The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association May 31.1969, Volume 26 Number 22 Commission equal to the task, Massengale testifies The NCAA Presidents Commis- chard D. Schultz testified May 18 trustees or the state legislature, Mas- legislative efforts of the Commis- sion is the best answer to the prob- that the current status of intercolle- sengale said in a written statement sion, Massengalc said the main ef- lems in college athletics and is best giate athletics from a standpoint of submitted to the subcommittee. fort of the Commission has evolved suited to keep intercollegiate corn- integrity is better than at any time in Massengale said, however, that into consensus building among col- petition in its proper perspective to history and that additional progress such situations require regular at- lege leaders to gather support for the overall educational purpose of can be expected. tention to the program by the CEO Commission initiatives. the institution, Martin A. Massen- Massengale told the House sub- and a willingness by the trustees to He cited the National Forum and gale, Commission chair, told a Con- committee that control of successful, completely support the CEO’s ef- a series of studies sponsored by the gressional hearing in Washington, so-called “big-time” athletics pro- forts to assure integrity in the ath- Commission as valuable tools by D.C., last week. letics program. which consensus among CEOs can Massengale, chancellor of the The full text of Chancellor Massengale said he believes there be built. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Massengale’s written testi- is a “new spirit alive” among CEOs The Presidents Commission has said he agreed with those who say mony submitted to the with respect to athletics. authorized a series of studies by the the process of change can be time- House Subcommittee on He cited the conduct of the IJni- American Institutes for Research to consuming, but he said, “I believe Postsecondary Education versity of Kentucky administration provide in-depth information on that the Presidents Commission is begins on page 2 in cooperating with an NCAA in- the student-athlete and college ath- the proper body to develop a con- vestigation of its basketball program letics in general. Those studies are sensus and to keep intercollegiate grams by the chief executive officer recently. continuing. athletics on the right track.” of the institution is definitely possi- “I believe that kind of institutional Massengale said he disagreed Massengale was among several ble and that such a trend has been remedial conduct is becoming more with those who testified that inter- education, political and athletics growing steadily, particularly in the and more the norm in connection Martin A, Massengale collegiate athletics is so fundamen- notables who testified on the current past several years. with NCAA infractions cases and in tally flawed that the NCAA is status of intercollegiate athletics It is possible for the CF.0 to fact represents the real promise for involvement in college athletics, incapable of dealing with its prob- before the House Subcommittee on assure that thc’nature and scope of integrity in intercollegiate athletics.” and to represent CEO interests in lems. Postsecondary Education. Testi- that (athletics) program are consis- The establishment of the Presi- major policy issues in college athlet- “1 think the NCAA has made mony was heard May I8 and 24. tent with the educational mission of dents Commission in 1984 provides its, Massengale said. really remarkable strides in the past NCAA Executive Director Ri- the institutions” as defined by the the vehicle for continuous CEO Noting a “mixed SUCCESSin” the SW Commission. page 24 I+’‘ -N 0 R 1 H C E A l-2-3 finish coming up Battling head to head through the women’s lOLLmeter hurdles at the Chtistopher Newoorts Sheila Trite. Johnson, who finished second in the Division Ill Women’s Outdoor Tack Championships are, from Ien, North event last year; edged James at the finish line and set a meet record. Central’s Ophelia Johnson, Massachusetts-Boston’s Jackie James and Christopher Newport won the team title. See story on page 11. CFA to discuss I-A championship Committee’s work cited The Association’s Committee chair of the CCWAA enhanced- The membership of the College opment ot a recruiting certification Group sessions for faculty athlet- on Women’s Athletics has rc opportunities committee and co- Football Association will discuss a program. Current plans call for full its representatives, athletics direc- ceived one of the inaugural En- commissioner of the Big Sky proposal for a 16-team Division I-A details of a certification program to tors and football coaches are sched- hanced Opportunity Awards re- Conference. “We already have football championship during the be presented to CFA members at uled June 3. cently announced by the Council three more nominees to recom association’s annual meeting -June the-1990 annual