand submarine but evaded a torpedo, which to fan VIctim 10 the RAN. = DarWin. passed Just three metres astern. She was one of four of her class espe<UII)" = = = Ounng Ihe sllt.week. voyage only Sl'\'en But I)ELORAINE had made a good ASOIC fitted for ffimelayll1g and was also eqUipped = = days were spent alongside as a busy schedule contact and moved 111 for the kill, droppulg with petrol tanks on the upper deck for = of scientific eltperiments progressed. depth charges. refuelling aircraft. = = The sub is said to ha\'e been en roule to Oil and air bubbles were soon seen on the She was declared to be an historic wreck in = = r------------..---'~"~'I~"~.:... ~I:97:.. --;- -, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = -r = = -£ • = ...., . = • = = - - - = = - = = = = = = = = lit The oceanographit: r~:urh ship JlMAS COOK. ,ofllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1Il1l11l1l1l1l1l11l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1DnlllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIUnllllllllllllllllllllllUlmmmllllllll~ ----I , ,i , TIONS , AY (By R~ Moo:Domld) RoyalAustralian Navy Halley's Comet! The name , 7SthAnniversary conjures up the image of a fiery , 1911-1986 , abject flashing acrass the eve­ , We are DO...• at the st.age ,,'hen l\ IS expected the Pnme MlIUSl.n ning sky leaving a blazing trail ­ ..."Ill soon lI.IlllOW1ce the name 01 the SC\IlpIor sele<1ed 10 de.Jgn the to be seen momentarily and then melllOl"ial, lea\'IOg IIIollore UI:an 18 months forthe ,,'Ort. lobe<"OII't,(lleted. ~~l DetaIls 01 the ce,emoDy assonated ...,UI the ofrlCUJ UIl\"l'Umg are forgotten. sllU bring de\'l'loped, but il is planned10 IIlO\lRI a cen'lT1OIII.lI parade al , But Halley's Comet is a different type of the SIte l'IIlI. only ...,UI regular personnel bul ...,th membe1's of the RANR and, illS hoped. repnosentalh't'Sorthe ex·N..\'1l1men·s Assona· ,i galactic mass. In a fairly regular pattern, it lion and Ship Associ.I.lions. , comes within the earth's orbit once every 75 Ptamung lor the fleet Re\'!e.......hich ...'111 Ol.'CUr dunng the I.abollr i years. Day long...eekend in l!lllfi is no...·UIlder WlIy ..nd the result shouldbeone , of the grealest 1IlI\'al spectacles ner Sf't'Jl on S)'lIney llarbour In early Jul)', 1911, Halley's COmel .....as last sighted. then It In ..ddauon 10 the rnsenre of RAN shJps It IS expected thai thffe , disappeared into the oblivion of oilier space, to be forgotten ....t11 be repnosentall\"t' slups from the Ro)'a1 New Zealand Na\')·. the , b)' countless generations who had nolseen the phenomenon. ko)"al Na\')', the United Slates Na\')' and IIIl! Canadian Defence Force But. baC'k in Itl1 ....hen the comet was spal1dng public: and media On the e\"ellIng before the Re\·ie... It 1$ planned to st.age alT1U'iOl'd attenOOn. another en'nt t"Ok pial'\' ....hicb ,,-as of much grealer 1m· Naval Bands ronrert in the 0penI1I0\&SII', portance to lhe publk or Austral1a, and indl'ed to Ull' population ollhe It is also hoped that on the ""erung of the Re\'ll'''·. ",th the Fleel Soulh PacifIC. t1luminaled, there ......Ube il Ijre,,·Ol1\s display. On July 10 of thai year King Gewgl' V, grandfathero! 1M present A proposed tele\'isioll series on our mantlme beritage "'ill ~n..signedthe ~l')'docu.menlS to create the Royal AustTalian incofporaleIIIimportanl secuonlk>aling \lithlhe RAN and. before thai , Navy and 1JMo Royal AuslralJan Naval Rl'5J!'r,f'. "'Ullndindllli Stale 1IlI\il'S.. In l!Jl16, Ilalley's COmet will onee again bK'ome a rOl"llSof atll'fllion. .:Xercises pI.truled for 11186 "ill take on a special sigruficanre and , BUI "'hUe memories or the Cornel wiU be dim, tile exploits of \he planners are hoping. consistent "lUI any economic restralllts in fo~ . I RAN hopefully ill revi\'l' memories lor tellS of thousands or Aus- at the time. that there "illbe sigllllicant ship \isils lo aU major fXlrU '" Ilmber/e)' R/tAF Base Quet:nsJand, home of IIustnlia's Fill Strike "~rce.ajrcr~tr. Iralians .... 