1 09 June 2010 AFGHANISTAN REVIEW Inside This Issue Economic Stabilization Governance & Participation This document is intended to provide an overview of relevant sector events in Afghanistan from 03 June - 08 June 2010. More Humanitarian Assistance comprehensive information is available on the Civil-Military Overview Infrastructure (CMO) at www.cimicweb.org. Hyperlinks to original source material Justice & Reconciliation are highlighted in blue and underlined in the embedded text. Security Social Well-Being For further information on CFC activities related to Afghanistan or inquiries about this publication, please contact the Afghanistan Team Manager: Valeria Davanzo, [email protected] or the Afghanistan Editor: Amber Ram- sey, [email protected] ECONOMIC STABILIZATION Matthew Hall, [email protected] / +1 757-683-5273 Back to top Pajhwok Afghan News reports that store owners in sations (NGOs) for the 18-month period between the Faroshgah-e Buzarg Shopping Centre in Kabul July 2010 and December 2011 for a variety of de- received grants worth between USD 2,000 and 4,000 velopment and security-related programmes. Much for damages incurred during the coordinated Taliban of the aid package will be devoted to strengthening attack on 18 January. The money, provided by the Afghanistan’s educational system. Okada noted that United States Agency for International Development this will be “the first major joint initiative between (USAID), is intended to assist the store owners in the public and civic sectors” and is part of a five- restocking their inventories. The grants were distrib- year USD 5 billion “civilian-aid package.” uted at a ceremony in Kabul by Mayor Muhammad Younus Nawandish and US Ambassador Karl Eiken- Pajhwok reports that the prices of fuel and diesel berry. jumped this week due primarily to delays in trans- port from Uzbekistan. One litre of petrol jumped The Kabul Customs Department received nine new more than 10%, from AFN 48 to 53 (approx. USD warehouses expected to stem the flow of illegal 1.05 to 1.16) while the same amount of diesel goods into Afghanistan, according to Pajhwok. The jumped almost 10% from AFN 42 to 46 (approx. warehouses will provide needed space for the USD 0.92 to 1.01). Other commodities remained unloading and inspection of imported goods. The mostly unchanged. Comparing prices from one construction of the new warehouses, in addition to month ago, there has been a large jump in petrol renovations to existing warehouses, cost USD 1.2 prices, from AFN 40 to 53 per litre (approx. USD to million, which was provided by the United States. 1.16), an increase of just over 33%. One 50-kg bag According to Karl Eikenberry, who attended the in- of sugar rose about 7% from AFN 1,700 to 1,820 augural ceremony, the US has spent USD 150 million (approx. USD 37.36 to 40). Other commodities – on port and custom house renovations. Safiullah including rice, liquefied gas, Indonesian green tea, Mushfiq, the head of the Kabul Customs Depart- and black tea – remained unchanged. The Afghani ment, noted that each warehouse can store up to (AFN) depreciated slightly against the US Dollar 600 tonnes of goods. (USD) over the past month, changing from 46.4 to 46.6 Afghanis to the US dollar. (Comments? Click Kyodo News relays an announcement by Japan’s here) Foreign Minister, Katsuya Okada, that the Japanese government will provide JPY 1.5 billion (approx. USD FOR MORE DISCUSSION CLICK HERE 16.4 million) to Japanese non-governmental organi- 2 GOVERNANCE & PARTICIPATION Ann-Kristin Otto, [email protected] / +1 757-683-4368 Back to top On 02 June, the Afghan Electoral Complaints Com- gested that parliament was back to work. mission (ECC) published a press release announcing that it had decided to include 188 additional names The resignations of Minister of Interior Hanif Atmar on the preliminary candidate list for the parliamen- and Head of the National Directorate of Security tary elections on 18 September 2010. The ECC said (NDS) Amrullah Saleh following insurgent attacks on that out of 226 contended candidatures only 188 the National Consultative Peace Jirga in Kabul (see individuals were able to prove their eligibility. The Security section) have caused a number of reac- Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced tions, including concerns amongst both the interna- that voters would have the opportunity to protest tional forces and Kabul political circles. While the the inclusion of the candidates from 02 to 08 June resignations of the officials is widely perceived as a with the ECC. According to Tolo TV, ECC member blow to ongoing efforts to ensure improved security Ahmad Zia Rafat told reporters that the remaining and cooperation between the Afghan National Secu- candidates were unable to provide the necessary rity Forces (ANSF) and international troops, they are documents required for candidature, including pro- also seen as worrying signs of President Karzai’s viding a minimum of 1,000 supporter cards with deepening isolation from many Afghans and inter- their registration. nationals alike, the