M i n i t - E d Pretty hard to find a newspaper picture of Arafat the Assassin these days except the ones in which he is found, benign soul, kissing babies. The build-up of Arafat is reminiscent of the early days of Castro when the newspapers described him as just an ex­ (Sonrotercial U Teaiier baseball pitcher interested in democracy and good deeds. With a little more iron in his backbone, Jack Kennedy could have wiped and SOUTIT BERGEN REVIEW out Castro and blunted the Cuban knife that has been at America’s throat ever since. Second-Class postage paid at Rutherford .N.J Maybe Israel won’t make the same mistake VOL. 60 NO. 52 25C THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1982 Published at 251 Ridge Rd.. Lyndhurst Subscription $8.00 Published Weekly in Lebanon. First The Crisis, Well W ater for Township Now The Damages of Lyndhurst residents - only The water crisis is over But the stores, taverns, sumed while health of­ by the area volunteers — but the cost remains to bakeries and other food ficials monitored the water The township set up a be totalled. handling businesses which until it reached potable command room at the L I M I T 4 GALLONS Lyndhurst underwent were forced to spend the levels. Town Hall in the mayor s m P E R S O N still another water shut­ week-end idle suffered At 6 p.m. Friday Lyn­ office. There conditions down last week-end and it considerable losses. dhurst was notified by Jer­ were assayed and steps to PiEASC 08EY was not until afternoon Lawyers have assured sey City officials that the alleviate the situation , MSKWG RC6UUTIWIS Monday that a semblance them that the negligence of break was critical and an were taken I tmMifcST WATt* 0fPA*m»T of normalcy returned Jersey City was respon­ emergency had to be de­ Water began arriving in But by that tim e serious sible for their losses and clared trucks Two huge stainless damage had been suffered steel trucks with that they can collect dam­ Mayor John (iagliardi by many businesses — and thousands of gallons of wa­ ages Some of them al­ issued such an order and now plans are being made ter rolled into the shopping ready have law suits under then had all taverns, food to sue Jersey City for neg­ plaza at Shop Rite and way. according to reports. handling stores and bakery ligence in the operation of began distributing water Failure of Jersey City to shops closed. its water system. to those who wanted it maintain its water line Mazur's, the township s At the Forest Ave high Lyndhurst. Hoboken and properly is given as the largest bakery, was able to school well hundr<“ds took West Caldwell also use reason for the break which continue business on Sat­ their rationed four gallons Jersey City water and disrupted service. urday because it had suffi­ of water found in the hottest days of The pipe line runs cient water But it closed Through the period tem­ the summer that their wa­ through Lyndhurst and early, put a big sign on the pers were level and calm ter supply was suspended then cuts across North Ar­ front door that it was A F a m ilia r Sight. L yndhurst was without tap water ness prevailed This, although the reser­ lington to the Belleville closed because of the wa­ for over 36 hours. Well at High School saw heavy voirs were filled almost to Turnpike. From there it ter situation Police cars rolled usage. the brim. through township streets iPhoto By John Healy. turns into the Secaucus Even the few businesses with the announcement What happened was an meadows and it was there supplied by wells were hit. old pipeline finally gave the big break occurred. Police declared that dur­ that water could not be way to the enormous pres­ consumed from the taps Because the water ing the water emergency sure of the water it earned (iagliardi went before poured out in such volume they had to be closed and spurted millions of the cameras at Cable Jersey City workers could gallons of water into the One of the immediate Three Saturday morning to not get at the break for Hackensack marshes in fears was that the lack of outline the steps that had many hours. Finally big Secaucus. water pressure would been taken to assure Lyn­ pumps were obtained, the First there w as little wa­ leave the township ex­ dhurst water and fire safe water was pumped out and ter. Then when it returned posed to fire. However, t> at Boonton the water supp­ residents were warned not hook-ups were made with On Mondav Health Of­ ly was turned off until the (he Hackensack Water to use it except in break could be welded