Sterile neutrino decay as a common origin for LSND/MiniBooNe and T2K excess events S.N. Gninenko Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow 117312 (Dated: November 25, 2018) We point out that the excess of electron-like neutrino events recently observed by the T2K collab- oration may have a common origin with the similar excess events previously reported by the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments and interpreted as a signal from the radiative decays of a sterile neu- trino νh with the mass around 50 MeV produced in νµ neutral current (NC) interactions. In this work we assumed that the νh can also be produced in ντ NC reactions. PACS numbers: 14.80.-j, 12.60.-i, 13.20.Cz, 13.35.Hb Over the past 10 years there is a puzzle of the 3.8 limits from the most sensitive experiments searched for σ event excess observed by the LSND collaboration [1]. extra peaks in two-body π,K decays [10], because the νh This excess originally interpreted as a signal from νµ → mass range of (1) is outside of the kinematical limits for νe oscillations was not confirmed by further measure- πµ2 decays, and not accessible to Kµ2 experiments due ments from the similar KARMEN experiment [2]. The to experimental resolutions. The parameter space of (1) MiniBooNE experiment, designed to examine the LSND cannot be ruled out by the results of high energy neu- effect, also found no evidence for νµ → νe oscillations. trino experiments, such as NuTeV or CHARM, as they However, an anomalous excess of low energy electron- searched for νh’s of higher masses (mh & 200 MeV) de- like (e-like) events in quasi-elastic neutrino events has caying into muonic final states (µπν, µµν, µeν, ..) [10], been observed [3]. New MiniBooNE results from a search which are not allowed in our case. The best limits on 2 for νµ → νe oscillations also show an excess of events, |Uµh| derived for the mass range (1) from the search for + − which has a small probability to be identified as the νh → e e ν decays in the PS191 experiment [11], as well background-only events [4]. The data are found to be as the LEP bounds [12], are found to be compatible with 2 consistent with νµ → νe oscillations in the 0.1 eV range (1) assuming the dominance of the νh decay. New limits 2 and with the evidence for antineutrino oscillations from on mixing |Uµh| obtained by using the recent results on the LSND. precision measurements of the muon Michel parameters In the recent work [5] (see also [6–8]) it has been shown by the TWIST experiment [13] are also found to be con- that puzzling LSND, KARMEN and MiniBooNE results sistent with (1). Finally, the most stringent bounds on 2 could all be explained in a consistent way by assuming |Uµh| coming from the primordial nucleosynthesis and the existence of a heavy sterile neutrinos (νh). The νh SN1987A considerations, as well as the limits from the is created in νµ neutral-current interactions and decay atmospheric neutrino experiments, are also evaded due subsequently into a photon and a lighter neutrino ν in to the short νh lifetime. the LSND and MiniBooNE detectors, but it cannot be Very recently, the T2K collaboration, which study ν produced in the KARMEN experiment due to the high µ neutrino neutrino interactions in a long baseline experi- energy threshold. The ν could be Dirac or Majorana h ment at J-PARK, has reported on observation of an ex- type, and it could be produced, e.g. through the ν − ν µ h cess of electron-like events in charge-current quasi-elastic mixing. The ν could decay dominantly into γν pair if, h (CCQE) neutrino events over the expected standard neu- arXiv:1107.0279v2 [hep-ph] 28 Feb 2012 for example, there is a large enough transition magnetic trino interaction events [14]. A confirmation of the T2K moment between the ν and ν mass states. Such kind h excess and clarification of its origin have great impor- of ν ’s may be present in many interesting extensions of h tance for neutrino physics. Although the most popular the standard model, see e.g. [9]. Assuming the ν is pro- h mechanism for this excess is ν → ν neutrino oscilla- duced through mixing with ν , the combined analysis of µ e µ tions with nonzero value of the neutrino mixing angle the LSND and MiniBooNe excess events suggests that the Θ , one can still reasonable ask if neutrino oscillations ν mass, mixing strength, and lifetime are, respectively, 13 h are the only explanation for the T2K result, see e.g [15]. in the range In this work we study a possible manifestation of the −3 2 −2 presence of νh’s in the J-PARC neutrino beam and show 40 . mh . 