Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2015: 53-61 INDONESIAN JOURNAL ON GEOSCIENCE Geological Agency Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Journal homepage: h�p://ijog.bgl.esdm.go.id ISSN 2355-9314 (Print), e-ISSN 2355-9306 (Online) DMT Method Approach for Liquefaction Hazard Vulnerability Mapping in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia Khori Sugianti, Anggun Mayang Sari, and Arifan Jaya Syahbana Research Centre for Geotechnology LIPI, Kompleks LIPI, Jln. Sangkuriang, Bandung Corresponding author: [email protected] Manuscript received: October 8, 2014, revised: January 12, 2015, approved: April 29, 2015, Abstract - On May 27 2006, an earthquake (Mw 6.2) occurring in Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Province, triggered liquefaction phenomenon such as sand boiling and lateral spreading. Knowledge of the liquefied soil layers is required to mitigate the hazard. The purpose of this research is to determine the depth and thickness of liquefiable soil layers using the flat blade dilatometer test (DMT) method. The horizontal stress index values (KD) obtained from the DMT were used to calculate the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR), while the PGA (peak ground acceleration) calculated by the software EZ-FRISK 7.52 were employed to determine the cyclic stress ratio (CSR). The DMT-based liquefaction potential analysis shows that the thickness of liquefiable soil layers ranges from 1.8 to 4.0 m. These results show a good agreement with the previous analysis based on CPT (cone penetration test) data. The analysis also indicated that, for the given earthquake magnitude and PGA, the liquefiable soil layers are characterized by a range of maximum KD value from 2.1 to 3.7. Keywords: earthquake, flat blade dilatometer, horizontal stress index, liquefaction potential How to cite this article: Sugianti, K., Sari, A.M., and Syahbana, A.J., 2015. DMT Method Approach for Liquefaction Hazard Vulner- ability Mapping In Bantul District, Yogyakarta Province. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 2 (1) p.53-61. DOI:10.17014/ijog.2.1.53-61 Introduction observer (Kuepper, 2006) showed that the earth- quake source was located at 17 km depth on the Background coordinates of 8.007o S and 110.286o E. An earthquake (Mw 6.2) that occurred on May That earthquake caused many casualties and 27, 2006, struck the region of Yogyakarta and huge economic losses, especially in Bantul re- its surrounding areas including Bantul, Kulon gion due to its close distance to the earthquake Progo, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, Solo, Karangan- source and its geological condition comprising yar, Klaten, and Prambanan. The damaged area beach alluvial, limestone sediments, and volcanic in Bantul, includingIJOG Bantul-Klaten plain extends eruption deposits. This geological condition led from Kali Opak to the west Klaten. The study of to the occurrence of liquefaction phenomenon in seismicity by Nurwidyanto et al. (2007) indicated the area. Liquefaction can lead to the emergence that the earthquake source was located at 33 km of sand boiling, settlement of building, and float- depth, precisely at 37 km from the south coastline ing of light structure. Soil layers of liquefaction with its epicenter in the Indian Ocean, on the potential are generally formed in the Quaternary coordinates of 08.26o S and 110.31o E. Another geological environment (Soebowo et al., 2009). IJOG/JGI (Jurnal Geologi Indonesia) - Acredited by LIPI No. 547/AU2/P2MI-LIPI/06/2013, valid 21 June 2013 - 21 June 2016 53 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2015: 53-61 To address the liquefaction potential, an effective luvial and Merapi laharic deposits (Rahardjo et and simple method to evaluate the subsurface al., 1995). The oldest unit is Semilir Formation condition controlling the liquefaction is required. comprising Oligo-Miocene interbedded tuff- This method will enable to assist the prediction breccia, pumice breccia, dacitic tuff, andesitic of areas to liquefaction-prone. tuffs, and tuffaceous claystone. Then, Nglang- Currently, liquefaction analyses are mainly gran Formation deposited unconformably on top based on SPT (standard penetration test) and of the Semilir Formation consisting of volcanic CPT data. Soebowo et al. (2009) presented the breccia, flow breccia, agglomerate, lava, and depth and thickness of soil layers which have tuff of Early-Middle Miocene in age. In turn, the liquefaction potential and ground settlement in Nglanggaran Formation underlies the Sambipitu the area Patalan, Bantul, Yogyakarta using CPT Formation comprising tuff, shale, siltstone, sand- and N-SPT data. Furthermore, Tohari et al. (2011) stone, and conglomerate. The Wonosari Forma- carried out a study of liquefaction potential in tion composed of reef limestone, calcarenite, Padang City based on CPT/ CPTu and N-SPT. In and tuffaceous calcarenite overlies conformably 2009, Putra et al. also used