Vol. 78 Friday, No. 81 April 26, 2013 Part III Department of State Office of the Chief of Protocol; Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 2011; Notice VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:02 Apr 25, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4717 Sfmt 4717 E:\FR\FM\26APN3.SGM 26APN3 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES3 24892 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 81 / Friday, April 26, 2013 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF STATE year 2011 concerning gifts received from information to include them in earlier foreign government sources. The reports. [Public Notice 8301] compilation includes reports of both Publication of this listing in the Office of the Chief of Protocol; Gifts to tangible gifts and gifts of travel or travel Federal Register is required by Section Federal Employees From Foreign expenses of more than minimal value, 7342(f) of Title 5, United States Code, as Government Sources Reported to as defined by statute. Also included are added by Section 515(a)(1) of the Employing Agencies in Calendar Year gifts received in previous years Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 2011 including one gift in 2007, five gifts in Fiscal Year 1978 (Pub. L. 95–105, 2008, ten gifts in 2009, and six gifts with August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865). The Department of State submits the following comprehensive listing of the unknown dates. These latter gifts are Dated: April 14, 2013. statements which, as required by law, being reported in 2011 as the Office of Patrick F. Kennedy, Federal employees filed with their the Chief of Protocol, Department of Under Secretary for Management, employing agencies during calendar State, did not receive the relevant Department of State. AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT [Report of tangible gifts furnished by The White House] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the estimated value, and current government acceptance U.S. Government disposition or location The Honorable Barack Obama, 7″ x 11″ red and white porcelain His Excellency Hu Jintao, Presi- Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. vase by Franz with purple and dent of the People’s Republic of barrassment to donor and U.S. pink flower design across the China. Government. front. Rec’d—4/1/2009. Est. Value—$1,000.00. Disposi- tion—National Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, 14″ x 14″ Bauhaus chess set, Mr. Karl-Michael Danzer, Head of Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. with a lightly-colored wood Protocol, the Free State of Thu- barrassment to donor and U.S. board and pieces carved into ringia, the Federal Republic of Government. the shape of their allowed Germany. movements on the board, con- tained in a carrying box with sliding top, designed by Josef Hartwig. Rec’d—6/11/2009. Est. Value—$554.00. Disposition— National Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, 11″ x 20″ x 12″ wooden display Ali bin Mohsen bin Fetais Al- Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. case containing a small sword, Marri, Attorney General of the barrassment to donor and U.S. the top of the case displays the State of Qatar. Government. seal of the State of Qatar and reads, ‘‘Fight Against Corrup- tion.’’ Rec’d—1/5/2011. Est. Value—$350.00. Disposition— Display box is in the White House Gift Office; Handled pur- suant to U.S. Secret Service policy. The Honorable Barack Obama, 14″ red and gold colored vase in His Excellency Yang Jiechi, For- Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. red presentation box. Rec’d—1/ eign Minister of the People’s barrassment to donor and U.S. 5/2011. Est. Value—$580.00. Republic of China. Government. Disposition—National Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, Large, black Hermes golf acces- His Excellency Nicolas Sarkozy, Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. sory bag including set of lock President of the French Repub- barrassment to donor and U.S. and key, and extra strap in bot- lic, and Mrs. Carla Bruni- Government. tom compartment, presented in Sarkozy, First Lady of the cream colored drawstring bag. French Republic. Rec’d—1/10/2011. Est. Value— $7,750.00. Disposition—Na- tional Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, Bronze 48″ statue of Abraham His Excellency Hu Jintao, Presi- Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. Lincoln by the artist Yuan dent of the People’s Republic of barrassment to donor and U.S. Xikun, includes a red leather China. Government. booklet describing the