•y SHEBRV FIGDORE posure that will further her said Miss Perkins, who won professional singing career. a $20,000 scholarship In ad- EATONTOWN - Susan Miss Perkins, pausing in dition to her contract earn- Perkins belles all the nasty her first nationwide tour to ings from her year of per- things you'd like to believe crown Paula Satterly, sonal appearances. about Miss America. Ocean Township, as Miss "It's Ironic that women Her light brown hair It United Way here yesterday oppose something that of- slightly tousled and her in the Monmouth Mall, fers such generous financial enormous brown eyei are fielded questions that rewards." bright and expressive and ranged from the length of She says it's "silly and Il- she really Is beautiful. bar aklrt to what she logical" to believe that Miss America's A lt» graduate of Miami thought of President Car- women are reduced to sex University of Ohio, she said ter objects as they march down the personal Interview with "I've found that people the runway In Atlantic City. a real live doll; the judges was the most Im- all over the country ask me "Men will check out wom- portant part of the Miss the same three questions," en whether there's a pag- America competition. said Miss Perkins. eant or not," said Miss Per- crowns Miss UW One of the judges at the "There are three stock kins. September pageant said questioni — on abortion, "Women check out men that Miss Perkins had "the marijuana and premarital the same way. That's just best vocabulary of any girl sex." human nature." there- She prefers questions con- The Important feminist Is- She has been a legislative cerning feminism, she said, sues are equal Job opportu- aide and a speechwrlter, but they don't come up nities and passage of the and yes, she really Is ex- nearly u often. Equal Rights Amendment ceedingly bright. She considers herself a (ERA), not beauty contests, She's alto direct, honest, moderate feminist, and she said. and has a refreshingly clear bristles at charges that the "The (radical) feminists Idea of the responsibilities annual beauty pageant ex- say everyone should do her of what she terms her "full- ploits women. own thing. But sometimes it nH» time, very well paying job" "The Miss America con- seems ai If It's 'do your PAIR OF QUEENS — Susan Perkins, left, Miss America of 1978, and of the bonuses In the test offers more scholarship own thing as long as you do crowns Paula Satterly of Ocean Township as Miss United Way In cere- nationwide personal ex- money than any other," See Hbs America, page I monies at the Monmouth Mall, Eatontown. Miss Satterly Is the reign- Ing Miss Monmouth County. The Daily Register VOL. 100 NO. 90 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1977 15 CENTS Strike agreement imminent By DAVID GRAULICH Acceptance of new contract terms by respective nego- TINTON FALLS — An agreement appeared imminent tiating committees to result In Immediate ratification by early today In the three-week strike between teachers and the constituencies. Ratification on Tuesday morning by the Matawan Regional Board of Education, according to Marvin Board and the Association followed by a return to classes Reed, a teachers' spokesman. for at least half the remaining portion of the full school He said a "memorandum of understanding" — a state- day by the teachers to permit the full opportunity for the ment of what the two sides agree will be the basis for the set- resumption of education on Wednesday morning. Teachers tlement — was being written and was expected to be com- would receive compensation for Tuesday and the schools pleted by mid-morning would not be open for students to facilitate the orderly The memorandum would then be presented to the school preparation for the resumption of classes on Wednesday board and the Matawan Regional Teachers Association for morning. ratification I. Term ol the new agreement: Although some points were clarified during another all- Pursuant to the present negotiations efforts, the terms night negotiating session at the Hilton Inn, here, the basis for of this agreement should be for three years, 1077-78, 1978- the apparent settlement was an eight-page proposal (printed 79, and 1978-80 below) presented by Jack D. Tillem, mediator from the state I. Salary: Public Employes Relations Commission (PERC). Salary guide improvements In each of the three years The proposal was made in an attempt to break the dead- based on average dollar increases per teacher inclusive of lock on the eve of today's State Supreme Court hearing, when increment. the high court will consider the stay of sentence granted 1(77-78 1978-79 1979-80 Friday by Judge Alan B. Handler on the jail terms given to 