,– ... -. FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR LEAD REMOVAL FROM AND STRUCTURAL RESTORATION OF CRUISER, OHIO, AND LOS ANGELES CLASS REACTOR COMPARTMENT DISPOSAL PACWGES Appendix A A-i . Table of Contents E~CUT~ S~Y .......................................................... ..A.3 1. ~TRODUCTION .......................................... .." ............... ..A.3 2. DESCR~TION OF S~ELD~G LEAD CONTmD ~ REACTOR commmm PAcmGEs ................................................. ..A.4 2.1 PermanentSMeldingLead ............................................... ..A-4 2.2 MisceUaneousLead ..................................................... ..A-5 2.3 Considerations ........................................... ................”A-5 2.4 Assumptions ............................................. .................A-5 3. SHIELD~G LEAD REMOVQ PREP~TIONS .. ............................... A-6 3.1 Training ....................................................... ...........A-6 3.2 InterferenceRemovd .................................................... ..A-6 3.3 SMelding LeadRemovdTecWques ...................................... ..A-6 3.4 RemovdofSMeldingLeadBondedto Structure ... .......................... A-7 3.5 RemovdofComponentSMeltig ........................................... A-8 4. DISPOSAL OF REMO~D~TERWS ......................................... A-8 5. PERSONNEL HEALTH ~ SAFE~ ~DS ................................ A-9 5.1 PersonnelExposuretoLead .............................................. ..A-9 5.2 PersonnelExposureto&bestos .......................................... ..A-9 5.3 Persomel Exposmeto Iotiztig Ra&ation ................................. ..A-g 6. RADIOLOGICAL ANDE~ONME~W CONTROLREQ~E~NTS ........ ..A-10 7. F~~GS... s............................................... .." ..... .."" . .. A.ll 7.1 costs .............................................................. ......A-11 7.2 RadiationExposure ...................................... .................A-11 8. CONCLUSION ....................................... .......................... A-12 List of Illustrations [email protected] ~icd Smfl PipingPenetiation ......... ................................. A-14 List of Tables Table A.1 Lead Removal Estimate Summq (per reactor comp-ent) ................. A-15 Table A.2 Lead Removal Cost Estimates (per reactor compartment) ..................... A-16 A-1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Navy has performed feasibfity studies for the removal of permanently instded shieltig lead horn cruiser, LOS ANGELES, and OHIO class reactor compartments that are being considered for disposd at the Department of Ener@s (DOE) Hanford site. LOS ANGELES and OHIO Class submties have one reactor compliment. Nuclear cruisers have two reactor compartments. It is estimated that the cost to remove the several hundred tons of shielding lead born these packages wotid be between $16 and $108 Won per reactor compartment in fiscal 1994 do~ars. The personnel who wodd perform this work at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard wotid be exposed to an additiond radiation exposure of approximately 585 rem to 1065 rem per reactor compartment. For comparison, W other reactor compartment packaging work wotid not be expected to exceed 20 rem of radiation exposure per package. The total radiation exposure to the Shipyard workforce performing the lead removal operations is estimated at approximately 90,000 rem for the approximate 100 reactor compliments. For comparison, this estimated radiation exposure (90,000 rem) is ahnost double the radiation exposure the entire Naval Nuclear Propdsion program received in the ten years from 1982 to 1992. Additiondy if a total radiation exposure of 90,000 rem were received over the span of a lead removal program, there might be an additiond 36 fatal cancers in the Metirne of a typical group of 10,000 persons. This additiond radiation induced cancer risk to the workers outweighs any potential environmental benefit in reusing part of the removed lead. & equdy important aspect in addition to the radiation exposure is that approximately 25% of the lead removed wotid remain radiologic~y contro~ed due to neutron activation of the impurities within the lead. This lead wotid have to be encapsdated and packaged for land disposd as mixed waste. The estimated quantities of shielding lead, costs for removal, and radiation exposure for shielding lead removal horn the ship classes considered are s~tized in Table Al. Thus, both the expense and additiond radiation exposure for shielding lead removal wodd be substantial and prohibitive. The subdivision alternative, me the preferred alternative, wodd not require the structural integrity of the reactor compartment to be maintained to meet shipping requirements, so it wotid restit in easier lead removal. 