Current at 1/08/2016 Seed list is current at the above date, new items listed since this date can be found under the “New Arrivals” category on our website. Packaging for retailers and special occasions is available on request. Please contact us for further details at [email protected] Price and availability subject to change. Please check our website for availability and current pricing. SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER ACACIA acinacea Gold Dust Wattle $3.30 A1 ACACIA acuminata Raspberry Jam Wattle $3.60 A 37 ACACIA acuminata (narrow leaf) Jam Wattle $3.60 A 38 ACACIA acuminata (small seed variant) Jam Wattle $3.60 E 157 ACACIA adoxa var. adoxa Cap Gun Wattle $3.40 A 53 ACACIA adunca Wallangarra Wattle $3.30 N 311 ACACIA alata var alata Winged Wattle $4.00 E 132 ACACIA anceps Two-Edged Wattle $3.40 A2 ACACIA aneura Mulga Wattle $3.30 A 3 ACACIA aphylla Leafless Rock Wattle $3.50 A 51 ACACIA baileyana Cootamundra Wattle $3.30 A 4 ACACIA baileyana "purpurea" Cootamundra Wattle $3.50 A52 ACACIA boormanii Snowy River Wattle $3.40 E 133 ACACIA buxifolia Box Leaf Wattle $3.30 A 5 ACACIA celastrifolia Glowing Wattle $3.50 A 39 ACACIA cincinnata Scorpion Wattle $3.60 A 43 ACACIA coriacea Wirewood Wattle $3.50 A 55a ACACIA covenyi Blue Bush $3.30 A 47 ACACIA cultriformis Knifeleaf Wattle $3.30 A15 ACACIA cyclops Western Coastal Wattle $3.30 A26 ACACIA dealbata Silver Wattle $3.30 N 300 ACACIA decurrens Queen Wattle $3.30 A 9 Page 1 of 22 Native Seed List SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER ACACIA denticulosa Sandpaper Wattle $3.30 A 8 ACACIA dunnii Elephant Ears Wattle $3.60 A 21 ACACIA farnesiana Sweet Acacia $3.60 A41 ACACIA fimbriata Brisbane Golden Wattle $3.30 A10 ACACIA floribunda White Sallow Wattle $3.30 N 387 ACACIA genistifolia Spreading Wattle $3.30 A 7 ACACIA gilbertii White Flowered Wattle $3.60 A 32 ACACIA glaucoptera Flat Wattle $3.50 A 54 ACACIA guinetti Golden Gravel Wattle $3.35 E 101 ACACIA hemiteles Tan Wattle $3.30 A 11 ACACIA holosericea Candelarbra Wattle $3.30 A 12 ACACIA inaequilatera Camel Bush $3.40 A 28 ACACIA jibberdingensis Willow Leafed Wattle $3.40 A 23 ACACIA jonesii $3.30 N308 ACACIA lasiocarpa var sedifolia $3.40 A 14 ACACIA linifolia Flax Leaf Wattle $3.30 N 309 ACACIA littorea Coastal Dune Wattle $3.30 A 13 ACACIA mearnsii Black Wattle $3.30 N 353 ACACIA megalantha $3.30 A 16 ACACIA merinthophora Whispery Wattle $3.50 E 151 ACACIA mountfordae $3.40 A 44 ACACIA muelleriana Mullers Wattle $3.30 A 31 ACACIA myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle $3.30 A 40 ACACIA oxycedrus Spike Wattle $3.30 A 6 ACACIA paraneura Weeping Mulga $3.30 E 150 ACACIA pendula Weeping Myall $3.30 A 48 ACACIA pentadenia Karri Wattle $3.30 A 24 ACACIA podalyriifolia Queensland Silver Wattle $3.60 A50 ACACIA polybotrya Western Silver Wattle $3.30 A 17 ACACIA pravissima Ovens Wattle $3.30 A 34 ACACIA pubifolia Wyberba Wattle $3.30 N 307 ACACIA pycnantha Golden Wattle $3.30 A 29 ACACIA redolens Vanilla Wattle $3.40 A 46 Page 2 of 22 Native Seed List SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER ACACIA retinodes Swamp Wattle $3.30 A 42 ACACIA rigens Needle Wattle $3.40 A 27 ACACIA rossei Yellowdine Wattle $3.30 A 30 ACACIA rubida Redstemmed Wattle $3.40 A 45 ACACIA saligna Golden Wreath Wattle $3.30 A 22 ACACIA spectabilis Mudgee Wattle $3.40 A 18 ACACIA suaveolens Sweet Wattle $3.60 A35 