35 $1,350* $1,250 $1,050 Matawan teachers in Freehold last week. Today's court ruling * A portion of this Increase should be utilized towards could either prolong the stay, or conceivably could send the See Strike talks, page > JarkTUIeai teachers back to jail _ . At the heart of the PERC proposal is a three-year salary Increase based on the current annual teachers average salary Bitter resignation in Matawan of 114,100. The proposal calls for average Increas- es of tl.SO. $1,250 and $1,050 each year. In addition, the proposal grants full family dental ben- efits, contains a "no-reprisal" clause, and allows the board certain scheduling and assignment privileges. In a preface to the recommendations, Mr. Tillem said, "It Roser quits post hi time to assess that if the Board and the Association have not now come to terms, they will not come to terms." He COLUMBUS WASHES ASHORE - Christopher Columbus, left, (who Is Jo- stressed the proposal wasn't binding, "and that voluntary seph Pollotto, chief lifeguard In Asbury Park) Is welcomed ashore by Mi- agreement remains the necessary ingredient for a final settle- chael Fldek, also of Asbury Park. The annual "Columbus Day landing" ment " He urged ratification and reopening of schools for took place yesterday. Columbus, due to land on Sunday, had to postpone classes as soon as this Wednesday. The full text of Mr. Til- in Long Branch his act until the rain cleared up. The annual event was sponsored by the lem's recommendations follow: Monmouth Council Order of the Arrow Nat-Tsl-Hi Lodge 71, which In the RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SETTLEMENT ByANNBRENOFF ciously and maliciously at- that the department "is tongue-of the Lennl Lenape Indians means In the Land of the Pines. For 1. RatifleatlOT aad the ctmmeacemeat ol fill opentloas tacked by a member of coun- apparently going to become a LONG BRANCH - S. Mar- cil..." story and more pictures, turn to page 5. wlthla tie District: shall Roser Jr., who has been political football this elec- the subject of controversy The letter predicts that the tion." here since he first became Long Branch Police Depart- Mr. Roser asks that "in the city public safety director 18 ment will never be free of po- best Interests of the depart- months ago, has resigned, it litical interference and notes ment, the city and my profes- Politics, booze Red Bank topics was learned yesterday. sional standing," the city con- Mr. Roser was responsible sider his resignation to be ef- »y 1EN VAN VLIET charges that the borough's postponed until Nov.l because lease, that "they have exam- traction from the Republi- for the implementation of fective Oct. 15 and grant him first aid squad and the West- all of the transfers were op- ined dozens of vouchers, cans. many personnel changes and three months severance pay. RED BANK - Bboie and side Hose Company are posed. many of which had been sub- He said there were a total Dr. Prezioso is expected to poUtics occupied the Borough new policies within the police throwing Indiscriminate beer And then there was the mitted by (Mr. Marks) which of 12 vouchers signed by Mr. department — some of which make official announcement Council last night parties. matter of a hearing for the showed expenditures of from Marks, who resigned earlier of the public safety director's It ranged from Mayor Dan- critics claim caused severe Marine Bar. Wharf Ave., $12 to $20 for lunches but did this year to move to Texas. splintering of the depart- resignation at tonight's public id J. O'Hern terming the lo- And then there was the charged with selling to a mi- not Indicate who ate them. "And of the 12," the mayor council meeting. cal Republican campaign a matter of three liquor license ment's rank and file. nor, which was again post- said, only one is not properly In his letter of resignation Reportedly, Mr. Roser em- "sewer of negativism," to transfers, all of which were poned by the governing body "There is no way of tell- filled out, and that one was ing," the GOP candidates to Dr. Sal J. Prezioso, city ptied his desk late last Friday u-tfil Oct. 24 at 9 p.m. signed by Frank D'Antonio, business administrator, Mr. night and is not expected to said, "If he ate a very ex- Mr. Marks' replacement. The mayor said he consid- pensive lunch by himself or if Roser wrote, "Since Feb. 2, return. ered recent GOP campaign he had the borough pickup The mayor called the Re- 1976. (when he took office) I He is on "vacation leave" The Inside Story literature which criticized the tab for several guests or publican statement an at- have received anonymous until his resignation becomes Robert B.
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