INDEX ’A’Nthleioi (Atlanteans), 130. Catholic, see Roman Catholic Dinosaurs, 84. Haussman-2, 5. Aaron, 73. Church. Dirigibles, 38, 127. Hell worlds, 94-96, 128-130. ABET, 217; ABET Centrum, 8, 20, 36, 46-56, 87, Disadvantages, 178-181. Hidden Lore skill, 182. transmitter, 218. 179; Centrum Beta, 120; Disaster worlds, 85, 134. High-inertia parallels, 94. Absolute now, 170, 217-218, Centrum characters, 191- Divergence Effect, 225. Historian template, 197. 219. 193; Centrum Dark and Dixie-1, 120-121. Historical characters, 199. Addiction disadvantage, 178. Light, 56; see also Interworld Service. Doubletalk, see Quantum Historical Familiarity Advantages, 172-178. Mechanics. technique, 184. Challenge worlds, 94. Aeolus, 18. Dragons, 142. Historical modeling, 236. Chaotic time, 154. Agamemnon, 124. Duncorne Foundation, 40, Historical references, 236. Characters, 171-200, 204. Alchemy, 112-113. 135. History skill, 183. China, 43. Alternate Identity Duplication advantage, 173. History! skill, 183. Chronal storms, 163. advantage, 172. Duty disadvantage, 180. History, hollow, 215. Chronic Argo, 162. Alternate Outcomes, Inc., 31- EAER (“Ear”), 224. Homeline, 20, tech level, 23; 34; Mercenary template, 189. Chronobahn, 79, 139. Echoes, 53, 85. see also Secundus. Alternate selves, 184. Civil War, 120-121. Ecology, 103. Honesty disadvantage, 180. Alternate worlds, 82-151; Civilization types, 90- Economics, 101. Horatio Club, 229-231. 94; as biology, 102; creating, 96; fiction, 232; Empty worlds, 83. Hourglass, Order of the, non-fiction, 236. mysterious and weird, 95. Enemies disadvantage, 212-216. Amerika, 60. 180. Huy Breasil, 80. Amnesty Unlimited, 44. Claim to Hospitality advantage, 172. Enigma, 140. I-Cops, 10, 15, 39; character Anachronistic Training Eraser, 25. template, 186; see also technique, 183. Clerical Investment advantage, 172. Eternity’s Rangers, 34. Outworld Operations. Anchors, 87. Evil Twin disadvantage, 180. In the Cube, 29. Archaeology skill, 182. Cliodynamics, 6, 37, 87; skill, 182. Expatriate template, 197. India, 43, 84. Architects, 214. Cliodyne Research Group, 37. Ezcalli, 21, 122-123. Infinite Justice, Inc., 12. Area Knowledge skill, 182. Code of Honor Faërie, 69, 80. Infinity Development, 31, 36. Ariane, 128. disadvantage, 179. Fang Sing, 214. Infinity Patrol, 5, 8-19, 36, 64, Armada-2, 109-110. Colonies, crosstime, 32, 84. Fantasy timelines, 151. 179; Academy, 10; Armanen Order, see SS Raven Communications, gear, 24; Farsight effect, 170. Communications Division, Division. 15; Contact Division, 15; parachronic, 52; through Firearms, 199-200. Armor, 26. Customs and Inspection time, 158. Fixed time, 170. Atlantis, 95, 129-130, 139-140. Division, 10; Echo Communist worlds, 132. Flux drive, 163. Attila, 110-111. Surveillance Division, Computers, 24, 62. Focal Referent, 15; headquarters, 9; Attunement (time travel), Consolidated Mines, 219. 168-169. Intelligence Division, 16; Unlimited, 37; see also Footnote Internal Affairs Division, Azoth-7, 72, 112-113. Mining. characters, 199. 