gift. Rec’d—1/18/2011. Est. Value— $9,800.00. Disposition—Na- tional Archives and Records Administration. VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:02 Apr 25, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26APN3.SGM 26APN3 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES3 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 81 / Friday, April 26, 2013 / Notices 24893 AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [Report of tangible gifts furnished by The White House] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the estimated value, and current government acceptance U.S. Government disposition or location The Honorable Barack Obama, Book, title: ‘‘Suriname Discov- His Excellency Desi Bouterse, Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. ered,’’ by: Toon Fey. Royal Mint President of the Republic of barrassment to donor and U.S. 2000 Millennium 22 carat gold Suriname, and Mrs. Ingrid Government. coin that reads ‘‘Suriname Bouterse-Waldring, Spouse of 100,000 Gulden’’ on one side, the President of the Republic of and ‘‘Suriname’’ on the other. Suriname. Rec’d—2/1/2011. Est. Value— $1,575.79. Disposition—Na- tional Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, Basketball, signed by 2010–2011 The Right Honorable Stephen Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. Toronto Raptors NBA basket- Harper, P.C., M.P., Prime Min- barrassment to donor and U.S. ball team, in a 10″ x 10″ hard- ister of Canada. Government. plastic display case, presented in a 14.5″ x 22.5″ green leath- er-bound box that has the Prime Minister seal on the top. 23.25″ x 18.25″ golden-framed 19th Century antique map of North America, surrounded by drawings of North American In- dians, beavers, and other im- ages, and drawn by Tallis & Co. Rec’d—2/4/2011. Est. Value— $1,880.00. Disposition—Na- tional Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, 52″ x 85″ red Afghan rug with His Excellency Eklil Hakimi, Am- Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. blue trim and white tassels. bassador of the Islamic Repub- barrassment to donor and U.S. Rec’d—2/22/2011. Est. Value— lic of Afghanistan. Government. $400.00. Disposition—National Archives and Records Adminis- tration. The Honorable Barack Obama, 13″ tall beige clay ceramic vase His Excellency Felipe de Jesu´s Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. with black and red designs Calderon, President of the barrassment to donor and U.S. made by Antonio Veloz, pre- United Mexican States. Government. sented in green box with Mexi- can flag colored ribbons. Paper- back Book, title: ‘‘Mata Ortiz Ceramics: Artes de Mexico, Numero 45″. Rec’d—3/2/2011. Est. Value—$365.00. Disposi- tion—National Archives and Records Administration. The Honorable Barack Obama, Green and white 2GB iPod Shuf- The Honorable Julia Gillard MP, Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. fle. Sherrin Match Australian Prime Minister of the Common- barrassment to donor and U.S. football. Red, white, and blue wealth of Australia. Government. Western Bulldogs Australian Football League on a field jer- sey; Red, white, and blue ‘‘U.S. Footy’’ football jersey with ‘‘USA Revolution’’ on the front and ‘‘25’’ on the back. Hand- crafted 2.5″ x 4″ x 6″ Dragonfly silver ash wood trinket box with ‘‘Wood Works Gallery’’ sticker on bottom, presented in brown box with ‘‘Australia’’ sticker on top. Rec’d—3/4/2011. Est. Value—$478.00. Disposition— National Archives and Records Administration. VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:02 Apr 25, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26APN3.SGM 26APN3 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES3 24894 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 81 / Friday, April 26, 2013 / Notices AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [Report of tangible gifts furnished by The White House] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the estimated value, and current government acceptance U.S. Government disposition or location The Honorable Barack Obama, Leather-bound book, title: ‘‘Daniel His Excellency Enda Kenny, T.D., Non-acceptance would cause em- President of the United States. O’Connell: The Man who Dis- Taoiseach of Ireland. barrassment to donor and U.S. covered Ireland,’’ authored by Government. Professor Patrick Geoghegan. 21.5″ x 29.5″ black and white photograph of President John F. Kennedy addressing Irish Oireachtas, formatted in white matte board in a black frame. Fred Curtis Crystal presentation bowl with American flags en- graved alongside a shamrock above inscription commemo- rating St.
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