meeting for final A general business session will be of Collegiate Women Athletic mend to the board of directors 24 in Dallas. action. conducted June 4 and will include a Administrators. All honorees later this year.” The championship format will be Also on the agenda are panel summary of actions by the board of wcrc approved hy the CCWAA Holmberg said the first group presented by the CFA Television discussions on NCAA Proposal No. directors and reports by the chief hoard of directors at its spring of award recipients was cho- Committee, chaired by Cecil W. 42 and financial aid regulations. executive officers, faculty represen meeting, after having been tho- sen because they made sig- Ingram, athletics director at Florida tatives, athletics directors and head roughly rcscarchcd and recom- nificant contributions to the en State University. The committee Before the start of the annual football coaches. mended by the group’s en- hancement of opportunities for also has been working on a regular- meeting, the CFA will sponsor a hanced-opportunities committee. women in intercollegiate athlett season football television package seminar on recruiting June 1. The Cal. John J. Clune, athletics di- its. “That is the basic criterion for 199 I and beyond. twoday symposium will focus on rector at the U.S. Air Force “The rcsponsc (to a call for for our consideration of indivi- The CFA Monitoring Committee recruiting from the perspective of Academy and chair of the CFA award nominces) has been excel- duals and groups:’ she added. will report on its suggestion that the high school coaches and student- board of directors, will preside at lent,” said Sharon Holmberg, CFA support in principle the devel- athletes. the generdl sessions. 2 THE NCAA NEWSIMay 31.1989 Text of Massengale’i testimony to House subcommittee (Editorj: Note: Following is the the nature and scope of that pro- to give you some background on committees were earmarked for bership then voted overwhelmingly full text of Presidents Commission gram are consistent with the educa- the development of the Commission CEOs; and in the early 198Os, the to create the NCAA Presidents Com- Chair Murtin A. M~sengale ‘s written tional mission of the institution as and some of its work. NCAA conducted an annual Sep- mission as proposed by the NCAA testimony submitted to the House defined by the trustees (regents) and Since the mid-1970s, the NCAA tember program for a representative Council. Subcommittee 011Partsecondury Ed- in the case of a public institution, in has sought the most effective means group of presidents and chancellors. As established in the legislation, ucation. Massengale is chancellor of part by the legislature. This requires, of bringing about presidential in- While those activities were benefi- the Commission was to serve as a the University of Nebraska. Lincoln.) however, regular attention to the volvement in the affairs of the Asso- cial, they did not develop into a leadership structure and forum for program by the CEO and, I will ciation. It was in the middle of that significant role for CEOs within the presidential interests in intercollegi- Chairman Williams, members of concede, a willingness by the trustees decade that attendance by chief Association. ate athletics matters. It was the first the subcommittee. I am Martin A. to completely support the CEO in executive officers at NCAA Con- In 1983, the NCAA Council ~ defined, ongoing forum for chief Massengale, chancellor of the Uni- working by means of a subcommit- executive officers within the NCAA versity of Nebraska, Lincoln. I am tee that included presidents who structure, and its primary function 66 were serving on the Council deve- was and is to represent the interests also the current chair of the NCAA --. it is possible for a CEO to maintain Presidents Commission. 1 appreciate loped a proposal to establish an of presidents and chancellors in the opportunity to appear here to- control of a successful athletics program NCAA Presidents Commission as major policy issues in college athlet- day, both as a chief executive officer and to assure that the nature and scope of an ongoing entity within the Associ- ics. of a Division 1 NCAA member ation’s administrative structure. Con- Commission powers institution and as chair of the Com- that program are consistent with the currently, a committee of the Amer- The legislation adopted in 1984 mission, to discuss the current state educational mission of the institution. _ Jy ican Council on Education was for- granted the Commission substantial of intercollegiate athletics. mulating a proposal to establish a authorities. The Commission is em- Through the NCAA, 1 am gener- Board of Presidents that would powered to: ally familiar with the testimony his efforts to assure integrity in the ventions increased markedly, and transcend the NCAA structure in- @Review any activity of the presented at your hearings last week, program.
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