Dlitrfbutfon 1 ufe tmptnm* «. Today »od»jr taming to partly y MD Pmmm nA doady Saturday. 22,700 HI* today arid toriuMrrow, JO to- lud and in 7fc jtf shore. Low tonight «0. Stt weather, page X DIAL 741-0010 iuutl itUr, Monday through Fritay. •MOB* Qia Ponaft VOL 86, NO. 59 fall *t Ktl Buk and at waiUooal MaUtai OlOsaa, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Kennedy Urges Tax Cut Plan Support By EDMOND LEBRETON The first major hurdle will networks asking equal time to re- might prefer to use theirs on "a issue, I strongly urge you to sup- WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- come next Wednesday when the ply to the President. new spring wardrobe, or a wash- port this bill for your family's dent Kennedy has urged the peo- House is expected to vote on the Fiscal Responsibility ing machine, or a longer vaca- sake and for your country's ple to speak up in support of his tax program. But Kennedy was Retorting to GOP charges of tion trip, or a down payment on sake." tax reduction program. He said also looking toward the Senate fiscal recklessness, Kennedy said: a new car or a new home." And The tax proposal that Republi- its benefits would range from where the bill faces a stormy "No wasteful, inefficient or un- he said the demand so created cans have put forth would provide new washing machines for fam- time. necessary government activity would help the country "skip a that the tax cut, which Kennedy ilies to new strength around the Kennedy directed his appeal all will be tolerated on the grounds recession" and provide the 10 mil- wants to start Jan. 1, would not world for the American dollar and along the economic front, from that it helps employment. We are lion jobs needed in the next 2'/j take effect unless he submitted freedom. businessmen to factory workers, pledged to a course of true fiscal years. spending budgets not greater than "But that bill is in danger of from families watching their own responsibility, leading to a bal- Seeks GOP Aid $97 billion for the present fiscal being weakened or deferred," de- shaky budgets to citiiens worried anced budget." Kennedy obviously was looking year, which started July 1, and clared Kennedy. "It needs your over the government's unbalanced Much of his appeal was directed for some help from Republicans, $98 billion for next year. help, your voice." budget. •'• to people like the $8,000-a-year too. This would mean cuts of about Thus through a national radio He asked for quick passage of family whose prospective benefits He said: $1 billion from this year's spend- and television speech, the Presi- the bill without a proposed Re- he singled out as an example. The "This is not a question of party ing and perhaps as much as $3 dent sought to light a grassroots publican amendment tying tax head of such a household, he said, —it is a question of jobs and billion to $4 billion from next fire under Congress on behalf of cuts to curbs on spending. could look to the tax cut for growth. It is a question of year's which has not yet been es- the til-billion tax reduction — Almost as soon as Kennedy fin- enough extra take home pay whether our taxpayers and bus! timated in detail. which he called the most im- ished his address, William E. to meet "the installments on a nessmen and workers will get the Denouncing "credit card gov- portant domestic economic meas- Miller, Republican national chair- new dishwasher for his wife." break they deserve. As the ernment," Miller, a New York ure in 15 y,ears. man, fired off telegrams to the Other families, he- went on, Congress prepares to vote on this (See KENNEDY, Page 3) To Discuss Racial Situation WHITE STUDENTS BOYCOTT CLASSES—Two of the 13 N.gro stud.nts who inte- grated Tuskegee, Ala., high school under a federal court order sit alone in a math- WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- Long weeks of racial tension in leaders, many civil rights leaders for the federal government to "cut •matics class. All 250 white students have,boycotted the school. Students and dent Kennedy meets today with the Alabama steel city reached a across the nation called for rec off every nickel and every dime the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. climax Sunday when a bomb was ognition of next Sunday as a day going into Alabama." the instructor are not identified. (AP Wirephoto) and six other Negro leaders to tossed into a Negro church, kill- of national mourning for victims Wilkins told a news conference discuss the simmering racial sit- ing four children and injuring 23 of the Birmingham church bomb- here that President Kennedy uation in Birmingham, Ala. others. In later incidents the same ing. should start by "closing down On Monday, five of the Negroes day, two Negro youths were A bipartisan group of senators, Maxwell Air Force Base at called on Kennedy to sen3 federal killed. headed by Hubert H. Humphrey Montgomery immediately." 