SUBSCRIPTION RATES: by the Comprodally Publishing Co., Inc., dally, except Sunday, at 50 East Published By mall everywhere: One year, $6; six months, $3; two months, $1; excepting Boroughs Page 13th Street, New York City, N. Y. Telephone Algonquin 7956-7. Cable: "DAIWORK." Daily Four of Manhattan and Bronx, New York City. Foreign: One year, $8; six months, $4.50 Address and mall all checks to the Daily Worker, 50 East 13th Street, New Tork, N. Y. Central M Portg U.S.A. -byburck THE SOCIALISTS ARE THE “CROCODILE TEARS” ENEMIES OF WORKERS By JORGE (1. Enter Mr. Morris Hillquit, Chairman of two “red” papers. For the chairman of the N. Y. Times the “Socialist” Party.) “socialist” party is a member of the board of The directors of the International Union Bank, Versus the N. Y. Times By PAUL NOVICK. which once “belonged” to the International La- We wish Mr. Ochs (pronounced "ox” and (The following is the first of a series of dies’ Garment Union and was transferred in meaning "bull”), who Is the owner iof the N. Y. articles by Comrade Paul Novick on the “so- 1927 to a group of capitalists, Hillquit amongst Times and one of "our” 59 rulers, would quit cialist” party of America. Workers wiil them. Probably the only thing that dis- calling himself a liar and proving It. That’s our average job, find these articles of much value in their tinguishes this bank from the capi- not his. In short (If a Communist is allowed to use the discussions on the parties ar.d platforms in talist bank is that the Hillquit concern en- gages speculating, beg word "short” in talking about wheat) we wish the present election campaign.—Editor.) rather heavily in par- don—“investing.” the N. Y. Times would either quit lying about exposing Morris Hillquit is not merely a rich cor- This capitalist role of the guiding spirit of Soviet wheat deals or stop itself. poration lawyer. Morris Hillquit is the chair- For ten days or so, the Times has been rant- the American “socialists” and of the Second ting in headlines over acres of space against man of the “socialist” party, its brains, its International was only part of hi 3 role as a raids," Some of ita Morris Hillquit is the lifelong "Soviet bear and so on. theoretician. lawyer for the bosses in all their fights, in- headlines and news summaries show up as fol- representative of the American “socialists” on cluding their fights against workers. In 1927 lows: the executive committee of the Second (“So- when Lgcal 25 of the International Fur Work- “SOVIET SHORT SALES BREAK WHEAT cialist”) International. He has just returned ers Union, a bona fide A. F. of L. local in PRICE”—Sept. 20. from one of the sessions of that committee, in Newark, was having a fight with the Consoli- "WORLD BEAR DRIVE IS SEEN"—Sept. 23. Zurich. Morris Hillquit is a symbol of Amer- dated Rabbit Dressing Manufacturers, the "PURPOSE TO MAKE SPECULATIVE PROFIT, IF NOT TO CREATE FARM UN- ican and international “socialisni,’ its guiding workers discovered that Morris Hillquit was (at least, as far as American REST”—Sept 20. spirit “socialism” behind the bosses, as their lawyer and guiding “With concerned.) "Farmers Denounce Deals”—Sept. 25. is spirit (for good non-spiritual pay, of course). the world wheat markets upset by Soviet tac- Then, who is Morris Hillquit? The Communist Freiheit had demanded that tics..." "Measures to meet Soviet dumping...” Hillquit explain that the workers, "A flood of Russian wheat feared..." And any Labor Who’s Who,” matter to ‘"The American published but it seems that here, too, like the leader of number of other lies, both plain and fancy. the Hand School in 1925 tells us: lawyer, by a Tammany Hall, the leader of the “socialist” It is particularly Important to note that the a member of the national executive commit- party felt “insulted.” He did not explain. It Times puts this kind of anti-Soviet propaganda born page, featuring it in every way so tee of the socialist party at various times, ¦was unnecessary. The matter was too clear. on the front in Riga (Latvia), came to the U. S. in 1386, that its readers can’t miss it.' A man with such a variety of activities But on the editorial page, where compara- lecturer, author, 214 Riverside Drive. There away could not have stayed from the under- tively few readers turn to read except those who are, however, some pertinent points of infor- world. The relations between and “so- “socialism” understand that the stuff on the front page is mation about this gentleman, which the the underworld will be dealt with in a separate lying propaganda, the Times finally on Tuesday, cialist” publishing house has omitted and article. As far as this unscrupulous money- Sept. 23 allowed an editorial slamming Secretary which the workers must know—in order to maker Hillquit, he