[HANTS.] ST. MARY BOURNE. 186 [POST OFFICE Hon. William F. Cowper-Temple, M.P., and Lady Barker Letters through Southampton. The nearest money order Mill. The chief crops are barley, wheat and oats. The soil offices fire at Romsey & Shirley Common is clay, sand and gravel. The area is 1,392 acres; the popu- National School, Richard Henry Drew, master lation in 1871 was 461. Barton Charles, Upton lodg-e Lees Abraham H. Upton house COMMERCIAL. Burnaby Rev. Frederick George, M.A. McQuhae Mrs. St. Evox Cole William, beer retailer Nurslin~ mount Payne Lieut.-Col. Wm. Laburnum cott Freemantle Mrs. farmer, Up. Toothill Chamberlain Lt.-Gen. Sir Neville B. Taylor Charles Graddige George, market gardener K.C.B., G.C.S.I. Lord's wood Trench Lady Helenll, Parsonag-o Graddige Henry, market gardener Colt Mrs. Rownbams park Wilson Rev. Robert Francis, M.A. Reeves Wm. brick & tile ma. Packridj:\'e Gardiner Miss, Moss Leigh [vicar], Fernyhurst Withers Richd. farmer, Low. Toothill ST. MARY BOURNE is a parish, in the Northern A great many very curious flint instruments, of Celtic division of the county, hundred of Eving-ar, and Whitchurch origin, have been found here. The charities are £17 yearly. I union, Kingsclere petty sessional division, and Andover The Earl of Portsmouth is lord of the manor~ The principal county court district, diocese and archdeaconry of Win­ landowners are the Earl of Portsmouth, Thomas Lon~man, chester, anti rural deanery of Andover north-western divi­ esq., and John Longman, esq. The soil is rather light; sion, 3 miles north-west from Whitchurch station, 62 from subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and London, and 5 north-east from Andover, situated on the turnips. The parish of St. Mary Bourne includes the ham­ river Bourne, a tributary of the Test. The church of St. lets of BINDLEY,2 miles north; EGBURY, a mile north; Peter is a large structure, in the Norman style, with STOKE, 2 miles north-west; ,WICK (or Week), a mile Pointed arches, supported by massive pillars: it has a south-west; SwAMPTON, a. mile west; and Du NLEY, 2 square embattled tower containing a peal of 5 bells: it con­ miles north-east. The area is 7,678 acres; rateable value, tains a curious font, Ilewn out of a sort of black marble; £8,656 3s. Id.; the population of the whole parish in 1871 there are but four of these fonts in England, all of which are was 1,245. in Hampshire: there is also a very curious stone effigy of a Parish Clerk, George Gibbons. Crnsader, evidently dating from about the twelfth century, and supposed to represent one of the Dnndely family. The POST OFFICE.-George Neale, receiver. Letters throu~h register dates from the year [ 1- The living- is a chapelry, Andover received at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 6.25 p.m. The annexed to the vicarage of Hurstbourne Priors, joint annual nearest money order offict's are at Whitchurch & Hurst- value, £220, in the gift of the Bishop ofWinchester, and held bourne Tarrant by the Rev. Samuel J. I. Lockhart, M.A., of Lincoln College, INSURANCE AGENT.-Phmnix, A. Lewin Oxford. The tithes have heen commuted for a rent-charge Police Station, J ames Scott, constable in charge of £110. There is a N ational schoo~ built by subscriptions, National School, John Orchard, master and aided by a grant from Government; also places of wor- CARRIERs.-William Lansley & John Page, to Andover, ship for the Baptists, Wesleyans, and Primitive Methodists. on friday; to Newbury, on thursday Barnes William, Bindley Broad Earle, bricklayer Longman John, farmer, Jamaica farm . Burton Rev. Richd.John, M.A. Bindley Collins William, blacksmith Lon~man Robert, carpenter Easton Miss Emma Dalton John, farmer, Bindley Medhnrst Alfd.Chas.farmer,Bourne frm Euston Mi~s Maria Davis Charles, blacksmith Medhurst Robert, farmer Holdway Mrs. Haven hill Day WiIliam, farmer, Upper Wick Meclhurst WilIiam, beer retailer Holdway Mrs. Charles, Spring hill Eylt's James, maltster & grocer Moore John, farmer Lockhart. Rev. Samuel John Ingram, Eyles John, jun. farmer, Stoke Neale Geo. grocer, draper & postmastt'r M.A. [vicar] Gale 'l'homas, farmer Nutley Edward, farmer, Middle Wick Long-man John, Warwick Gibbons Henry, shoe maker Pap,e John, shopkeeper North Mrs Gibbons Richard, shoe maker Pa~e John,jun. carrier Roe Mrg Hooper Thomas, farmer, Stoke Parham Henry, farmer, Egbury Stevens Joseph HooperThos.jun.farmer,Bucket'sDown Penny WiIliam, farmer, Warwick COMMERCIAL. Hutchins Henry, George, & butcher Poore Henry, farmer Bacon William, beer retailer, Bindley J ones William, shopkeeper, Stoke Poore Lloyd,frmr.