80 MeV, 10 . |Uµh| . 10 , −11 −9 that the excess of e-like events observed by T2K could be 10 . τh . 10 s. (1) interpreted as a signal from the production and radiative decay of a ν previously suggested for the explanation of A detailed discussion of consistency of these values with h the origin of similar excess events observed by the LSND the constraints from previous searches for heavy neutri- and MiniBooNe experiments. nos [10] as well as of the interpretation of the νh decay in terms of transition magnetic moment is presented in In the T2K experiment, specifically designed to search [5, 8]. Briefly, the mixing of (1) is not constrained by the for νµ → νe oscillations and for measurements at the first 2 νµ −ντ oscillation maximum (corresponding to the atmo- electron and converted photon tracks are used for the 2 2 spheric neutrino parameters sin 2Θ23 = 1 and ∆m23 = reconstruction of the events. The T2K search for e-like −3 2 2.4 × 10 eV ), the neutrino flux at the far detector lo- events from νµ → νe neutrino oscillations uses the data cation is dominated by ντ ’s. Therefore, we will assume in sample collected during the years 2010-2011 [14]. The the following that the νh can be also produced in ντ NC strategy of the analysis is to identify the νeCCQE can- interactions, e.g. through the mixing with the ντ neu- didate events by reconstructing in the FV isolated single trino [16]. Taking into account that the corresponding e-like rings that are accompanied by no other activity 2 mixing strength |Uτh| is purely constrained by exist- in the outer detector. The measured rate of the e-like ing experimental data, makes this assumption more in- events is then compared to the one expected from known teresting. For example, the bounds from the NOMAD reactions. An excess of ∆N =4.5 electron-like events (6 2 −2 experiment |Uτh| . (4 − 1) × 10 for the νh masses from 40 to 80 MeV were obtained from the search for − + the νh → ντ e e decay under assumption that this de- Rock cay is the principal decay mode of the νh. These limits can be significantly relaxed assuming the dominance of OD the νh → γν decay. Direct searches for radiative decays ∗ ∗ of an excited neutrino ν → νγ produced in Z → ν ν ν ID decays have also been performed at LEP [10]. For the ∗ ∗ − ν 5 µ(τ) ν best limit Br(Z → ν ν)Br(ν → νγ) < 2.7 × 10 from h γ → Br(Z νν ) h 2 ALEPH [12], taking into account ≃ |Uτh| , ID FV Br Z→νν ( ) N N we find [5] mν [MeV] 2 h 9 |U | × < 4.8 × 10 . (2) τh τνh [s] FIG. 1: Schematic illustration of the production and subse- For the mass and mixing range of (1) it results in τν & − h quent radiative decay of a heavy neutrino in the SK detector 10 11 s. (top view). The νh’s are produced in ν NC interactions In addition, there is also a hint from the measurements µ(τ) of the J-PARC νµ neutrino beam either in the FV, the ID + + of the Ds → τ ντ decay rate at CLEO [18, 19]. It has region outside FV, the OD or, as shown, in the surrounding been observed that for some decay modes of outgoing rock. In the later case the νh would penetrate the rock shield + + τ-leptons, the obtained decay rate of Ds → τ ντ is sig- and would be observed in the SK neutrino detector through nificantly higher than the predicted one, so that com- their νh → γν decays followed by the decay photon conversion − bined branching ratio deviates from the theoretical pre- into an e+e pair in the ID FV. diction at the level of ≃ 10%. One may speculate that this inconsistency is due to existence of a sterile neutrino events observed and 1.5±0.3 expected) has been observed mixed into the tau neutrino. This would result in an in the data accumulated with 1.43 × 1020 protons on tar- + + additional contribution to the Ds → τ ντ decay rate get (pot). For the following discussion several distinctive + + from the decay Ds → τ νh. It has been found that features of the excess events are of importance [14]: a) for the mass range below 190 MeV the mixing strength the excess is observed for single e-like tracks, originating + + required to explain Ds → τ ντ discrepancy should be either from an electron, or from a photon converted into a 2 + − |Uτh| =0.16 ± 0.09 [7], which for the mass and lifetime e e pair with a typical opening angle ≃ me/Ee+e− < 1 range of (1) is consistent with (2) within the large error.
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