11; Intervention Service, 10, Aztecs, see Ezcalli. Contact Group advantage, 172. Fracture zones, 77. see also I-Cops; Justice Banestorms, 6, 13, 26, 75, Contacts advantage, 172. France, 43. Division, 11; Liaison 80, 151. Conveyors, 6, 26-30, 35; Friedrich, 66, 124, 139. Division, 12; Logistics Battalion, the, 31-34. Division, 12; Morale loadout, 20; recharging, 26. Fuel cells, 23. Batteries, 23. Division, 13; Nexus Coventry, 41, 78. Fugue advantage, 173. Bermuda Triangle, 75. Oversight Division, 13; Cover stories, 14. Future time travel, 169-170. Bibliography, 232. Penetration Service, 14; Crichton, 84. Gadgeteer skill, 182. Biology, model of Records and Research Criminal template, Gadgeteering, social, 106. Division, 16; Search and civilization, 102. 196. Gakuji, 212-213. Rescue Division, 16; Black powder, 209. Cube, 29. Gallatin, 36, 42, 70, 125-126. Security Division, 13; Blip, 20, 140. Cultural Gargoyles, 73. Special Operations Division, Bonaparte-4, 113-114. Adaptability 14; Survey Division, 17; Bounty hunters, 12. advantage, 173. Gates, 206; Gates of Psais, 79; Gates of Thoth, 79. Technical Analysis Division, Britannica-3, 115-116. Cultural change, 106. 17; see also Outworld Generational cycles, 100. Burton, 136. Cultural Familiarity Operations. Geography skill, 182. Cabal, 21, 22, 68-69, 179; advantage, 173. Infinity Unlimited, 5-6, 35-36; Cabalist Mage template, 195. Current Affairs skill, 182. Gernsback, 126-127. see also Infinity Patrol. Caliph, 12, 117-118. Current, the, 74. Ghost roads, 79. Interworld Service, 8, 45, 52- Camelot, 136. Dark-Dwellers, 184. Glozel fragments, 76. 52-54, 120, 177; Interworld Cameras, 25, 38. Demons, 66, 68. Gods, 68. Service Agent template, 192; Campaigns, 201-211; Centrum, Denarius Capital Holdings, 40; Gotha parallels, 12, 128. see also Centrum, Outworld 54; genre and mode, 205; Denarius Group Special Great Man theory, 97. Operations. parameters, 202. Banker template, 191. Great Moment theory, 98. Interworld Treaty, 41; see also Campbell, 119. Dependent disadvantage, 179. Great Motherland theory, 98. UNIC. Castro, Fidel “Red,” 41. Detect advantage, 173. Greenpeace, 44. Intolerance disadvantage, 180. Dimensional highways, 79. GURPS Technomancer, 135. Inventions, 208. INDEX 239 Israel, 43. Nottingham, 136-137. Roman Catholic Church, 44, Time Scouts, template, 187; see ISWAT, 18, 140; ISWAT Agent Nuclear war, 47, 129. 109. Infinity Patrol Penetration template, 187. Observer Effect, 159-160, 170, Rome timelines, 145. Service. Japan, 43, 59-60, 63, 91, 224, 226. Russia, 42, 70. Time sphere, 163. 146-148. Omen advantage, 176. Rustic, 141. Time Tours, Ltd., 37-39, 145, Johnson’s Rome, 13, 38, 40, Ontoclysms, 75-78. Scavengers, crosstime, 71. 179; Dinosaur Hunter 70, 130-131. Operation Archduke, 227-229. Scout template, 187. template, 191; Tour Guide Jumper advantage, 174. Order of the Hourglass, Secret disadvantage, 180. template, 191. Kerne, 67. 212-216. Secundus, 46, 48. Time travel, 152-170, 212-229; communication, 158; Kidnappers, crosstime, 72. Organized crime, 70. Security, 35; Centrum, 49; see KMP Petroleum, 40. fiction, 234; to the future, Orichalcum, 139-140. also Infinity Patrol Security 169-170; hazards, 164-166; Language Talent Ouroborous Car, 80. Division. non-fiction, 236; and advantage, 175. Outworld operations, 109, 111, See Invisible advantage, 176. parallel worlds, 156; psionic, Languages, 24, 175. 