ficer Peter Forte went Company at the lavatories. shut. before the Cable Three Lyndhurst-Rutherford line Then Monday afternoon cameras to explain the sit­ Even after the break and with North Arlington residents were told they uation and to urge resi­ was repaired and the wa­ at I'm on Avenue could use the water for dents to wait lor further ter began its flow from Then neighboring fire B a b y w a it s while mom gets her shar of water from drinking and cooking but information before drink­ Boonton to Jersey City it departments came to help ing water or using it for emergencj trucks. L o d i f i r e p u m p e r stood by to give help if needed. that it should be boiled for could not be taken into the Every four hours a new five to fifteen minutes household duties body. The contaminants shift arrived to give sup­ Police called Cable When the water finally picked up in the breakage port to the Lvndhurst Three when it finally was was used for drinking made it necessary to flush firemen. decided that water could mouths puckered and out the entire system lt was an example of co­ be used — it it were boiled Then hours were con found the taste unpleasant operation that is practiced live to fifteen minutes S h o u t i n g M a t c h A t Com m ission By AM Y DIVINE license applied for was a Ronald Bogle retortd. where food is served to Last week's commission "plenary " license A wom­ There are only 33 active install a grease trap Per­ meeting degenerated into an said. The license could bars operating in town mits tor traps must be ob­ a shouting match between be for opening a beauty now We are not creating tained through the depart­ the owner of a plenary parlor or any other bars in town ment of public works purpose, it should be more license and opponents of He added that this man A grease trap is a plum­ explicit her sale of it to a man who "has a longtime lease on bing device whichcatches proposes to extend his Perry explained that the his place of business and Great Bear sent in emergency water sup- One of giant stainless steel trucks that de grease and stops it trom pizzeria into a "family- form is one used bv the plans to open a family- being dumped into the san p lie s . livered water during emergency. type restaurant Applica­ ABC but that hereafter t v p e r e s t a u r a rvt lik e itarv sewer, where it can tion for transfer of the when such an application Angelo's. cause blockages and sewer is made he will insert the N ow It Is C ounty Trust license has been made to A resolution to table the backups into homes word plenary the B o a r d o f C o m ­ matter for further studv Alter installation Stockholders of (iarfield tion of an added facility in years, a local bank. area. You m ight say these missioners. Commissioner James was adopted monthly inspections are Trust Company voted on Lyndhurst has already "We. the principals of ties and a strong desire to (iuida also questioned "Are they going to re­ Public Works Commis­ conducted bv the Sewer June 21 to change the begun. this bank, have strong serve the people we all whether the fact that a re­ strict free enterprise sioner Evelyn Pezzolla re­ l)epartment to insure that name of the 58-year-old in­ i n a very real sense, South Bergen ties, particu­ know, is the reason we ligious institution is lo­ now'*' asked Beverly ported a meeting sched­ the traps are used and stitution to County Trust we are the newest bank in larly in the Lyndhurst chose Lyndhurst as the site cated nearby may have an Sicon. who holds the uled two weeks hence to maintained Company. town with one of the long­ of our new construction. effect on granting the plenary license formerly get Patsy's Shop Rite to Pezzolla urges all res­ Jam es D. Checki. Jr., est histories of service and L i o n s John Maita. President of license. Perry reports that used by the operator of the better cooperate with the taurant. pizzeria and bar stability.'' Checki ob­ County Trust, stated that, the local ordinance re­ Chairman of the bank's International Lyndhurst Bowling l,anes township on means of owners to cooperate with stricts plenary licenses Board ^f Directors. §aid served. The bank was not only will the bank be keeping grocery carts the program, as lt^ssuc­ Two membecfr of the Sicon plans to sell the nearer than 200 feet from the namie change is the started in 1924 and re­ important to Lyndhurst from being lett ail over cessful operation will af­ Lvndhurst Lions Club, with license to David (iabbay.
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