CPT data to evaluate the Sambipitu Formation. In turn, the Sambipitu the liquefaction potential in Padang City. On other Formation underlies conformably the Sentolo hand, Monaco et al. (2005) showed a result of Formation consisting of limestone and marly liquefaction analysis using flat Dilatometer Test sandstones. Young Merapi volcanic products (DMT) data. overlying unconformably the Tertiary units, This paper presents an analysis of the DMT consists of undifferentiated tuff, ash, breccia, horizontal stress index value (KD) to calculate agglomerate, and lava flows. The youngest unit the CRR. The CSR and MSF (magnitude scaling is Alluvial Deposits of Quaternary in age, made factor) values will be correlated with PGA data up of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, deposited along using EZ-FRISK 7.52 software (Risk Engineer- larger streams and coastal plain. The occurrence ing, 2011) to determine the safety factor against of liquefaction on loose sand deposits of the liquefaction. The distance data and the magnitude Merapi Volcano is shown in Figure 2. of each DMT location from earthquake hypocen- One of the geological structures developed in tre are obtained using EZ-FRISK 7.52 software Bantul is a strike slip fault known as the Opak and analyzed using Boore-Atkinson et al. (2008) Fault in southeast-northwest direction of ap- attenuation function. This attenuation function is proximately N 235o E/80o, where the east block used to analyze the shallow crustal zones and it relatively moves towards the north and the west has a lower standard error (Malau et al., 2008). block towards the south (Figure 2). The width Finally, threshold of KD is decided by compiling of the fault zone is estimated to 2.5 km. Another safety factor against liquefaction with KD value. fault zone is recognized to the north east- south The purpose of this research is to determine the east of N 325o E/70o towards the Gantiwarno Area soil layers which have a potential liquefaction (Sarah and Soebowo, 2013). due to earthquakes using Dilatometer Test (DMT) approach. The results obtained will be compared with a CPT approach (Soebowo et al., 2009). Methods Research Location Field investigation including the geotechnical The research area isIJOG located in Bantul area, drilling at five locations with a maximum depth of Yogyakarta Special Province, at the coordinates 22.5 m with SPT at intervals of 1.5 m, CPT test of 110.290o S - 110.445o S and 8.032o E - 7.823o E. at six points with a maximum depth of 17 m, and This area consists of low plains and hills stretch- DMT test on nine points with maximum depth of ing from south to north as shown in Figure 1. 10 m are scattered around the study area. In this Figure 2 shows the geological characteristics paper, DMT data were used to identify liquefac- of the research area that are composed of al- tion susceptibility hazard. DMT apparatuses 54 DMT Method Approach for Liquefaction Hazard Vulnerability Mapping in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia (K. Sugianti et al.) 420.925 mE 438.845 mE N m 3 7 1 . 4 3 1 . 9 00 33 66 Gondowulung DMT-08 BANTUL DMT-03 Demangan DH02 DH03 A CPTu 4 DMT-02 DMT-01 DMT-09 DH05 CPTu 6 CPTu 5 DH 01 CPTu 1 DMT-04 DMT-05 DH04 CPTu 2 Sidomulyo DMT-06 CPTu 3 DMT-07 Legends : Road River Opak Fault A' Dlingo Epicenter Bore Location CPT/CPTu Location DMT Location N m 0 3 1 6 Liquefaction Location 3 1 . 2 kilometers A A' Section 1 1 . 9 Data Soure : -RBI Map and - Field Data Figure 1. Locality map of research area. consist of a steel blade having a thin, expandable, KD values obtained by using DMT test are circular steel membrane mounted on one face. described in the following equations : The blade is connected, by an electro-pneumatic 1 KD (P0 U 0 ) /( vo) ...................................(1) tube, running through the insertion rods, to a control unit on the surface. The test starts by in- Where: serting the dilatometer into the ground. By using P0 1.05(A Z M A 0.05(B Z M B) .....(2) a control unit with a pressure regulator, a gauge P1 B Z M B .............................................(3) and audio signals, the operator determines, in about 1 minute, the po-pressure required to just where KD = horisontal stress index, po = correct begin to move the membrane and the p1-pressure first reading, 1p = correct second reading, ZM = required to inflate itsIJOG center by 1.1 mm into the Gage reading when vented to atm. If ∆A and ∆B soil. The blade is then advanced into the ground are measured with the same gage used for current of one depth increment, typically 20 cm, using a readings A dan B, set ZM = 0 (ZM is compensated). 1 basic principle of pressure value needed to make Uo = pre-insertion pore pressure and σ vo = pre- a thin membrane on the blade inflated by 1.1 mm insertion overburden stress. from the center, and can be returned to the flat The cyclic stress ratio (CSR) value data position with the blade (Figure 3).
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