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, Sense of Duty 166-169; via reality quake, Legal Enforcement Powers 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, disadvantage, 180. 77. advantage, 176. 127, 130, 131, 133, 135, Sensors, 24. Time viewers, 160-161. Lenin-1, 131-133. 138, 130, 144, 145, Serendipity advantage, 176. Timeline shifting, 104. 147, 149, 150. Lenin-2, 128. Shiftrealms, 79-89. Timenappers, 72. Oz particles, 74. Leviathan, 129-130. Shikaku-Mon, 20, 146-148. Timepiece, 217; agents, 220- Libraries, 16. Parachronic Shroud of Turin, 76. 221, 222. Laboratories Literature skill, 183. Shuttles, 52, see also Timescanner, 161. Looters, crosstime, 72. (Paralabs), 19-22; Conveyors. Paralabs Field Timesickness Lucifer-4, 84. Researcher template, 188. Silenzia, 80. disadvantage, 181. Lucifer-5, 133-134. Parachronics; 19-30; Centrum, Skerries, 89. Tracking skill, 183. Lysander, 32. 51; communications, 52; Skills, 181-183. Translation software, 24. Madland, 130. detector, 24; hazards, 74-80. Skorzeny, Otto, 18. Triads, 70, 71, 215. Mafia, 70. Parachronozoids, 66, 73. Smother, 9, 19. Turkana, 19. Magery advantage, 176. Paradoxes, 154-156, 157, 159. Social gadgeteering, 106. Tychiron, 66. Magic bullet, 76. Parallels, 88-94; high-inertia, Social Stigma Unaging advantage, 176. Magic, 22, 68, 134-135, 94; myth, 21, 94, 136-137; disadvantage, 181. Unattached (Centrum) 138-139, 144-145. and time travel, 156. Solar cells, 23. Agent template, 192. Mammut-1, 19. Paralocator enhancement, 176. Spectral Ops, 139. UNIC, 6, 31-34; UNIC Mammut-2, 84. Patron advantage, 176. Spetsnaz, 42, 64. Crisis Ministry Mammut-3, 71. Penetration Service, template, Spirit-jumpers, 174. Troubleshooter template, Mandeville, 136. 187; see Infinity Patrol SS Raven Division, 22, 64- 188. Medicine, 18, 25, 26, 99, 207; Penetration Service. 67, 69, 124, 135, 139, Unique disadvantage, 181. Centrum, 51; Reich-5, 62. Phobia disadvantage, 180. 179; Gestapo Amt Z Agent United Kingdom, 43. Mercenaries, 31. Plagues, 99, 128. template, 194; Mule Jumper United Nations, 41, 217; see Merlin, 134-135. Plastic time, 154, 170. template, 194; SS Raven also UNIC. Microworld, 140. Political change, 105. Division Trooper template, United Nations Interworld 193. Mind Block skill, 22. Possession advantage, 176. Council, see UNIC. Starships, 72. Mining, 37, 40, 70, 71, 84. Projectors, 27, 35. United States, 42; under the Stations, 52, see also Nazis, 60. Miracle Workers, 18. Psi shield, 26. Projectors. Psionics, 22, 26, 41, 68. United States of Lizardia, 148- Möbius, 141. Status, 178. 149. Puzzle worlds, 96, 140-142. Mongols, 110-111. Stinger, 222. Universal Exports, Ltd., 43. Pythagoras Chronovisor, 161. Morphogenetic field, 22. Stopwatch, 217; agents, 223. Unusual Background Mules, 65. Quanta, timeline, 83, 104. Student template, 197-198. advantage, 176. Mundane Background Quantaclysms, 77. Stunner, 199, 222. Uplift Service, 54, 56. disadvantage, 180. Quantum mechanics, 20, 76, Subways, 80. Van Zandt, Paul, 6, 35, 40. Muslim timelines, 117-118. 155. Super-soldiers, 184. Vanish, 141. Mutants, 184. Radios, 24. Swagmen, 71, 179; Swagman Vatican, see Roman Catholic Myth parallels, 21,
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