'Did Not Die in Vain' troops to Birmingham to control In advance of Kennedy's late of Minnesota, assistant Demo- Besides King, president of the "civil disorder." afternoon meeting with the Negro cratic leader, has introduced a Southern Christian Leadership resolution calling on Kennedy to Conference, the group calling on 14, were buried a day following church where the girls met their BIRMINGHAM Ala. (AP) - proclaim Sunday "a day of na- Kennedy includes Ralph D. Aber- the funeral of the fourth victim deaths while studying a lesson on -"They did not die in vain," said tional observance in memory of nathy, King's deputy, and these of Sunday's unsolved bombing, "the love that forgives." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. be- these children and a day of re- five leaders of. Birmingham's Carole Robertson, 14. • Still Hospitalized fore grieving thousands buried dedication in the nation to the Negro community: three Negro girls killed in a bomb Still to be buried, next Sunday, Two of the 23 persons Injured principles of law, equality and The Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, blast during Sunday school. are two young Negro victims of when the bomb went off were still tolerance." leader of the Alabama Human . "God still has a way of bring- violence that broke out a few hospitalized, as was a 16-year-old Others Listed Rights Movement; A. G. Gaston, ing good out of evil," he assured hours after the bombing of the white boy struck in the head by The situation in Birmingham businessman whose home and ..the parents Wednesday. "The in- Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. a brick. brought a call Wednesday from motel were recently bombed; Dr. nocent blood of these little girls Police estimated tljat 4,000, in- FBI bomb experts and city and Roy Wilkins, executive secretary Lucius Pitts, president of Miles may well serve as a redemptive cluding numerous white persons, state authorities continued to seek of the National Association for the College; Bishop H. I. Murchison force for this city." went to the funeral although only clues leading to the person who Advancement of Colored People, the Rev. J. L. Ware. President Kennedy 4,000 At Funerals about half that number could get placed the fatal bomb, while re- Denise McNair, 11, Addie Mae inside the SixthrAyenue Baptist wards for his capture climbed to Collins and Cynthia Wesley, both Church, across town from the $76,000. •••••••••• Keep Shrewsbury As It Is Okay Bonus lor Schaible HIGHLANDS — The Henry Mr. Schaible came close to get- of the board—five members In —Goal of New Association Hudson Regional Board of Edu- ting the pay hike in July, when this case—on salary adjustments. SHREWSBURY - A crowded cation reversed itself last night the board, wtyh two members ab- At that time, the board also re- em. They claimed that public Gerard Viracola of Samara Dr., Planning Board meeting last night and voted its school superintend- sent, voted in favor of it. jected a member's proposal that opinion was against apartments . • Republican Borough Council heard some, outspoken criticism ent, Harold C. Schaible, a $500 The 4-2 vote, however, was la- it "compromise" and grant Mr. and a public referendum could candidate agreed to the extent of garden apartments and gave immediately put an end' to the bonus rather than a {500 salary ter discovered to be illegal, since Shibl $250 b aus h that he said a master plan, how- Increase. torn citizens' association study and consideration of re- ever practical, might not reflect i, according to its spokes- zoning for apartments. Members Robert M. Earle the. Interests of taxpayers such man, will be dedicated to pre- Mr. Meyer, questioned by a as were being expressed at last Martin Mortenson, also dissenters serving Shrewsbury as it is. in July's invalid vote, opposed board member, said he had been night's meeting, ' the bonus. Voting for the measure Apartment talk dominated the opposed to a master plan when Gives No Hint When session .at which residents antic- he was in, office. He suggested, Mr.'Lascaro explained that were Mrs. Kathleen Mendes, Mrs. the-professional help of the mas- Violet Lynch, John R. Sundk, •lfl^d- • -report from' a special that a municipality of two squa.ro PUnriirig Board committee study- miles that1 wishes to remain res-: ter planners) was necessary and Alexander F. Bahrs, board vice that their .advice on apartment president George J. Lahey and ing the advantages and disad- idential would have little use for Valachi WillTestify vantages of apartment zoning.
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