Port of Brisbane Corporation Limited Annual Report 2008/2009 Contents IFC ABout thIs rePort Describes the scope, boundaries and readership of this report. IFC OUR VIsIoN, MISSIoN AND VALUES 1 Our hIghlights A snapshot of our financial, operational, social and environmental performance during 2008/2009. 2 Our hIstory A look at some of the most significant corporate events that have shaped our organisation’s history. 3 Our organisAtIoN Our business, responsibilities, stakeholders, and structure, including an introduction to our Board of Directors and Executive Team. 10 Chairman and CEO’s rePort Our Chairman, David Harrison, and Chief Executive Officer, Jeff Coleman, discuss our major achievements and key results for the year and our strategies for the port’s future. 14 Our key CorPorAte strAtegIes Our performance against six core business strategies, objectives and targets as outlined in our Corporate Plan and Statement of Corporate Intent. 18 Our oPerAtIonal PerFormance Our performance that relates to operational aspects, including trade, port efficiency, and infrastructure and property development. 21 Case study: Grain trade soars after rains return 23 Case study: Expert panel validates trial findings 30 Our social PerFormance Our performance that relates to our people, safety programs and community engagement. 33 Case study: Portcareers – a smart choice 40 Our environmeNtal PerFormance Our performance that relates to the dredging and environmental monitoring we’ve undertaken, our energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. 51 Case study: Moreton Island oil spill – part of the clean-up team 54 CorPorAte goVernance An overview of our corporate governance processes. 62 Our EcoNomic and Financial PerFormance Our General Manger Finance and Business Services, Darryl Mutzelburg, outlines our economic impact, financial review and financial results for 2008/2009. 67 Financial year in review 68 Financial performance 5-year analysis 72 Income statement 73 Balance sheet 74 IndePendeNt LimiteD Assurance rePort 76 GRI CoNteNt Index 80 Index, including table, graph and diagram index 82 GlossAry, FINANCIAL DeFINItIoNs and abbreviatIoNs 84 Port oF BrIsbane Map 86 CoNtact us 87 Feedback ForM 88 Our Financial rePorts (oN CD) 2 | Port of Brisbane Corporation Limited Annual Report 2008/2009 About this report The Port of Brisbane Corporation Limited For ease of reference we have included a We conducted interviews and workshops to Annual Report is a summary of our corporate glossary of terms, a list of abbreviations, determine a list of material stakeholder issues performance during the 2008/2009 financial an index, and a GRI Content Index at the and applied the AA1000 five-part materiality year. This year we combined our financial back of this volume. test to assess the identified issues. The test and non-financial reporting into one volume, is a mechanism to assess the materiality This report, past reports and our SCI with an accompanying CD, to provide a of an issue based on: policy-related can be accessed at www.portbris. concise overview of our performance and performance, short-term financial impacts com.au/corporation/publications. commitment to the sustainability of the and legal compliance, peer-based norms, Port of Brisbane. Hard copies can be requested from: stakeholder concerns and behaviour, and Corporate Relations societal norms. Having established a broad The report outlines our operational, Port of Brisbane Corporation list of issues through this approach we then environmental, social, economic and financial Locked Bag 1818 prioritised these through an internal workshop performance against key business strategies, Port of Brisbane QLD 4178 that considered each issue for its known objectives and targets set out in the Corporate Australia importance to both internal and external Plan and Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI), or telephone +61 7 3258 4734. stakeholders. as well as the challenges ahead. sustainability and materiality Of the 15 issues identified in the materiality The six key business strategies addressed in We are committed to improving the assessment, the five top issues were: this report are to: transparency and accuracy of our reporting, • dredging – the impact and long-term • accelerate and plan for trade and and this year referred to the AA1000 sustainability of dredging activities revenue growth AccountAbility Principles Standard (2008) • port access – water- and land-side access • deliver on our infrastructure projects (AA1000APS 2008) and the Global to the port now and into the future • facilitate improved port access Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting • environmental performance – impacts of • make strategic investments and undertake Guidelines (GRI G3 Guidelines) to inform port operations on ecosystems, industry non-trade activities our report structure and the management of and communities surrounding the port • drive port efficiency and sustainability sustainability within our business. • port efficiency – managing the • support people, their learning and growth. The AA1000APS 2008 provides a framework competitiveness and efficiency of the port The report includes our corporate for us to manage our sustainability • global financial crisis – impact on port governance – the systems by which the performance, develop strategies and business activities and its tenants. organisation is directed and managed – and plans, and to engage with and respond to We engaged Ernst & Young for the fourth introduces the members of our Board and our stakeholders. While our sustainability consecutive year to conduct limited Executive Team. practices may not yet be fully integrated assurance in relation to our report. This throughout the organisation, we value The full Annual Financial Report is published year, for the first time, Ernst & Young will the benchmarking provided by these on an accompanying CD. The Financial conduct their assurance in accordance with internationally recognised standards to Review, which provides an annual and five AA1000APS 2008 and the International improve the sustainable performance of the year overview of our key financial objectives Standard on Assurance Engagements organisation. and targets along with our Income Statement ISAE 3000. Ernst & Young’s independent and Balance Sheet is available on pages 72-73. For the first time, this year Ernst & Young will assurance statement contains their readership provide conclusions relating to the nature conclusions in relation to the Principles of and extent of our adherence to the three Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness The report aims to provide accurate information core Principles within AA1000APS 2008: as defined in AA1000APS 2008, together to meet the needs of our stakeholders, that is, Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness. with their conclusion in relation to the all individuals and groups who are affected by accuracy and completeness of performance or have an interest in our activities. Our environmental, social and economic information for three material areas. performance is prepared with reference to These include, but are not limited to: the GRI G3 Guidelines. A GRI Content Index This assurance is limited to three material • our employees is included in the back of the report to show issues that we selected – dredging, • importers and exporters how we have reported against the G3 Profile community, and greenhouse gas emissions. • port operators Disclosures and Performance Indicators. Dredging was the top material issue identified • freight forwarders We have self-declared our application level in the materiality register. Community – • commercial partners as "C". interaction and support to local community • suppliers and responses to publicly raised grievances During the reporting period we undertook • government departments was the top issue identified by our established a materiality assessment to determine • shareholders/owners Community Consultative Committee. We those issues that were most relevant in • shipping lines and agents have reporting obligations under the National 2008/2009 to the concerns and interests • transport companies Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme, of our stakeholders. The purpose of the • the community and therefore greenhouse gas emissions assessment was to determine three key focus • the media. was the third material issue selected for areas for assurance, as well as to inform our assurance. Both community and greenhouse future sustainable development strategy This year, with the Queensland Government’s gas emissions were identified in the and reporting. announcement to privatise the Port of Brisbane materiality register. Corporation, we expect a new group of Materiality is a concept that looks at Port access and port efficiency are two key stakeholders will take an interest in this report. determining and reporting on those issues business objectives, and are addressed in the that our stakeholders see as important, or of We are committed to open and accountable operational section of the report. The impact concern, in relation to our operations. governance and welcome your feedback on of the global financial crisis on trade is our reporting. A feedback form for the report discussed in the operational section, and is located on page 87. our environmental performance in the You can also send your feedback environmental section of the report. electronically through our website at www.portbris.com.au/contact. our Vision our Values To be Australia’s leading port: here for Safety first
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