New York Times writes. Both officials had good working relationships with ISAF The five nominees for the newly established Com- and were seen as competent cabinet members and mission for Overseeing the Implementation of the reliable partners. MPs have voiced their discontent Constitution presented their credentials before the over the resignations and have called on Karzai to Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of Parliament) on 07 reconsider the move, Aina TV reports. Some MPs June, Pajhwok Afghan News reports. Parliamentari- claimed that neighboring countries such as Pakistan ans had gone on strike to protest Karzai’s inaction and Iran had a say in the resignations and had on numerous issues including his failure to introduce pushed Karzai to fire the officials. According to the remaining ministerial nominees or establishing Pajhwok, the current Deputy Minister of Interior the new commission to oversee the implementation Munir Mangal will become the acting Minister of of the constitution. While the Wolesi Jirga has not Interior and Ibrahim Spinzada, currently a member formally ended its strike, the session on 07 June was of the National Security Council, will serve as the attended by approximately 100 Members of Parlia- new head of the NDS. (Comments? Click here) ment (MPs) and remarks by Speaker of the House Mohammad Yunis Qanuni saying that MPs would vote on Karzai’s nominees for the commission sug- FOR MORE DISCUSSION CLICK HERE HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE Amber Ramsey, [email protected] / +1 757-683-4385 Back to top German Development Minister Dirk Niebel met with oped by Tearfund, an international relief and devel- representatives from 20 non-governmental organiza- opment NGO, to assist small or medium-sized NGOs tions (NGOs) working in Afghanistan to discuss a attempting to set up projects in disaster-prone ar- new NGO facility that the German government plans eas with practical information on how to assess, to launch later this year, according to a press release manage and adapt to risks. The Climate change and published by the German Federal Ministry for Eco- Environmental Degradation Risk and Adaptation nomic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The assessment (CEDRA) was developed through the facility will be in charge of funding NGO projects in experiences of Tearfund in Afghanistan when deal- Afghanistan, part of an attempt by the German gov- ing with changing weather patterns. CEDRA in- ernment to involve NGOs in Germany’s increased volves six practical steps, including identifying envi- civilian activities. Under the new facility, the German ronmental hazards, prioritizing hazards that should government will provide NGOs with EUR 10 million be addressed, selecting adaptation options, ad- from its 2010 budget for projects run by German dressing manageable risks, considering new project private organisations. The majority of projects will locations and a continual review of programmes. be implemented in the northern provinces under the Representatives from Tearfund make it very clear leadership of the German Provincial Reconstruction that the beneficiary community should be involved Teams (PRTs) in Kunduz and Badakhshan. in the process every step of the way. According to Tearfund, “knowing the community, tapping their The Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) information, and understanding their needs can provided details on a new environmental tool devel- help make or break a project.” The CEDRA is being 3 piloted in 10 different countries, with regular im- acres of farmland. The ANDMA is prepared to pro- provements being made based on the experience of vide emergency relief supplies to the affected com- the teams. Tearfund expects that the tool should be munities with more supplies being sent upon com- expanded to other projects within the next five pletion of damage assessments. years. According to the United States Geological Survey Pajhwok Afghan News reports that seven people and (USGS) a magnitude 5.1 earthquake struck the hundreds of livestock were killed in Takhar province Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan on 04 June. Paki- when flash floods hit the districts of Rustaq, Hazar stan’s Dawn News says that no casualties were re- Samch, Khwaja Ghar and Ashkamesh. The provincial ported however tremors were felt in Islamabad, head of the Afghanistan National Disaster Manage- Lahore and Peshawar. (Comments? Click here) ment Authority (ANDMA) said that some 500 people were affected by the floods along with hundreds of FOR MORE DISCUSSION CLICK HERE INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hall, [email protected] / +1 757-683-5273 Back to top Power supply was restored from the Kajaki dam af- centre in Kunduz province was inaugurated by the ter the Taliban agreed to allow Afghan government German Minister of Development, Dirk Niebel, ac- officials to repair supply lines, Pajhwok Afghan News cording to Pajhwok. The centre will provide two- reports.
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