GOSCOTE-3 KfeGWOIlTH. 853 1 1 - 1 John Barwell, efq. and Henry Bigland, efq. are no- Kegworth in [680 ; and in the Heraldic Visitation of ticed as persons of the rank of gentlemen resident at 1683 the pedigree of Barwell is thus entered. Pedigree of BARWELL, of KEGWORTH and GARENDON * 1682. , Barwell, of Brampton, co Northampton,=p 2. Edmund Barwell, B.D 1578; master of Christ's College, Cam- a servant to Edward Griffin, esq. attorney | bridge, 1581 ; prebendary of Ely, 1582 ; D. D. 1587 ; died •general to king Edward VI. queen Mary, j about 1609, and was buried in the coliege chapel. and queen Elizabeth. Edward Barwell, of Kegworth, clerk,=pMargaret, dau. of William Lyster, 2. William, a minister in 3. John. died 1639, aged about 66; of Somerby, co. Leicester. the Isle of Ely. Anne, dau. of^pi. John Barwell, = Anne, dau. of Elizabeth, dau. = 2. Ed ward Barwell, = Anne, dau. of i.E izabeth,wise t, Bigland, esq. of Keg- ..Browne, John Roe, of of Lyon's Inri, .. Richard- of Cieorge No- of Leake, co. worth, after- of the cityy of Nornianton London, ail as son, of Shire- ble, ot Reresby. Notts, cletk, wards of Garen- York, some- Turvile; first sociate to the lane, Temple 2. Amie, wife of sister of Edw. don, aged 67 time cham- wife. clerkoftheassize Bar, London, John Errims,of Bigland, esq. years and a half berlain of that for the county of second wifei Alcefter, co. ferjeantatlaw, 1682. city ; second Leicester ; died Warwick. first wife; died wife. about 1678, s. p. June 8, 1667 r~T" ~—1—1—' II I111 -I 1. Edward Barwell, a mer- 3. Charles : 4. Simon • Two other 1. Anne, aged 26; chant in Bantam in the Barwell3, Barwell4, widow 1 sons, dead %. Margaret, aged 24, wife of East Indies , aged 41 in æt. 20, æt. 20, of of Dr. in 1682. Robert Morgan, or Covent 1682, unmarried. lived after- Leicester, Bradley. Garden, London, grocer. 2. Henry Barwell, of Lyons wards in gt.æt.17. 3. Elizabeth, aged 23. Inn, aged 23, unmarried. the East 4. Milicent, aged 18. Indies. 5. One other daughter, dead in Anne, sole=j=Sir Harry -John; Catharine, dau. 168a. Charles Barwell, os- dau. and Parker, hart. of Of John Page, Leicester, gent. heiress ; Honington, of Putney, first wife; co. Warwick; Surrey, efq. Charles Barwell, Anne.= . Wilmot, died Oct. second wife. died s. p, of Duffield, J 29. 733> —r. —r—I co; Derby; æt. 19. John Parker, died Catharine. Maigaret. r~ Sept. 15, 1769. 1. Margaret, 2. Anne. Sophia. The present market was established in 1699. containing about 2000 acres; in which the owners of •' His Majefly has been graciously pleaied, by his messuages, cottages, or lands, within the said parish, letters patent under the great seal, to grant to William are described as having a right of common pastures Bainbrigge, esq. a market in the towtl of PCegworth, and common grounds, and at certain seasons of the in Leicestershire, upon Wednesday in evtiry week, for year, upon the said open arable fields and meadows ; buying and selling all manner os goods; and two fairs Mary Bainbrigge and Elizabeth Bainbrigge> spinsters, as yearly; one to be held upon every Monday and Tuesday ladies of the manor of Kegworth ; the malier, fellows, in Easter Week, and the other on the2yth and 30th days and scholars of Christ's College, in Cambridge (con- of September, for buying and (tiling of corn, cattle, and nectedly with Frederick- Augustus earl of Berkeley, un- all manner of goods and merchandize whatsoever 5." der certain restrictions), as patrons of the rectory of 41 July 8, 1756, some labourers, employed by the Kegworth ; the Rev. John Will y, clerk, as rector, parishioners of Kegworth in Leicestershire, to get some and entitled to certain glebe-lands and common right gravd in a dose near the high road, in order to mend in the said open grounds, and to all the great tithes the same, were this day