110 ill help today's Navy celebrate an important around the country and. \istls also 10 a ....Ide range 01 mlllOT ports. i ~IcCau/e.I·, o',~e,?, n~.·'fl'· annl\'ersary. 'nlereare many oUll"r aC!iI'ties eO\1SIged by the planners10 make Squadron LeaduJohn righl. is pictund In lronl ofone Inth hIS g .·or a compal'lltl\'elY)'O\lng country such as Austra1J.a, whose his· 1M a lnlIy memor.lble ..nrn\·ersary year for the Na\l) for FIring Officer Glen lIoltz. 11, of Perth, holding colour patches Indll'aling John SJob:: tory isso closel)' linked ...,th maritime affairs, 75 years ofdedication to Like almosl e\'err otherarowy, ho...e\·t'f, the major restnllltson • swilch . .. from "'" VI' pilot to U,IAF pilot. :: the defence of a nation provides a signirlcant milestone for ....hat can bedone "iiio:Iepend on the finanres availahle at the lime ~lebralion. Althougll thesianolthe Annh'ersary year is slilll8lT1Qnlh'i a ....ay.lt (8) Brian NoomIn) And It is the intentionol the Navy that the 7Sth Anni\-en;arjr will be S('t'n\$ likely that financial rest.nlinls "ill s1iU be ...ith lIS for se\'eral $Uilabty celebn.led 1.hrolIghout Australia dW'"Ulg IlI66 to draw the )·e..rs. altention of the public to the Important contnbUtion the RAN has made From RAN 'MIal, of CO\ll'Sll', "iU mean lhal some planned a('\j\'ilies may ha\"l': to to the history and de\-elopment of the country. be curtailed. or even excluded from the anru\'ef"SII')' programme. 1'hree years ago in Navy Office, Canben-a, a small Anniversary Rear Admiral Ian Knox. ,,'ho has heen chainnao ollhe ren\nll Stl't'rlng CommIttee ...·u formed to formulate and develop plans pIanntng commiltee SU1Ct' ils inreptillll. saki be hoped all personnel III ROot to co\'erlng the ...hole of the country throughout the year. the RAN and RANR ...wld combllle theirellllt1s to milke the 75th aMi· Maoy Ideas "'ere "k.ieked around," bUt illlOOn emerged thatl.here \"eTSary year a memorable one. ...wld be t...o major nationalluoC!ioos. supplementedby lmplllt.aol reo "Lei the publiC tmow that A\lslraha has a Navy of "'ruch il can be gional functions developed by regional su'(l..commiltees. justly prollCl. In 75 years or ""lr and. peare il has sen'ed the countlj· Fill'S The t ...,o major fUnctions will be the un\'eiling and dedication nf a "'lUi dedicatiM, courage and sacrilice, and has forged tradluons NaUol\lll Navill MelTlOlilll in Anzac Pal1lde, Canben-a, on Monday. 11\h ....hich have gillned international respect:. March, 1!l8e, and a .1ee1 Reviewon Sydney Hart)QUr On SlllU'(I.ay. ~th He added: "Although the anniversary "iU primarity be a tune fOt" OC\ober. 1!l8e. retebn.tion by serving persortJlel and ex·naval men and women. it is a 'first' The Natiollal Naval Memorlillidea was fint l1Iised back III Feb­ also appropnale that the pubJJc be included lIS much as possible. ruary; lil8O, when it was suggested that II ....ould be Iilling to have a "1\ is the task 01 every serving member to emphaSIse the anniver­ renlral memorial as a tribUte to the teM of thousands of men and sary year slogan: "sailors discovered. founded and proteci ...'omen ....ho had sen"l'd 01" Ill! OOW serving in the RAN, RANR and A\lslralia.•• WRANS. FOOTNOTE: A full·tlme planning celi has been estabtished in Nny NegotiaUons loget this Idea off the groWld ....ere lengthy, but even· Office to ClHlt'dinate national and reglonal e\"l'111s for the 7Sth Anru\·er· tually the Government agreed to fWld the Memorial to the enent of sary. This ceU also has the responsibilily for Na\')' aetlvities relating to S250,ooo and scuJplorsJarchl1.ect5 ...·ere invited 10 register interest..
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