ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Photo by: Mehrraz Ahangar A strong community where all belong and thrive. This is our vision. North York Community House (NYCH) is committed to building strong, vibrant communities – serving over 20,000 residents in northwest Toronto every year. We help transform lives by working with people, understanding their needs, and supporting them in achieving their goals. For over 27 years, we’ve opened doors for new Canadians; supported youth, parents and seniors in becoming active, engaged citizens; and created opportunities for residents to improve their lives and lead positive change in their neighbourhoods. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visitF a cebook “f” Logo www.nych.caCMYK / . e ps F a cebook “f” Logo CMYK / . e ps You can also call us at 416-784-0920 or find us online: / nychonline Registered Charity #: 129469029RR0001 WHAT’s INSIDE 1 A MESSAGE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & BOARD PRESIDENT 3 SYRIAN REFUGEES 5 YOUTH LEADERSHIP 7 SENIOR CAREGIVERS 9 CIVIC ENGAGEMENT 11 EMPLOYMENT & MENTORSHIP 13 LANGUAGE PROGRAM 15 ONLINE SERVICES 17 NYCH VOLUNTEERS 19 THANK YOU TO OUR FUNDERS & DONORS 22 SCOTIABANK TORONTO WATERFRONT MARATHON 23 OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS 24 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Visit www.nych.ca to learn more about our programs & services. Watch videos by scanning photos in this report with the HP Reveal app. A2017 message from our Executive Director & Board President 2018 Another year has passed by and with it, more confidence and do better in school, which help to exciting accomplishments and initiatives at North decrease childhood obesity and youth violence.” York Community House. Some of our work has We take these goals seriously and believe par- involved the growth and expansion of our pro- ticipation in this program positions children and grams. However, we have also focused on ways youth in North York for a healthier, brighter future. to ensure that NYCH remains a dynamic organiza- Not surprisingly, there has been an increased tion in our city, and one that can adapt to meet the demand for online services, to improve access to changing needs of the communities we serve. community members who face challenges attend- In 2017, NYCH expanded our range of new and ing in-person programs. Last year, NYCH began innovative services for Syrian and other refugees. offering webinars on a range of topics including These included ongoing youth and afterschool employment services, civic engagement and vol- programs and summer and March break programs unteer development. Our goal is to be able to for Syrian children and adolescents. Our staff also offer clients one-to-one meetings online in the began providing one-to-one and group services near future. to support refugees’ wellness and mental health, As with all nonprofit organizations, consistent, and employment and other support services stable funding is always a key concern. NYCH specially designed to support Syrian men. The has been funded by the United Way of Greater demand for these services has been higher than Toronto since 1992, and a member agency since we anticipated, and we have continued working 1994, and have greatly benefitted from their sup- to serve all those who need our support. port over the years. In 2017, the United Way chose We were also pleased to announce the NYCH as one of only 62 ‘anchor agencies’ in expansion of our afterschool program to 4 addi- the Greater Toronto Area. Anchor agencies are tional schools in northwest North York this past described as, “…the backbone of our community September. Now NYCH provides programs in service network throughout the region…[who] 7 schools in North York. The Ontario Ministry of take an active role in strengthening the sector as Tourism, Culture and Sports, the program’s funder, well as the partnership between communities and highlights the “aim to help children and youth donors as we all work towards positive change.” get active, develop healthy eating habits, gain We are honoured to have been chosen as a 1 NYCH Annual Report 2017-2018 2017 2018 leading organization by one of our city’s most dis- NYCH’s resources and reputation), our Board of tinguished funders, and will continue working to Directors also established a Leading Board Task further increase our impact in the community. Force in 2017. This was established to demon- Our Board of Directors was busy doing exciting strate a commitment to our growth and learning, work in 2017 as well. We said goodbye to several and in order to support the pace and direction in experienced members who served our agency which NYCH is moving. The work of this commit- and community with great dedication and pas- tee will prepare us to pursue new opportunities sion, and welcomed new members who are eager as they arise, and better serve our community to bring their skills and experience to NYCH. - both in the present and into the future.It’s hard As a member agency of Toronto Neighbourhood to find the words express our thanks to our out- Centres, the Board was proud to sign the Decent standing team of staff, students and volunteers Work Charter, which is a formal commitment to who do such important and challenging work. We developing high quality jobs, and acknowledging are incredibly grateful for the skill, strength and that doing so benefits our community members. kindness you demonstrate every day. The Decent Work Charter also outlines both aspi- And finally, many thanks to you – our many rational goals and practical actions that our net- community members, funders, donors, and friends work of agencies can work towards collectively. – for your support and inspiration year after year. This represents our philosophy of how we work, and while there is more work to be done, the com- mitment to this philosophy is a huge step forward and the NYCH Board will continue to strive to meet this goal. On top of the work the Board does to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization (i.e. ensuring our funding is adequate, having the right policies in place to support NYCH, managing the risks that are inherent in running an organiza- Shelley Zuckerman Nina Chandarana tion of our size, and reaching out to further build Executive Director Board President NYCH Annual Report 2017-2018 2 Syrian REFUGEES In 2017, our work with the Syrian commu- nity and with other refugees expanded to meet their diverse needs. We continued to work with children and youth through our afterschool pro- grams, summer camp and March break camp. These were great opportunities for participants, who have experienced so much at a young age, to have fun and be active, learn about their new community, and build relationships with each Scan with the HP Reveal app other. Our programs for Syrian women included preparation for employment, and information on a wide variety of topics. NYCH also began to more than doubled our expectations, and our offer supports for Syrian men, including one-to- team of Syrian-serving staff went the extra mile one employment and financial literacy support, to serve as many people as possible. as well groups dealing with family and mental Another initiative started by our team was a net- health issues. Both women’s and men’s groups work of staff across Toronto who serve the Syrian also appreciated the chance to connect with community. This network meets quarterly, and each other and have a break from the stresses of offers an opportunity for staff from different agen- their daily lives. All of these programs created a cies and neighbourhoods to share experiences, bridge for our refugee clients to connect to a vari- problem solving, and ideas for collaboration. ety of information and resources. Additionally, The NYCH team also held an event to cele- building friendships and networks also provided brate Eid, which was a wonderful way to bring opportunities to practice English, offer mutual the community together, and celebrate such an support, and begin to build trust after their experi- important occasion in their new home. ences of trauma. In some instances, the demand for programs www.nych.ca/welcomerefugees 3 NYCH Annual Report 2017-2018 Photo by: Mehrraz Ahangar Our 2017 Eid Celebration for Syrian families 97% of Syrian clients shared that they had a better understanding of Canadian culture and customs; and stated that they have become more aware of school and community resources. NYCH Annual Report 2017-2018 4 YOUTH LEADERSHIP For the youth in our community, 2017 was a stand out year for addressing the issues that matter to them. From discussing racism and men- tal health to telling their own personal migration stories, young people were able to share their voices across our various youth programs. The Seeds of Change project, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, encouraged new- comer and low income youth to become more Scan with the HP Reveal app involved in their community. Peer leaders were recruited and trained to implement participatory action research that helped to identify priority “Being a girl today means that we need to believe issues of concern for youth. With the support of in ourselves and chase our dreams!” NYCH staff, the peer leaders held a Youth Summit Through our Settlement & Education to further explore the issues and to spark ideas Partnerships in Toronto (SEPT) program, new- around what youth could do about them individu- comer youth were able to participate in Digital ally and as a group going forward. The learnings Storytelling workshops and create short videos and recommendations that came out of the proj- that reflect on and share important life experi- ect were captured in depth in a final report found ences.
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