& landownr.Warwick Baker Henry Kt>mpsford, Plough, far- Kempsford Wm. saddler & harness ma Roe George, fal.'rner mer & assistant ov~rseer Lamh George, steward to the Earl of Sainsbury Henry, bricklayer Berry John, farmer, Lower Wick Portsmouth, Chapman's ford Stevens J oseph, surgeon Breadmore Henry, grocer & beer re- Lansley \Villiam, carrier . Taylor William, farmer, Egbury tailer Lewin Arthur, grocer & draper Vincent Geo.Albert,trmr.Egbury castle ST. MARYEXTRA is a parish, 80 miles from London, in 1866, and south transept. The register dates from the and 1 mile east from Southampton station, in the Southern year 1669. The living- is a vicarage, value £170, with resi~ division of the county, hundred of Main!'1bridge, untbn of dence, in the gift of Mrs. Davies, and beld by the Rev. South Stont-ham, Southampton petty sessional division and Thomas Lewis Owen Davies, M.A., of Exeter College, countycourtdistrict, Southamptonrural deanery, Winchester Oxford. There it'! a National school, situated on Peartree archdeaconl'yand diocese, situate on the eastern bank of the Green, and also an Independent chapel. The Ecclesiastical river Itchen, and facing the town of Southampton, with Commissioners are.the lords of the manor and the principal which it i!'1 connected hy means of a floating bridge. which landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. crosses the river every ten minutes. The parish is called St. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is Mary Extra, from its having been at one time a chapelry to 2,980 acres; rateable value, 12,975 9s. 9d.; the population the parh1h of St. Mary in Soutbampton town. The parish in 1871 was 2,986. extends from .Bitterne to Netley, and has many handsome RIDGEWAY CASTJ.E and :rtIERRYOAK are to tIle north. villas and houses, mostly occupied by the business people Parish Clerk, Thomas FreemantIe. of Southampton. The parish of St. Mary Extra contains • the tithings of WOOLSTON and WESTON (which will be found under separate headings), and thevilla~es of ITCHEN, POST OFFICE.-Josiah Andrews, receiver. Letter~ from PEARTREE GREEN, WESTON COMMON and NEWTOWN. Southampton at 7 a.m. & lit 1.50 p.m.; dispatched at The church, called Jesus chapel, on Peartree Green, is a 10.45 a.m. & 8.50 p.m. 'fhe nearest money order offices small structure, erected 1620, and repaired in 1822: it has a are at Southampton & Woolston chancel, nave, north aisle, added in 1846, and organ chamber National School, WiHiam Henry Head, master It h Diaper Joseph, bt'er retailer Peartree Green. c en. Giles George, baker & provision dealer Appleford James, Peartree house- Bl'll M.rs. Itchen house Heathcote George, beer retailer Duncan Thomas, Lanark house Bell RIChal'~ Hill WiIliam & Co. shipowners & coal Guy Mrs Rosamon RIchard, Prospect cottage merchants Oak Bank wharf J urd Samuel Wardrope WaIter, Highland cottage Luke WaIte; S. boat & yacht builder Light Henry COMMERCIAL. Pratt William, shoe maker Longland Oliver Andrews Josiah, shoe ma. & post office Robinson Charlotte (Mrs.), Royal Oak Major Robert 13arrett Henry,George Robinson Edward, hlacksmith Pruice Mrs Bell Richard, brewer, maltster & corn Robinson Robert, Red Lion Vivian Capt. G. R. Peartree cottage merchant RusselI Robert, baker Vivian Mrs. Peartree cottage Burrough WiIliam, coal merchant Shelley Thomas, grocer Robinson William, blacksmith ClIapman William Hebberd, builder Smith George, builder Thompson Henry, master mariner.
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