Episodic post-rift subsidence of the United States Atlantic continental margin PAIII I HFI I FR* ) r, " > U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road. Menlo Park, California 94025 CAKL M. WcN I WOK I H ) C. WYLIE POAG U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 ABSTRACT study of the Continental Offshore Stratigraphie Test (COST) wells drilled on the United States Atlantic outer continental shelf and Sediment thickness, paleobathymetry, and chronostratigraphy slope off New Jersey (COST B-2 and B-3 wells) and Georgia (COST from COST wells offshore from Georgia and New Jersey indicate GE-1 well) has produced lithologie, chronostratigraphic, and periods of rapid subsidence superimposed on the slower thermal paleobathymetric information in sufficient detail for analysis of subsidence of the continental margin. Rapid subsidence occurred subsidence history (Poag and Hall, 1979; Poag, 1980). Inouranaly- during the Coniacian-Santonian, the Eocene and, in the COST wells off New Jersey, since the end of early Miocene. Once the maximum effects of water and sediment loading, compaction, and thermal cooling are removed, the residual vertical movements caused by tectonic and sea-level fluctuations can be analyzed. Because no global sea-level change can account for all residual movements, we propose that tectonism, variously amplified by loading, is responsible for the observed episodes of rapid subsi- dence. Synchroneity of subsidence with sea-floor-spreading changes in the North Atlantic suggests a unified cause for these events. Recognition of episodic subsidence may have implications for fault timing, petroleum potential, and global sea-level effects on passive margins. INTRODUCTION The Atlantic margin of North America is generally thought to have subsided regularly as a result of cooling and sediment loading ever since continental rifting occurred in the early Mesozoic (Sleep, 1971; Walcott, 1972; Watts and Ryan, 1976; Steckler and Watts, 1978; Keen, 1979; Royden and Keen, 1980). However, studies of sedimentation rates from wells on the Atlantic Coastal Plain in North Carolina and on the offshore margin of Georgia and New Jersey (Rona, 1973; Whitten, 1976a, 1976b, 1977; Poag and Hall, 1979; Poag, 1980) suggest that the subsidence history was irregular in the Cretaceous and Tertiary. The geologic record from which subsidence history can be reconstructed is the sedimentary section that accumulates as subsidence proceeds. Not only age and thick- ness of sedimentary.units, but also detailed paleobathymetry must be known, because ancient water depths can be great and quite variable. The combination and graphical presentation of such data, as described by van Hinte (1978), produce an especially useful por- trayal of subsidence history. This study demonstrates that at least two widely separated sites along the continental margin of the eastern United States have had 72" W nearly synchronous episodes of rapid subsidence superimposed on Figure 1. Eastern United States continental margin, showing the slow thermal subsidence presumed for the rifted margin. Recent coast-line configuration, COST well locations, major structural elements, coastal-plain boundary, depth to Paleozoic basement *Present address: Laboratory of Geotectonics, Department of Geosci- (after King, 1969), and continental, transitional(?), and oceanic- ences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721. crust boundaries (after Klitgord and Behrendt, 1979). Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 93. p. 379-390, 6 figs., 1 table. May 1982. 379 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/93/5/379/3444567/i0016-7606-93-5-379.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 380 HELLER AND OTHERS' sis, we examine the total subsidence history from this well informa- We treat the eastern United States as a simple, subsiding, pas- tion, adjust for sediment compaction, then consider the contribu- sive margin, because the regional tectonic regime has been consist- tions of sediment and water loading, lithospheric cooling, other ent since rifting. Basins of late Mesozoic and Cenozoic age along tectonic events, and global sea-level fluctuations. The resultant sub- the continental margin (Southeast Georgia Embayment, Salisbury sidence and residual curves, supported by structural observations, Embayment) overlie inferred Triassic grabens and lie landward of from onshore Georgia, document the timing, duration, and magni- the larger marginal troughs (Blake Plateau Basin, Baltimore tude of episodic subsidence. Canyon trough) that formed on transitional crust during and soon after rifting (Klitgord and Behrendt, 1979). The area between the SETTING embayments has persisted as a positive feature (Carolina Platform, Cape Fear Arch). In addition, deformation of sea-level indicators The United States Atlantic margin is a passive margin of con - across the Southeast Georgia Embayment (Winker and Howard, nected continental, transitional, or rift-stage type, and oceanic crusl: 1977; Cronin, 1980) and the embayment of the present shoreline at (Fig. 1; Klitgord and Behrendt, 1.979), that extends more than 2,000 the sites of the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins suggest that these km from Florida to coastal Canada. The margin is mantled by a areas have continued to be tectonically active over the past 3 m.y. wedge of mostly shallow-water marine and nonmarine sedimentary Because of their thick sedimentary sections and petroleum deposits, accumulated during and after rifting, that extend 200 to potential, these basins have been more thoroughly studied than the 500 km across the Atlantic Coastal Plain and continental shelf and intervening platform (Schlee and others, 1976; Poag, 1978; Dillon slope. From their landward limit, these deposits thicken eastward to and Paull, 1979). Since the two B-wells are only 52 km apart, the as much as 18 km in the deep continental-margin basins (Folgerancl three COST wells used in this study establish essentially two data others, 1979; Grow, 1980). points, about 1,200 km apart, on the continental margin. TABLE 1. COST WELL DATA Top of Age SS * <t> Wd Unit (m.y.) min COST GE-1 1 108 1093 1093 .11 0 0 0 0 2 103 1369 1380 .13 0 20 83 86 3 100.5 1480 1493 .13 20 100 128 183 4 99.5 1579 1599 .13 0 20 147 161 5 91 1622 1643 .14 0 20 159 173 6 90 1694 1721 .14 20 100 198 253 7 85.5 1694 1721 .14 0 20 184. 198 8 84 1839 1870 .15 0 20 228 241 9 82 1974 2013 .16 20 100 286 342 10 79 2079 2115 .17 100 200 368 436 11 65 2244 2277 .18 200 500 481 688 12 64 2277 2311 .19 100 200 422 491 13 59 2277 2311 19 20 100 367 422 14 58 2294 2328 .19 20 100 372 428 15 55 2346 2378 .20 100 200 441 509 16 52 2346 2378 .20 20 100' 386 441 17 45 2599 2621 .22 20 100 453 508 18 40.5 2854 2867 .24 100 200 579 648 19 39.5 2947 2957 .25 20 100 551 606 20 39 2977 2986 .26 100 200 615 684 21 34 2977' 2986 .26 200 500 684 890 22' 28 3134 3138 .28 200 500 731 938 23 12 3184 3187 .29 200 500 747 953 24 0 3279 3279 .30 20 100 653 708 COST B-2 1 135 9312 9312 .08 0 0 0 0 2 107 10205 10344 .10 0 0 359 359 3 105 10388 10523 .20 0 0 409 409 4 95 10499 10624 .20 50 150 466 535 5 92 10571 10690 .20 100 200 515 584 6 91 10571 10690 .20 0 20 446 460 7 89 10636 10760 .22. 0 20 472 486 8 88 10784 10938 .25 20 100 563 618 9 85 10784 10938 .25 0 0 549 549 10 82.5 11084 11228 .30 0 0 642 642 11 81 11104 11246 .32 20 100 661 716 12 72 11225 11378 .32 100 200 770 839 13 70 11286 11439 .32 50 150 757 826 14 68 11359 11503 .32 0 20' 739 753 15 55 11359 11503 .32 150 250 842 911 16 51 11406 11543 .35 200 500 888 1094 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/93/5/379/3444567/i0016-7606-93-5-379.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 SUBSIDENCE OF UNITED STATES ATLANTIC CONTINENTAL MARGIN 381 ANALYSIS OF SUBSIDENCE interpretation of microfossils. Subsidence is presented in positive values and uplift in negative values. The total subsidence relative to sea level of a stratigraphic Use of present sea level as a datum creates complications, horizon during an interval of time amounts to the sum of the net because past variations in sea level cannot be directly distinguished change of water depth and the thickness of sediment accumulated from subsidence. Either a rise in sea level or an increase in subsi- over the time interval, corrected for any postdepositional compac- dence would appear in the stratigraphic record as an increase in tion (van Hinte, 197.8). Repeating the calculation over selected water depth and/or in sediment thickness. Incorporation of sea- increments of time since the horizon was formed allows one to level history might resolve these complications, but proposed sea- construct a curve that portrays the total subsidence history. The level curves differ significantly, particularly in absolute magnitudes subsidence curve for any horizon, therefore, begins at the age and of eustatic changes. The Late Cretaceous high stand, for example, is depth of deposition of that horizon, passes through points that variously reported to have reached about 150 m (Watts and represent cumulative subsidence of that horizon during intervening Steckler, 1979), about 350 m (Vail and others, 1977; Pitman, 1978), intervals of time, and ends at the depth at which the horizon is and more than 600 m above present sea level (Hancock and Kauff- found today. The smaller the time intervals used, the more detailed man, 1979).
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