ACACIA terminalis Sunshine Wattle $3.60 A 33 ACACIA trachycarpa Sweet Scented MinniRitchi $3.30 A 49 ACACIA triptera SpurWing Wattle $3.30 E 149 ACACIA verticillata Prickly Moses $3.30 N 349 ACACIA vestita Weeping Boree Wattle $3.30 A 20 ACACIA victoriae Elegant Wattle $3.35 A 19 ACACIA wattsiana Gladstone Wattle $3.50 A 36 ACROTRICHE cordata Coast Groundberry $3.50 N 145 ACTINOTUS helianthi Flannel Flower $3.30 N 252 ADANSONIA gregorii Baobab $3.40 N 1 AGONIS flexuosa Peppermint Willow $3.30 N 64 AGONIS theiformis Summer Snowflakes $3.30 N 207 ALLOCASUARINA nana Dwarf She Oak $3.60 N 148 ALPINIA Caerulea Native Ginger $3.99 N 120a ALYOGYNE hakeifolia Red Centred Hibiscus $3.30 N 71 ALYOGYNE huegelii Purple Hibiscus $3.30 N 70 ALYXIA buxifolia Sea Box $3.60 N 214 ANGOPHORA costata Smooth Barked Apple Gum $3.60 N 144 ANGOPHORA hispida Dwarf Apple Gum $3.90 Na 316 ANIGOZANTHOS flavidus Green fls Tall Kangaroo Paw Green $3.90 N 69 flowers ANIGOZANTHOS flavidus Red fls Tall Kangaroo Paw Red $3.90 N 132 flowers ANIGOZANTHOS manglesii Red and Green Kangaroo Paw $3.90 N 360 ANIGOZANTHOS preissii Albany Quoll's Paw $3.45 N 190a ANIGOZANTHOS rufus Crimson Kangaroo Paw $3.99 N 194 ASTARTEA fascicularis Dainty Astartea $3.60 N 298 Page 3 of 22 Native Seed List SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER ASTARTEA scoparia (white fls) Dainty Astartea $3.40 N 298a ASTROLOMA foliosum $3.50 N 65a BACKHOUSIA citriodora Lemon Scented Myrtle $3.30 N 68 BAECKEA camphorosmae Camphor Myrtle $3.30 N 200 BALAUSTION pulcherrimum Native Pomegranate $3.50 N 203 BANKSAI tenuis syn. Dryandra tenuifolia $3.40 B 63 BANKSIA ashbyi Orange Banksia $3.40 B 1a BANKSIA attenuata Candle Banksia $3.40 B 4 BANKSIA baueri Possum Banksia $3.45 B 3 BANKSIA baxteri Birds Nest Banksia $3.50 N 287 BANKSIA blechnifolia Southern Blechnum Banksia $3.50 B 274 BANKSIA brownii Featherleaved Banksia $3.80 E 159 BANKSIA burdetti Burdetts Banksia $3.50 B 13 BANKSIA caleyi Red Lantern Banksia $3.50 B 2 BANKSIA carlinoides Pink Dryandra $3.90 B 31 BANKSIA coccinea Scarlet Banksia $3.50 B 10 BANKSIA conferta subsp. conferta $3.85 B 22 BANKSIA dryandroides Dryandra leaved Banksia $3.50 N 333 BANKSIA ericifolia Heath Leaved Banksia $3.50 N 321 BANKSIA formosa syn. Drayandra formosa Showy Dryandra $3.90 B 64 BANKSIA fraseri syn. Dryandra fraseri $3.60 B 25 BANKSIA grandis Bull Banksia $3.40 B 11 BANKSIA grossa $3.60 E 135 BANKSIA heliantha syn. Dryandra quercifolia Oak Leaved Dryandra $3.40 B 20 BANKSIA hookeriana Eneabba Banksia $3.50 B 33 BANKSIA integrifolia Coast Banksia $3.40 B 8 BANKSIA kippistiana syn. Dryandra kippistiana $4.00 E 144 BANKSIA laricina Rose Fruited Banksia $3.60 N 284 BANKSIA leptophylla Slenderleaved Banksia $3.40 B 67a BANKSIA marginata Sliver Banksia $3.60 B 9 BANKSIA media Dwarf Form Golden Stalk Banksia $3.40 B 12 BANKSIA menziesii Firewood Banksia $5.00 N 276 BANKSIA nivea syn. Dryandra nivea Honeypot Dryandra $3.40 N 334 Page 4 of 22 Native Seed List SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER BANKSIA nutans Nodding banksia $3.50 B 15 BANKSIA oblongifolia Fern Leaved Banksia $3.50 N 320 BANKSIA obtusa syn. Dryandra obtusa Shining Honeypot $3.40 B 29 BANKSIA occidentalis Red Swamp Banksia $3.40 B 16 BANKSIA paludosa Marsh Banksia $3.50 N 373 BANKSIA petiolaris Prostrate Banksia $3.40 N 36a BANKSIA pilostylis Marsh Banksia $3.50 N 310a BANKSIA polycephala Many Headed