Ohio High Athletes Compete in State

Ohio High Athletes Compete in State

b'' *A*f SIX—C Mtmfltld, O., Ntws JMITMI Sunday, May 23,1971 Track Summaries Class AA €!«*« CLASS AA DISTRICT TtACK Ohio High Athletes CLASS AAA DISTRICT TRACK AtTaMo AlTtM* TEAM SCORINO TiAM SCORING Sandusky, 66; Tolrto Llbbey, 65; Fre- Ottawa-Glandorf, W; Rossford, 50; mont Ross, 44; Tolaoo Scott, 31; Toe** Cr DeVllblM, 30; Llm» Senior, 20; loledo ASV^-SftSffJE "!lrsM'ive piece. au.Hfy « nl8r l IIIVIVJ Aft r»vi»«t«'» "W» —•' - --. Whltmer, 20; Mansflrtd Se '«i5°« " 18; Springfield, 16; Gallon, 12; V TRACK IVENTS Ing Green, 17; Flndlay, 16; Tol«do St. P 12; RlvtrSalt, 12; Wauston, li; Moron, 100-vard dath - '» Jenkins, *T»' Compete in State Francis, 16; Lima Shawnee, 13; Mau- 10; Ots«»o, 10; Sandurty Perkins. »• 1oT£ TafeVVomb, 10.3; I, mee, 12; Toledo Macomljer, 12; Ashltno, Dole Hardln Northern, 10.4; 11; Mansfield Malabar, 10; Marlon Hard- Vermilion, 9( Napoleon, 0; Patrick Hen- ing, 10; Wapakoneta, 10; Toledo ST. ry, •; Pauldlng, •; Delia, 6; Norwa k, 5; BtoomMt Elmwood, 10.5; 5. By DICK KINNEY Under the new three- old Class AA marks and Johns, »;'Gallon, 6; Toledo Bowher, 6; Wlllard, 5; Allen East 4; Anthony •nn, Plymouth, 10.5, 6, Wayne, 4; Fostorla, 4; Margaretta, 4, Waynejlleld, 10.5. ,0hip high school track class system, which en- the old Class A means are Elida, 4; Bryan, 2; Carey, 2; Lake, 2 and field athletes will make sures a record field for the split up between Classes A s. Clear Fork, 1; Lexington, 1; Cenoe, 1, their annual assault on the Lima Bath, 1; Monlpeller, 1; Swanton, 1971 event, and a ruling by and AA depending on the record books Saturday at 120-yard high hurdles - '• J*r.r7 (Three qualify Into stale me«l) ™_n,' Ad., 4:37 5; 6, Miller, Ohio State University for the Ohio High School Ath- size of the school when its O'Neal, LlbbeV. 15.D 2, Greg Norton, TtACK EVENTS ' Cory - Rawson, 4:39.0. Lima Senior, 15.3; 3, Jacob Jones, Lib- 120-yard high hurdles — 1. Ron Weber, 880-yard relay - 1, Spencer^Sharpies the 64th State Meet with as- 1 e t i c Association, seven athletes set them. bey, 15.5; 4, Ray Schall, Flnilay; 5, Bob Rossford, 14*6; 2, Demetrius Reeves, (Thomas, Gaston, Hayes, Hobbs), ••'*•'> surance that at least 15 Class AA marks and eight Crestline, 14.9; 3, Dave Cotey, Toledo 1. Plymouth (Wllklns, Collins, Vaflal, Jim All winners of the state - 1- Bob Lawsor ,, Ub- Woodmore, 15.0; 4, Tony Fairly, Posto- Adams), 1-35.0; 3, Arcadia, 1:2HJ; •• names will be added to the in Class A will be set. bcyV 9.8; 2, Bob Lytle, Fremont, 0.3; 3, rl»; 5, Randy Smalley, Carey; 6, David Waynesfleld,5 1:35.2; 5, Spencerviile, events are automatically Ralph Rawls, Mansfield Sen or, 10.6; 4, 1-355; 6, Hlcksvllle, 1:35.5 list of standards. Class AAA retains all the Greg Siravo, Maumee; 5, J*]« Lesore, iiw-yarj aash — 1, Jeff Hugglns, Otta- entered into the Ohio Clas- tibbey. Ties record sej t by Chuck Barrl. wa-Glandorf, 10.3; 2, Ernie Thomas, '440-yard dash - 1, Repp, Hlcksvllle, sic Meet to be held June 5 son, Wlllard, 1968 and l»w-',Lav,on.J"c;'; Sandusky Perkins, 10.4; 3, Rick Hacker.