Technician 0 North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Number48 Monday, January 24, 1977 Volume—‘ LVll. ‘ x... Conflicts with Casey No rock grou ps at coliseum by Wes Caebwell “They (the Student Center) were afraid committee to see about promoters dealing bringing a big name group in to appear at Staff Writer that Casey would feel like they too were directly with the coliseum. So far the the coliseum. However. the disagree- trying to sneak behind his back in renting Athletics Director has failed to act on his ments with Casey seem to be the major Webster describes a coliseum as being the coliseum for a promotion company. promise. according to Johnson. obstacle to overcome at the present time. “a large structure for public entertain and that they might be denied the use of “LOOKING BACK now. I feel it was Johnson noted that while no ill feelings ments." And certainly Reynolds Coliseum the coliseum in the future for that merely a smokescreen." said Johnson. exist between the Athletics Director and is no exception. reason." “that he was merely trying to satisfy us at the Entertainment Committees. the dis- It hosts exciting basketball games. When Taurus Productions approached the time." pute over the use of the coliseum needs to numerous cultural performances. and Casey on the subject. they were met with Johnson then noted that without be resolved immediately. even Inaugural balls. But of equal what Johnson described as “exorbitant promoters it wasnearly impossible for an “What we hope to do this semester is to importance in the minds of State students demands" and were also told that the organization to bring any type of resolve where he stands and find out what is somethingthat the Coliseum has failed concert would have to be backed by the wellknown act to State. as evidenced by it is going to take to have a concert." to host: a major rock group in concert. Student Center. After much bantering the money lost when the Major Attrac- Johnson said. “Then we can proceed in Brian Johnson. chairman of the Black between the parties involved. the idea tions Committee sponsored Leon Russell lining up some really big name groups to Student Board. a group interested in was finally dropped. last semester. appear in concert." bringing a concert to the Coliseum. views A short time afterwards. however. At the present time the Union Activi- Casey was not available for comment on the problem as being a direct conflict with Casey announced that he would set up a ties Board is studying the possibility of the subject. Director of Athletics Willis Casey overthe I use of the Coliseum facilities. JOHNSON EXPLAINED that Casey was upset with the idea of concert promoters being able to rent the Coliseum at the same price as a student organiza- Students can work forstate tion. “Mr. Casey didn't like the idea of the bv Karen Austin trips to North Carolina facilities in which resident of North Carolina is eligible. The promotion companies using student or- StaffWriter they are interested. selection of the interns is based on ganizations as a front for renting the Katliy Mattson. an intern last year. felt academic records. participation in extra- Coliseum. The companies’then would be The N.C. Institute of Government is the program was beneficial because she curricular activities. and interest in state able to pay a substantially lower rental sponsoring a summer internship program “learned a great deal about North government. Students will be interviewed fee. and therefore Casey wanted to deal again this year in state government. Carolina government and the political by state officials. former interns. and directly with the promoters.” Johnson Twenty-four students will be chosen to interactions of the various governmental North Carolina college professors before said. work with a key state official researching agencies." She added that she “had the the final selection is made. The sophomore from Goldsboro de- a problem or working to improve some opportunity to become more familiar with Anyone interested in applying for an scribed what occurred when two State aspect of the services offered to North North Carolina physically by traveling internship can obtain an Application for students attempted to bring Earth. Wind. Carolinians. around the state." Employment of the North Carolina State and Fire to the Coliseum last semester The summer interns will work from Mattson. a senior at State in Forestry. Personnel Department from the college through Taurus Productions. May 31 to Aug. 12. The first week is used worked for the N.C. Forest Service last placement center. Along with the applica- “Jerry Kirk and Tommy Gordon. to orient the interns into the program. summer conducting a study of fuel typing tion. a college record transcript. and a working with Taurus Productions. were The students will live together on or near and forest fire control. She felt