Dryandra $3.50 B 57a BANKSIA praemorsa Red Flowers Cutleaf Banksia $3.50 B 6 BANKSIA praemorsa Yellow Flowers Cut leaf Banksia $3.40 B 7 BANKSIA prionotes Acorn Banksia $3.50 B 14 BANKSIA proteoides syn. Dryandra King Dryandra $3.50 B 32 proteoides BANKSIA pulchella Dainty Banksia $3.40 B 23 BANKSIA quercifolia Oak Leaved Banksia $3.40 B 73 BANKSIA repens Creeping Banksia $3.40 B 21 BANKSIA robur Swamp Banksia $3.40 B 18 BANKSIA scabrella Burma Road Banksia $3.60 N 304 BANKSIA sceptrum Sceptre Banksia $3.60 N 275 BANKSIA seminuda River Banksia $3.50 B 62 BANKSIA serrata Saw Banksia $3.50 E 145 BANKSIA sessilis Parrot Bush $3.40 E 92 BANKSIA speciosa Showy Banksia $3.50 B 19 BANKSIA spinulosa var. collinia Golden Candlestick $3.40 B 58 BANKSIA spinulosa var. spinulosa Hairpin Banksia $3.40 B 17 BANKSIA splendida Shaggy Dryandra $3.50 B 26 BANKSIA squarrosa Pringle $3.50 E 143 BANKSIA stuposa syn. Dryandra stuposa $3.40 B 30 BANKSIA undata syn. Dryandra praemorsa Urchin Dryandra $3.40 B 27 BANKSIA victoriae Woolly Orange Banksia $3.60 N 302 BANKSIA violacea Violet Banksia $4.30 B5 BAUHINIA cunninghamii Turkish Delight $4.30 N 143 BEAUFORTIA elegans $4.20 E 124a Page 5 of 22 Native Seed List SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER BEAUFORTIA schaueri Compact Beaufortia $3.60 N 292 BILLARDIERA erubescens Red Billardiera $3.50 N 187 BILLARDIERA floribunda Beautiful Billardiera $3.60 N 233 BILLARDIERA fusiformis Australian Climbing Bluebell $3.50 N 67 BILLARDIERA fusiformis Alba Australian Climbing Bluebell $3.50 N 370a BILLARDIERA longiflora Purple Apple Berry $3.80 N 324 BORONIA alata Coastal Boronia $3.60 N 345 BORONIA anemonifolia Sticky Boronia $3.30 N 344 BORONIA fastigiata Pink Bushy Boronia $3.30 N 346 BORONIA ovata Pink Flowers $3.30 N 77 BORONIA ramosa Blue Boronia $3.40 N 224 BORONIA stricta var. elongata $3.35 N 358 BORONIA ternata var. elongata $3.30 N 356 BOSSIAEA aquifolium Water Bush $3.30 N 63 BOSSIAEA cinerea Showy Bossiaea $3.40 E 161 BOSSIAEA linophylla Golden Cascade $3.40 E 162 BRACHYCHITON acerifolius Illawarra Flame Tree $3.40 N 4 BRACHYCHITON australis Broadleaved Bottle Tree $3.80 N326 BRACHYCHITON bidwillii Red Kurrajong $4.00 N 3 BRACHYCHITON discolor White Kurrajong $3.30 N 6 BRACHYCHITON populneus Kurrajong $3.30 N 5 BRACHYCHITON rupestris Queensland Bottle Tree $3.80 N 354a BRACHYCHITON rupestris Seedling Queensland Bottle Tree $20.00 N354 BRACHYSCOME iberidifolia Blue Swan River Daisy Blue $3.30 N 209 BRACHYSCOME iberidifolia Mix Swan River Daisy Mix $3.30 N 78a BRACHYSCOME iberidifolia White Swan River Daisy White $3.30 N 208 BRUNONIA australis Blue Pinchusion $3.30 E 100 BUCKINGHAMIA celsissima Ivory Curl $4.30 N 12 BULBINE glauca Rock Lily $3.30 N 350 BURCHARDIA umbellata Milkmaids $3.60 N 246 BURSARIA spinosa Christmas Bush $3.30 N 247 CALLISTEMON citrinus Crimson Bottlebrush $3.30 N 98 CALLISTEMON montanus Mountain Bottlebrush $3.30 N 103 Page 6 of 22 Native Seed List SPECIES COMMON NAME PRICE ITEM NUMBER CALLISTEMON pachyphyllus Wallum Bottlebrush Red & $3.30 N 162 Green fls CALLISTEMON pallidus Lemon Bottlebrush $3.30 N 102 CALLISTEMON phoeniceus Firey Bottlebrush $3.30 N 181 CALLISTEMON rugulosus Scarlet Bottlebrush $3.30 N 99 CALLISTEMON salignus White Weeping Bottlebrush $3.30 N 101 CALLISTEMON sieberi River Bottlebrush $3.30 N 97 CALLITRIS arenaria (syn.
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