- 51.6; 2, Sonneberg, Holgate, 51.7; 3, ion Sandusky, 1969 (preliminaries); and burg, Clyde, 10.5; 4, Gill Clark, Allen. Trask, Columbus Grove, 51.8; 4, Agin, at Reading High School East; 5, Mike Rousch, Norwalk; 6, Tim cotanel Crawford, 51.9; 5, Mohler,«pen- ue cervllle, 52.1; 6, King, Bluffton, 52.4,, near Cincinnati. ear Perrys- 4-: 17 si 2! Jan Eikum, Bowling Green, 180-yard low hurdles — 1, Phillips, Softball Leagues 4 2l'7; 3 Mike Irmen, St. Johns, 4:22.4, burg, 4:29.0; 2, Glen Angney, Vermilion, Vanlue 21 1; 2, Everette, Edgerton, Only one name is includ- 4 Dennis Barns, Flndlay; 5. Osmond 4-323; 3, Jerry Shaffstall, Bucyrus; 4, 21 21 Newman Columbus Grove, 21.6; Pearson, Sandusky; 6, Ed Wagner, Ash- Dave Margraff, Upper Sandusky; 5, 4 Flynn, Danbury, 217; 5, Labold, Van GAMES THIS WEEK ed on the list of state meet Dave Vance, Bucyrus; 6, Tim Sorg, Lex- Buren, 21.7; 6, Frankart, Fostorla St. (Umpires in parentheses) records, that of 1970 Mans- '"iSaOvard re|ay _ T, Llbbey (Rick Le- Slow-Pitch WEDNESDAY — Rupp vs. Engineers, sure \owChaVian, Jerry O'Neal, Bob '"lanyard relay - 1, Huron (Bill Scott, • Wendelln, 21.8. Maple Lake (A.C. Jenkins and Asa Jen- field Malabar graduate Jeff Lawson), 1:29.4; 2, Sandusky (Al May- Carl Holzmyer, Gary Hunter, pick Gar- «BO-vard run — 1, Price, Old Fort, RECREATION DEPARTMENT kins), 6 15 p m ; Geauga vs Empire, Linta who sqared 15 feet, field, Willie Jordan, Tony Harris, Bob Ion) 1:33.0; 2, P«rrysburg, 1:33.7) 3, 2-MlT a Gallant, Arcadia, 2:01.0; 3, SLOW-PITCH LEAGUES John Todd (Paul Houston and Chuck Crabb), 1 30.0; 3, Scott, 1:30.6; 4, Wnit- Wynford (Chuck Gerhart, Phil Cole, Cox Spencervllle, 2-01.8; 4, Glanz, L b- INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Davis), 7 30 p. m.; Fire Department, vs. 5'i inches in the pole vault. mer, 1 :30 7; 5, Lima Shawnee, 1:32.2. Randy Hieber, Dave Lawrence), 1-33.8. erty Center, 2:01.9; 5, Orange, North- Bissrnan, Fairhaven (Fairhaven umpires T or wood, 2:01.9; 6, Chandler, New London, W L Pet GB 440-yard dash - 1, Ron ,?y' ' ^5,°"' 4, Clyde, T34.1; 5, Norwalk, 1:34.3, 6, "v.'ilson s Carry Out 1 01.000 are Jim Miller and Bruce Hayes), 6 15 493, 2, Ray Webb, Mansfield Senior, n Q9 O Alta Greenhouse 1 0 1.000 p m,- Speedway vs. Mansfield Tire, Already this season, Ohio 49'6 3, Greg Siravo, Maumee, 49.9; 4, Al arash - 1, Don Gonya, Late- 220-'yard dash - 1, Whitaper, Spencer- Pittmger Plumbing 1 0 1 000 Fairhaven, 7 30 p. rn. stars have posted better ef- fucker. Port Clinton, 50.3; 5, Tom Bak- ta, 50.9; 2, Ron Tisdale, Rossford, 51.0, ville, 23.0; 2, Tale, McComb, 23.1; 3, Burger King 1 0 1.000 PIEDMONT LEAGUE