that her letter stating your career plans. honors hoping to bring Earth. Wind. and Fire to the State campus. The cost for housing experience was “a good work background received. extracurricular activities in State." explained Johnson. “When they will be approximately $130 for the and would be helpful in the future." college. and reasons for wanting to approached Mr. Casey about the use of summer. Interns will earn $125 a week. The program is being offered to allow be included. the Coliseum he told them that they would ALONG WITH WORKING 40 hours a college students to learn how state participate should ChrisSewer have to be backed by the Student Center. week with their particular agency. the government functions. It is felt that More information about the Institute of Theunbeeten, 15th~ranked State women. led by forward Cristy Earnhardt [42). host and that he would prefer to deal directly interns will also participate in group people in all phases of life need to be Government's summer intern program third-ranked Immaculate tonight at p.m. ln Reynolds Coliseum in the state's with the promoters." seminars that they plan themselves. well-informed. and thus the program is can be obtained at the college placement b' est women's athletic evnt .v: . an" t'lli' .a'-.k' a THE STUDENT Center subsequently These seminars generally meet twice a not limited to political science majors. center or the State Government Intern- refused to back the enterprise and week. The students also plan any field ANY JUNIOR 0R senior who is a ship Office in Raleigh. Johnson told why. 'v‘ .g / r/.-, tags, ' .7, ’4W:5«’5 ReferendumwplannedA... .. , I. m-v‘ < .. I 1‘ PIRC. works for fu nding . by Lynne Griffin NC PIRG has two broad purposes as a The following is a list of projects which Editor campus-based organization. according to have eitherhave been completed by PIRG this report: organizations at other campuses or are The North Carolina Public Interest —By encouraging students to become ' now in progress: an off-campus housing Research Group at State recently com- involved with actual problems facing their guide. a guide to student voter registra- pleted its petitioning drive on campus community and state. the organization tion. a bookstore study. a tenants after accumulating approximately 1.500 helps expand the context for learning and handbook. an auto repair survey. a signatures of students wishing to hold a makes education more relevant for the student life insurance guide. a guide for referendum in March concerning the students; recovering housing deposits and price funding of NC PIRG at State. -A student-directed o anization like comparison surveys on campus. Only 600 signatures were needed. so PIRG provides a stron independent “We need consumer groups here on the referendum will be held in conjunction voice for the public interest when campus to help handle local problems with the Student Government elections in important economic and governmental which affect more students." Robin the spring. decisions are made. Ludlow. secretary of State's organization. The purposeof the referendum is to see ACCORDING TO another report. “all explained. He also said that the student whether or not the students wish to PIRG members at State will receive more hearings would be held for about two recommend to the Board of Governors than the value of their $2 per semester weeks and he has also been trying to get that they allow for the funding of PIRG at fee. for NC PIRG is committed to serving other organizations on campus to send State through a $2 per semester activities the student body before expanding into letters supporting PIRG. fee increase. community or statewide issue." IN THE CASE that the Board decides to approve the measure. students would 9' have the option of channelling their $2 to the general Student Government fund if they did not wish to support PIRG. Circle K works as a group ChrisEwen Hearings will also be held soon giving youneflmnofymucarcanbeflnqsr-mmbhginvlewoffldslflr'sncsmMmuflsuyou'refortunetemtobe students the opportunity to express their by a graduate of State's Wire-hanger 101. feelings about PIRG. by Raymond Rawlinson areas. One of these areas. having to do assisted The results of the hearings will be Staff Writer with youth and the elderly garnered them passed on to State's administration asnwell an honorable mention at a recent as to the Board of Governors since the Circle K—no. not some dude ranch in international convention of Circle K. the approval of both is necessary to establish Texas—is a service organization. Mem- project consisted of tutoring (problem) PIRG at State even if the student body bers of Circle K must encounter that type children at the Methodist Children's Peace Corps offers more votes in favor of PIRG in the March of misunderstanding many times during Home.
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