1. INTRODUCTION The Na@s 1984 Environmental hpact Statement (EIS) discussed the disposd of decommissioned, defieled naval submarine reactor plants. Since the disposd of lead was not contro~ed by Federd or State re~ations at that time, disposd of lead radiation shielding was acknowledged without special precautions in the Na@s 1984 EIS. Cmently the shielding lead in the submarine packages is not re@ated under tie Federd =source Conservation and &covery Act sinw the shielding is SW serving its intended purpose md thus is not wash k 1989, the Stab of Washin@n Department of Ecology determined that this lead is a redated waste under the state’s Hazardous Waste Management Act @CW 70.105.050). ~s Act requires: Prior to disposd, or as part of disposd, d reasonable metiods of treatment, deification, neutr~ation, or otier waste management methodologies designated to mitigate hazards msociated wifi these wastis shd be employe~ as required by applicable federd ad state laws and re~ations. A-3 — —— In 1990, a shielding lead removal feasibfity study provided information to the State of Washington on the disposd of the several hundred tons of permanently insttied lead shielding that is contained within the welded steel plates and structure of each reactor plant packaged under the submarine disposd program described in the 1984 EIS. The cruiser, LOS ANGELES, and OHIO class reactor compartment packages wodd continue to consist of the section of the ship conttig the reactor compartment. For cruisers, the reactor compartment wodd be cut ‘horn the ship and a thick steel outer package installed around and welded to the reactor compartment to produce a strong, tightly sealed containment. The current submarine packaging methodology of closing the ends of the submarine hd with welded steel btieads wotid be appfied to the LOS ANGELES and OHIO classes. The cotigurations of cruiser and submarine reactor compartment packages are essentidy various sizes of vertical or horizontal cyhders respectively with the exception of the USS LONG BEACH (CGN-9), which wodd be a rectan~ar box. The packaging for these reactor compartments wodd be designed to meet d re~atory requirements for transport of radioactive materials. This report contains the resdts of the shielding lead removal feasibfity study for reactor compartment packages from the cruiser, LOS ANGELES, and OHIO classes. The quantity of shielding lead involved, cost for removal, personnel radiation exposure, and occupational risks to workers performing the shielding lead removal tasks are presented. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SHIELDING LEAD CONTAINED IN REACTOR COMPARTMENT PAC~GES 2.1 Permanent Shielding Lead Shielding is instfled to satis& three functions: 1. To reduce gamma and neutron radiation born the reactor and reactor coolant system to safe levels outside the reactor compartment during operation. 2. To reduce radiation horn core fission products and primary shield activation to safe levels for access to the reactor compartment and system tanks after plant shutdown. 3. To reduce neutron activation of materials in the reactor compartment. There are four separate permanent shielding systems instfled on nuclear cruisers and LOS ANGELES and 0~0 class submarines to accomplish the above fictions: 1. The primary shield which encompasses the reactor vessel itse~. 2. The secondary shield which encompasses the primary plant components and the majority of the associated piping (Fi~e Al). 3. Primary and secondary shielding above and beneath the reactor vessel. 4. kdividud component shielding. Shielding design is generfiy the same for each class of surface ship or submarine reactor plant. Steel plates cover the shielding lead to maintain its position and prevent abrasion or damage. For tiher strength, the majority of shielding lead is permanently bonded to the structure and components during construction. A-4 .---—.— 2.2 Miscellaneous Lead Cruiser, LOS ~GELES, and 0~0 class reactor compartment packages wotid contain relatively sm~ quantities of lead bound in the matrices of paint, glass, adhesives, brass and bronze Woys and numerous other industrid materials used in the construction of components and equipment. The average quantity of lead in these reactor compartment packages is estimated at less than 450 Mograms (1,000 pounds) per package. Since this quanti~ of lead is smd with respect to the total quantity of shielding lead in a reactor compartment package, it is not considered tiher in this study. 2.3 Considerations . In the development of methods for shielding lead removal, several requirements were given ‘ primary consideration, specficfly maintaining the structural integrity of the existing ship’s structure in order to facfitate conversion to a reactor compliment package, compliance to the Code of Federd Re@ations transportation requirements of 10CFR71,
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