er, Mansfield Malabar; 6, Tony Resell, 3, Carlton Seltz, Ottawa-Glandorf, 51 4; Babcocks, Waynesfield, 23.2; *' *•«•' . Bowman Sohio o l .000 1 W L Pet GB forts than existing state Scott (Tties record set by Paul Garrett, 4, John Rosenbrock, Napoleon, 51.6; s, Lucas, 23.3; 5, King, Dola Hardin North- T inch 4 Mendez o 1 ooo ern? 6, Rienhart, Fostoria St. Windelin, The Lawyers 0 1 .000 1 meet records and two oth- Sandusky, 1963). _ Craig Battin, Anthony Wayne; 6, Scott Wolf-Earick . 0 1 .000 1 Parker's TV o i.ooo low hurdles - l, Joe Quat t - Cromer, Clear Fork. Two-mile run—1, Nesbit, Plymouth 23.4 Wareham 0 1 .000 1 Thermo-0-DlsC o i.ooo ers have been equal. Day- 180-yard low hurdles — 1, Ron Weber, 10-04.9; 2, Rumsrhlag, Fostorla St-Wen- GAMES THIS WEEK General Hospital 0 i.ooo ton Roosevelt's Jeff Parks Rossford 200; 2, Dave Cotey, Wood- delin, 10:07.0; 3, Tyson, flmwood, -•• (umpires in parenetheses) Frank's Place 1 .000 1 m"re, 202;3, Larry Haubert, Wood- 10-08 2; 4, Tong, Ada, 10-08.8; 5, Manke, MONDAY — Alta vs Wolf, John Todd Bald ridge Sporting i ooo i owns a pair of the "bet- more, 20.5; 4, Dave Bailey, Margaretta, Ft Jennings, 10:19.2; 6, Altenbarger, Ot- (Al Kanz and Paul Houston), 6.15 p m ; Tucker's Auto i .000 i 20.6, 5, Bob Schaffer, Ontario; 6, Ruben ters" with a long jump of 880-yard run - 1, Ca t0 1 0 3 Pittmger Plumbing vs. Burger King, Blue Note 1 .000 1 J mont, 1-556; 2, Denmi i Barnes, Findlay, Mne r ela°y '- 1, Monroeville-(Smith, " Tsppan (Tappan umpires are Bob Baker GAMES THIS WEEK 24-4 /4 and a 13.8-second T559; 3, Jerry Kieft, Ashland, 1 59.5, 4, yarn - l, Paul Umberger, Ot- Aukermar, Christman, Mey«r), 3:3i.O; 2, and Tom Baker), 6.15 p. m.; Wareham (Umpires in parentheses) 5 B b tawa-Glandorf, 1:57.4; 2, Kent Harris, Spencerville, 3:32.2; 3, Pandora-Gitboa, FRIDAY — Frank's vs Therm- 0- Jeff Schnell, DeVilb,ss, VP^ ' | Sales vs. Wilson's, Tappan, 7:30 p m : coursing over the 120-yard Stratton, Sylvania; 6, Jim Durst, ST. Patrick Henry, 1.58.3; 3, Bruce Ralston, 3326; 4, Ada, 3:32.9; 5, Liberty Center, Lawyers vs. Bowman Sohio, Tappan, Disc, Maple Lake (Al Kanz and Dave high sticks. The long jump Springfield, 2:02.0; 4, Curt Waite, Ross- 3.33.3; 6, Lucas (Murray, Neft,, Beck, Hackendorn), 6 15 p. m.; Baldndge vs. ford, 2:02.2; 5, Steve Thiel, Bucyrus, 6, 8."3fl p. m. M U k 35 Blue Note, John Todd (Bob Baker and effort could erase one of Bob Robstater, Bryan. t2 O y'ard hfgh hurdles - 1, Phillips,' PONY LEAGUE Tom Baker), 6 15 p. m.. General Hospi- the two oldest marks on the 220-yard dash — 1, Jeff Huggms, Otta- Vanlue, 15-3; 2, Gerhart, Colonel Craw- W L Pet GB tal vs. Sanitation, Tappan (Tappan um- TOPS IN TENNIS — Mansfield athlete Dick Maisenbach- wa-Glandorf, 21.9; 2, Rick Hackenburg, ford, 15.4; 3, Hartings, Marion Local, 1 0 1.000 pires are A.

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