simply could not have Hyde as being "Rather Hysterical” and calling knew the face, or the soul, of the “socialist” stayed away from a source which supplies so —“The whole discussion incoherent" —an in- party. much “easy money,” racketeering. coherence to which the Times contributed with Hillquit al! its might. is for years known as one of the The Daily Worker last Thursday has pointed shareholders It says in addition, that—“at least our own of the Burns’ Coal Trust. Wheth- out the honorable mention Hillquit is receiv- er he still is a shareholder we do not government might keep Its head” —but it does know. ing in Courtney Terret’s book on racketeering still It all depends on the amount of dividend these its damnedest to cheer the government on to in the States, “Only Saps Work.” It great stupidities, if such are possible. shares bring now. If the shares are still as United appears from pages 107-108 of that book that The Times company publishes a weekly journal profitable as Hillquit bought when them there Hillquit was the lawyer for the chief racketeer “The Annalist,” which is not meant for ordi- is, according to present-day “socialism” no in the glaring trade in New York, William nary folks to read, but only the big business- reason why should have sold them. brokers, experts he Ellinger, after he (Ellinger) had shot and near- men, commercial and statis- True, is a reason. The Burns’ Coal ticians. Now let us see what the Annalist does there ly killed one of the small dealers of that is an open shop concern, a strikebreak- trade, to the N. Y. Times headline quoted above: "Pur- Trust Joseph Okonovitz. was found guilty ing concern that is exploiting its workers mer- Ellinger pose to make speculative profit, if not to create and sent to Sing Siflg, but that did stop cilessly. But all this was known to the brains not farm unrest." Here’s what the Times “Annalist” Hillquit from acting lawyer says Sept. of the “socialist” party when the shares were as his before the on 26: Court of Appeals—for a We may, of course, discard at once Secre- bought, in the first place. A good profit, fat retainer, of course (the racketeer went to Sing Sing and Hillquit tary Hyde’* theory that the short selling wee however, or heavy dividends, is a major fac- done for the purpose of fomenting unrest in all dealings was left with the money obtained through tor of the chairman of the “so- racketeering). among American wheat growers...lt is pat- cialist” party, even if it is profit derived from ently ridiculous. “closed” or open-shop exploitation. Courtnay Terret, in his book on racketeering, It is highly probable that no government, Mr. Hillquit is supposed to be an authority is trying to shield the “socialists” and the A. even that of Soviet Russia, would be willing en Marx’s “Capital.” More so, he is an F. of L. leaders. Morris L. Ernst, “socialist,” to assume the enormous risks obviously in- of on capital, or campaign manager for Heywood Broun, wrote volved in a speculative transaction this authority Wall Street rather simple and readily Wall Street stocks in which he began dabbling the preface to Terret’s book and probably took nature. A much more to protect his Hillquit’s understandable reason for the short selling years ago. It is not known whether he has care party-colleagues. hedge and name was left stoolpigeons in factories, unions and fraternal is that it was selling pure simple. lost anything in the recent crashes—many a because Ernst himself is a law- Russia, in other words, unlike the Farm yer anything organizations. They pay higher wages and “socialist” has lost heavily—but it is common and does not find wrong in acting Board, hedges wheat crop because she for grant special privileges to sections of workers her knowledge that Hillquit has always been the underworld, for a good retainer, or may The “Socialist” Platform Wants does NOT wish to speculate.” gambling, beg pardon—“investing.” be he wanted to show up a competitor. Any- to separate them from the masses. There is a lot of additional evidence, whlct The “socialist” spirit behind these gamblings way, Hillquit was properly placed in the Rich Gamblers Show the Way. we might offer as exhibits in the case of the the N. Y. Times, but you has moved Mr. Hillquit in 1924 to send in Rogue’s Gallery of Racketeering Land. But Gamblers on the stock exchange, N. Y. Times against . more. More Prisons will see from what is given that there is no the Cloakmakers’ Union a bill twenty-five All that is probably enough of a for record for successful managers of shady deals set the pace doubt but that it is guilty of shameless hypo- dollars that union the leader of “socialist” thousand for representing the party, but Hill- in the country.
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