agreeably surprized with arising within he parish oc Kegworth} the master, the sight of a large earthen vessel, about two feet be- fellows, and ic. olars of Ch ist's Coliege, Cambridge, low the surface, which might contain about two gal- entitled to certain lands in the laid paristi; and Ri- lons. This pot all afiisted in removing to the bank- chard CbeJJyn, efq. their leffee; And Robert Sulton1*, fide, b'g with ihe expectation of finding a treasure and others, as sub-lessees; and the said Mary Bain- supposed to be hid in the civil wars; but the pot, as brigge, and Elizabeth Bainbrigge, sir William Gordon, soon as landed, dropped immediately to pieces, and, knight of the Bath, Edward Dawson, efq. John Clif- instead of exhibiting pieces of gold and hlver, nothing ford, Thomas AJley, John Ebourne, William Mans, eld, was to be seen but small human bones, intermixed Richard Sutton, and others, owners and proprietors with a black kind of earth. This affair loon bi ought of the residue of the open fields intended to be di- together a number of persons ; whose attention was vided. Four acres to be set out for repair of roads. soon diverted by the discovery of another pot, and pre- A compensation to be made to the vicar for his glebe; sently after nine other vessels, of different dimensions and a further allotment of a seventh part of the com- and forms, all containing the bones of children. They mon field, and a tenth for old inclosures, which, with were all found placed in a streight line within an inch 1 ;s. 4«/. an old payment from Kegworth mill, to be of each another; and, on being removed out of their in lieu of all tithes and payments, except mortuaries, places, dropped into a thousand pieces. This spot Easter offerings, and surplice fees; reserving to the Vvas probably the burying-place of the Romans, who rector his right of such tithes as he was entitled to had a legion stationed in these parts6." from the hamlet of Ifley Walton, in the county of In 1778, an ;.ct was paOed for inclosing, within the Leicester; or from Kingston meadow, the Great parish of Kegworth, several open arable fields, open Holme, and the Poor Holme, in the county of Not- meadows, common pastures, and common grounds, tingham. And the rector is restrained from ex- 1 Entered at Loughborongli, Sept. 11, 1682, by John Barwell. No arms were exhibited. William Barwell, a merchant, was buried at Enfield in 1743. ( The wife of K. Barwell, efq. of Brea..l-street, died Dee. 13 1765. There was a Governor Richard Barwell, afterwards an East India director, of Eflier in Surrey, was sheriff of that county in 1768. Roger Barwell, esq. of Argy.e Lodge, iii,< d June 16, 1772. Richard Barwell, efq first in council at Madras, marr ed May, 1777, Miss Sanderson, of the same place. 3 Mr. C-ha.,es Barwtll lived abroad (it is supposed in the East Indies). His ion Charles practiled as an attorney at Leicester. 4 This gentleman w«s bred to the law ; settled at Leicester ; and kept the courts of the manor of Beaumanor for William Her- ri, k, efq. grandfather of the present owner, for levtral years during the reigns oi queen Anne and king George I. 5 Willielmo Bainbrdgc, cone'mercat'Keoworth, com' Leic'. Original. 11 WiK. 111. Rot 13. See Gazette, April 6, 1699. 6 From a Letter from Derby sent to the Gentleman's Magazine, and printed in vol. XXVI. p. 407. This discovery, in a catchpenny folio sheet, was magnified into " A molt surprizing account of the manner of rinding the bodies of eleven innocent children, at Kegworth, in the county or' Leicester, the 8th of July, 1756; who wtje buried in earthen pots, and fuppoled to be murdered by their cruel and inhijman parents," 7 A respect,.be grazier, who poil'dles the largest farm in Kegworth. VOL. ill. PART II. 10H changing.
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